Source code for gemseo.uncertainty.distributions.distribution

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                           documentation
#        :author: Matthias De Lozzo
The notions of distribution and composed distributions


The abstract :class:`.Distribution` class implements the concept of
probability distribution. It is enriched by concrete classes
such as :class:`.OTDistribution` and :class:`.SPDistribution`.

Similarly, the abstract :class:`.ComposedDistribution` class implements
the concept of composed probability distribution from a list
of probability distributions. It inherits from :class:`.Distribution`.


The :class:`.Distribution` of a given uncertain variable is built
from a recognized distribution name,
a variable dimension, a set of parameters
and optionally a standard representation of these parameters.

The :class:`.ComposedDistribution` of a list of given uncertain variables
is built from a list of :class:`.Distribution` objects
implementing the probability distributions of these variables
and from a copula name.

.. note::

   A copula is a mathematical function used to define the dependence
   between random variables from their cumulative density functions.
   `See more <>`_.


From a :class:`.Distribution`, we can easily get statistics,
such as :attr:`.Distribution.mean`,
numerical :attr:`.Distribution.range` and
mathematical :attr:``,
or plot the cumulative and probability density functions,
either for a given marginal (:meth:`.Distribution.plot`)
or for all marginals (:meth:`.Distribution.plot_all`).

We can also compute the cumulative density function
for the different marginals of the random variable,
as well as the inverse cumulative density function

Lastly, we can get realizations of the random variable
by means of the :meth:`.Distribution.get_sample` method.

.. note::

   As :class:`.ComposedDistribution` inherits from :class:`.Distribution`,
   it has the same capabilities.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from future import standard_library
from numpy import arange, array, concatenate
from past.utils import old_div


from gemseo import LOGGER

[docs]class Distribution(object): """ Distribution. """ MATHEMATICAL_LOWER_BOUND = "math_l_b" MATHEMATICAL_UPPER_BOUND = "math_u_b" NUMERICAL_LOWER_BOUND = "num_l_b" NUMERICAL_UPPER_BOUND = "num_u_b" MU = "mu" SIGMA = "sigma" LOWER = "lower" UPPER = "upper" MODE = "mode" RATE = "rate" LOC = "loc" def __init__( self, variable, distribution, parameters, dimension, standard_parameters=None ): """Constructor :param str variable: variable name. :param str distribution: distribution name. :param parameters: distribution parameters. :type parameters: tuple or dict :param int dimension: variable dimension. :param dict standard_parameters: standard parameters. """ self.math_lower_bound = None self.math_upper_bound = None self.num_lower_bound = None self.num_upper_bound = None self.distribution = None self.marginals = None self.dimension = dimension self.variable_name = variable self.distribution_name = distribution self.transformation = variable self.parameters = parameters if standard_parameters is None: self.standard_parameters = self.parameters else: self.standard_parameters = standard_parameters"Define the random variable: %s ", variable)"|_ Distribution: %s ", str(self))"|_ Dimension: %s ", str(dimension)) def __str__(self): """String representation of the object. :return: string representation. :rtype: str """ label = self.distribution_name + "(" if isinstance(self.standard_parameters, dict): param = iter(self.standard_parameters.items()) param = sorted([name + "=" + str(val) for name, val in param]) label += ", ".join(param) else: param = [str(option) for option in self.standard_parameters] label += ", ".join(param) label += ")" return label
[docs] def get_sample(self, n_samples=1): """Get several samples. :param int n_samples: number of samples. :return: samples :rtype: array """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def cdf(self, vector): """Evaluate the cumulative density function of the random variable marginals for a given instance. :param array vector: instance of the random variable. :return: cdf values :rtype: array """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def inverse_cdf(self, vector): """Evaluate the inverse of the cumulative density function of the random variable marginals for a given unit vector . :param array vector: vector of values comprised between 0 and 1 with same dimension as the random variable. :return: inverse cdf values :rtype: array """ raise NotImplementedError
@property def mean(self): """Get the mean of the random variable. :return: mean of the random variable. :rtype: array """ raise NotImplementedError @property def standard_deviation(self): """Get the standard deviation of the random variable. :return: standard deviation of the random variable. :rtype: array """ raise NotImplementedError @property def range(self): """Get the numerical range for the different components. :return: numerical range. :rtype: list(array) """ value = [ array([l_b, u_b]) for l_b, u_b in zip(self.num_lower_bound, self.num_upper_bound) ] return value @property def support(self): """Get the mathematical support for the different components. :return: mathematical support. :rtype: list(array) """ value = [ array([l_b, u_b]) for l_b, u_b in zip(self.math_lower_bound, self.math_upper_bound) ] return value
[docs] def plot_all(self, show=True, save=False, prefix=None): """Plot the probability density function and the cumulative density function of the random variable. :param str prefix: If not None, start the filename with a prefix. Default: None. """ for index in range(self.dimension): self.plot(index, show, save, prefix)
[docs] def plot(self, index=0, show=True, save=False, prefix=None): """Plot the probability density function and the cumulative density function of the random variable. :param str prefix: If not None, start the filename with a prefix. Default: None. """ variable_name = self.variable_name + "(" + str(index) + ")" l_b = self.num_lower_bound[index] u_b = self.num_upper_bound[index] xvals = arange(l_b, u_b, old_div((u_b - l_b), 100)) y1vals = [self._pdf(index)(xval) for xval in xvals] ax1 = plt.subplot(121) ax1.plot(xvals, y1vals) ax1.set_xlabel(variable_name) ax1.set_title("PDF") y2vals = [self._cdf(index)(xval) for xval in xvals] ax2 = plt.subplot(122) ax2.plot(xvals, y2vals) ax2.set_xlabel(variable_name) ax2.set_title("CDF") fname = "distribution_" + self.variable_name + "_" + str(index) if show: if save: if prefix is not None: fname = prefix + "_" + fname plt.savefig(fname + ".pdf")
def _pdf(self, index): """Get the probability density function of a marginal. :param int index: marginal index. :return: probability density function :rtype: function """ def pdf(point): """Probability Density Function (PDF). :param float point: point value. :return: PDF value. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError return pdf def _cdf(self, index): """Get the cumulative density function of a marginal. :param int index: marginal index. :return: cumulative density function :rtype: function """ def cdf(level): """Cumulative Density Function (CDF). :param float point: point value. :return: CDF value. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError return cdf
[docs]class ComposedDistribution(Distribution): """ Composed Distribution. """ INDEPENDENT_COPULA = "independent_copula" AVAILABLE_COPULA = [INDEPENDENT_COPULA] COMPOSED = "Composed" def __init__(self, distributions, copula=INDEPENDENT_COPULA): """Constructor. :param list(Distribution) distributions: list of distributions. :param str copula: copula name. Default: INDEPENDENT_COPULA. """ dimension = sum([distribution.dimension for distribution in distributions]) self._marginal_variables = [ distribution.variable_name for distribution in distributions ] variable = "_".join(self._marginal_variables) super(ComposedDistribution, self).__init__( variable, self.COMPOSED, (copula,), dimension ) self.marginals = distributions"|_ Marginals:") for distribution in distributions: " - %s(%s): %s", distribution.variable_name, distribution.dimension, distribution, ) def _set_bounds(self, distributions): """Set mathematical and numerical bounds (= support and range). :param list(Distribution) distributions: list of distributions. """ self.math_lower_bound = array([]) self.math_upper_bound = array([]) self.num_lower_bound = array([]) self.num_upper_bound = array([]) for dist in distributions: self.math_lower_bound = concatenate( (self.math_lower_bound, dist.math_lower_bound) ) self.num_lower_bound = concatenate( (self.num_lower_bound, dist.num_lower_bound) ) self.math_upper_bound = concatenate( (self.math_upper_bound, dist.math_upper_bound) ) self.num_upper_bound = concatenate( (self.num_upper_bound, dist.num_upper_bound) ) @property def mean(self): """Get the mean of the random variable. :return: mean of the random variable. :rtype: array """ mean = [marginal.mean for marginal in self.marginals] return array(mean).flatten() @property def standard_deviation(self): """Get the standard deviation of the random variable. :return: standard deviation of the random variable. :rtype: array """ std = [marginal.standard_deviation for marginal in self.marginals] return array(std).flatten()
[docs] def get_sample(self, n_samples=1): """Get sample. :param int n_samples: number of samples. :return: samples :rtype: list(array) """ sample = self.marginals[0].get_sample(n_samples) for marginal in self.marginals[1:]: sample = concatenate((sample, marginal.get_sample(n_samples)), axis=1) return sample