Source code for gemseo.problems.sellar.sellar

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - API and implementation and/or documentation
#        :author: Charlie Vanaret
#                 Francois Gallard
# from Tedford2010
# Sellar analytical problem, p9
Sellar MDO problem

The **sellar** module implements all :class:`.MDODiscipline`
included in the Sellar problem:

.. math::

   \text{minimize the objective function }&obj=x_{local}^2 + x_{shared,1}
   +y_0+e^{-y_1} \\
   \text{with respect to the design variables }&x_{shared},\,x_{local} \\
   \text{subject to the general constraints }
   & c_1 \leq 0\\
   & c_2 \leq 0\\
   \text{subject to the bound constraints }
   & -10 \leq x_{shared,0} \leq 10\\
   & 0 \leq x_{shared,1} \leq 10\\
   & 0 \leq x_{local} \leq 10.

where the coupling variables are

.. math::

    \text{Discipline 0: } y_0 = x_{shared,0}^2 + x_{shared,1} +
     x_{local} - 0.2\,y_1,


.. math::

    \text{Discipline 1: }y_1 = \sqrt{y_0} + x_{shared,0} + x_{shared,1}.

and where the general constraints are

.. math::

   c_0 = 1-y_0/{3.16}

   c_1 = y_1/{24.} - 1
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from builtins import super
from cmath import exp, sqrt

from future import standard_library
from numpy import array, atleast_2d, complex128, ones, zeros

from gemseo.core.discipline import MDODiscipline


[docs]def get_inputs(names=None): """Generate initial solution :param names: input names (default: None) :type names: list(str) :returns: input values :rtype: dict """ inputs = { "x_local": array([0.0], dtype=complex128), "x_shared": array([1.0, 0.0], dtype=complex128), "y_0": ones((1), dtype=complex128), "y_1": ones((1), dtype=complex128), } if names is None: return inputs return {k: inputs[k] for k in names}
[docs]class SellarSystem(MDODiscipline): """**SellarSystem** is the :class:`.MDODiscipline` implementing the computation of the Sellar's objective and constraints discipline.""" def __init__(self): """Constructor""" super(SellarSystem, self).__init__(auto_detect_grammar_files=True) self.default_inputs = get_inputs() self.re_exec_policy = self.RE_EXECUTE_DONE_POLICY def _run(self): """Defines the execution of the process, given that data has been checked. Compute the outputs (= objective value and constraints at system level) of the Sellar analytical problem. """ x_local, x_shared, y_0, y_1 = self.get_inputs_by_name( ["x_local", "x_shared", "y_0", "y_1"] ) obj = array([self.obj(x_local, x_shared, y_0, y_1)], dtype=complex128) c_1 = array([self.c_1(y_0)], dtype=complex128) c_2 = array([self.c_2(y_1)], dtype=complex128) self.store_local_data(obj=obj, c_1=c_1, c_2=c_2)
[docs] @staticmethod def obj(x_local, x_shared, y_0, y_1): """Objective function :param x_local: local design variables :type x_local: ndarray :param x_shared: shared design variables :type x_shared: ndarray :param y_0: coupling variable from discipline 1 :type y_0: ndarray :param y_1: coupling variable from discipline 2 :type y_1: ndarray :returns: Objective value :rtype: float """ return x_local[0] ** 2 + x_shared[1] + y_0[0] ** 2 + exp(-y_1[0])
[docs] @staticmethod def c_1(y_0): """First constraint on system level :param y_0: coupling variable from discipline 1 :type y_0: ndarray :returns: Value of the constraint :rtype: float """ return 3.16 - y_0[0] ** 2
[docs] @staticmethod def c_2(y_1): """Second constraint on system level :param y_1: coupling variable from discipline 2 :type y_1: ndarray :returns: Value of the constraint :rtype: float """ return y_1[0] - 24.0
def _compute_jacobian(self, inputs=None, outputs=None): """ Computes the jacobian :param inputs: linearization should be performed with respect to inputs list. If None, linearization should be performed wrt all inputs (Default value = None) :param outputs: linearization should be performed on outputs list. If None, linearization should be performed on all outputs (Default value = None) """ # Initialize all matrices to zeros self._init_jacobian(inputs, outputs, with_zeros=True) x_local, _, y_0, y_1 = self.get_inputs_by_name( ["x_local", "x_shared", "y_0", "y_1"] ) self.jac["c_1"]["y_0"] = atleast_2d(array([-2.0 * y_0])) self.jac["c_2"]["y_1"] = ones((1, 1)) self.jac["obj"]["x_local"] = atleast_2d(array([2.0 * x_local[0]])) self.jac["obj"]["x_shared"] = atleast_2d(array([0.0, 1.0])) self.jac["obj"]["y_0"] = atleast_2d(array([2.0 * y_0[0]])) self.jac["obj"]["y_1"] = atleast_2d(array([-exp(-y_1[0])]))
[docs]class Sellar1(MDODiscipline): """**Sellar1** is the :class:`.MDODiscipline` implementing the 1st set of equations: y_0. """ def __init__(self, residual_form=False): """ Constructor :param residual_form: if True only residuals are computed, no Ys :type residual_form: bool """ self.residual_form = residual_form super(Sellar1, self).__init__(auto_detect_grammar_files=True) self.re_exec_policy = self.RE_EXECUTE_DONE_POLICY if residual_form: self.residual_variables = ["r_0"] self.output_grammar.remove_item("y_0") else: self.output_grammar.remove_item("r_0") self.input_grammar.remove_item("y_0") self.default_inputs = get_inputs(self.input_grammar.get_data_names())
[docs] def get_attributes_to_serialize(self): """Defines the attributes to be serialized Can be overloaded by disciplines :returns: the list of attributes names :rtype: list(str) """ base_d = super(Sellar1, self).get_attributes_to_serialize() base_d.append("residual_form") return base_d
def _run(self): """Defines the execution of the process, given that data has been checked. Solve a coupling equation in functional form and compute coupling variable y_0. """ x_local, x_shared, y_1 = self.get_inputs_by_name(["x_local", "x_shared", "y_1"]) if self.residual_form: y_0 = self.get_inputs_by_name("y_0") # residual form r_0_out = array( [self.compute_r_0(x_local, x_shared, y_0, y_1)], dtype=complex128 ) # store outputs self.store_local_data(r_0=r_0_out) else: # functional form y_0_out = array( [self.compute_y_0(x_local, x_shared, y_1)], dtype=complex128 ) self.store_local_data(y_0=y_0_out)
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_y_0(x_local, x_shared, y_1): """Solve the first coupling equation in functional form. :param x_local: vector of design variables local to discipline 1 :type x_local: ndarray :param x_shared: vector of shared design variables :type x_shared: ndarray :param y_1: coupling variable of discipline 2 :type y_1: ndarray :returns: coupling variable y_0 of discipline 1 :rtype: float """ return sqrt(x_shared[0] ** 2 + x_shared[1] + x_local[0] - 0.2 * y_1[0])
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_r_0(x_local, x_shared, y_0, y_1): """Evaluate the first coupling equation in residual form. :param x_local: vector of design variables local to discipline 1 :type x_local: ndarray :param x_shared: vector of shared design variables :type x_shared: ndarray :param y_0: coupling variable of discipline 1 :type y_0: ndarray :param y_1: coupling variable of discipline 2 :type y_1: ndarray :returns: coupling variable y_0 :rtype: float """ return Sellar1.compute_y_0(x_local, x_shared, y_1) - y_0[0]
def _compute_jacobian(self, inputs=None, outputs=None): """ :param inputs: linearization should be performed with respect to inputs list. If None, linearization should be performed wrt all inputs (Default value = None) :param outputs: linearization should be performed on outputs list. If None, linearization should be performed on all outputs (Default value = None) """ # Initialize all matrices to zeros self._init_jacobian(inputs, outputs, with_zeros=True) x_local, x_shared, y_1 = self.get_inputs_by_name(["x_local", "x_shared", "y_1"]) inv_denom = 1.0 / (self.compute_y_0(x_local, x_shared, y_1)) self.jac["y_0"] = {} self.jac["y_0"]["x_local"] = atleast_2d(array([0.5 * inv_denom])) self.jac["y_0"]["x_shared"] = atleast_2d( array([x_shared[0] * inv_denom, 0.5 * inv_denom]) ) self.jac["y_0"]["y_1"] = atleast_2d(array([-0.1 * inv_denom])) if self.residual_form: self.jac["r_0"]["x_local"] = atleast_2d(self.jac["y_0"]["x_local"]) self.jac["r_0"]["x_shared"] = atleast_2d(self.jac["y_0"]["x_shared"]) self.jac["r_0"]["y_1"] = atleast_2d(self.jac["y_0"]["y_1"]) self.jac["r_0"]["y_0"] = -ones((1, 1)) del self.jac["y_0"]
[docs]class Sellar2(MDODiscipline): """**Sellar1** is the :class:`.MDODiscipline` implementing the 2nd set of equations: y_1 """ def __init__(self, residual_form=False): """ Constructor :param residual_form: if True only residuals are computed, no Ys :type residual_form: bool """ self.residual_form = residual_form super(Sellar2, self).__init__(auto_detect_grammar_files=True) self.re_exec_policy = self.RE_EXECUTE_DONE_POLICY if residual_form: self.residual_variables = ["r_1"] self.output_grammar.remove_item("y_1") else: self.output_grammar.remove_item("r_1") self.input_grammar.remove_item("y_1") self.default_inputs = get_inputs(self.input_grammar.get_data_names())
[docs] def get_attributes_to_serialize(self): """Defines the attributes to be serialized Can be overloaded by disciplines :returns: the list of attributes names :rtype: list(str) """ base_d = super(Sellar2, self).get_attributes_to_serialize() base_d.append("residual_form") return base_d
def _run(self): """Defines the execution of the process, given that data has been checked. Solve a coupling equation in functional form and compute coupling variable y1. """ x_shared, y_0 = self.get_inputs_by_name(["x_shared", "y_0"]) if self.residual_form: y_1 = self.get_inputs_by_name("y_1") # residual form r_1_out = array([self.compute_r_1(x_shared, y_0, y_1)], dtype=complex128) # store outputs self.store_local_data(r_1=r_1_out) else: # functional form y_1_out = array([self.compute_y1(x_shared, y_0)], dtype=complex128) self.store_local_data(y_1=y_1_out) def _compute_jacobian(self, inputs=None, outputs=None): """ :param inputs: linearization should be performed with respect to inputs list. If None, linearization should be performed wrt all inputs (Default value = None) :param outputs: linearization should be performed on outputs list. If None, linearization should be performed on all outputs (Default value = None) """ # Initialize all matrices to zeros self._init_jacobian(inputs, outputs, with_zeros=True) y_0 = self.get_inputs_by_name("y_0") self.jac["y_1"] = {} self.jac["y_1"]["x_local"] = zeros((1, 1)) self.jac["y_1"]["x_shared"] = ones((1, 2)) if y_0[0] < 0.0: self.jac["y_1"]["y_0"] = -ones((1, 1)) elif y_0[0] == 0.0: self.jac["y_1"]["y_0"] = zeros((1, 1)) else: self.jac["y_1"]["y_0"] = ones((1, 1)) if self.residual_form: self.jac["r_1"]["x_local"] = self.jac["y_1"]["x_local"] self.jac["r_1"]["x_shared"] = self.jac["y_1"]["x_shared"] self.jac["r_1"]["y_0"] = self.jac["y_1"]["y_0"] self.jac["r_1"]["y_1"] = -ones((1, 1)) del self.jac["y_1"]
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_y1(x_shared, y_0): """Solve the second coupling equation in functional form. :param x_shared: vector of shared design variables :type x_shared: ndarray :param y_0: coupling variable of discipline 1 :type y_0: ndarray :returns: coupling variable y_1 :rtype: float """ out = x_shared[0] + x_shared[1] if y_0[0].real == 0: y_1 = out elif y_0[0].real > 0: y_1 = y_0[0] + out else: y_1 = -y_0[0] + out return y_1
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_r_1(x_shared, y_0, y_1): """Evaluate the second coupling equation in residual form. :param x_shared: vector of shared design variables :type x_shared: ndarray :param y_0: coupling variable of discipline 1 :type y_0: ndarray :param y_1: coupling variable of discipline 2 :type y_1: ndarray :returns: coupling variable y_0 :rtype: float """ return Sellar2.compute_y1(x_shared, y_0) - y_1[0]
# #========================================================================= # # Analytical Jacobians of f and residuals # # # class Jacobian(object): # """ # Compute the Jacobians of objective function and residuals with respect # to design and coupling variables # """ # # @staticmethod # def jacobian_f_x(x_shared): # """ # Jacobian matrix of objective function wrt design variables # :param x_shared: vector of design variables # :type x_shared: ndarray # :returns: Jacobian matrix # """ # return array([0, 2 * x_shared[1], 1]) # # @staticmethod # def jacobian_f_y(Y): # """ # Jacobian matrix of objective function wrt coupling variables # :param Y: vector of coupling variables # :type Y: ndarray # :returns: Jacobian matrix # """ # return array([2 * Y[0], -exp(-Y[1])]) # # @staticmethod # def jacobian_residuals_x(x_shared): # """ # Jacobian matrix of residual vector wrt design variables # :param x_shared: vector of design variables # :type x_shared: ndarray # :returns: Jacobian matrix # """ # return array([[2 * x_shared[0], 1, 1], [1, 0, 1]]) # # @staticmethod # def jacobian_residuals_y(Y): # """ # Jacobian matrix of residual vector wrt coupling variables # :param Y: vector of coupling variables # :type Y: ndarray # :returns: Jacobian matrix # """ # return array([[-2 * Y[0], -0.2], [Y[0] / abs(Y[0]), -1.]]) # # @staticmethod # def jacobian_g_x(): # """ # Jacobian matrix of system-level constraints wrt design variables # :returns: Jacobian matrix # """ # return array([[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]]) # # @staticmethod # def jacobian_g_y(Y): # """ # Jacobian matrix of system-level constraints wrt coupling variables # :param Y: vector of coupling variables # :type Y: ndarray # :returns: Jacobian matrix # """ # return array([[2 * Y[0], 0], [0, 1]])