Source code for gemseo.uncertainty.distributions.ot_dist

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                           documentation
#        :author: Matthias De Lozzo
Distributions based on OpenTURNS


The :class:`.OTDistribution` class is a concrete class
inheriting from :class:`.Distribution` which is an abstract one.
OT stands for `OpenTURNS <>`_
which is the library it relies on.

Similarly, the :class:`.OTComposedDistribution` class is a concrete class
inheriting from :class:`.ComposedDistribution` which is an abstract one.


The :class:`.OTDistribution` of a given uncertain variable is built
from mandatory arguments:

- a variable name,
- a distribution name recognized by OpenTURNS,
- a set of parameters provided as a tuple
  of positional arguments filled in the order
  specified by the OpenTURNS constructor of this distribution.

.. warning::

    The distribution parameters must be provided according to the signature
    of the openTURNS classes. `Access the openTURNS documentation

The constructor has also optional arguments:

- a variable dimension (default: 1),
- a standard representation of these parameters
  (default: use the parameters provided in the tuple),
- a transformation of the variable (default: no transformation),
- lower and upper bounds for truncation (default: no truncation),
- a threshold for the OpenTURNS truncation tool
  (`more details <

Classical distributions

This module also implements a deliberately limited selection
of standard probability distributions
in a user-friendly way: :class:`.OTExponentialDistribution`,
:class:`.OTNormalDistribution`, :class:`.OTTriangularDistribution`,
and :class:`.OTUniformDistribution`. More precisely,
the argument whose nature is a tuple of positional parameters
is replaced with several user-defined keyword arguments.
In this way, the use writes :code:`OTUniformDistribution('x', -1., 3.)`
or :code:`OTUniformDistribution('x', lower=-1., upper=3.)`
instead of :code:`OTDistribution('x', 'Normal', (-1., 3.))`.
Furthermore, these classes inheriting from :class:`.OTDistribution`
are documented in such a way that a newbie could easily apprehend them.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals

import openturns as ots
from future import standard_library
from numpy import array, inf

from gemseo.uncertainty.distributions.distribution import Distribution
from gemseo.uncertainty.distributions.ot_cdist import OTComposedDistribution


OT_WEBSITE += "user_manual/probabilistic_modelling.html"

from gemseo import LOGGER

[docs]class OTDistribution(Distribution): """ Interface to an OpenTURNS distribution. """ COMPOSED_DISTRIBUTION = OTComposedDistribution def __init__( self, variable, distribution, parameters, dimension=1, standard_parameters=None, transformation=None, l_b=None, u_b=None, threshold=0.5, ): """Constructor :param str variable: variable name. :param str distribution: distribution name. :param tuple parameters: distribution parameters. :param int dimension: variable dimension. :param dict standard_parameters: standard parameters. :param str transformation: standard variable transformation, e.g. 'sin(x)'. If None, no transformation. Default: None. :param float l_b: lower bound for truncation. If None, no lower truncation. Default: None. :param float u_b: upper bound for truncation. If None, no upper truncation. Default: None. :param float threshold: threshold value in [0,1]. """ super(OTDistribution, self).__init__( variable, distribution, parameters, dimension, standard_parameters ) self.marginals = self.__create_distributions( self.distribution_name, self.parameters, transformation, l_b, u_b, threshold ) self.distribution = ots.ComposedDistribution(self.marginals) math_support = str("|_ Mathematical support: %s", math_support) num_range = str(self.range)"|_ Numerical range: %s", num_range)"|_ Transformation: %s", self.transformation)
[docs] def get_sample(self, n_samples=1): """Get several samples. :param int n_samples: number of samples. :return: samples :rtype: list(array) """ sample = array(self.distribution.getSample(n_samples)) return sample
[docs] def cdf(self, vector): """Evaluate the cumulative density function of the random variable marginals for a given instance. :param array vector: instance of the random variable. :return: cdf values :rtype: array """ return array( [ self.marginals[index].computeCDF(ots.Point([value])) for index, value in enumerate(vector) ] )
[docs] def inverse_cdf(self, vector): """Evaluate the inverses of the cumulative density functions of the random variable marginals for a given unit vector . :param array vector: vector of values comprised between 0 and 1 with same dimension as the random variable. :return: inverse cdf values :rtype: array """ return array( [ self.marginals[index].computeQuantile(value)[0] for index, value in enumerate(vector) ] )
def _pdf(self, index): """Get the probability density function of a marginal. :param int index: marginal index. :return: probability density function :rtype: function """ def pdf(point): """Probability Density Function (PDF). :param float point: point value. :return: PDF value. :rtype: float """ return self.marginals[index].computePDF(point) return pdf def _cdf(self, index): """Get the cumulative density function of a marginal. :param int index: marginal index. :return: cumulative density function :rtype: function """ def cdf(level): """Cumulative Density Function (CDF). :param float point: point value. :return: CDF value. :rtype: float """ return self.marginals[index].computeCDF(level) return cdf @property def mean(self): """Get the mean of the random variable. :return: mean of the random variable. :rtype: array """ return array(self.distribution.getMean()) @property def standard_deviation(self): """Get the standard deviation of the random variable. :return: standard deviation of the random variable. :rtype: array """ return array(self.distribution.getStandardDeviation()) def __create_distributions( self, distribution, parameters, transformation, l_b, u_b, threshold ): """For each variable dimension, instantiate an openturns distribution from its class name and parameters. :param str distribution: distribution name, ie its openturns class name. :param parameters: parameters of the openturns distribution :param str transformation: standard variable transformation, e.g. 'sin(x)'. If None, no transformation. Default: None. :param float l_b: lower bound for truncation. If None, no lower truncation. Default: None. :param float u_b: upper bound for truncation. If None, no upper truncation. Default: None. :param float threshold: threshold value in [0,1]. """ try: ot_dist = getattr(ots, distribution) except Exception: raise ValueError( distribution + " is an unknown openturns" " distribution. " ) try: ot_dist = [ot_dist(*parameters)] * self.dimension except Exception: raise ValueError( distribution + " does not take these arguments. " "More details on: " + OT_WEBSITE ) self.__set_bounds(ot_dist) if transformation is not None: ot_dist = self.__transform_marginal_dist(ot_dist, transformation) self.__set_bounds(ot_dist) if l_b is not None or u_b is not None: ot_dist = self.__truncate_marginal_dist(ot_dist, l_b, u_b, threshold) self.__set_bounds(ot_dist) return ot_dist def __transform_marginal_dist(self, marginals, transformation): """Apply standard transformations on the marginals, e.g. -, +, *, **, sin, exp, log, ... :param marginals: marginal distributions. :param str transformation: mathematical expression, e.g. 'sin(2*x)' """ variable_name = self.variable_name transformation = transformation.replace(" ", "") symbolic_function = ots.SymbolicFunction([self.variable_name], [transformation]) marginals = [ ots.CompositeDistribution(symbolic_function, marginal) for marginal in marginals ] prev = self.transformation transf = transformation.replace(variable_name, "(" + prev + ")") self.transformation = transf return marginals def __truncate_marginal_dist(self, distributions, l_b, u_b, threshold=0.5): """Truncate the distribution of a random variable. :param distributions: openturns distributions. :param float l_b: lower bound for truncation. If None, no lower truncation. Default: None. :param float u_b: upper bound for truncation. If None, no upper truncation. Default: None. :param float threshold: threshold value in [0,1]. :return: transformed openturns distributions. """ marginals = [ self.__truncate_distribution(dist, index, l_b, u_b, threshold) for index, dist in enumerate(distributions) ] prev = self.transformation self.transformation = "Trunc(" + prev + ")" return marginals def __truncate_distribution(self, distributions, index, l_b, u_b, threshold=0.5): """Truncate a distribution with lower bound, upper bound or both. :param ot_dist: openturns distributions :param float l_b: lower bound value. :param float u_b: upper bound value. :param float threshold: threshold value in [0,1]. :return: truncated openturns distributions. """ if l_b is None: "Truncate distribution of component %s" " above %s.", index, u_b ) upper = ots.TruncatedDistribution.UPPER current_u_b = self.math_upper_bound[index] if u_b > current_u_b: raise ValueError("u_b is greater " "than the current upper bound.") distributions = ots.TruncatedDistribution( distributions, u_b, upper, threshold ) elif u_b is None: "Truncate distribution of component %s" " below %s.", index, l_b ) lower = ots.TruncatedDistribution.LOWER current_l_b = self.math_lower_bound[index] if l_b < current_l_b: raise ValueError("l_b is lower " "than the current lower bound.") distributions = ots.TruncatedDistribution( distributions, l_b, lower, threshold ) else: "Truncate distribution of component %s" " below %s and above %s.", index, l_b, u_b, ) current_l_b = self.math_lower_bound[index] current_u_b = self.math_upper_bound[index] if l_b < current_l_b: raise ValueError("l_b is lower " "than the current lower bound.") if u_b > current_u_b: raise ValueError("u_b is greater " "than the current upper bound.") distributions = ots.TruncatedDistribution( distributions, l_b, u_b, threshold ) return distributions def __set_bounds(self, distributions): """Set mathematical and numerical bounds (= support and range). :param distributions: list of openturns distributions. """ self.math_lower_bound = [] self.math_upper_bound = [] self.num_lower_bound = [] self.num_upper_bound = [] for distribution in distributions: dist_range = distribution.getRange() l_b = dist_range.getLowerBound()[0] u_b = dist_range.getUpperBound()[0] self.num_lower_bound.append(l_b) self.num_upper_bound.append(u_b) if not dist_range.getFiniteLowerBound()[0]: l_b = -inf if not dist_range.getFiniteUpperBound()[0]: u_b = inf self.math_lower_bound.append(l_b) self.math_upper_bound.append(u_b) self.math_lower_bound = array(self.math_lower_bound) self.math_upper_bound = array(self.math_upper_bound) self.num_lower_bound = array(self.num_lower_bound) self.num_upper_bound = array(self.num_upper_bound)
[docs]class OTNormalDistribution(OTDistribution): """ Create a normal distribution. """ def __init__( self, variable, mu=0.0, sigma=1.0, dimension=1, transformation=None, l_b=None, u_b=None, threshold=0.5, ): """Constructor. :param str variable: variable name. :param float mu: mean. :param float sigma: standard deviation. :param int dimension: dimension. :param str transformation: standard variable transformation, e.g. 'sin(x)'. If None, no transformation. Default: None. :param float l_b: lower bound for truncation. If None, no lower truncation. Default: None. :param float u_b: upper bound for truncation. If None, no upper truncation. Default: None. :param float threshold: threshold value in [0,1]. """ standard_parameters = {self.MU: mu, self.SIGMA: sigma} super(OTNormalDistribution, self).__init__( variable, "Normal", (mu, sigma), dimension, standard_parameters, transformation, l_b, u_b, threshold, )
[docs]class OTUniformDistribution(OTDistribution): """ Create a uniform distribution. """ def __init__( self, variable, lower=0.0, upper=1.0, dimension=1, transformation=None, l_b=None, u_b=None, threshold=0.5, ): """Constructor. :param str variable: variable name. :param float lower: lower bound. :param float upper: upper bound. :param int dimension: dimension. :param str transformation: standard variable transformation, e.g. 'sin(x)'. If None, no transformation. Default: None. :param float l_b: lower bound for truncation. If None, no lower truncation. Default: None. :param float u_b: upper bound for truncation. If None, no upper truncation. Default: None. :param float threshold: threshold value in [0,1]. """ standard_parameters = {self.LOWER: lower, self.UPPER: upper} super(OTUniformDistribution, self).__init__( variable, "Uniform", (lower, upper), dimension, standard_parameters, transformation, l_b, u_b, threshold, )
[docs]class OTTriangularDistribution(OTDistribution): """ Create a triangular distribution. """ def __init__( self, variable, lower=0.0, mode=0.5, upper=1.0, dimension=1, transformation=None, l_b=None, u_b=None, threshold=0.5, ): """Constructor. :param str variable: variable name. :param float lower: lower bound. :param float mode: mode. :param float upper: upper bound. :param int dimension: dimension. :param str transformation: standard variable transformation, e.g. 'sin(x)'. If None, no transformation. Default: None. :param float l_b: lower bound for truncation. If None, no lower truncation. Default: None. :param float u_b: upper bound for truncation. If None, no upper truncation. Default: None. :param float threshold: threshold value in [0,1]. """ standard_parameters = {self.LOWER: lower, self.MODE: mode, self.UPPER: upper} super(OTTriangularDistribution, self).__init__( variable, "Triangular", (lower, mode, upper), dimension, standard_parameters, transformation, l_b, u_b, threshold, )
[docs]class OTExponentialDistribution(OTDistribution): """ Create a exponential distribution. """ def __init__( self, variable, rate=1.0, loc=0.0, dimension=1, transformation=None, l_b=None, u_b=None, threshold=0.5, ): """Constructor. :param str variable: variable name. :param float rate: rate parameter. :param float loc: location parameter. :param int dimension: dimension. :param str transformation: standard variable transformation, e.g. 'sin(x)'. If None, no transformation. Default: None. :param float l_b: lower bound for truncation. If None, no lower truncation. Default: None. :param float u_b: upper bound for truncation. If None, no upper truncation. Default: None. :param float threshold: threshold value in [0,1]. """ standard_parameters = {self.RATE: rate, self.LOC: loc} super(OTExponentialDistribution, self).__init__( variable, "Exponential", (rate, loc), dimension, standard_parameters, transformation, l_b, u_b, threshold, )