Source code for gemseo.problems.sobieski.core_mission

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation
#               and/or initial documentation
#        :author: Sobieski, Agte, and Sandusky
#        :author: Damien Guenot
#        :author: Francois Gallard
# From NASA/TM-1998-208715
# Bi-Level Integrated System Synthesis (BLISS)
# Sobieski, Agte, and Sandusky
SSBJ Mission computation
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from math import pi

from future import standard_library
from numpy import zeros


from gemseo import LOGGER

DEG_TO_RAD = pi / 180.0

[docs]class SobieskiMission(object): """Class defining mission analysis for Sobieski problem and related method to the mission problem such as disciplines computation, constraints, reference optimum """ DTYPE_COMPLEX = "complex128" DTYPE_DOUBLE = "float64" def __init__(self, sobieski_base): """ Constructor """ self.base = sobieski_base self.dtype = self.base.dtype self.math = self.base.math
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_weight_ratio(y_14): """Computation of weight ratio of Breguet formula :param y_14: shared variables coming from blackbox_structure - y_14[0]: total aircraft weight - y_14[1]: fuel weight :type y_14: numpy array :returns: Wt / (Wt -Wf) :rtype: numpy array """ return y_14[0] / (y_14[0] - y_14[1])
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_dweightratio_dwt(y_14): """Computation of derivative of weight ratio wrt total weight :param y_14: shared variables coming from blackbox_structure: - y_14[0]: total aircraft weight - y_14[1]: fuel weight :type y_14: numpy array :returns: dweightratio_dtotalweight :rtype: numpy array """ return -y_14[1] / ((y_14[0] - y_14[1]) * (y_14[0] - y_14[1]))
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_dweightratio_dwf(y_14): """Computation of partial derivative of weight ratio wrt fuel weight :param y_14: shared variables coming from blackbox_structure: - y_14[0]: total aircraft weight - y_14[1]: fuel weight :type y_14: numpy array :returns: dweightratio_dfuelweight :rtype: numpy array """ return y_14[0] / ((y_14[0] - y_14[1]) * (y_14[0] - y_14[1]))
[docs] def compute_dlnweightratio_dwt(self, y_14): """Computation of partial derivative of log of weight ratio wrt total weight :param y_14: shared variables coming from blackbox_structure: - y_14[0]: total aircraft weight - y_14[1]: fuel weight :type y_14: numpy array :returns: d(ln(weight ratio)/d(total weight) :rtype: numpy array """ return self.compute_dweightratio_dwt(y_14) / self.compute_weight_ratio(y_14)
[docs] def compute_dlnweightratio_dwf(self, y_14): """Computation of partial derivative of log of weight ratio wrt fuel weight :param y_14: shared variables coming from blackbox_structure: - y_14[0]: total aircraft weight - y_14[1]: fuel weight :type y_14: numpy array :returns: d(ln(weight ratio)/d(fuel weight) :rtype: numpy array """ return self.compute_dweightratio_dwf(y_14) / self.compute_weight_ratio(y_14)
[docs] def compute_range(self, x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34): """Computation of range from Breguet formula :param x_shared: shared design variable vector: - x_shared[0]: thickness/chord ratio - x_shared[1]: altitude - x_shared[2]: Mach - x_shared[3]: aspect ratio - x_shared[4]: wing sweep - x_shared[5]: wing surface area :type x_shared: numpy array :param y_14: shared variables coming from blackbox_structure: - y_14[0]: total aircraft weight - y_14[1]: fuel weight :type y_14: numpy array :param y_24: shared variables coming from blackbox_aerodynamics (lift/drag ratio) :type y_24: numpy array :param y_34: shared variables coming from blackbox_propulsion (SFC) :type y_34: numpy array :returns: range value :rtype: numpy array """ sqrt_theta = self.compute_sqrt_theta(x_shared) return ((x_shared[2] * y_24[0]) * 661.0 * sqrt_theta / y_34[0]) * self.math.log( y_14[0] / (y_14[0] - y_14[1]) )
[docs] def compute_drange_dtotalweight(self, x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34, sqrt_theta): """Computation of range derivative wrt total weight :param x_shared: shared design variable vector :type x_shared: numpy array :param y_14: shared variables coming from blackbox_structure :type y_14: numpy array :param y_24: shared variables coming from blackbox_aerodynamics :type y_24: numpy array :param y_34: shared variables coming from blackbox_propulsion :type y_34: numpy array :param sqrt_theta: square root of air temperature :type sqrt_theta: numpy array :returns: d(range) / d(total weight) :rtype: numpy array """ dlnweightratio_dtotalweight = self.compute_dlnweightratio_dwt(y_14) return ( x_shared[2] * y_24[0] / y_34[0] * 661.0 * sqrt_theta * dlnweightratio_dtotalweight )
[docs] def compute_drange_dfuelweight(self, x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34, sqrt_theta): """Computation of range derivative wrt fuel weight :param x_shared: shared design variable vector :type x_shared: numpy array :param y_14: shared variables coming from blackbox_structure :type y_14: numpy array :param y_24: shared variables coming from blackbox_aerodynamics :type y_24: numpy array :param y_34: shared variables coming from blackbox_propulsion :type y_34: numpy array :param sqrt_theta: square root of air temperature :type sqrt_theta: numpy array :returns: d(range) / d(fuel weight) :rtype: numpy array """ dlnweightratio_dfuelweight = self.compute_dlnweightratio_dwf(y_14) return ( x_shared[2] * y_24[0] / y_34[0] * 661.0 * sqrt_theta * dlnweightratio_dfuelweight )
[docs] def compute_dtheta_dh(self, x_shared): """Computation of air temperature and its derivative wrt altitude :param x_shared: shared design variable vector :type x_shared: numpy array :returns: square root of air temperature, dtheta_dh :rtype: numpy array """ if x_shared[1] < 36089.0: theta = 1 - 0.000006875 * x_shared[1] dtheta_dh = -0.000006875 else: theta = 0.7519 dtheta_dh = 0.0 return self.math.sqrt(theta), dtheta_dh
[docs] def compute_sqrt_theta(self, x_shared): """Computation of air temperature a :param x_shared: shared design variable vector :type x_shared: numpy array :returns: square root of air temperature :rtype: numpy array """ if x_shared[1] < 36089.0: theta = 1 - 0.000006875 * x_shared[1] else: theta = 0.7519 return self.math.sqrt(theta)
[docs] def blackbox_mission(self, x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34): """THIS SECTION COMPUTES THE A/C RANGE from Breguet's law :param x_shared: shared design variable vector: - x_shared[0]: thickness/chord ratio - x_shared[1]: altitude - x_shared[2]: Mach - x_shared[3]: aspect ratio - x_shared[4]: wing sweep - x_shared[5]: wing surface area :type x_shared: numpy array :param y_14: shared variables coming from blackbox_structure: - y_14[0]: total aircraft weight - y_14[1]: fuel weight :type y_14: numpy array :param y_24: shared variables coming from blackbox_aerodynamics (lift/drag ratio) :type y_24: numpy array :param y_34: shared variables coming from blackbox_propulsion (SFC) :type y_34: numpy array :returns: y_4: range value :rtype: numpy array """ y_4 = zeros((1), dtype=self.dtype) y_4[0] = self.compute_range(x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34) return y_4
def __initialize_jacobian(self): """ Initialization of jacobian matrix :returns: jacobian :rtype: dict(dict(ndarray)) """ jacobian = {} jacobian["y_4"] = {} jacobian["y_4"]["x_shared"] = zeros((1, 6), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_4"]["y_14"] = zeros((1, 2), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_4"]["y_24"] = zeros((1, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_4"]["y_34"] = zeros((1, 1), dtype=self.dtype) return jacobian
[docs] def derive_blackbox_mission(self, x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34): """THIS SECTION COMPUTES THE A/C RANGE from Breguet's law :param x_shared: shared design variable vector: - x_shared[0]: thickness/chord ratio - x_shared[1]: altitude - x_shared[2]: Mach - x_shared[3]: aspect ratio - x_shared[4]: wing sweep - x_shared[5]: wing surface area :type x_shared: numpy array :param y_14: shared variables coming from blackbox_structure: - y_14[0]: total aircraft weight - y_14[1]: fuel weight :type y_14: numpy array :param y_24: shared variables coming from blackbox_aerodynamics (lift/drag ratio) :param y_34: shared variables coming from blackbox_propulsion (SFC) :type y_34: numpy array :returns: jacobian matrix of partial derivatives :rtype: dict(dict(ndarray)) """ jacobian = self.__initialize_jacobian() sqrt_theta, dtheta_dh = self.compute_dtheta_dh(x_shared) ac_range = self.compute_range(x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34) # dR_d(t/c) = 0 # jacobian['y_4']['x_shared'][0, 0] = 0 # dR_d(h) jacobian["y_4"]["x_shared"][0, 1] = ( 0.5 * ac_range * dtheta_dh / (sqrt_theta * sqrt_theta) ) # dR_dM jacobian["y_4"]["x_shared"][0, 2] = ac_range / x_shared[2] # dR_dAR = 0 # jacobian['y_4']['x_shared'][0, 3] = 0 # dR_dsweep = 0 # jacobian['y_4']['x_shared'][0, 4] = 0 # dR_dsref = 0 # jacobian['y_4']['x_shared'][0, 5] = 0 # dR_dWt dy4dy14 = self.compute_drange_dtotalweight( x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34, sqrt_theta ) jacobian["y_4"]["y_14"][0, 0] = dy4dy14 # dR_dWf dy4dy14 = self.compute_drange_dfuelweight( x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34, sqrt_theta ) jacobian["y_4"]["y_14"][0, 1] = dy4dy14 # dR_d(L/D) jacobian["y_4"]["y_24"][0, 0] = ac_range / y_24[0] # dR_d(SFC) jacobian["y_4"]["y_34"][0, 0] = -ac_range / y_34[0] return jacobian