Source code for gemseo.core.function

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                        documentation
#        :author: Francois Gallard, Charlie Vanaret
Functions, f(x), from disciplines execution
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from multiprocessing import Value
from numbers import Number

from future import standard_library
from future.utils import with_metaclass
from numpy import abs as np_abs
from numpy import (
from numpy.linalg import norm
from six import string_types

from gemseo.utils.data_conversion import DataConversion
from gemseo.utils.derivatives_approx import ComplexStep, FirstOrderFD
from gemseo.utils.singleton import SingleInstancePerAttributeId


from gemseo import LOGGER

[docs]class MDOFunction(object): """A container object to represent a function in an MDO process""" TYPE_OBJ = "obj" TYPE_EQ = "eq" TYPE_INEQ = "ineq" TYPE_OBS = "obs" AVAILABLE_TYPES = [TYPE_OBJ, TYPE_EQ, TYPE_INEQ, TYPE_OBS] DICT_REPR_ATTR = ["name", "f_type", "expr", "args", "dim"] def __init__( self, func, name, f_type=None, jac=None, expr=None, args=None, dim=None, outvars=None, force_real=False, ): """ Initializes the function attributes :param func: the pointer to the function to be actually called :param name: the name of the function as a string :param f_type: the type of function among (obj, eq, ineq, obs) :param jac: the jacobian :param expr: the function expression :param args: the function arguments :param dim: the output dimension :param outvars: the array of variable names used as inputs of the function :param force_real: if True, cast the results to real value """ super(MDOFunction, self).__init__() self._n_calls = Value("i", 0) # Initialize attributes self._f_type = None self._func = NotImplementedCallable() self._jac = NotImplementedCallable() self._name = None self._args = None self._expr = None self._dim = None self._outvars = None # Use setters to check values self.func = func self.jac = jac = name self.f_type = f_type self.expr = expr self.args = args self.dim = dim self.outvars = outvars self.last_eval = None self.force_real = force_real @property def n_calls(self): """ Returns the number of calls to execute() which triggered the _run() multiprocessing safe """ return self._n_calls.value @n_calls.setter def n_calls(self, value): """ Sets the number of calls to execute() which triggered the _run() multiprocessing safe """ with self._n_calls.get_lock(): self._n_calls.value = value @property def func(self): """Accessor to the func property""" return self.__counted_f def __counted_f(self, x_vect): """ Calls the function in self[self.SCIPY_FUN_TAG] :param x_vect: the function argument """ with self._n_calls.get_lock(): self._n_calls.value += 1 val = self._func(x_vect) self.last_eval = val return val @func.setter def func(self, f_pointer): """Sets the f pointer :param f_pointer: the pointer to the function to be actually called """ self._n_calls.value = 0 self._func = f_pointer def __call__(self, x_vect): """ Calls the function :param x_vect: the function argument """ val = self.evaluate(x_vect, self.force_real) return val
[docs] def evaluate(self, x_vect, force_real=False): """ Evaluate the function :param x_vect: the function argument :param force_real: if True, cast the results to real value """ val = self.__counted_f(x_vect) if force_real: val = val.real self.dim = atleast_1d(val).shape[0] return val
@property def name(self): """Accessor to the name of the function""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): """Sets the name of the function :param name: the name of the functioon """ if name is not None and not isinstance(name, string_types): raise TypeError( "MDOFunction name must be a string, got " + str(type(name)) + " instead" ) self._name = name @property def f_type(self): """Accessor to the function type""" return self._f_type @f_type.setter def f_type(self, f_type): """Sets the function type :param f_type: the type of function among MDOFunction.AVAILABLE_TYPES """ if f_type is not None and f_type not in self.AVAILABLE_TYPES: raise ValueError( "MDOFunction type must be among " + str(self.AVAILABLE_TYPES) + " , got " + str(f_type) + " instead" ) self._f_type = f_type @property def jac(self): """Accessor to the jacobian""" return self._jac @jac.setter def jac(self, jac): """Sets the function jacobian :param jac: pointer to a jacobian function """ if jac is not None: if not callable(jac): raise TypeError("Jacobian function must be callable") self._jac = jac @property def args(self): """Accessor to the arguments list""" return self._args @args.setter def args(self, args): """Sets the function arguments :param args: arguments list """ if args is not None: if isinstance(args, ndarray): self._args = args.tolist() else: self._args = list(args) else: self._args = None @property def expr(self): """Accessor to the expression""" return self._expr @expr.setter def expr(self, expr): """Sets the function expression :param expr: arguments list """ if expr is not None and not isinstance(expr, string_types): raise TypeError( "Expression must be a string. " + " Got " + str(type(expr)) + " instead." ) self._expr = expr @property def dim(self): """Accessor to the dimension""" return self._dim @dim.setter def dim(self, dim): """Sets the function dimension :param dim: int """ if dim is not None and not int(dim) == dim: raise TypeError( "Dimension must be a integer. " + " Got " + str(type(int)) + " instead." ) self._dim = dim @property def outvars(self): """Accessor to the array of input variable names used by the function """ return self._outvars @outvars.setter def outvars(self, outvars): """Sets the array of output variable names used by the function :param outvars: array of variable names """ if outvars is not None: if isinstance(outvars, ndarray): self._outvars = outvars.tolist() else: self._outvars = list(outvars) else: self._outvars = None
[docs] def is_constraint(self): """Returns True if self.f_type is eq or ineq""" return self.f_type in [self.TYPE_EQ, self.TYPE_INEQ]
def __repr__(self): """ Self representation as a string """ str_repr = if self.has_args(): str_repr += "(" + (", ".join(self.args)) + ")" if self.has_expr(): str_repr += " = " expr = self.expr n_char = len(str_repr) # Remove empty lines with filter expr_spl = [_f for _f in expr.split("\n") if _f] str_repr += expr_spl[0] for repre in expr_spl[1:]: str_repr += "\n" + " " * n_char + repre return str_repr
[docs] def has_jac(self): """Check if MDOFunction has a jacobian :returns: True if self has a jacobian """ return self.jac is not None and not isinstance( self._jac, NotImplementedCallable )
[docs] def has_dim(self): """Check if MDOFunction has a dimension :returns: True if self has a dimension """ return self.dim is not None
[docs] def has_outvars(self): """Check if MDOFunction has an array of input variables :returns: True if self has a dimension """ return self.outvars is not None
[docs] def has_expr(self): """Check if MDOFunction has an expression :returns: True if self has an expression """ return self.expr is not None
[docs] def has_args(self): """Check if MDOFunction has an args :returns: True if self has an args """ return self.args is not None
[docs] def has_f_type(self): """Check if MDOFunction has an type :returns: True if self has a type """ return self.f_type is not None
[docs] def apply_operator(self, other_f, operator, operator_repr): """Defines addition/substraction for MDOFunction Supports automatic differentiation if other_f and self have a Jacobian :param other_f: param operator: :param operator_repr: the representation as a string :param operator: the operator as a function pointer """ if isinstance(other_f, MDOFunction): return self.__apply_operator_tofunction(other_f, operator, operator_repr) if isinstance(other_f, Number): return self.__apply_operator_to_number(other_f, operator, operator_repr) raise TypeError( "Unuspported + operand for MDOFunction and " + str(type(other_f)) )
def __apply_operator_tofunction(self, other_f, operator, operator_repr): """Defines addition/substraction for MDOFunction Supports automatic differentiation if other_f and self have a Jacobian :param other_f: param operator: :param operator_repr: the representation as a string :param operator: the operator as a function pointer """ assert isinstance(other_f, MDOFunction) def add_f_pt(x_vect): """Addition function :param x_vect: design variables :returns: self(x_vect) added to other_f(x_vect) """ selfval = self(x_vect) otherval = other_f(x_vect) return operator(selfval, otherval) add_name = + operator_repr + self_oper_f = MDOFunction( add_f_pt, add_name, args=self.args, f_type=self.f_type, dim=self.dim, outvars=self.outvars, ) if self.has_jac() and other_f.has_jac(): def add_jac(x_vect): """Jacobian of addition function :param x_vect: design variables :returns: Jac self(x_vect) added to Jac other_f(x_vect) """ self_jac = self._jac(x_vect) other_jac = other_f.jac(x_vect) return operator(self_jac, other_jac) self_oper_f.jac = add_jac if self.has_expr() and other_f.has_expr(): f_expr = self.expr + operator_repr + other_f.expr self_oper_f.expr = f_expr if self.has_args() and other_f.has_args(): args = sorted(list(set(self.args + other_f.args))) self_oper_f.args = args if self.has_f_type(): self_oper_f.f_type = self.f_type elif other_f.has_f_type(): self_oper_f.f_type = other_f.f_type return self_oper_f def __apply_operator_to_number(self, other_val, operator, operator_repr): """ Defines addition/substraction for MDOFunction Supports automatic differentiation if other_f and self have a Jacobian :param other_val: param operator: the value to add/subs :param operator_repr: the representation as a string :param operator: the operator as a function pointer """ assert isinstance(other_val, Number) def add_f_pt(x_vect): """Addition function :param x_vect: design variables :returns: self(x_vect) added to other_f(x_vect) """ selfval = self(x_vect) return operator(selfval, other_val) add_name = + operator_repr + str(other_val) self_oper_f = MDOFunction( add_f_pt, add_name, args=self.args, f_type=self.f_type, dim=self.dim, outvars=self.outvars, ) if self.has_jac(): self_oper_f.jac = self.jac if self.has_expr(): self_oper_f.expr = self.expr + operator_repr + str(other_val) if self.has_args(): self_oper_f.args = self.args if self.has_f_type(): self_oper_f.f_type = self.f_type return self_oper_f def __add__(self, other_f): """ Defines addition for MDOFunction Supports automatic differentiation if other_f and self have a jacobian """ return self.apply_operator(other_f, operator=add, operator_repr="+") def __sub__(self, other_f): """ Defines subtraction for MDOFunction Supports automatic differentiation if other_f and self have a jacobian """ return self.apply_operator(other_f, operator=subtract, operator_repr="-") def __neg__(self): """ Defines minus operator for MDOFunction (-f) Supports automatic differentiation if other_f and self have a Jacobian """ def min_pt(x_vect): """Negative self function :param x_vect: design variables :returns: self(x_vect) """ return -self(x_vect) min_name = "-" + min_self = MDOFunction( min_pt, min_name, args=self.args, f_type=self.f_type, dim=self.dim, outvars=self.outvars, ) if self.has_jac(): def min_jac(x_vect): """Jacobian of negative self :param x_vect: design variables :returns: Jac of -self(x_vect) """ return -self.jac(x_vect) # pylint: disable=E1102 min_self.jac = min_jac if self.has_expr(): min_self.expr = "-" + self.expr return min_self def __mul__(self, other): """ Defines multiplication for MDOFunction Supports automatic linearization if other_f and self have a jacobian """ is_number = isinstance(other, Number) is_func = isinstance(other, MDOFunction) if not is_number and not is_func: raise TypeError( "Unuspported * operand for MDOFunction and " + str(type(other)) ) if is_func: def mul_f_pt(x_vect): """Multiplication function :param x_vect: design variables :returns: self(x_vect) added to other_f(x_vect) """ return self(x_vect) * other(x_vect) out_name = + "*" + else: # Func is a number def mul_f_pt(x_vect): """Multiplication function :param x_vect: design variables :returns: self(x_vect) added to other_f(x_vect) """ return self(x_vect) * other out_name = + "*" + str(other) self_oper_f = MDOFunction( mul_f_pt, out_name, args=self.args, f_type=self.f_type, dim=self.dim, outvars=self.outvars, ) if is_func: if self.has_jac() and other.has_jac(): def mult_jac(x_vect): """Jacobian of multiplication function :param x_vect: design variables :returns: Jac self(x_vect) added to Jac other_f(x_vect) """ self_f = self(x_vect) other_f = other(x_vect) self_jac = self._jac(x_vect) other_jac = other.jac(x_vect) return self_jac * other_f + other_jac * self_f self_oper_f.jac = mult_jac elif self.has_jac(): def mult_jac(x_vect): """Jacobian of multiplication function :param x_vect: design variables :returns: Jac self(x_vect) added to Jac other_f(x_vect) """ return self._jac(x_vect) * other self_oper_f.jac = mult_jac if self.has_expr(): if is_func and other.has_expr(): f_expr = "(" + self.expr + ")*(" + other.expr + ")" self_oper_f.expr = f_expr if is_number: f_expr = "(" + self.expr + ")*" + str(other) self_oper_f.expr = f_expr if is_func and self.has_args() and other.has_args(): args = sorted(list(set(self.args + other.args))) self_oper_f.args = args if self.has_f_type(): self_oper_f.f_type = self.f_type elif is_func and other.has_f_type(): self_oper_f.f_type = other.f_type return self_oper_f
[docs] def offset(self, value): """Adds an offset value to the function :param value: the offset value :returns: the offset function as an MDOFunction """ def wrapped_function(x_vect): """Wrapped provided function in order to give to optimizer :param x_vect: design variables :returns: evaluation of function at design variables plus the offset """ return self(x_vect) + value expr = self.expr if expr is not None: expr += " + " + str(value) else: expr = + " + " + str(value) offset_func = MDOFunction( wrapped_function,, f_type=self.f_type, expr=expr, args=self.args, dim=self.dim, jac=self.jac, outvars=self.outvars, ) return offset_func
# Nothing to do for Jacobian since it is unchanged.
[docs] def check_grad(self, x_vect, method="FirstOrderFD", step=1e-6, error_max=1e-8): """Checks the gradient of self :param x_vect: the vector at which the function is checked :param method: FirstOrderFD or ComplexStep (Default value = "FirstOrderFD") :param step: the step for approximation (Default value = 1e-6) :param error_max: Default value = 1e-8) """ def rel_err(a_vect, b_vect): """Compute relative error :param a_vect: param b_vect: :param b_vect: """ n_b = norm(b_vect) if n_b > error_max: return norm(a_vect - b_vect) / norm(b_vect) return norm(a_vect - b_vect) def filt_0(arr, floor_value=1e-6): """Filtering of error :param arr: :param floor_value: (Default value = 1e-6) :param floor_value: (Default value = 1e-6) """ return where(np_abs(arr) < floor_value, 0.0, arr) if method == "FirstOrderFD": apprx = FirstOrderFD(self, step) elif method == "ComplexStep": apprx = ComplexStep(self, step) else: raise ValueError( "Unknwon approximation method " + str(method) + ", use FirstOrderFD or ComplexStep." ) apprx_grad = apprx.f_gradient(x_vect).real anal_grad = self._jac(x_vect).real if not apprx_grad.shape == anal_grad.shape: shape_app1d = len(apprx_grad.shape) == 1 or apprx_grad.shape[0] == 1 shape_ex1d = len(anal_grad.shape) == 1 or anal_grad.shape[0] == 1 shape_1d = shape_app1d and shape_ex1d flatten_diff = anal_grad.flatten().shape != apprx_grad.flatten().shape if not (shape_1d) or (shape_1d and flatten_diff): raise ValueError( "Inconsistent function jacobian shape ! " + "Got :" + str(anal_grad.shape) + " while expected :" + str(apprx_grad.shape) ) succeed = rel_err(anal_grad, apprx_grad) < error_max if not succeed: LOGGER.error("Function jacobian is wrong %s", str(self)) LOGGER.error("Error =\n%s", str(filt_0(anal_grad - apprx_grad))) LOGGER.error("Analytic jacobian=\n%s", str(filt_0(anal_grad))) LOGGER.error("Approximate step gradient=\n%s", str(filt_0(apprx_grad))) raise ValueError("Function jacobian is wrong " + str(self))
[docs] def get_data_dict_repr(self): """Returns a dict representation of self for serialization Pointers to functions are removed :returns: a dict with attributes names as keys """ repr_dict = {} for attr_name in self.DICT_REPR_ATTR: attr = getattr(self, attr_name) if attr is not None: repr_dict[attr_name] = attr return repr_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def init_from_dict_repr(**kwargs): """Initalizes a new Function from a data dict typically used for deserialization :param kwargs: key value pairs from DICT_REPR_ATTR """ allowed = MDOFunction.DICT_REPR_ATTR for key in kwargs: if key not in allowed: raise ValueError( "Cannot initialize MDOFunction " + "attribute: " + str(key) + ", allowed ones are: " + ", ".join(allowed) ) return MDOFunction(func=None, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_pt_from_database( self, database, design_space, normalize=False, jac=True, x_tolerance=1e-10 ): """ self.__call__(x) returns f(x) if x is in the database and in the database keys Idem for jac :param database: the database to read :param design_space: the design space used for normalization :param normalize: if True, x_n is unnormalized before call :param jac: if True, a jacobian pointer is also generated """ name = def read_in_db(x_n, fname): """ Reads fname in the database for the x_n entry :param x_n: the x to evaluate fname :returns : f(x_n) if present in the fatabase """ if normalize: x_db = design_space.unnormalize_vect(x_n) else: x_db = x_n val = database.get_f_of_x(fname, x_db, x_tolerance) if val is None: msg = "Function " + str(fname) msg += " evaluation relies only on the database, and" msg += str(fname) + "( x ) is not in the database " msg += " for x=" + str(x_db) raise ValueError(msg) return val def f_from_db(x_n): """ Computes f(x_n) from the database :param x_n: the x to evaluate f """ return read_in_db(x_n, name) def j_from_db(x_n): """ Computes df(x_n)/d x_n from the database :param x_n: the x to evaluate the jacobian """ return read_in_db(x_n, "@" + name) self.func = f_from_db if jac: self.jac = j_from_db
[docs]class MDOLinearFunction(MDOFunction): """Linear multivariate function with coefficients (a_i) f(x) = sum_{i=1}^n a_i * x_i """ def __init__(self, coefficients, name, f_type=None, args=None): """ Initialize the function attributes :param coefficients: coefficients of the linear function :param name: the name of the function as a string :param f_type: the type of function among (obj, eq, ineq) :param args: the function arguments """ self.coefficients = coefficients # define the function as a linear combination def fun(x_vect): """sum_{i=1}^n a_i * x_i :param x_vect: design variables """ return inner(coefficients, x_vect) # Jacobian is constant def jac(_): """Constant Jacobian is the matrix of coefficients :param _: design variables """ return atleast_2d(coefficients) expr = self._generate_expr() args = ["x"] super(MDOLinearFunction, self).__init__( fun, name, f_type=f_type, jac=jac, expr=expr, args=args, dim=1 ) def _generate_expr(self): """Generate the literal expression of the linear function""" expr = "" first_non_zero = -1 for i in range(len(self.coefficients)): if self.coefficients[i] != 0.0: if first_non_zero == -1: first_non_zero = i # sign if self.coefficients[i] == -1.0: if i == first_non_zero: expr += "-" # unary minus elif i > 0 and first_non_zero < i: if self.coefficients[i] < 0.0: expr += " - " else: expr += " + " # coefficient if abs(self.coefficients[i]) != 1.0: expr += str(abs(self.coefficients[i])) + "*" # variable expr += "x_" + str(i) return expr
[docs]class MDOFunctionGenerator(with_metaclass(SingleInstancePerAttributeId, object)): """The link between MDODisciplines and objective functions and constraints is made with MDOFunctionGenerator, which generates MDOFunctions from the disciplines. It uses closures to generate functions instances from a discipline execution. """ def __init__(self, discipline): """ Constructor :param discipline: the discipline from which the generator builds functions """ self.discipline = discipline def __make_function(self, input_names_list, output_names_list, default_inputs): """ Makes a function from io and reference data Combines lambda function and a local def for function pointer issues Uses a closure. :param input_names_list: the dict keys of the input data :param output_names_list: the dict keys of the output data :param default_inputs: a default inputs dict to eventually overload the discipline's default inputs when evaluating the discipline :returns: The generated function """ def func(x_vect): """A function which executes a discipline :param x_vect: the input vector of the function :type x_vect: ndarray :returns: the selected outputs of the discipline :rtype: ndarray """ for name in input_names_list: if name not in self.discipline.default_inputs: raise ValueError( "Discipline " + str( + " has no default_input named " + str(name) + ", while input is required" + " by MDOFunction." ) defaults = self.discipline.default_inputs if default_inputs is not None: defaults.update(default_inputs) data = DataConversion.update_dict_from_array( defaults, input_names_list, x_vect ) self.discipline.reset_statuses_for_run() computed_values = self.discipline.execute(data) values_array = DataConversion.dict_to_array( computed_values, output_names_list ) if values_array.size == 1: # Then the function is scalar return values_array[0] return values_array def func_jac(x_vect): """A function which linearizes a discipline :param x_vect: the input vector of the function :type x_vect: ndarray :returns: the selected outputs of the discipline :rtype: ndarray """ defaults = self.discipline.default_inputs n_dv = len(x_vect) data = DataConversion.update_dict_from_array( defaults, input_names_list, x_vect ) self.discipline.linearize(data) grad_array = [] for out_name in output_names_list: jac_loc = self.discipline.jac[out_name] grad_loc = DataConversion.dict_to_array(jac_loc, input_names_list) grad_output = hstack(grad_loc) if len(grad_output) > n_dv: grad_output = reshape(grad_output, (grad_output.size // n_dv, n_dv)) grad_array.append(grad_output) grad = vstack(grad_array).real if grad.shape[0] == 1: grad = grad.flatten() assert len(x_vect) == len(grad) return grad default_name = "_".join(output_names_list) mdo_func = MDOFunction( func, name=default_name, args=input_names_list, outvars=output_names_list, jac=func_jac, ) return mdo_func
[docs] def get_function(self, input_names_list, output_names_list, default_inputs=None): """Builds a function from a discipline input and output lists. :param input_names_list: names of inputs of the disciplines to be inputs of the function :param output_names_list: names of outputs of the disciplines to be returned by the function :param default_inputs: a default inputs dict to eventually overload the discipline's default inputs when evaluating the discipline :returns: the function """ if isinstance(input_names_list, string_types): input_names_list = [input_names_list] if isinstance(output_names_list, string_types): output_names_list = [output_names_list] if input_names_list is None: input_names_list = self.discipline.get_input_data_names() if output_names_list is None: output_names_list = self.discipline.get_output_data_names() if not self.discipline.is_all_inputs_existing(input_names_list): raise ValueError( "Some elements of " + str(input_names_list) + " are not inputs of the discipline, " + str( + " available inputs are:" + str(self.discipline.get_input_data_names()) ) if not self.discipline.is_all_outputs_existing(output_names_list): raise ValueError( "Some elements of " + str(output_names_list) + " are not outputs of the discipline, " + str( + " available outputs are: " + ", ".join(self.discipline.get_output_data_names()) + "." ) # adds inputs and outputs to the list of variables to be # differentiated self.discipline.add_differentiated_inputs(input_names_list) self.discipline.add_differentiated_outputs(output_names_list) return self.__make_function(input_names_list, output_names_list, default_inputs)
[docs]class NotImplementedCallable(object): """ A not implemented callable object """ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("Function is not implemented")