Source code for gemseo.problems.sobieski.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation
#               and/or initial documentation
#        :author: Sobieski, Agte, and Sandusky
#        :author: Damien Guenot
#        :author: Francois Gallard
# From NASA/TM-1998-208715
# Bi-Level Integrated System Synthesis (BLISS)
# Sobieski, Agte, and Sandusky
SSBJ core computations
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import cmath
import math
import random
from builtins import str
from os.path import dirname, join
from random import uniform

from future import standard_library
from numpy import array, complex128, concatenate, float64, ones
from six import string_types

from gemseo.algos.design_space import DesignSpace
from gemseo.problems.sobieski.base import SobieskiBase
from gemseo.problems.sobieski.core_aerodynamics import SobieskiAerodynamics
from gemseo.problems.sobieski.core_mission import SobieskiMission
from gemseo.problems.sobieski.core_propulsion import SobieskiPropulsion
from gemseo.problems.sobieski.core_structure import SobieskiStructure


from gemseo import LOGGER

DIRNAME = dirname(__file__)

DEG_TO_RAD = math.pi / 180.0

[docs]class SobieskiProblem(object): """Class defining Sobieski problem and related method to the problem such as disciplines computation, constraints, reference optimum """ CONTRAINTS_NAMES_INEQUALITY = ( "c_Stress_x1", "c_Stress_x2", "c_Stress_x3", "c_Stress_x4", "c_Stress_x5", "c_Twist_upper", "c_Twist_lower", "c_Pgrad", "c_ESF_upper", "c_ESF_lower", "c_Throttle", "c_Temperature", ) CONTRAINTS_NAMES = ( "Stress_x1", "Stress_x2", "Stress_x3", "Stress_x4", "Stress_x5", "Twist", "Pgrad", "ESF", "Temperature", "Throttle", ) DV_NAMES_NORMALIZED = ( "x_TaperRatio", "x_SectionalArea", "x_Cf", "x_Throttle_setting", "x_eta", "x_h", "x_Mach", "x_AR", "x_Phi", "x_sref", ) DV_NAMES = ( "TaperRatio", "SectionalArea", "Cf", "Throttle_setting", "eta", "h", "Mach", "AR", "Phi", "sref", ) COUPLING_VARIABLES_NAMES = ( "Total weight", "Fuel weight", "Wing twist", "Lift", "Drag", "Lift/Drag", "SFC", "Engine weight", ) DTYPE_COMPLEX = "complex128" DTYPE_DOUBLE = "float64" STRESS_LIMIT = SobieskiStructure.STRESS_LIMIT TWIST_UPPER_LIMIT = SobieskiStructure.TWIST_UPPER_LIMIT TWIST_LOWER_LIMIT = SobieskiStructure.TWIST_LOWER_LIMIT PRESSURE_GRADIENT_LIMIT = SobieskiAerodynamics.PRESSURE_GRADIENT_LIMIT ESF_UPPER_LIMIT = SobieskiPropulsion.ESF_UPPER_LIMIT ESF_LOWER_LIMIT = SobieskiPropulsion.ESF_LOWER_LIMIT TEMPERATURE_LIMIT = SobieskiPropulsion.TEMPERATURE_LIMIT def __init__(self, dtype=DTYPE_DOUBLE): """ Constructor :param dtype: data type of problem, either "float64" or "complex128". :type dtype: str """ if dtype == self.DTYPE_COMPLEX: self.dtype = complex128 self.math = cmath elif dtype == self.DTYPE_DOUBLE: self.math = math self.dtype = float64 else: raise ValueError("Unknown dtype : " + str(dtype)) self.base = SobieskiBase(dtype=self.dtype) self.sobieski_structure = SobieskiStructure(self.base) self.sobieski_aerodynamics = SobieskiAerodynamics(self.base) self.sobieski_propulsion = SobieskiPropulsion(self.base) self.sobieski_mission = SobieskiMission(self.base) self.constants = self.base.default_constants() self.i_0 = self.base.get_default_x0() ( self.x_initial, self.tc_initial, self.half_span_initial, self.aero_center_initial, self.cf_initial, self.mach_initial, self.h_initial, self.throttle_initial, self.lift_initial, self.twist_initial, self.esf_initial, ) = self.base.get_initial_values() self.u_b, self.l_b = self.base.get_sobieski_bounds()
[docs] def get_default_x0(self): """Function that returns a default initial value for design variables :returns: i_0 , initial design variables :rtype: ndarray """ # :warning: DO NOT CHANGE VALUE: THERE ARE # USED FOR POLYNOMIAL APPROXIMATION return self.base.get_default_x0()
[docs] def default_constants(self): """Definition of constants vector C for Sobieski problem :returns: constant vector :rtype: ndarray """ return self.base.default_constants()
[docs] def get_bounds_by_name(self, variables_names): """Class method that return bounds of design variables and coupling variables :param variables_names: name of variable :returns: lower bound and upper bound """ return self.base.get_bounds_by_name(variables_names)
def __set_indata(self, input_vect, names): """ Returns a set of default inputs for the different disciplines :param input_vect: design vector used to fill the dictionary :param names: specific data names, if None, returns all inputs :type names: str or list(str) :returns: indata , a dict of input data :rtype: dict """ indata = { "x_shared": input_vect[4:10], "y_12": array([50606.9742, 0.95], dtype=self.dtype), "y_14": array((50606.9741711, 7306.20262124), dtype=self.dtype), "y_21": array([50606.9741711], dtype=self.dtype), "y_23": array([12562.01206488], dtype=self.dtype), "y_24": array([4.15006276], dtype=self.dtype), "y_31": array([6354.32430691], dtype=self.dtype), "y_32": array([0.50279625], dtype=self.dtype), "y_34": array([1.10754577], dtype=self.dtype), "y_1": ones((3), dtype=self.dtype), "y_2": ones((3), dtype=self.dtype), "y_3": ones((3), dtype=self.dtype), "g_1": ones((6), dtype=self.dtype), "g_2": ones((1), dtype=self.dtype), "g_3": ones((3), dtype=self.dtype), "x_1": input_vect[:2], "x_2": array([input_vect[2]], dtype=self.dtype), "x_3": array([input_vect[3]], dtype=self.dtype), } if isinstance(names, string_types): names = [ names, ] if names is not None: return {k: indata[k] for k in names if k in indata} return indata
[docs] def get_default_inputs(self, names=None): """Returns a set of default inputs for the different disciplines :param names: specific data names, if None, returns all inputs (Default value = None) :type names: str or list(str) :returns: indata , a dict of input data :rtype: dict """ input_vect = self.get_default_x0() return self.__set_indata(input_vect, names)
[docs] def get_default_inputs_feasible(self, names=None): """Returns a set of default inputs for the different disciplines :param names: specific data names, if None, returns all inputs (Default value = None) :type names: str or list(str) :returns: indata , a dict of input data :rtype: dict """ input_vect = self.get_x0_feasible() return self.__set_indata(input_vect, names)
[docs] def get_default_inputs_equilibrium(self, names=None): """Returns a set of default inputs, where coupling variables are at the equilibrium (MDA) for X0 :param names: specific data names, if None, returns all inputs (Default value = None) :type names: str or list(str) :returns: indata , a dict of input data :rtype: dict """ input_vect = self.get_default_x0() indata = { "x_shared": array(input_vect[4:], dtype=self.dtype), "y_34": array([1.10754577], dtype=self.dtype), "y_32": array([0.50279625], dtype=self.dtype), "y_21": array([50606.97417114], dtype=self.dtype), "y_31": array([6354.32430691], dtype=self.dtype), "y_23": array([12194.26719338], dtype=self.dtype), "y_24": array([4.15006276], dtype=self.dtype), "g_3": array( [-0.99720375, -0.00279625, 0.16206032, -0.02], dtype=self.dtype ), "g_2": array([-0.04], dtype=self.dtype), "g_1": array( [0.035, -0.00666667, -0.0275, -0.04, -0.04833333, -0.09, -0.15], dtype=self.dtype, ), "y_11": array([0.15591894], dtype=self.dtype), "y_14": array([50606.97417114, 7306.20262124], dtype=self.dtype), "y_3": array( [1.10754577e00, 6.35432431e03, 5.02796251e-01], dtype=self.dtype ), "y_12": array([5.06069742e04, 9.5e-01], dtype=self.dtype), "y_4": array([535.78844818], dtype=self.dtype), "y_2": array( [5.06069742e04, 1.21942672e04, 4.15006276e00], dtype=self.dtype ), "x_1": array(input_vect[:2], dtype=self.dtype), "x_2": array([input_vect[2]], dtype=self.dtype), "x_3": array([input_vect[3]], dtype=self.dtype), } if names is not None: return {k: indata[k] for k in names} return indata
[docs] def get_random_input(self, names=None, seed=None): """Get a randomized starting point with specified variables names :param names: specific data names, if None, returns all inputs (Default value = None) :type names: str or list(str) :param seed: the seed for random number generation (Default value = None) :returns: values of specified design variable name :rtype: ndarray """ if seed is not None: random.seed(seed) upper_bound, lower_bound = self.get_sobieski_bounds() indata = { "x_shared": array( uniform(lower_bound[4:], upper_bound[4:]), dtype=self.dtype ), "y_34": array([uniform(0.8, 1.2)], dtype=self.dtype), "y_21": array((uniform(1.0, 6e4),), dtype=self.dtype), "y_31": array((uniform(1.0, 1e4),), dtype=self.dtype), "y_23": array([uniform(1.0, 2e4)], dtype=self.dtype), "y_24": array([uniform(0.7, 6.0)], dtype=self.dtype), "y_14": array([uniform(1.0, 6e4), uniform(1.0, 1e4)], dtype=self.dtype), "y_12": array([uniform(1.0, 6e4), uniform(0.6, 1.1)], dtype=self.dtype), "y_32": array([uniform(0.6, 1.1)], dtype=self.dtype), "x_1": array(uniform(lower_bound[:2], upper_bound[:2]), dtype=self.dtype), "x_2": array([uniform(lower_bound[2], upper_bound[2])], dtype=self.dtype), "x_3": array([uniform(lower_bound[3], upper_bound[3])], dtype=self.dtype), } if names is not None: return {k: indata[k] for k in names} return indata
[docs] def get_x0_feasible(self, names=None): """Gets a feasible starting point with specified variables names :param names: specific data names, if None, returns all inputs (Default value = None) :type names: str or list(str) :returns: values of specified design variable name :rtype: ndarray """ if isinstance(names, string_types): names = [ names, ] if names is None: names = ["x_1", "x_2", "x_3", "x_shared"] opts = {} opts["x_1"] = array([0.14951, 7.5e-01], dtype=self.dtype) opts["x_2"] = array([7.5e-01], dtype=self.dtype) opts["x_3"] = array([0.1675], dtype=self.dtype) opts["x_shared"] = array( [6.0e-02, 5.4e04, 1.4e00, 4.4e00, 6.6e01, 1.2e03], dtype=self.dtype ) return concatenate([opts[zname] for zname in names])
[docs] def get_sobieski_bounds(self): """Set the input design bounds and return them as 2 ndarrays :returns: ub,lb: upper and lower bounds :rtype: ndarray,ndarray """ return self.base.get_sobieski_bounds()
[docs] def get_sobieski_optimum(self): """Optimum by Sobieski with BLISS :returns: array of x optimum x_1, x_2, x_3, x_shared concatenated :rtype: ndarray """ return array( (0.38757, 0.75, 0.75, 0.15624, 0.06, 60000.0, 1.4, 2.5, 70.0, 1500.0), dtype=self.dtype, )
[docs] def get_sobieski_optimum_range(self): """Return range value by Sobieski with BLISS :returns: optimal range value :rtype: ndarray """ return array([3963.98], dtype=self.dtype)
[docs] def get_sobieski_constraints(self, g_1, g_2, g_3, true_cstr=False): """Compare the constraints to their limits for Sobieski problem :param g_1: vector of constraints for weight analysis: - g_1[0] to g_1[4]: stress on wing - g_1[5]: wing twist as constraint :type g_1: ndarray :param g_2: vector of constraints for aerodynamics analysis: - g_2[0]: pressure gradient :type g_2: ndarray :param g_3: vector of constraints for propulsion analysis: - g_3[0]: engine scale factor constraint - g_3[1]: engine temperature - g_3[2]: throttle setting constraint: must be, at least, requested throttle :type g_3: ndarray :param true_cstr: choice for true value of constraints or comparison to bounds (Default value = False) :type true_cstr: bool :returns: constraints_values or comparison to bounds :rtype: ndarray """ if true_cstr: constraints_values = concatenate( (g_1[0:5], array((g_1[5], g_2[0], g_3[0], g_3[2], g_3[1]))) ) else: constraints_values = concatenate( ( g_1[0:5] - self.STRESS_LIMIT, array( ( g_1[5] - self.TWIST_UPPER_LIMIT, self.TWIST_LOWER_LIMIT - g_1[5], g_2[0] - self.PRESSURE_GRADIENT_LIMIT, g_3[0] - self.ESF_UPPER_LIMIT, self.ESF_LOWER_LIMIT - g_3[0], g_3[2], g_3[1] - self.TEMPERATURE_LIMIT, ) ), ) ) return constraints_values
[docs] def normalize_inputs(self, input_vector): """This function normalizes design variables w.r.t lower and upper bounds of these design variables They will be defined in [0,1] :param input_vector: real design variables vector :type input_vector: ndarray :returns: normalized vector of design variables :rtype: ndarray """ upper_bound, lower_bound = self.base.get_sobieski_bounds() return (input_vector - lower_bound) / (upper_bound - lower_bound)
[docs] def unnormalize_inputs(self, input_vector): """This function unnormalizes design variables :param input_vector: normalized design variables vector :type input_vector: ndarray :returns: real vector of design variables :rtype: ndarray """ upper_bound, lower_bound = self.get_sobieski_bounds() return input_vector * (upper_bound - lower_bound) + lower_bound
[docs] def blackbox_structure(self, x_shared, y_21, y_31, x_1, true_cstr=False): """This function calculates the weight of the aircraft by structure and adds them to obtain a total aircraft weight. :param x_shared: shared design variable vector: - x_shared[0]: thickness/chord ratio - x_shared[1]: altitude - x_shared[2]: Mach - x_shared[3]: aspect ratio - x_shared[4]: wing sweep - x_shared[5]: wing surface area :type x_shared: ndarray :param y_21: lift :type y_21: ndarray :param y_31: engine weight :type y_31: ndarray :param x_1: weight design variables: - x_1[0]: wing taper ratio - x_1[1]: wingbox x-sectional area as poly. funct :type x_1: ndarray :param true_cstr: Default value = False) :returns: g_1,y_1, y_12: - g_1 : vector of constraints for weight analysis - g_1[0] to g_1[4]: stress on wing - g_1[5]: wing twist as constraint - y_1: weight analysis outputs - y_1[0]: total aircraft weight - y_1[1]: fuel weight - y_1[2]: wing twist - y_12: shared variables used for aero. computations (blackbox_aerodynamics) - y_12[0]: total aircraft weight - y_12[1]: wing twist - y_14: shared variables used for range computation (blackbox_mission) - y_14[0]: total aircraft weight - y_14[1]: fuel weight :rtype: ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray """ return self.sobieski_structure.blackbox_structure( x_shared, y_21, y_31, x_1, true_cstr )
[docs] def derive_blackbox_structure(self, x_shared, y_21, y_31, x_1, true_cstr=False): """Compute jacobian matrix of structural analysis y_1 is the vector of structural outputs and g_1 are the structural constraints - y_1[0]: total aircraft weight - y_1[1]: fuel weight - y_1[2]: wing twist :param x_shared: shared design variable vector :type x_shared: ndarray :param x_1: structure design variable vector: - x_1[0]: wing taper ratio - x_1[1]: wingbox x-sectional area as poly. funct :type x_1: ndarray :param y_21: coupling variable from aerodynamics (lift) :type y_21: ndarray :param y_31: coupling variable from propulsion (Engine weight) :type y_31: ndarray :param true_cstr: Default value = False) :returns: J : Jacobian matrix :rtype: dict(ndarray) """ return self.sobieski_structure.derive_blackbox_structure( x_shared, y_21, y_31, x_1, true_cstr=true_cstr )
[docs] def blackbox_aerodynamics(self, x_shared, y_12, y_32, x_2, true_cstr=False): """This function calculates drag and lift to drag ratio of A/C. :param x_shared: shared design variable vector: - x_shared[0]: thickness/chord ratio - x_shared[1]: altitude - x_shared[2]: Mach - x_shared[3]: aspect ratio - x_shared[4]: wing sweep - x_shared[5]: wing surface area :type x_shared: ndarray :param y_12: shared variables coming from blackbox_structure: - y_12[0]: total aircraft weight - y_12[1]: wing twist :type y_12: ndarray :param y_32: shared variables coming from blackbox_propulsion: - y_32[0]: engine scale factor :type y_32: ndarray :param x_2: aero. design variable: - x_2[0]: friction coeff :type x_2: ndarray :param true_cstr: Default value = False) :returns: y_2, y_21, y_23, y_24, g_2: - y_2: aero. analysis outputs - y_2[0]: lift - y_2[1]: drag - y_2[2]: lift/drag ratio - y_21: shared variable for blackbox_structure (lift) - y_23: shared variable for blackbox_propulsion (drag) - y_24: shared variable for blackbox_mission (lift/drag ratio) - g_2: aero constraint (pressure gradient) :rtype: ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray """ return self.sobieski_aerodynamics.blackbox_aerodynamics( x_shared, y_12, y_32, x_2, true_cstr=true_cstr )
[docs] def derive_blackbox_aerodynamics(self, x_shared, y_12, y_32, x_2): """This function calculates drag and lift to drag ratio of A/C. :param x_shared: shared design variable vector: - x_shared[0]: thickness/chord ratio - x_shared[1]: altitude - x_shared[2]: Mach - x_shared[3]: aspect ratio - x_shared[4]: wing sweep - x_shared[5]: wing surface area :type x_shared: ndarray :param y_12: shared variables coming from blackbox_structure: - y_12[0]: total aircraft weight - y_12[1]: wing twist :type y_12: ndarray :param y_32: shared variables coming from blackbox_propulsion: - y_32[0]: engine scale factor :type y_32: ndarray :param x_2: aero. design variable: - x_2[0]: friction coeff :type x_2: ndarray :returns: J : Jacobian matrix :rtype: dict(ndarray) """ return self.sobieski_aerodynamics.derive_blackbox_aerodynamics( x_shared, y_12, y_32, x_2 )
[docs] def blackbox_propulsion(self, x_shared, y_23, x_3, true_cstr=False): """This function calculates fuel comsumption, engine weight and engine scale factor :param x_shared: shared design variable vector: - x_shared[0]: thickness/chord ratio - x_shared[1]: altitude - x_shared[2]: Mach - x_shared[3]: aspect ratio - x_shared[4]: wing sweep - x_shared[5]: wing surface area :type x_shared: ndarray :param y_23: shared variables coming from blackbox_aerodynamics (drag) :type y_23: ndarray :param x_3: power/propulsion design variable (throttle setting) :type x_3: ndarray :param true_cstr: analysis returns constraint absolute value or relative value to bounds (Default value = False) :type true_cstr: bool :returns: y_3, y_34, y_31, y_32, g_3: - y_3: output variables for propulsion analysis - y_3[0]: SFC - y_3[1]: engine weight - y_3[2]: engine scale factor - y_34: shared variable for blackbox_mission (SFC) - y_31: shared variable for blackbox_structure (engine weight) - y_32: shared variable for blackbox_aerodynamics (ESF) - g_3: propulsion constraints - g_3[0]: engine scale factor constraint - g_3[1]: engine temperature - g_3[2]: throttle setting constraint :rtype: ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray """ return self.sobieski_propulsion.blackbox_propulsion( x_shared, y_23, x_3, true_cstr=true_cstr )
[docs] def derive_blackbox_propulsion(self, x_shared, y_23, x_3, true_cstr=False): """This function calculates the Jacobian matrix of propulsion :param x_shared: shared design variable vector: - x_shared[0]: thickness/chord ratio - x_shared[1]: altitude - x_shared[2]: Mach - x_shared[3]: aspect ratio - x_shared[4]: wing sweep - x_shared[5]: wing surface area :type x_shared: ndarray :param y_23: shared variables coming from blackbox_aerodynamics (drag) :type y_23: ndarray :param x_3: power/propulsion design variable (throttle setting) :type x_3: ndarray :param true_cstr: analysis returns constraint absolute value or relative value to bounds (Default value = False) :type true_cstr: bool :returns: J : Jacobian matrix :rtype: dict(ndarray) """ return self.sobieski_propulsion.derive_blackbox_propulsion( x_shared, y_23, x_3, true_cstr=true_cstr )
[docs] def blackbox_mission(self, x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34): """THIS SECTION COMPUTES THE A/C RANGE from Breguet's law :param x_shared: shared design variable vector: - x_shared[0]: thickness/chord ratio - x_shared[1]: altitude - x_shared[2]: Mach - x_shared[3]: aspect ratio - x_shared[4]: wing sweep - x_shared[5]: wing surface area :type x_shared: ndarray :param y_14: shared variables coming from blackbox_structure: - y_14[0]: total aircraft weight - y_14[1]: fuel weight :type y_14: ndarray :param y_24: shared variables coming from blackbox_aerodynamics (lift/drag ratio) :param y_34: shared variables coming from blackbox_propulsion (SFC) :type y_34: ndarray :returns: y_4: range value :rtype: ndarray """ return self.sobieski_mission.blackbox_mission(x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34)
[docs] def derive_blackbox_mission(self, x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34): """ :param x_shared: shared design variable vector: - x_shared[0]: thickness/chord ratio - x_shared[1]: altitude - x_shared[2]: Mach - x_shared[3]: aspect ratio - x_shared[4]: wing sweep - x_shared[5]: wing surface area :type x_shared: ndarray :param y_14: shared variables coming from blackbox_structure: - y_14[0]: total aircraft weight - y_14[1]: fuel weight :type y_14: ndarray :param y_24: shared variables coming from blackbox_aerodynamics (lift/drag ratio) :param y_34: shared variables coming from blackbox_propulsion (SFC) :type y_34: ndarray :returns: J : Jacobian matrix :rtype: dict(ndarray) """ return self.sobieski_mission.derive_blackbox_mission(x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34)
[docs] def systemanalysis_gauss_seidel( self, design_vector, true_cstr=False, accuracy=1e-3 ): """This subfunction uses Gauss-Seidel iterations on the A/C range optimization model to compute behavior variables, given a set of design variables. Black boxes WEIGHT, DRAGPOLAR, and POWER are called :param design_vector: design variable vector :type design_vector: ndarray :param true_cstr: return constraint value or compare it to bounds (Default value = False) :type true_cstr: bool :param accuracy: system resolution accuracy (Default value = 1e-3) :type accuracy: float :returns: y_1, y_2, y_3, y_4, y_12, y_14, y_21, y_23, y_24, y_31, y_32, y_34, g_1, g_2, g_3: - y_1: weight analysis outputs - y_1[0]: total aircraft weight - y_1[1]: fuel weight - y_1[2]: wing twist - y_2: aero. analysis outputs - y_2[0]: lift - y_2[1]: drag - y_2[2]: lift/drag ratio - y_3: output variables for propulsion analysis - y_3[0]: SFC - y_3[1]: engine weight - y_4: range computation output - y_12: shared variables from blackbox_structure for blackbox_aerodynamics - y_12[0]: total aircraft weight - y_12[1]: wing twist - y_14: shared variables coming from blackbox_structure for blackbox_mission - y_14[0]: total aircraft weight - y_14[1]: fuel weight - y_21: lift from blackbox_aerodynamics for blackbox_structure - y_23: drag from blackbox_aerodynamics for blackbox_propulsion - y_24: lift/drag ratio coming from blackbox_aerodynamics for blackbox_mission - y_31: engine weight coming from blackbox_propulsion for blackbox_structure - y_32: engine scale factor coming from BlackBoxPower for blackbox_aerodynamics - y_34:SFC coming from blackbox_propulsion for blackbox_mission - g_1: vector of constraints for weight analysis - g_1[0] to g_1[4]: stress on wing - g_1[5]: wing twist as constraint - g_2: aero constraint (pressure gradient) - g_3: propulsion constraints - g_3[0]: engine scale factor constraint - g_3[1]: engine temperature - g_3[2]: throttle setting constraint :rtype: ndarray """ x_1 = design_vector[:2] x_2 = array([design_vector[2]], dtype=self.dtype) x_3 = array([design_vector[3]], dtype=self.dtype) x_shared = design_vector[4:] y_12 = ones((2), dtype=self.dtype) y_21 = ones((1), dtype=self.dtype) y_31 = ones((1), dtype=self.dtype) y_32 = ones((1), dtype=self.dtype) # Execute Gauss Seidel iteration on system to find Y variables lift_convergence = y_21[0] + 10.0 eng_weight_conv = y_31[0] + 10.0 esf_convergence = y_32[0] + 10.0 # loop_index = 1 while (abs(lift_convergence - y_21[0]) > (y_21[0] * accuracy)) or ( (abs(eng_weight_conv - y_31[0]) > (y_31[0] * accuracy)) or (abs(esf_convergence - y_32[0]) > (y_32[0] * accuracy)) ): lift_convergence = y_21[0] eng_weight_conv = y_31[0] esf_convergence = y_32[0] # Call Black Boxes y_1, _, y_12, y_14, g_1 = self.blackbox_structure( x_shared, y_21, y_31, x_1, true_cstr=true_cstr ) y_2, y_21, y_23, y_24, g_2 = self.blackbox_aerodynamics( x_shared, y_12, y_32, x_2, true_cstr=true_cstr ) y_3, y_34, y_31, y_32, g_3 = self.blackbox_propulsion( x_shared, y_23, x_3, true_cstr=true_cstr ) y_4 = self.blackbox_mission(x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34) return ( y_1, y_2, y_3, y_4, y_12, y_14, y_21, y_23, y_24, y_31, y_32, y_34, g_1, g_2, g_3, )
[docs] def get_constraints(self, design_vector, true_cstr=False): """Compute all constraints of Sobieski problem :param design_vector: design variable vector :type design_vector: ndarray :param true_cstr: indicates if user wants absolute value or relative to limits (Default value = False) :type true_cstr: bool :returns: outputs : g_1,g_2,g_3:constraint values :rtype: ndarray """ outputs = self.systemanalysis_gauss_seidel(design_vector, true_cstr=true_cstr) return outputs[-3], outputs[-2], outputs[-1]
[docs] def read_design_space(self): """Reads the sobieski design space file and creates a DesignSpace instance """ input_file = join(DIRNAME, "sobieski_design_space.txt") design_space = DesignSpace.read_from_txt(input_file) if self.dtype == complex128: x_dict = design_space.get_current_x_dict() for var_name, value in x_dict.items(): x_dict[var_name] = array(value, dtype=complex128) design_space.set_current_x(x_dict) return design_space