Source code for gemseo.core.json_grammar

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                         documentation
#        :author: Francois Gallard
A Grammar based on JSON schema
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import json
import os

from future import standard_library
from numpy import generic, ndarray, zeros

from gemseo import LOGGER
from gemseo.core.grammar import AbstractGrammar, InvalidDataException
from gemseo.third_party.genson_generator import Schema
from gemseo.utils.py23_compat import JsonSchemaException, compile_schema


[docs]class JSONGrammar(AbstractGrammar): """A grammar subclass that stores the input or output data types and structure a MDODiscipline using a JSON format It is able to check the inputs and outputs against a JSON schema. """ PROPERTIES_FIELD = "properties" DEFAULTS_FIELD = "defaults" REQUIRED_FIELD = "required" TYPE_FIELD = "type" OBJECT_FIELD = "object" def __init__( self, name, schema_file=None, schema=None, grammar_type=AbstractGrammar.INPUT_GRAMMAR, ): """ Constructor :param name : grammar name :param schema : a genson Schema to initialize self :param schema_file : the json schema file :param grammar_type : the type of grammar : input or output """ super(JSONGrammar, self).__init__() self.schema = None self._properties = None self._validator = None = None = name self.grammar_type = grammar_type self._init_schema() if schema is not None: self.schema.add_schema(schema) self._update_properties() if schema_file is not None: self.init_from_schema_file(schema_file) if schema is None and schema_file is None: self.initialize_from_base_dict(typical_data_dict={}) def _init_schema(self): """Initializes the genson schema""" self.schema = Schema(merge_arrays=True, exclude_at_merge=["name", "id"]) def _update_properties(self): """Updates the properties after a change in the schema""" schema_dict = self.schema.to_dict() self._properties = schema_dict.get(self.PROPERTIES_FIELD) if self._properties is None: self._properties = {} self._validator = None @property def properties(self): """Accessor for the properties of the schema""" return self._properties
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears the data to produce an empty grammar""" self._init_schema() self._update_properties() self._validator = None
def _init_validator(self): """Initializes the validator according to self""" schema_dict = self.schema.to_dict() schema_dict.pop("id", None) self._validator = compile_schema(schema_dict)
[docs] @staticmethod def cast_array_to_list(data_dict): """ Casts the numpy arrays in data_dict to lists :param data_dict : the data dictionary :returns: The dict with casted arrays """ out_d = data_dict.copy() for key, value in data_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, (ndarray, generic)): out_d[key] = value.real.tolist() elif isinstance(value, dict): out_d[key] = JSONGrammar.cast_array_to_list(value) return out_d
[docs] def load_data(self, data_dict, raise_exception=True): """Loads the data dictionary in the grammar and checks it against json schema :param data_dict: the input data :param raise_exception: if False, no exception is raised when data is invalid (Default value = True) """ if not isinstance(data_dict, dict): raise InvalidDataException( "Input data must be a python dictionary, got " + str(type(data_dict)) + " instead." ) error_exist = False data_to_check = self.cast_array_to_list(data_dict) if self._validator is None: self._init_validator() try: self._validator(data_to_check) except JsonSchemaException as error: error_exist = True msg = "Invalid data in : " + str( if error.args[0].startswith("data must contain"): # Error messages are not clear enough when missing properties # All keys are put in the message diff = set(set(self.get_data_names()) - set(data_dict.keys())) if len(diff) > 0: msg += "\nMissing mandatory properties: " + str(list(diff)) else: msg += "\n', error : " + str(error.args[0]) else: msg += "\n', error : " + str(error.args[0]) LOGGER.error(msg) if error_exist and raise_exception: raise InvalidDataException("Invalid data from grammar " + str( # Check a copy to keep types and arrays but store initial dict for # complex = data_dict # Add defaults for key, value in data_to_check.items(): k_utf = key, value) return
[docs] def init_from_schema_file(self, schema_file="input.json"): """Initializes grammar from :param schema_file: path to the schema input file (Default value = "input.json") """ if not os.path.exists(schema_file): raise ValueError( "Try to initialize grammar with not existing file : " + str(schema_file) ) # Refs are not supported any more for simplification # curr_folder = os.path.dirname(schema_file) # registry = providers.FilesystemProvider(curr_folder) with open(schema_file, "r") as in_file: json_content = json.loads( # Refs not supported any more for simplification # Resolve #ref tags in json # try: # resolved_json = resolve(json_content, '#/properties', registry) # except ValueError as err_json: # LOGGER.error(err_json) # raise Exception( # "Cannot resolve referenced json properties of file : " + # str(schema_file)) self.schema.add_schema(json_content) self._update_properties()
def __str__(self): msg = "Grammar named :" + str( msg += ", schema = " + self.schema.to_json() return msg
[docs] def initialize_from_data_names( self, data_names, schema_file=None, write_schema=False ): """Initializes a JSONGrammar from a list of data. All data of the grammar will be set as arrays :param data_names: a data names list :param schema_file: the output json file path. If None : input.json or output.json depending on grammar type. (Default value = None) :param write_schema: if True, writes the schema files (Default value = False) """ data = zeros(1) typical_data_dict = {k: data for k in data_names} self.initialize_from_base_dict(typical_data_dict, schema_file, write_schema)
[docs] def initialize_from_base_dict( self, typical_data_dict, schema_file=None, write_schema=False, description_dict=None, ): """Initialize a json grammar with types and names from a typical data entry. The keys of the typical_data_dict will be the names of the data in the grammar. The types of the values of the typical_data_dict will be converted to JSON Schema types and define the properties of the JSON Schema. :param typical_data_dict: a data dictionary with keys as data names and values as a typical value for this data :param schema_file: the output json file path. If None : input.json or output.json depending on grammar type. (Default value = None) :param write_schema: if True, writes the schema files (Default value = False) :param description_dict: dictionary of descriptions, {name:meaning} structure """ # Convert arrays to list as for check list_data_dict = self.cast_array_to_list(typical_data_dict) # if PY2: # list_data_dict = self.cast_str_val_ascii(list_data_dict) self.schema.add_object(list_data_dict, description_dict) if write_schema: if schema_file is None: schema_file = + ".json" with open(schema_file, "w") as outf: outf.write(self.schema.to_json()) self._update_properties()
# @staticmethod # def cast_str_val_ascii(data_dict): # """ # Casts the values of dict to ascii # # :param: input data dict # :returns: ourput data dict # """ # out_d = data_dict.copy() # for key, value in data_dict.items(): # if isinstance(value, string_types): # out_d[key] = value.encode('ascii', 'ignore') # elif isinstance(value, dict): # out_d[key] = JSONGrammar.cast_str_val_ascii(value) # return out_d
[docs] def add_description(self, description_dict): """ Add a description to the properties :param description_dict: dictionary of descriptions, {name:meaning} structure """ descr_filtered = { k: v for k, v in description_dict.items() if k in self._properties } self.schema.add_object({}, descr_filtered)
[docs] def get_data_names(self): """Returns the list of data names :returns: the data names, as a dict keys set """ return self._properties.keys()
[docs] def is_data_name_existing(self, data_name): """Checks if data_name is present in grammar :param data_name: the data name :returns: True if data is in grammar """ return data_name in self._properties
[docs] def is_all_data_names_existing(self, data_names): """Checks if data_names are present in grammar :param data_names: the data names list :returns: True if all data are in grammar """ exists = self.is_data_name_existing for data_name in data_names: if not exists(data_name): return False return True
[docs] def update_from(self, input_grammar): """Adds properties coming from another grammar :param input_grammar: the grammar to take inputs from """ if not isinstance(input_grammar, JSONGrammar): msg = "Cannot update grammar " "{} of type {} with {} of type {} ".format(, type(self).__name__,, type(input_grammar).__name__, ) raise ValueError(msg) schema_dct = input_grammar.schema.to_dict() self.schema.add_schema(schema_dct) self._update_properties()
[docs] def update_from_if_not_in(self, input_grammar, exclude_grammar): """Adds objects coming from input_grammar if they are not in exclude_grammar :param input_grammar: the grammar to take inputs from :param exclude_grammar: exclusion grammar """ if isinstance(input_grammar, JSONGrammar) and isinstance( exclude_grammar, JSONGrammar ): in_schema_dct = input_grammar.schema.to_dict() in_schema_prop = in_schema_dct.get(self.PROPERTIES_FIELD, {}) in_required = in_schema_dct.get(self.REQUIRED_FIELD, []) ex_schema_dct = exclude_grammar.schema.to_dict() ex_schema_prop = ex_schema_dct.get(self.PROPERTIES_FIELD, {}) merged_required = [] merged_prop = {} for prop_name, prop_schema in in_schema_prop.items(): if prop_name not in ex_schema_prop: merged_prop[prop_name] = prop_schema if prop_name in in_required: merged_required.append(prop_name) merged_schema = { self.TYPE_FIELD: self.OBJECT_FIELD, self.PROPERTIES_FIELD: merged_prop, self.REQUIRED_FIELD: merged_required, } self.schema.add_schema(merged_schema) self._update_properties() else: msg = "Cannot update grammar " + str( msg += " of type JSONGrammar with " + str( msg += " of type " + str(type(input_grammar).__name__) msg += " and " + str( msg += ", of type " + str(type(exclude_grammar).__name__) raise TypeError(msg)
[docs] def restrict_to(self, data_names): """Restricts the grammar to a sublist of data names :param data_names: the names of the data to restrict the grammar to """ self_schema_dct = self.schema.to_dict() self_schema_prop = self_schema_dct.get(self.PROPERTIES_FIELD, {}) self_required = self_schema_dct.get(self.REQUIRED_FIELD, []) for prop_name in list(self_schema_prop.keys()): if prop_name not in data_names: del self_schema_prop[prop_name] if prop_name in self_required: self_required.remove(prop_name) self_schema = { self.TYPE_FIELD: self.OBJECT_FIELD, self.PROPERTIES_FIELD: self_schema_prop, self.REQUIRED_FIELD: self_required, } self._init_schema() self.schema.add_schema(self_schema) self._update_properties()
[docs] def remove_item(self, item_name): """Removes an item from the grammar :param item_name: the item name to be removed """ if not self.is_data_name_existing(item_name): raise ValueError("Item " + str(item_name) + " not in grammar " + self_dict = self.schema.to_dict() del self_dict[self.PROPERTIES_FIELD][item_name] self_required = self_dict.get(self.REQUIRED_FIELD, []) if item_name in self_required: self_required.remove(item_name) self._init_schema() self.schema.add_schema(self_dict) self._update_properties()
[docs] def set_item_value(self, item_name, item_value): """ Sets the value of an item :param item_name: the item name to be modified :param item_value: value of the item """ if not self.is_data_name_existing(item_name): raise ValueError("Item " + str(item_name) + " not in grammar " + self_dict = self.schema.to_dict() self_dict[self.PROPERTIES_FIELD][item_name] = item_value self._init_schema() self.schema.add_schema(self_dict) self._update_properties()
def __getstate__(self): """ Used by pickle to define what to serialize :returns: the dict to serialize """ out_d = {} out_d.update(self.__dict__) out_d.pop("_validator") return out_d def __setstate__(self, data_dict): """ Used by pickle to define what to deserialize :param data_dict : update self dict from data_dict to deserialize """ self.__dict__.update(data_dict) self._update_properties()