Source code for gemseo.uncertainty.statistics.parametric

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                           documentation
#        :author: Matthias De Lozzo
Parametric estimation of statistics from a dataset


The :class:`.ParametricStatistics` class inherits from the
abstract :class:`.Statistics` class and aims to estimate statistics
from a :class:`.Dataset`, based on a collection of
candidate parametric distribution calibrated from this :class:`.Dataset`.
For each variable, parameters of these distributions are calibrated
from the :class:`.Dataset`
and the fitted parametric :class:`.Distribution` which is optimal
in the sense of a goodness-of-fit criterion and a selection criterion
is selected to estimate :class:`.Statistics` associated with this variable.
The :class:`.ParametricStatistics` relies on the OpenTURNS library through
the :class:`.OTDistribution` and :class:`.OTDistributionFitter` classes.


The :class:`.ParametricStatistics` is built from two mandatory arguments:

- a dataset,
- a list of distributions names,

and can consider optional arguments:

- a subset of variables names (by default, statistics are computed
  for all variables),
- a fitting criterion name (by default, BIC is used;
  see :meth:`.ParametricStatistics.get_available_criteria`
  and :meth:`.ParametricStatistics.get_significance_tests`
  for more information),
- a level associated with the fitting criterion,
- a selection criterion:

  - 'best': select the distribution minimizing (or maximizing, depending
    on the criterion) the criterion,
  - 'first': Select the first distribution for which the criterion is
    greater (or lower, depending on the criterion) than the level,

- a name for the :class:`.ParametricStatistics` object (by default,
  the name is the concatenation of 'ParametricStatistics' and
  and the name of the :class:`.Dataset`).


By inheritance, a :class:`.ParametricStatistics` object has the
same capabilities as :class:`.Statistics`. Additional ones are:

- :meth:`.get_fitting_matrix`: this method shows the values
  of the fitting criterion for the different variables and
  candidate probability distributions
  as well as the select probability distribution,
- :meth:`.plot_criteria`: this method plots the criterion values
  for a given variable.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals

import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import openturns as ot
from future import standard_library
from numpy import array, exp, inf, linspace, log
from past.utils import old_div

from gemseo.third_party.prettytable.prettytable import PrettyTable
from gemseo.uncertainty.distributions.ot_dist import OTNormalDistribution
from gemseo.uncertainty.distributions.ot_fdist import OTDistributionFitter
from gemseo.uncertainty.statistics.statistics import Statistics


from gemseo import LOGGER

[docs]class ParametricStatistics(Statistics): """ Parametric estimation of statistics. """ def __init__( self, dataset, distributions, variables_names=None, fitting_criterion="BIC", level=0.05, selection_criterion="best", name=None, ): """Constructor :param Dataset dataset: dataset :param list(str) distributions: list of distributions names :param list(str) variables_names: list of variables names or list of variables names. If None, the method considers all variables from loaded dataset. Default: None. :param str fitting_criterion: goodness-of-fit criterion. Default: 'BIC'. :param float level: risk of committing a Type 1 error, that is an incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis, for criteria based on test hypothesis. Default: 0.05. :param str selection_criterion: selection criterion. Default: 'best' :param str name: name of the object. If None, use the concatenation of class and dataset names. Default: None. """ super(ParametricStatistics, self).__init__(dataset, variables_names, name) significance_tests = OTDistributionFitter.SIGNIFICANCE_TESTS self.fitting_criterion = fitting_criterion self.selection_criterion = selection_criterion"| Set goodness-of-fit criterion: %s.", fitting_criterion) if self.fitting_criterion in significance_tests: self.level = level"| Set significance level of hypothesis test: %s.", level) else: self.level = None self.build_distributions(distributions)
[docs] def build_distributions(self, distributions): """Build distributions from a list of distributions names, a test level and the stored dataset. :param list(str) distributions: list of distributions names. """ self._all_distributions = self._fit_distributions(distributions) self.distributions = self._select_best_distributions(distributions)
[docs] def get_fitting_matrix(self): """Get the fitting matrix. This matrix contains goodness-of-fit measures for each pair < variable, distribution >.""" rownames = sorted(self._all_distributions.keys()) colnames = list(self._all_distributions[rownames[0]].keys()) table = PrettyTable(["Variable"] + colnames + ["Selection"]) for varname in rownames: row, _ = self.get_criteria(varname) row = [varname] + [row[distribution] for distribution in colnames] row = row + [self.distributions[varname]["name"]] table.add_row(row) return str(table)
[docs] def get_criteria(self, varname): """Get criteria for a given variable name. :param str varname: variable name. """ varname_dist = self._all_distributions[varname] criteria = { distribution: result["criterion"] for distribution, result in varname_dist.items() } is_pvalue = False significance_tests = OTDistributionFitter.SIGNIFICANCE_TESTS if self.fitting_criterion in significance_tests: criteria = { distribution: result[1]["p-value"] for distribution, result in criteria.items() } is_pvalue = True return criteria, is_pvalue
[docs] def plot_criteria( self, varname, title=None, save=False, show=True, n_legend_cols=4, directory="." ): """Plot criteria for a given variable name :param str varname: name of the variable :param str title: title. Default: None. :param bool save: save the plot into a file. Default: False. :param bool show: show the plot. Default: True. :param int n_legend_cols: number of text columns in the upper legend. Default: 4. :param str directory: directory absolute or relative path. Default: '.'. """ if varname not in self.names: raise ValueError( varname + " is not a variable of the dataset." "Available ones are:" + ", ".join(self.names) ) criteria, is_pvalue = self.get_criteria(varname) xvals = [] yvals = [] labels = [] xval = 0 for distribution, criterion in criteria.items(): xval += 1 xvals.append(xval) yvals.append(criterion) labels.append(distribution) plt.subplot(121), yvals, tick_label=labels, align="center") if is_pvalue: plt.ylabel("p-value from " + self.fitting_criterion + " test") plt.axhline(self.level, color="r", linewidth=2.0) plt.grid(True, "both") plt.subplot(122) data = array(self.dataset[varname]) data_min = min(data) data_max = max(data) xvals = linspace(data_min, data_max, 1000) distributions = self._all_distributions[varname] try: plt.hist(data, density=True) except AttributeError: plt.hist(data, normed=True) for dist_name, dist_value in distributions.items(): pdf = dist_value["fitted_distribution"].distribution.computePDF yvals = [pdf([xval])[0] for xval in xvals] plt.plot(xvals, yvals, label=dist_name, linewidth=2.0) plt.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1.02, 1.0, 0.102), loc="lower left", ncol=n_legend_cols, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.0, ) plt.grid(True, "both") if title is not None: plt.suptitle(title) filename = os.path.join(directory, "criteria.pdf") if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: plt.close()
def _select_best_distributions(self, distributions_names): """ Select the best distributions for the different variables.""""Select the best distribution for each variable.") distributions = {} for varname in self.names: varname_dist = self._all_distributions[varname] criteria = [ varname_dist[distribution]["criterion"] for distribution in distributions_names ] select_from_results = OTDistributionFitter.select_from_results index = select_from_results( criteria, self.fitting_criterion, self.level, self.selection_criterion ) name = distributions_names[index] value = varname_dist[name]["fitted_distribution"] distributions[varname] = {"name": name, "value": value}"| The best distribution for %s is %s.", varname, value) return distributions def _fit_distributions(self, distributions): """Fit distributions for the different dataset marginals among a given collection of distributions names. :param list(str) distributions: list of distributions names """ dist_list = ", ".join(distributions) "Fit different distributions (%s) per variable " "and compute the goodness-of-fit criterion.", dist_list, ) results = {} for varname in self.names:"| Fit different distributions for %s.", varname) dataset = self.dataset[varname] results[varname] = self._fit_marginal_distributions( varname, dataset, distributions ) return results def _fit_marginal_distributions(self, variable, sample, distributions): """Fit distributions for a given dataset marginal among a given collection of distributions names :param str variable: variable name :param array dataset: sample :param list(str) distributions: list of distributions names """ result = {} factory = OTDistributionFitter(variable, sample) for distribution in distributions: fitted_distribution = test_result = factory.measure( fitted_distribution, self.fitting_criterion, self.level ) result[distribution] = {} result[distribution]["fitted_distribution"] = fitted_distribution result[distribution]["criterion"] = test_result return result
[docs] def maximum(self): """Get the maximum. :return: maximum """ result = { name: self.distributions[name]["value"].math_upper_bound for name in self.names } return result
[docs] def mean(self): """Get the mean. :return: mean """ result = {name: self.distributions[name]["value"].mean for name in self.names} return result
[docs] def minimum(self): """Get the minimum. :return: minimum """ result = { name: self.distributions[name]["value"].math_lower_bound for name in self.names } return result
[docs] def probability(self, thresh, greater=False): """Compute a probability associated to a threshold. :param float thresh: threshold :param bool greater: if True, compute the probability the probability of exceeding the threshold, if False, compute the reverse. Default: True. :return: probability """ dist = self.distributions if greater: result = { name: 1 - dist[name]["value"].cdf(thresh[name])[0] for name in self.names } else: result = { name: dist[name]["value"].cdf(thresh[name])[0] for name in self.names } return result
[docs] def tolerance_interval(self, coverage, confidence=0.95, side="both"): """Compute the tolerance interval (TI) for a given minimum percentage of the population and a given confidence level. :param float coverage: minimum percentage of belonging to the TI. :param float confidence: level of confidence in [0,1]. Default: 0.95. :param str side: kind of interval: 'lower' for lower-sided TI, 'upper' for upper-sided TI and 'both for both-sided TI. :return: tolerance limits """ if side not in ["upper", "lower", "both"]: raise ValueError( "The argument 'side' represents the type" "of tolerance bounds. Available ones are: 'upper'" "'lower' and 'both'." ) if not 0.0 <= coverage <= 1.0: raise ValueError("The argument 'coverage'" " must be number in [0,1].") if not 0.0 <= confidence <= 1.0: raise ValueError("The argument 'confidence'" " must be number in [0,1].") limits = {} for varname in self.names: dist_name = self.distributions[varname]["name"] dist = self.distributions[varname]["value"] if dist_name == "Normal": lower, upper = self._normal_tolerance_interval( dist, coverage, confidence, side ) elif dist_name == "Uniform": lower, upper = self._uniform_tolerance_interval( dist, coverage, confidence, side ) elif dist_name == "LogNormal": lower, upper = self._lognormal_tolerance_interval( dist, coverage, confidence, side ) elif dist_name == "WeibullMin": lower, upper = self._weibull_tolerance_interval( dist, coverage, confidence, side ) elif dist_name == "Exponential": lower, upper = self._exponential_tolerance_interval( dist, coverage, confidence, side ) else: raise ValueError( "Tolerance interval is not implemented for" 'distribution "' + dist_name + '".' ) limits[varname] = (lower, upper) return limits
def _weibull_tolerance_interval( self, dist, coverage, confidence=0.95, side="lower" ): """Compute the tolerance interval (TI) for a given minimum percentage of the population and a given confidence level, when data are Weibull distributed :param WeibullMin dist: OT WeibullMin distribution :param float coverage: minimum percentage of belonging to the TI. :param float confidence: level of confidence in [0,1]. Default: 0.95. :param str side: kind of interval: 'lower' for one-sided lower TI, 'upper' for one-sided upper TI or 'both' for two-sided TI. :return: tolerance limits """ alpha = dist.marginals[0].getParameter()[0] beta = dist.marginals[0].getParameter()[1] gamma = dist.marginals[0].getParameter()[2] x_i = log(beta) delta = 1.0 / alpha if side == "upper": lbd = log(-log(1 - coverage)) offset = -self.n_samples ** 0.5 * lbd dof = self.n_samples - 1 student = ot.Student(dof, offset) upper = delta * student.computeQuantile(confidence)[0] upper /= (self.n_samples - 1) ** 0.5 upper = x_i - upper lower = -inf elif side == "lower": lbd = log(-log(coverage)) offset = -self.n_samples ** 0.5 * lbd dof = self.n_samples - 1 student = ot.Student(dof, offset) lower = delta * student.computeQuantile(1 - confidence)[0] lower /= (self.n_samples - 1) ** 0.5 lower = x_i - lower upper = inf else: coverage = (coverage + 1) / 2.0 alpha = (1 - confidence) / 2.0 lbd = log(-log(1 - coverage)) offset = -self.n_samples ** 0.5 * lbd dof = self.n_samples - 1 student = ot.Student(dof, offset) upper = delta * student.computeQuantile(1 - alpha)[0] upper /= (self.n_samples - 1) ** 0.5 upper = x_i - upper lbd = log(-log(coverage)) offset = -self.n_samples ** 0.5 * lbd dof = self.n_samples - 1 student = ot.Student(dof, offset) lower = delta * student.computeQuantile(alpha)[0] lower /= (self.n_samples - 1) ** 0.5 lower = x_i - lower limits = (array([exp(lower) + gamma]), array([exp(upper) + gamma])) return limits def _uniform_tolerance_interval( self, dist, coverage, confidence=0.95, side="lower" ): """Compute the tolerance interval (TI) for a given minimum percentage of the population and a given confidence level, when data are uniformly distributed :param Distribution dist: OT uniform distribution :param float coverage: minimum percentage of belonging to the TI. :param float confidence: level of confidence in [0,1]. Default: 0.95. :param str side: kind of interval: 'lower' for one-sided lower TI, 'upper' for one-sided upper TI or 'both' for two-sided TI. :return: tolerance limits """ minimum = dist.marginals[0].getParameter()[0] maximum = dist.marginals[0].getParameter()[1] if side == "upper": upper = (maximum - minimum) * coverage upper /= (1 - confidence) ** (1.0 / self.n_samples) upper += minimum limits = (array([-inf]), array([upper])) elif side == "lower": lower = (maximum - minimum) * (1 - coverage) lower /= confidence ** (1.0 / self.n_samples) lower += minimum limits = (array([lower]), array([inf])) else: upper = (maximum - minimum) * (coverage + 1) / 2.0 upper /= ((1 - confidence) / 2.0) ** (1.0 / self.n_samples) upper += minimum lower = (maximum - minimum) * (1 - (coverage + 1) / 2.0) lower /= (1 - (1 - confidence) / 2.0) ** (1.0 / self.n_samples) lower += minimum limits = (array([lower]), array([upper])) return limits def _exponential_tolerance_interval( self, dist, coverage, confidence=0.95, side="lower" ): """Compute the tolerance interval (TI) for a given minimum percentage of the population and a given confidence level, when data are exponentially distributed :param Exponential dist: OT exponential distribution :param float coverage: minimum percentage of belonging to the TI. :param float confidence: level of confidence in [0,1]. Default: 0.95. :param str side: kind of interval: 'lower' for one-sided lower TI, 'upper' for one-sided upper TI or 'both' for two-sided TI. :return: tolerance limits """ lmbda = dist.marginals[0].getParameter()[0] gamma = dist.marginals[0].getParameter()[1] if side == "upper": chisq = ot.ChiSquare(2 * self.n_samples) chisq = chisq.computeQuantile(confidence)[0] upper = -2 * self.n_samples * log(coverage) * lmbda upper /= chisq lower = 0.0 elif side == "lower": chisq = ot.ChiSquare(2 * self.n_samples) chisq = chisq.computeQuantile(confidence)[0] lower = -2 * self.n_samples * log(1 - coverage) * lmbda lower /= chisq upper = inf else: coverage = (coverage + 1) / 2.0 alpha = (1 - confidence) / 2.0 chisq = ot.ChiSquare(2 * self.n_samples) chisq = chisq.computeQuantile(1 - alpha)[0] upper = -2 * self.n_samples * log(1 - coverage) * lmbda upper /= chisq lower = -2 * self.n_samples * log(coverage) * lmbda lower /= chisq limits = (array([lower + gamma]), array([upper + gamma])) return limits def _normal_tolerance_interval(self, dist, coverage, confidence=0.95, side="lower"): """Compute the tolerance interval (TI) for a given minimum percentage of the population and a given confidence level, when data are normally distributed :param Normal dist: OT normal distribution :param float coverage: minimum percentage of belonging to the TI. :param float confidence: level of confidence in [0,1]. Default: 0.95. :param str side: kind of interval: 'lower' for one-sided lower TI, 'upper' for one-sided upper TI or 'both' for two-sided TI. :return: tolerance limits """ mean = dist.marginals[0].getParameter()[0] std = dist.marginals[0].getParameter()[1] if side in ["upper", "lower"]: z_p = ot.Normal().computeQuantile(coverage)[0] delta = z_p * self.n_samples ** 0.5 dof = self.n_samples - 1 student = ot.Student(dof, delta) student_quantile = student.computeQuantile(confidence)[0] tolerance_factor = old_div(student_quantile, self.n_samples ** 0.5) if side == "upper": upper = mean + tolerance_factor * std limits = (array([-inf]), array([upper])) else: lower = mean - tolerance_factor * std limits = (array([lower]), array([inf])) else: z_p = ot.Normal().computeQuantile((1 + coverage) / 2.0)[0] left = (1 + 1.0 / self.n_samples) ** 0.5 * z_p chisq = ot.ChiSquare(self.n_samples - 1) right = old_div( (self.n_samples - 1), chisq.computeQuantile(1 - confidence)[0] ) right = right ** 0.5 weight = self.n_samples - 3 - chisq.computeQuantile(1 - confidence)[0] weight /= 2 * (self.n_samples + 1) ** 2 weight = (1 + weight) ** 0.5 tolerance_factor = left * right * weight lower = mean - tolerance_factor * std upper = mean + tolerance_factor * std limits = (array([lower]), array([upper])) return limits def _lognormal_tolerance_interval( self, dist, coverage, confidence=0.95, side="lower" ): """Compute the tolerance interval (TI) for a given minimum percentage of the population and a given confidence level, when data are normally distributed :param LogNormal dist: OT LogNormal distribution :param float coverage: minimum percentage of belonging to the TI. :param float confidence: level of confidence in [0,1]. Default: 0.95. :param str side: kind of interval: 'lower' for one-sided lower TI, 'upper' for one-sided upper TI or 'both' for two-sided TI. :return: tolerance limits """ dist = OTNormalDistribution( "x", dist.marginals[0].getParameter()[0], dist.marginals[0].getParameter()[1], ) lower, upper = self._normal_tolerance_interval(dist, coverage, confidence, side) limits = (exp(lower), exp(upper)) return limits
[docs] def quantile(self, prob): """Get the quantile associated to a given probability. :param float prob: probability :return: quantile :rtype: float or list(float) """ prob = array([prob]) result = { name: self.distributions[name]["value"].inverse_cdf(prob) for name in self.names } return result
[docs] def standard_deviation(self): """Get the standard deviation. :return: standard deviation :rtype: float or list(float) """ result = { name: self.distributions[name]["value"].standard_deviation for name in self.names } return result
[docs] def variance(self): """Get the variance. :return: variance :rtype: float or list(float) """ result = { name: self.distributions[name]["value"].standard_deviation ** 2 for name in self.names } return result
[docs] def moment(self, order): """Compute the moment for a given order, either centered or not. :param int order: moment index :return: moment :rtype: float or list(float) """ dist = self.distributions result = [ dist[varname]["value"].distribution.getMoment(order)[0] for varname in self.names ] return result
[docs] def range(self): """Get the range of variables. :return: range of variables """ result = {} for name in self.names: dist = self.distributions[name]["value"] result[name] = dist.math_upper_bound - dist.math_lower_bound return result
[docs] @classmethod def get_available_distributions(cls): """ Get available distributions. """ return sorted(OTDistributionFitter.AVAILABLE_FACTORIES.keys())
[docs] @classmethod def get_available_criteria(cls): """ Get available goodness-of-fit criteria. """ return sorted(OTDistributionFitter.AVAILABLE_FITTING_TESTS.keys())
[docs] @classmethod def get_significance_tests(cls): """ Get significance tests. """ return sorted(OTDistributionFitter.SIGNIFICANCE_TESTS)