Source code for gemseo.algos.parameter_space

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                           documentation
#        :author: Matthias De Lozzo
Parameter space including both deterministic and uncertain parameters


The :class:`.ParameterSpace` class describes a set of parameters of
interest which can be either deterministic or uncertain. This class
inherits from :class:`.DesignSpace`.


The :meth:`.DesignSpace.add_variable` aims to add deterministic
variables from:

- a variable name,
- a variable size (default: 1),
- a variable type (default: float),
- a lower bound (default: - infinity),
- an upper bound (default: + infinity),
- a current value (default: None).

The :meth:`.add_random_variable` aims to add uncertain
variables (a.k.a. random variables) from:

- a variable name,
- a distribution name
  (see :meth:`~gemseo.uncertainty.api.get_available_distributions`),
- a variable size,
- distribution parameters (:code:`parameters` set as
  a tuple of positional arguments for :class:`.OTDistribution`
  or a dictionary of keyword arguments for :class:`.SPDistribution`,
  or keyword arguments for standard probability distribution such
  as :class:`.OTNormalDistribution` and :class:`.OTNormalDistribution`).

The :class:`.ParameterSpace` also provides the following methods:

- :meth:`.get_cdf`: evaluate the cumulative density function
  for the different variables and their different
- :meth:`.get_composed_distribution`: returns the probability distribution
  of an uncertain variable,
- :meth:`.get_marginal_distributions`: returns the marginal probability
  distributions of an uncertain variable,
- :meth:`.get_range` returns the numerical range
  of the different uncertain parameters,
- :meth:`.ParameterSpace.get_sample`: returns several sample
  of the uncertain variables,
- :meth:`.get_support`: returns the mathematical support
  of the different uncertain variables,
- :meth:`.is_uncertain`: checks if a parameter is uncertain,
- :meth:`.is_deterministic`: checks if a parameter is deterministic.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals

from future import standard_library
from numpy import array, ndarray
from sympy import simplify

from gemseo.algos.design_space import DesignSpace
from gemseo.uncertainty.distributions.distribution import ComposedDistribution
from gemseo.uncertainty.distributions.factory import DistributionFactory
from gemseo.utils.data_conversion import DataConversion


from gemseo import LOGGER

[docs]class ParameterSpace(DesignSpace): """ Parameter space. """ INITIAL_DISTRIBUTION = "Initial distribution" TRANSFORMATION = "Transformation" SUPPORT = "Support" MEAN = "Mean" STANDARD_DEVIATION = "Standard deviation" RANGE = "Range" BLANK = "" PARAMETER_SPACE = "Parameter space" def __init__( self, print_decimals=2, shorten=True, copula=ComposedDistribution.INDEPENDENT_COPULA, ): """Constructor :param int print_decimals: number of decimals to print. Default: 2. :param bool shorten: if True, simplify the expressions of variable transformations. Default: True. :param str copula: copula name. Default: ComposedDistribution.INDEPENDENT_COPULA. """"Create a new parameter space. ") super(ParameterSpace, self).__init__() self.uncertain_variables = [] self.marginals = {} self.distribution = None self._ndecimals = print_decimals self._shorten = shorten if copula not in ComposedDistribution.AVAILABLE_COPULA: raise ValueError("%s is not an available copula." % (copula)) self.copula = copula
[docs] def is_uncertain(self, variable): """Check if a variable is uncertain. :param str variable: variable name. """ return variable in self.uncertain_variables
[docs] def is_deterministic(self, variable): """Check if a variable is deterministic. :param str variable: variable name. """ determistic = set(self.variables_names) - set(self.uncertain_variables) return variable in determistic
def __update_parameter_space(self, variable): """Update parameter space. :param variable: variable name. :type variable: str """ if variable not in self.variables_names: l_b = self.marginals[variable].math_lower_bound u_b = self.marginals[variable].math_upper_bound value = self.marginals[variable].mean size = self.marginals[variable].dimension self.add_variable(variable, size, "float", l_b, u_b, value) else: l_b = self.marginals[variable].math_lower_bound u_b = self.marginals[variable].math_upper_bound value = self.marginals[variable].mean self.set_lower_bound(variable, l_b) self.set_upper_bound(variable, u_b) self.set_current_variable(variable, value)
[docs] def add_random_variable(self, name, distribution, size=1, **parameters): """Add a random variable from a distribution :param str name: name of the random variable. :param str distribution: distribution name. :param int size: variable size. :param parameters: parameters of the distribution. """ factory = DistributionFactory() distribution = factory.create( distribution, variable=name, dimension=size, **parameters ) variable = distribution.variable_name"Add the random variable: %s", variable) self.marginals[variable] = distribution self.uncertain_variables.append(variable) self._build_composed_distribution() self.__update_parameter_space(variable)
def _build_composed_distribution(self): """ Build the composed distribution from the marginal ones. """ tmp_marginal = self.marginals[self.uncertain_variables[0]] marginals = [self.marginals[name] for name in self.uncertain_variables] self.distribution = tmp_marginal.COMPOSED_DISTRIBUTION(marginals, self.copula)
[docs] def get_composed_distribution(self, variable): """Get the composed distribution of a random variable. :param str variable: variable name. """ return self.marginals[variable].distribution
[docs] def get_marginal_distributions(self, variable): """Get the marginal distributions of a random variable. :param str variable: variable name. """ return self.marginals[variable].marginals
[docs] def get_range(self, variable): """Get the numerical range of a random variable. :param str variable: variable name. """ return self.marginals[variable].range
[docs] def get_support(self, variable): """Get the mathematical support of a random variable. :param str variable: variable name. """ return self.marginals[variable].support
[docs] def remove_variable(self, name): """Remove a variable from the probability space. :param str name: variable name. """ if name in self.uncertain_variables: del self.marginals[name] self.uncertain_variables.remove(name) self._build_composed_distribution() super(ParameterSpace, self).remove_variable(name)
[docs] def set_dependence(self, variables, copula, **options): """Set dependence relation between random variables. :param list(str) variables: list of variables names. :param str copula: copula name. :param options: copula options. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_sample(self, n_samples=1, as_dict=False): """Get sample. :param int n_samples: number of samples. :param bool as_dict: return a dictionary. :return: samples :rtype: list(array) or list(dict) """ sample = self.distribution.get_sample(n_samples) if as_dict: sample = [ DataConversion.array_to_dict( data_array, self.uncertain_variables, self.variables_sizes ) for data_array in sample ] return sample
[docs] def get_cdf(self, value, inverse=False): """Get the inverse Cumulative Density Function values of the different marginals. :param dict(array) value: values :return: (inverse) CDF values :rtype: dict(array) """ if inverse: self.__check_dict_of_array(value) values = {} for name in self.uncertain_variables: val = value[name] distribution = self.marginals[name] if inverse: current_v = distribution.inverse_cdf(val) else: current_v = distribution.cdf(val) values[name] = array(current_v) return values
def __check_dict_of_array(self, obj): """Check if the object is a dictionary of array. :param obj: object to test """ error_msg = "obj must be a dictionary whose keys are the variables " error_msg += "names and values are arrays whose dimensions are the " error_msg += "variables ones and components are in [0, 1]." if not isinstance(obj, dict): raise TypeError(error_msg) for variable, value in obj.items(): if variable not in self.uncertain_variables: LOGGER.debug( "%s is not defined in the probability space." " Available variables are [%s]." " Use uniform distribution for %s.", variable, ", ".join(self.uncertain_variables), variable, ) else: if not isinstance(value, ndarray): raise TypeError(error_msg) if len(value.flatten()) != self.variables_sizes[variable]: raise ValueError(error_msg) if any(value.flatten() > 1.0) or any(value.flatten() < 0.0): raise ValueError(error_msg) def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): """String representation. :return: description :rtype: str """ table = self.get_pretty_table() distribution = [] transformation = [] support = [] mean = [] std = [] rnge = [] for variable in self.variables_names: if variable in self.uncertain_variables: dist = self.marginals[variable] tmp_mean = dist.mean tmp_std = dist.standard_deviation tmp_range = dist.range tmp_support = for dim in range(dist.dimension): distribution.append(str(dist)) transformation.append(dist.transformation) if self._shorten: transformation[-1] = str(simplify(transformation[-1])) mean.append(tmp_mean[dim]) mean[-1] = round(mean[-1], self._ndecimals) std.append(tmp_std[dim]) std[-1] = round(std[-1], self._ndecimals) rnge.append(tmp_range[dim]) support.append(tmp_support[dim]) else: for dim in range(self.variables_sizes[variable]): distribution.append(self.BLANK) transformation.append(self.BLANK) mean.append(self.BLANK) std.append(self.BLANK) support.append(self.BLANK) rnge.append(self.BLANK) table.add_column(self.INITIAL_DISTRIBUTION, distribution) table.add_column(self.TRANSFORMATION, transformation) table.add_column(self.SUPPORT, support) table.add_column(self.MEAN, mean) table.add_column(self.STANDARD_DEVIATION, std) table.add_column(self.RANGE, rnge) table.title = self.PARAMETER_SPACE desc = str(table) return desc
[docs] def unnormalize_vect(self, x_vect, minus_lb=True, no_check=False, use_dist=True): """Inverse transformation from a unit design vector. Unnormalizes a normalized vector of the design space. :param array x_vect: design variables. :param bool minus_lb: if True, remove lower bounds at normalization. :param bool no_check: if True, don't check that values are in [0,1]. :param bool use_dist: if True, rescale wrt the stats law. :return: normalized vector :rtype: array """ if not use_dist: return super(ParameterSpace, self).unnormalize_vect(x_vect) data_names = self.variables_names data_sizes = self.variables_sizes dict_sample = DataConversion.array_to_dict(x_vect, data_names, data_sizes) x_u_geom = super(ParameterSpace, self).unnormalize_vect(x_vect) x_u = self.get_cdf(dict_sample, inverse=True) x_u_geom = DataConversion.array_to_dict(x_u_geom, data_names, data_sizes) missing_names = list(set(data_names) - set(x_u.keys())) for name in missing_names: x_u[name] = x_u_geom[name] x_u = DataConversion.dict_to_array(x_u, data_names) return x_u
[docs] def normalize_vect(self, x_vect, minus_lb=True, use_dist=False): """Normalizes a vector of the design space. Unbounded variables are not normalized. :param array x_vect: design variables. :param bool minus_lb: if True, remove lower bounds at normalization. :param bool no_check: if True, don't check that values are in [0,1]. :param bool use_dist: if True, rescale wrt the stats law. :return: normalized vector :rtype: array """ if use_dist: return super(ParameterSpace, self).normalize_vect(x_vect) data_names = self.variables_names data_sizes = self.variables_sizes dict_sample = DataConversion.array_to_dict(x_vect, data_names, data_sizes) x_u_geom = super(ParameterSpace, self).normalize_vect(x_vect) x_u = self.get_cdf(dict_sample, inverse=False) x_u_geom = DataConversion.array_to_dict(x_u_geom, data_names, data_sizes) missing_names = list(set(data_names) - set(x_u.keys())) for name in missing_names: x_u[name] = x_u_geom[name] x_u = DataConversion.dict_to_array(x_u, data_names) return x_u