gemseo / algos

opt_problem module

Optimization problem

The OptimizationProblem class is used to define the optimization problem from a DesignSpace defining:

  • Initial guess \(x_0\)

  • Bounds \(l_b \leq x \leq u_b\)

(Possible vector) objective function is defined as a MDOFunction and set using the objective attribute. If the optimization problem looks for the maximum of this objective function, the OptimizationProblem.change_objective_sign() changes the objective function sign because the optimization drivers seek to minimize this objective function.

Equality and inequality constraints are also MDOFunction s provided to the OptimizationProblem by means of its OptimizationProblem.add_constraint() method.

The OptimizationProblem allows to evaluate the different functions for a given design parameters vector (see OptimizationProblem.evaluate_functions()). Note that this evaluation step relies on an automated scaling of function wrt bounds so that optimizers and DOE algorithms work with scaled inputs between 0 and 1 for all variables. The OptimizationProblem has also a Database storing the calls to all functions so that no function is called twice with the same inputs. Concerning the derivatives computation, the OptimizationProblem automates the generation of finite differences or complex step wrappers on functions, when analytical gradient is not available.

Lastly, various getters and setters are available, as well as methods to export the Database to an HDF file or to a Dataset for future post-processing.

class gemseo.algos.opt_problem.OptimizationProblem(design_space, pb_type='non-linear', input_database=None, differentiation_method='user', fd_step=1e-07)[source]

Bases: object

An optimization problem class to store:

  • A (possibly vector) objective function

  • Constraints, equality and inequality

  • Initial guess x_0

  • Bounds l_bounds<= x <= u_bounds

  • The database of calls to all functions so that no function is called twice with the same inputs

It also has an automated scaling of function wrt bounds so that optimizers and DOE algorithms work with scaled inputs between 0 and 1 for all variables.

It automates the generation of finite differences or complex step wrappers on functions, when analytical gradient is not available

Constructor for the optimization problem

  • pb_type – the type of optimization problem among OptimizationProblem.AVAILABLE_PB_TYPES

  • input_database – a file to eventually load the database

  • differentiation_method – the default differentiation method for the functions of the optimization problem

  • fd_step – finite differences or complex step step

AVAILABLE_PB_TYPES = ['linear', 'non-linear']
COMPLEX_STEP = 'complex_step'
CONSTRAINTS_GROUP = 'constraints'
DESIGN_SPACE_ATTRS = ['u_bounds', 'l_bounds', 'x_0', 'x_names', 'dimension']
DESIGN_SPACE_GROUP = 'design_space'
DESIGN_VAR_NAMES = 'x_names'
DESIGN_VAR_SIZE = 'x_size'
DIFFERENTIATION_METHODS = ['user', 'complex_step', 'finite_differences', 'no_derivatives']
FINITE_DIFFERENCES = 'finite_differences'
FUNCTIONS_ATTRS = ['objective', 'constraints']
GGOBI_FORMAT = 'ggobi'
HDF5_FORMAT = 'hdf5'
LINEAR_PB = 'linear'
NON_LINEAR_PB = 'non-linear'
NO_DERIVATIVES = 'no_derivatives'
OBJECTIVE_GROUP = 'objective'
OPTIM_DESCRIPTION = ['minimize_objective', 'fd_step', 'differentiation_method', 'pb_type', 'ineq_tolerance', 'eq_tolerance']
OPT_DESCR_GROUP = 'opt_description'
SOLUTION_GROUP = 'solution'
USER_GRAD = 'user'
add_callback(callback_func, each_new_iter=True, each_store=False)[source]

Adds a callback function after each store operation or new iteration

  • callback_func – a function called after the function if None nothing

  • each_new_iter – if True, callback at every iteration

  • each_store – if True, callback at every call to store() in the database

add_constraint(cstr_func, value=None, cstr_type=None, positive=False)[source]

Add constraints (equality and inequality) from MDOFunction

  • cstr_func – constraints as an MDOFunction

  • value – the target value for the constraint by default cstr(x)<= 0 or cstr(x)= 0 otherwise cstr(x)<=value

  • cstr_type – constraint type (equality or inequality) (Default value = None)

  • positive – positive/negative inequality constraint (Default value = False)

add_eq_constraint(cstr_func, value=None)[source]

Add equality constraints to the optimization problem

  • cstr_func – MDOFunction constraints

  • value – the target value for the constraint by default, cstr(x)=0 otherwise cstr(x)=value

add_ineq_constraint(cstr_func, value=None, positive=False)[source]

Add inequality constraints to the optimization problem

  • cstr_func – MDOFunction constraints

  • value – the target value for the constraint by default, cstr(x)<= 0 otherwise cstr(x)<=value

  • positive – if True, the constraint should be cstr(x)>= value, by default cstr(x)<= value


When a new iteration stored to the database, calls the listener functions

:param listener_func : function to be called :param args: optional arguments of function

add_observable(obs_func, new_iter=True)[source]

Adds observable as an MDOFunction.

  • obs_func (MDOFunction) – observable as an MDOFunction

  • new_iter (bool) – if True, the observable will be called at each new iterate


When an item is stored to the database, calls the listener functions

:param listener_func : function to be called :param args: optional arguments of function


Changes the objective function sign, when it needs to be maximized for instance


Checks if the optimization problem is ready for run

static check_format(input_function)[source]

Checks that the input_function is an istance of MDOFunction


input_function – function


Clears all the new_iter and store listeners

property dimension

dimension property, ie dimension of the design space

evaluate_functions(x_vect=None, eval_jac=False, eval_obj=True, normalize=True, no_db_no_norm=False)[source]

Compute objective and constraints at x_normed Some libraries require the number of constraints as an input parameter which is unknown by formulation/scenario. Evaluation of initial point allows to get this mandatory informations. Also used for DOE to evaluate samples

  • x_normed – the normalized vector at which the point must be evaluated if None, x_0 is used (Default value = None)

  • eval_jac – if True, the jacobian is also evaluated (Default value = False)

  • eval_obj – if True, the objective is evaluated (Default value = True)

  • no_db_no_norm – if True, dont use preprocessed functions, so we have no database, nor normalization

export_hdf(file_path, append=False)[source]

Export optimization problem to hdf file.

  • file_path – file to store the data

  • append – if True, data is appended to the file if not empty (Default value = False)

export_to_dataset(name, by_group=True, categorize=True, opt_naming=True)[source]

Export the optimization problem to a Dataset.

  • name (str) – dataset name.

  • by_group (bool) – if True, store the data by group. Otherwise, store them by variables. Default: True

  • categorize (bool) – distinguish between the different groups of variables. Default: True.

Parma bool opt_naming

use an optimization naming. Default: True.

get_active_ineq_constraints(x_vect, tol=1e-06)[source]

Returns active constraints names and indices


x_vect – vector of x values, not normalized


Returns a list of all functions of the MDO problem optimization constraints and objective


Get all constraints and objective names


a list of names of all functions of the MDO problem optimization constraints and objective


Return the best infeasible point within a given tolerance


Get all constraints names as a list


the list of constraints names


Computes the number of equality constraints


the number of equality constraints


Returns a list of all design variables names


Get the total number of design variables


the dimension of the design space


Accessor for all equality constraints


a list of equality constraints


Computes the number of equality constraints


the number of equality constraints


Returns the total number of equality constraints dimensions that is the sum of all outputs dimensions of all constraints


total number of equality constraints


Return the list of feasible points within a given tolerance eq_tolerance and ineq_tolerance are taken from sel attrs


Accessor for all equality constraints


a list of equality constraints


Computes the number of inequality constraints


the number of inequality constraints


Returns the total number of inequality constraints dimensions that is the sum of all outputs dimensions of all constraints


total number of inequality constraints dimensions


Returns the list of nonprocessed constraints.


Returns the nonprocessed objective.


Get objective function name


the name of the actual objective function


Returns the required observable.


name (str) – name of the observable


Return the optimum solution within a given feasibility tolerances


tuple, best evaluation iteration and solution


Computes a violation measure associated to an iteration For each constraints, when it is violated, add the absolute distance to zero, in L2 norm

if 0, all constraints are satisfied


x_vect – vector of design variables


True if feasible, and the violation criteria


Accessor for the normalized x_0




Checks if the problem has equality or inequality constraints


True if the problem has constraints


Checks if the problem has equality constraints


True if the problem has equality constraints


Checks if the problem has inequality constraints


True if the problem has inequality constraints


Checks if the problem has constraints


True if the problem has equality or inequality constraints

static import_hdf(file_path, x_tolerance=0.0)[source]

Imports optimization history from hdf file


file_path – file to deserialize


the read optimization problem

is_point_feasible(out_val, constraints=None)[source]

Returns True if the point is feasible

  • out_val – dict of values, containing objective function and eventually constraints. Warning: if the constraint value is not present, the constraint will be considered satisfied

  • constraints – the list of constraints (MDOFunctions) to check. If None, takes all constraints of the problem


Logs a representation of the optimization problem characteristics logs self.__repr__ message


max_ds_size – maximum design space dimension to print

preprocess_functions(normalize=True, use_database=True, round_ints=True)[source]

Preprocesses all the functions: objective and constraints to wrap them with the database and eventually the gradients by complex step or FD :param normalize: if True, the function is normalized :type normalize: bool :param use_database: if True, the function is wrapped in the database :type use_database: bool :param round_ints: if True, rounds integer variables :type round_ints: bool