Source code for gemseo.problems.sobieski.core_propulsion

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation
#               and/or initial documentation
#        :author: Sobieski, Agte, and Sandusky
#        :author: Damien Guenot
#        :author: Francois Gallard
# From NASA/TM-1998-208715
# Bi-Level Integrated System Synthesis (BLISS)
# Sobieski, Agte, and Sandusky
SSBJ Propulsion computations
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from math import pi

from future import standard_library
from numpy import append, array, atleast_2d, zeros


from gemseo import LOGGER

DEG_TO_RAD = pi / 180.0

[docs]class SobieskiPropulsion(object): """Class defining propulsion analysis for Sobieski problem and related method to the propulsion problem such as disciplines computation, constraints, reference optimum """ DTYPE_COMPLEX = "complex128" DTYPE_DOUBLE = "float64" ESF_UPPER_LIMIT = 1.5 ESF_LOWER_LIMIT = 0.5 TEMPERATURE_LIMIT = 1.02 def __init__(self, sobieski_base): """ Constructor """ self.base = sobieski_base self.constants = self.base.default_constants() ( self.x_initial, self.tc_initial, self.half_span_initial, self.aero_center_initial, self.cf_initial, self.mach_initial, self.h_initial, self.throttle_initial, self.lift_initial, self.twist_initial, self.esf_initial, ) = self.base.get_initial_values() self.dtype = self.base.dtype self.math = self.base.math # Surface fit to engine deck with least square method # Polynomial coefficients for SFC computation self.sfc_coeff = array( [ 1.13238425638512, 1.53436586044561, -0.00003295564466, -0.00016378694115, -0.31623315541888, 0.00000410691343, -0.00005248000590, -0.00000000008574, 0.00000000190214, 0.00000001059951, ], dtype=self.dtype, ) # Polynomial coefficients for throttle constraint self.thua_coeff = array( [ 11483.7822254806, 10856.2163466548, -0.5080237941, 3200.157926969, -0.1466251679, 0.0000068572, ], dtype=self.dtype, ) self.throttle_coeff = self.dtype(16168.6) def __set_coeff_temp(self, x_shared, x_3): """ Prepare settings of polynomial function for temperature :param x_shared: global design variables :type x_shared: numpy array :param x_3: local design variables :type x_3: numpy array :returns: s_initial, s_new, flag, bound :rtype: numpy array """ s_initial = array( [self.mach_initial, self.h_initial, self.throttle_initial], dtype=self.dtype ) s_new = array([x_shared[2], x_shared[1], x_3[0]], dtype=self.dtype) flag = array([2, 4, 2], dtype=self.dtype) bound = array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25], dtype=self.dtype) return s_initial, s_new, flag, bound
[docs] def compute_dim_throttle(self, adim_throttle): """Compute a dimensioned value of throttle from adim value :param adim_throttle: local design vector :type adim_throttle: numpy array :returns: throttle :rtype: numpy array """ return adim_throttle * self.throttle_coeff
[docs] def compute_sfc(self, x_shared, adim_throttle): """Compute Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) from global design variables (M, h,) and local design variable (throttle) by polynomial function :param x_shared: global design vector :type x_shared: numpy array :param adim_throttle: local design vector :type adim_throttle: numpy array :returns: sfc :rtype: numpy array """ throttle = self.compute_dim_throttle(adim_throttle) sfc = ( self.sfc_coeff[0] + self.sfc_coeff[1] * x_shared[2] + self.sfc_coeff[2] * x_shared[1] + self.sfc_coeff[3] * throttle + self.sfc_coeff[4] * x_shared[2] ** 2 + 2 * x_shared[1] * x_shared[2] * self.sfc_coeff[5] + 2 * throttle * x_shared[2] * self.sfc_coeff[6] + self.sfc_coeff[7] * x_shared[1] ** 2 + 2 * throttle * x_shared[1] * self.sfc_coeff[8] + self.sfc_coeff[9] * throttle ** 2 ) return sfc
[docs] def compute_throttle_ua(self, x_shared): """Compute throttle upper limit from global design variables (M, h,) :param x_shared: global design vector :type x_shared: numpy array :returns: throttle_uA :rtype: numpy array """ throttle_ua = ( self.thua_coeff[0] + self.thua_coeff[1] * x_shared[2] + self.thua_coeff[2] * x_shared[1] + self.thua_coeff[3] * x_shared[2] * x_shared[2] + 2 * self.thua_coeff[4] * x_shared[2] * x_shared[1] + self.thua_coeff[5] * x_shared[1] * x_shared[1] ) return throttle_ua
[docs] def compute_throttle_constraint(self, x_shared, adim_throttle): """Compute throttle constraint (M, h,) and local design variable (throttle) by polynomial function :param x_shared: global design vector :type x_shared: numpy array :param adim_throttle: local design vector :type adim_throttle: numpy array :returns: throttle constraint as throttle / throttle_ua - 1.0 :rtype: numpy array """ throttle = self.compute_dim_throttle(adim_throttle) throttle_ua = self.compute_throttle_ua(x_shared) throttle_constraint = throttle / throttle_ua - 1.0 # throttle setting return throttle_constraint
[docs] def compute_dthrconst_dthrottle(self, x_shared): """Compute derivative of throttle constraint wrt throttle :param x_shared: global design vector :type x_shared: numpy array :returns: dthrottle_constraint_dthrottle :rtype: numpy array """ throttle_ua = self.compute_throttle_ua(x_shared) return self.throttle_coeff / throttle_ua
[docs] def compute_dthrcons_dh(self, x_shared, adim_throttle): """Compute derivative of throttle constraint wrt altitude :param x_shared: global design vector :type x_shared: numpy array :param adim_throttle: local design vector :type adim_throttle: numpy array :returns: dthrottle_constraint_dh :rtype: numpy array """ throttle = self.compute_dim_throttle(adim_throttle) throttle_ua = self.compute_throttle_ua(x_shared) dthrottle_ua_dh = ( self.thua_coeff[2] + 2 * self.thua_coeff[4] * x_shared[2] + 2.0 * self.thua_coeff[5] * x_shared[1] ) return -throttle * dthrottle_ua_dh / (throttle_ua * throttle_ua)
[docs] def compute_dthrconst_dmach(self, x_shared, adim_throttle): """Compute derivative of throttle constraint wrt Mach number :param x_shared: global design vector :type x_shared: numpy array :param adim_throttle: local design vector :type adim_throttle: numpy array :returns: dthrottle_constraint_dmach :rtype: numpy array """ throttle = self.compute_dim_throttle(adim_throttle) throttle_ua = self.compute_throttle_ua(x_shared) dthrottle_ua_dmach = ( self.thua_coeff[1] + 2 * self.thua_coeff[3] * x_shared[2] + 2.0 * self.thua_coeff[4] * x_shared[1] ) return -throttle * dthrottle_ua_dmach / (throttle_ua * throttle_ua)
[docs] def compute_esf(self, drag, adim_throttle): """Compute engine scale factor :param drag: drag :type drag: float :param adim_throttle: throttle (not dimensioned) :type adim_throttle: float :returns: Engine Scale Factor :rtype: numpy array """ return drag / (3.0 * self.compute_dim_throttle(adim_throttle))
[docs] def compute_desf_ddrag(self, adim_throttle): """Compute derivative of ESF wrt aero drag :param adim_throttle: local design variables :type adim_throttle: numpy array :returns: derivative of ESF wrt drag :rtype: numpy array """ return 1.0 / (3 * self.compute_dim_throttle(adim_throttle))
[docs] def compute_desf_dthrottle(self, drag, adim_throttle): """Compute derivative of ESF wrt aero drag :param drag: coupling design variables :type drag: numpy array :param adim_throttle: local design variables :type adim_throttle: numpy array :returns: derivative of ESF wrt drag :rtype: numpy array """ throttle = self.compute_dim_throttle(adim_throttle) return -self.throttle_coeff * drag / (3.0 * throttle ** 2)
[docs] def compute_temp(self, x_shared, x_3): """Compute engine temperature :param x_3: local design vector :type x_3: numpy array :param x_shared: global design vector :type x_shared: numpy array :returns: engine temperature :rtype: numpy array """ s_initial, s_new, flag, bound = self.__set_coeff_temp(x_shared, x_3) return self.base.poly_approx(s_initial, s_new, flag, bound)
[docs] def compute_engine_weight(self, esf): """Compute engine weight :param esf: engine scale factor :returns: engine weight :rtype: numpy array """ return self.constants[3] * (esf ** 1.05) * 3
[docs] def blackbox_propulsion(self, x_shared, y_23, x_3, true_cstr=False): """This function calculates fuel comsumption, engine weight and engine scale factor :param x_shared: shared design variable vector: - x_shared[0]: thickness/chord ratio - x_shared[1]: altitude - x_shared[2]: Mach - x_shared[3]: aspect ratio - x_shared[4]: wing sweep - x_shared[5]: wing surface area :type x_shared: numpy array :param y_23: shared variables coming from blackbox_aerodynamics (drag) :type y_23: numpy array :param x_3: power/propulsion design variable (throttle setting) :type x_3: numpy array :param true_cstr: Default value = False) :returns: y_3, y_34, y_31, y_32, g_3: - y_3: output variables for propulsion analysis - y_3[0]: SFC - y_3[1]: engine weight - y_3[2]: engine scale factor - y_34: shared variable for BlackBoxMission (SFC) - y_31: shared variable for blackbox_structure (engine weight) - y_32: shared variable for blackbox_aerodynamics (esf) - g_3: propulsion constraints - g_3[0]: engine scale factor constraint - g_3[1]: engine temperature - g_3[2]: throttle setting constraint :rtype: numpy array, numpy array, numpy array, numpy array, numpy array """ y_3 = zeros((3), dtype=self.dtype) g_3 = zeros((3), dtype=self.dtype) y_31 = zeros((1), dtype=self.dtype) y_32 = zeros((1), dtype=self.dtype) y_34 = zeros((1), dtype=self.dtype) esf = self.compute_esf(y_23[0], x_3[0]) y_3[2] = esf y_3[1] = self.compute_engine_weight(esf) y_3[0] = self.compute_sfc(x_shared, x_3[0]) y_31[0] = y_3[1] y_34[0] = y_3[0] y_32[0] = y_3[2] # THIS SECTION COMPUTES SFC, esf, AND ENGINE WEIGHT g_3[0] = y_3[2] # engine scale factor # engine temperature temp = self.compute_temp(x_shared, x_3) g_3[1] = temp g_3[2] = self.compute_throttle_constraint(x_shared, x_3[0]) if not true_cstr: g_3 = append( g_3[0] - self.ESF_UPPER_LIMIT, ( self.ESF_LOWER_LIMIT - g_3[0], g_3[2], g_3[1] - self.TEMPERATURE_LIMIT, ), ) return y_3, y_34, y_31, y_32, g_3
[docs] def compute_dengineweight_dvar(self, esf, desf_dx): """Computes derivative of engine weight wrt to a variable(drag or throttle) :param esf: ESF :type esf: float :param desf_dx: partial derivative of ESF wrt to input variable :type desf_dx: numpy array :returns: derivative of engine weight wrt a variable (drag or throttle) :rtype: numpy array """ return 3 * self.constants[3] * 1.05 * desf_dx * esf ** 0.05
[docs] def compute_dsfc_dthrottle(self, x_shared, adim_throttle): """Compute derivative of sfc constraint wrt throttle :param x_shared: global design vector :type x_shared: numpy array :param adim_throttle: local design vector :type adim_throttle: numpy array :returns: dsfc_dthrottle :rtype: numpy array """ throttle = self.compute_dim_throttle(adim_throttle) dsfc_dthrottle = ( self.sfc_coeff[3] + 2 * x_shared[2] * self.sfc_coeff[6] + 2 * x_shared[1] * self.sfc_coeff[8] + 2 * self.sfc_coeff[9] * throttle ) dsfc_dthrottle *= self.throttle_coeff return dsfc_dthrottle
[docs] def compute_dsfc_dh(self, x_shared, adim_throttle): """Compute derivative of sfc constraint wrt altitude :param x_shared: global design vector :type x_shared: numpy array :param adim_throttle: local design vector :type adim_throttle: numpy array :returns: dsfc_dh :rtype: numpy array """ throttle = self.compute_dim_throttle(adim_throttle) dsfc_dh = ( self.sfc_coeff[2] + 2 * x_shared[2] * self.sfc_coeff[5] + +2 * self.sfc_coeff[7] * x_shared[1] + 2 * throttle * self.sfc_coeff[8] ) return dsfc_dh
[docs] def compute_dsfc_dmach(self, x_shared, adim_throttle): """Compute derivative of sfc constraint wrt Mach number :param x_shared: global design vector :type x_shared: numpy array :param adim_throttle: local design vector :type adim_throttle: numpy array :returns: dsfc_dmach :rtype: numpy array """ throttle = self.compute_dim_throttle(adim_throttle) dsfc_dmach = ( self.sfc_coeff[1] + 2 * self.sfc_coeff[4] * x_shared[2] + 2 * x_shared[1] * self.sfc_coeff[5] + 2 * throttle * self.sfc_coeff[6] ) return dsfc_dmach
def __dadimthrottle_dthrottle(self, x_3): """ Compute partial derivative of adim throttle of polynomial function wrt throttle :param x_3: local design variables :type x_3: numpy array :returns: dadimthrottle_dthrottle :rtype: numpy array """ return self.base.derive_normalize_s(self.throttle_initial, x_3[0]) def __compute_dadimh_dh(self, x_shared): """ Compute partial derivative of adim throttle of polynomial function wrt altitude :param x_shared: global design variables :type x_shared: numpy array :returns: dadimh_dh :rtype: numpy array """ return self.base.derive_normalize_s(self.h_initial, x_shared[1]) def __compute_dadimmach_dmach(self, x_shared): """ Compute partial derivative of adim throttle of polynomial function wrt Mach number :param x_shared: global design variables :type x_shared: numpy array :returns: dadimthrottle_dthrottle :rtype: numpy array """ return self.base.derive_normalize_s(self.mach_initial, x_shared[2]) def __initialize_jacobian(self, true_cstr): """ Initialization of jacobian matrix :param true_cstr: :type true_cstr: logical :returns: jacobian :rtype: dict of dict of numpy array """ # Jacobian matrix as a dictionary jacobian = {} jacobian["y_3"] = {} jacobian["g_3"] = {} jacobian["y_31"] = {} jacobian["y_32"] = {} jacobian["y_34"] = {} jacobian["y_3"]["x_3"] = zeros((3, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_3"]["x_shared"] = zeros((3, 6), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["y_3"]["y_23"] = zeros((3, 1), dtype=self.dtype) if not true_cstr: n_constraints = 4 else: n_constraints = 3 jacobian["g_3"]["x_3"] = zeros((n_constraints, 1), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["g_3"]["x_shared"] = zeros((n_constraints, 6), dtype=self.dtype) jacobian["g_3"]["y_23"] = zeros((n_constraints, 1), dtype=self.dtype) return jacobian
[docs] def derive_blackbox_propulsion(self, x_shared, y_23, x_3, true_cstr=False): """Compute jacobian matrix of propulsion analysis :param x_shared: shared design variable vector: - x_shared[0]: thickness/chord ratio - x_shared[1]: altitude - x_shared[2]: Mach - x_shared[3]: aspect ratio - x_shared[4]: wing sweep - x_shared[5]: wing surface area :type x_shared: numpy array :param y_23: shared variables coming from blackbox_aerodynamics (drag) :type y_23: numpy array :param x_3: power/propulsion design variable (throttle setting) :type x_3: numpy array :param true_cstr: Default value = False) :returns: jacobian : Jacobian matrix :rtype: dict(dict(ndarray)) """ # Jacobian matrix as a dictionary jacobian = self.__initialize_jacobian(true_cstr) dg_3_dx_3 = zeros((3, 1), dtype=self.dtype) dg_3_dxs = zeros((3, 6), dtype=self.dtype) dg_3_dy_23 = zeros((3, 1), dtype=self.dtype) drag = y_23[0] esf = self.compute_esf(y_23[0], x_3[0]) # dSFC_dthrottle jacobian["y_3"]["x_3"][0, 0] = self.compute_dsfc_dthrottle(x_shared, x_3[0]) # dESF_dthrottle jacobian["y_3"]["x_3"][2, 0] = self.compute_desf_dthrottle(drag, x_3[0]) # dengineweight_dthrottle jacobian["y_3"]["x_3"][1, :] = self.compute_dengineweight_dvar( esf, jacobian["y_3"]["x_3"][2, 0] ) # dSFC_d(t/c) = 0 # dESF_d(t/c) = 0 # dengineweight_d(t/c) = 0 # dSFC_dh jacobian["y_3"]["x_shared"][0, 1] = self.compute_dsfc_dh(x_shared, x_3[0]) # dESF_dh= 0.0 # dengineweight_dh= 0.0 # dSFC_dM jacobian["y_3"]["x_shared"][0, 2] = self.compute_dsfc_dmach(x_shared, x_3[0]) # dESF_dM= 0.0 # dengineweight_dM= 0.0 # jacobian['y_3']['x_shared'][:, 2:] = 0.0 # dSFC_ddrag # jacobian['y_3']['y_23'][0, 0] = 0.0 # dESF_ddrag jacobian["y_3"]["y_23"][2, 0] = self.compute_desf_ddrag(x_3[0]) # dengineweight_ddrag jacobian["y_3"]["y_23"][1, :] = self.compute_dengineweight_dvar( esf, jacobian["y_3"]["y_23"][2, 0] ) # dtemp_ddrag # jacobian['g_3']['y_23'][0, 0] = 0.0 s_initial, s_new, flag, bound = self.__set_coeff_temp(x_shared, x_3) _, ai_coeff, aij_coeff, s_shifted = self.base.derive_poly_approx( s_initial, s_new, flag, bound ) # dadimtemp_dtemp = self.__compute_dadimtemp_dtemp(x_shared) # g_3[0, :] = ESF dg_3_dx_3[0, :] = jacobian["y_3"]["x_3"][2, :] # dtemp_dthrottle dg_3_dx_3[1, 0] = self.__dadimthrottle_dthrottle(x_3) * ( ai_coeff[2] + aij_coeff[2, 0] * s_shifted[0] + aij_coeff[2, 1] * s_shifted[1] + aij_coeff[2, 2] * s_shifted[2] ) # d(throttle-throttle_ua)_dthrottle dg_3_dx_3[2, 0] = self.compute_dthrconst_dthrottle(x_shared) # g_3[0, :] = ESF dg_3_dxs[0, :] = jacobian["y_3"]["x_shared"][2, :] # dtemp_d(t/c)= 0.0 # d(throttle-throttle_ua)_d(t/c)= 0.0 # dtemp_dh dg_3_dxs[1, 1] = self.__compute_dadimh_dh(x_shared) * ( ai_coeff[1] + aij_coeff[1, 0] * s_shifted[0] + aij_coeff[1, 1] * s_shifted[1] + aij_coeff[1, 2] * s_shifted[2] ) # d(throttle-throttle_ua)_dh dg_3_dxs[2, 1] = self.compute_dthrcons_dh(x_shared, x_3[0]) # dtemp_dM dg_3_dxs[1, 2] = self.__compute_dadimmach_dmach(x_shared) * ( ai_coeff[0] + aij_coeff[0, 0] * s_shifted[0] + aij_coeff[0, 1] * s_shifted[1] + aij_coeff[0, 2] * s_shifted[2] ) # d(throttle-throttle_ua)_dM dg_3_dxs[2, 2] = self.compute_dthrconst_dmach(x_shared, x_3[0]) jacobian = self.__set_coupling_jacobian(jacobian) # THIS SECTION COMPUTES SFC, ESF, AND ENGINE WEIGHT dg_3_dxs[0, :] = jacobian["y_3"]["x_shared"][2, :] dg_3_dy_23[0, :] = jacobian["y_3"]["y_23"][2, :] if true_cstr: jacobian["g_3"]["x_3"] = dg_3_dx_3 jacobian["g_3"]["x_shared"] = dg_3_dxs jacobian["g_3"]["y_23"] = dg_3_dy_23 else: for i_g_jac, i_orig in enumerate([0, 0, 2, 1]): jacobian["g_3"]["x_shared"][i_g_jac, :] = dg_3_dxs[i_orig, :] jacobian["g_3"]["y_23"][i_g_jac, :] = dg_3_dy_23[i_orig, :] jacobian["g_3"]["x_3"][i_g_jac, :] = dg_3_dx_3[i_orig, :] if i_g_jac == 1: jacobian["g_3"]["x_shared"][i_g_jac, :] *= -1 jacobian["g_3"]["y_23"][i_g_jac, :] *= -1 jacobian["g_3"]["x_3"][i_g_jac, :] *= -1 return jacobian
@staticmethod def __set_coupling_jacobian(jacobian): """ Set jacobian of coupling variables """ jacobian["y_31"]["x_3"] = atleast_2d(jacobian["y_3"]["x_3"][1, :]) jacobian["y_31"]["x_shared"] = atleast_2d(jacobian["y_3"]["x_shared"][1, :]) jacobian["y_31"]["y_23"] = atleast_2d(jacobian["y_3"]["y_23"][1, :]) jacobian["y_32"]["x_3"] = atleast_2d(jacobian["y_3"]["x_3"][2, :]) jacobian["y_32"]["x_shared"] = atleast_2d(jacobian["y_3"]["x_shared"][2, :]) jacobian["y_32"]["y_23"] = atleast_2d(jacobian["y_3"]["y_23"][2, :]) jacobian["y_34"]["x_3"] = atleast_2d(jacobian["y_3"]["x_3"][0, :]) jacobian["y_34"]["x_shared"] = atleast_2d(jacobian["y_3"]["x_shared"][0, :]) jacobian["y_34"]["y_23"] = atleast_2d(jacobian["y_3"]["y_23"][0, :]) return jacobian