.. Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. .. Contributors: :author: Francois Gallard, Damien Guénot .. _sobieski_mdo: Application: Sobieski's Super-Sonic Business Jet (MDO) ====================================================== This section describes how to setup and solve the MDO problem relative to the :ref:`Sobieski test case ` with |g|. .. seealso:: To begin with a more simple MDO problem, and have a detailed description of how to plug a test case to |g|, see :ref:`sellar_mdo`. .. _sobieski_use_case: Solving with a :ref:`MDF formulation ` ------------------------------------------------------- In this example, we solve the range optimization using the following :ref:`MDF formulation `: - The :ref:`MDF formulation ` couples all the disciplines during the :ref:`mda` at each optimization iteration. - All the :term:`design variables` are equally treated, concatenated in a single vector and given to a single :term:`optimization algorithm` as the unknowns of the problem. - There is no specific :term:`constraint` due to the :ref:`MDF formulation `. - Only the design :term:`constraints` :math:`g\_1`, :math:`g\_2` and :math:`g\_3` are added to the problem. - The :term:`objective function` is the range (the :math:`y\_4` variable in the model), computed after the :ref:`mda`. Step 1: Creation of :class:`.MDODiscipline` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To build the scenario, we first instantiate the disciplines. Here, the disciplines themselves have already been developed and interfaced with |g| (see :ref:`benchmark_problems`). .. code:: from gemseo.api import create_discipline disciplines = create_discipline(["SobieskiPropulsion", "SobieskiAerodynamics", "SobieskiMission", "SobieskiStructure"]) .. tip:: For the disciplines that are not interfaced with |g|, the |g|'s :mod:`~gemseo.api` eases the creation of disciplines without having to import them. See :ref:`api`. Step 2: Creation of :class:`.Scenario` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The scenario delegates the creation of the optimization problem to the :ref:`MDO formulation `. Therefore, it needs the list of :code:`disciplines`, the names of the formulation, the name of the objective function and the design space. - The :code:`design_space` (here, :code:`design_space.txt`) defines the unknowns of the optimization problem, and their bounds. It contains all the design variables needed by the :ref:`MDF formulation `. They are selected among all the inputs of the disciplines, which can be listed with :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_all_inputs`. .. code:: vi design_space.txt name lower_bound value upper_bound type x_shared 0.01 0.05 0.09 float x_shared 30000.0 45000.0 60000.0 float x_shared 1.4 1.6 1.8 float x_shared 2.5 5.5 8.5 float x_shared 40.0 55.0 70.0 float x_shared 500.0 1000.0 1500.0 float x_1 0.1 0.25 0.4 float x_1 0.75 1.0 1.25 float x_2 0.75 1.0 1.25 float x_3 0.1 0.5 1.0 float y_14 24850.0 50606.9741711 77100.0 float y_14 -7700.0 7306.20262124 45000.0 float y_32 0.235 0.50279625 0.795 float y_31 2960.0 6354.32430691 10185.0 float y_24 0.44 4.15006276 11.13 float y_34 0.44 1.10754577 1.98 float y_23 3365.0 12194.2671934 26400.0 float y_21 24850.0 50606.9741711 77250.0 float y_12 24850.0 50606.9742 77250.0 float y_12 0.45 0.95 1.5 float - The available :ref:`MDO formulations ` are located in the **gemseo.formulations** package, see :ref:`extending-gemseo` for extending GEMSEO with other formulations. - The :code:`formulation` classname (here, :code:`"MDF"`) shall be passed to the scenario to select them. - The list of available formulations can be obtained by using :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_available_formulations`. .. code:: >> from gemseo.api import get_available_formulations >> get_available_formulations() ['IDF', 'BiLevel', 'MDF', 'DisciplinaryOpt'] - :math:`y\_4` corresponds to the :code:`objective_name`. This name must be one of the disciplines outputs, here the "SobieskiMission" discipline. The list of all outputs of the disciplines can be obtained by using :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_all_outputs`: .. code:: >> from gemseo.api import create_discipline, get_all_outputs >> disciplines = create_discipline(["SobieskiMission","SobieskiStructure","SobieskiPropulsion","SobieskiAerodynamics"]) >> get_all_outputs([disciplines]) ['y_4'] >> get_all_inputs([disciplines]) ['x_1', 'y_23', 'y_12', 'x_shared', 'x_3', 'y_14', 'y_31', 'x_2', 'y_24', 'y_32', 'y_34', 'y_21'] From these :class:`~gemseo.core.discipline.MDODiscipline`, design space filename, :ref:`MDO formulation ` name and objective function name, we build the scenario: .. code:: from gemseo.api import create_scenario scenario = create_scenario(disciplines, formulation="MDF", maximize_objective=True, objective_name="y_4", design_space="design_space.txt") The range function (:math:`y\_4`) should be maximized. However, optimizers minimize functions by default. Then, when creating the scenario, the argument :code:`maximize_objective` shall be set to :code:`True`. Scenario options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We may provide additional options to the scenario: **Function derivatives.** As analytical disciplinary derivatives are available for Sobieski test-case, they can be used instead of computing the derivatives with finite-differences or with the complex-step method: .. code:: scenario.optimizer.set_differentiation_method(“user”) .. seealso:: The default behavior of the optimizer triggers :term:`finite differences`. It corresponds to: .. code:: scenario.optimizer.set_differentiation_method(“finite_differences”,1e-7) .. seealso:: It it also possible to differentiate functions by means of the :term:`complex step` method: .. code:: scenario.optimizer.set_differentiation_method(“complex_step”,1e-30j) Constraints ^^^^^^^^^^^ Similarly to the objective function, the constraints names are a subset of the disciplines outputs, that can be obtained by using :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_all_outputs`. The formulation has a powerful feature to automatically dispatch the constraints (:math:`g\_1, g\_2, g\_3`) and plug them to the optimizers depending on the formulation. For that, we use the method :meth:`gemseo.core.scenario.Scenario.add_constraint`: .. code:: for constraint in [“g_1”, “g_2”, “g_3”]: scenario.add_constraint(constraint, ’ineq’) Step 3: Execution and visualization of the results ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The algorithm options are provided as a dictionary to the execution method of the scenario: :code:`algo_options = {'max_iter': 10, 'algo': "SLSQP"}`. .. warning:: The mandatory options are the maximum number of iterations and the algorithm name. The scenario is executed by means of the line: .. code:: scenario.execute(algo_options) To visualize the optimization history: .. code:: scenario.post_process(“OptHistoryView”, save=True, show=False, file_path=“mdf”) .. figure:: figs/Sobieski_MDF_constrained_dv_obj.png :scale: 10 % Optimization history on the Sobieski use case for the MDF formulation A whole variety of visualizations may be displayed for both MDO and DOE scenarios. These features are illustrated on the SSBJ use case in :ref:`post_processing`. Influence of gradient computation method on performance ------------------------------------------------------- As mentioned in :ref:`jacobian_assembly`, several methods are available in order to perform the gradient computations: classical finite differences, complex step and :ref:`mda` linearization in direct or adjoint mode. These modes are automatically selected by |g| to minimize the CPU time. Yet, they can be forced on demand in each :ref:`mda`: .. code:: from gemseo.core.jacobian_assembly import JacobianAssembly scenario.formulation.mda.linearization_mode = JacobianAssembly.DIRECT_MODE scenario.formulation.mda.matrix_type = JacobianAssembly.LINEAR_OPERATOR The method used to solve the adjoint or direct linear problem may also be selected. |g| can either assemble a sparse residual jacobian matrix of the :ref:`mda` from the disciplines matrices. This has the advantage that LU factorizations may be stored to solve multiple right hand sides problems in a cheap way. But this requires extra memory. .. code:: scenario.formulation.mda.matrix_type = JacobianAssembly.SPARSE scenario.formulation.mda.use_lu_fact = True Altenatively, |g| can implicitly create a matrix-vector product operator, which is sufficient for GMRES-like solvers. It avoids to create an additional data structure. This can also be mandatory if the disciplines do not provide full Jacobian matrices but only matrix-vector product operators. .. code:: scenario.formulation.mda.matrix_type = JacobianAssembly.LINEAR_OPERATOR The next table shows the performance of each method for solving the Sobieski use case with :ref:`MDF ` and :ref:`IDF ` formulations. Efficiency of linearization is clearly visible has it takes from 10 to 20 times less CPU time to compute analytic derivatives of an :ref:`mda` compared to finite difference and complex step. For :ref:`IDF `, improvements are less consequent, but direct linearization is more than 2.5 times faster than other methods. .. tabularcolumns:: |l|c|c| +---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | | Execution time (s) | | +---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | | :ref:`MDF ` | :ref:`IDF ` | +=====================+==============================+==============================+ | Finite differences | 8.22 | 1.93 | +---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | Complex step | 18.11 | 2.07 | +---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | Linearized (direct) | 0.90 | 0.68 | +---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+