Coupling visualization

First of all, we need to instantiate the different MDODiscipline, e.g.

from gemseo.api import create_discipline

disciplines = create_discipline(['Sellar1', 'Sellar2', 'SellarSystem'])

N2 chart

Then, we can represent the coupling structure of these disciplines by means of a N2 chart, also referred to as N2 diagram, N-squared diagram or N-squared chart.

See also

More information concerning the N2 chart on wikipedia.


For that, we consider the generate_n2_plot() API function:

from gemseo.api import generate_n2_plot


and obtains the following N2 chart where:

  • disciplines are on the diagonal,

  • the input coupling variables of a discipline are located at the vertical of the discipline,

  • the output coupling variables of a discipline are located at the horizontal of the discipline.

In this case, Sellar1 returns the coupling variable y_0 which is an input for Sellar2 and SellarSystem. Similarly, Sellar2 returns the coupling variable y_1 which is an input for Sellar1 and SellarSystem.



The first argument of the generate_n2_plot() API function is the list of MDODiscipline. This argument is mandatory while the others are optional:

  • file_path: file path of the figure (default value: 'n2.pdf')

  • show_data_names: if true, the names of the coupling data is shown otherwise, circles are drawn, which sizes depend on the number of coupling names (default value: True)

  • save: if True, saved the figure to file_path (default value: True)

  • show: if True, shows the plot (default value: False)

  • figsize: tuple, size of the figure (default value: (15,10))

Here, when show_data_names is False, we obtain:


Coupling graph

We can also represent this relation by means of a coupling graph.


For that, we consider the generate_coupling_graph() API function:

from gemseo.api import generate_coupling_graph


and obtains the following coupling graph where:

  • disciplines are represented by bubbles,

  • coupling variable flows are represented by arrows between disciplines,

  • constraint and objectives functions are represented.

In this case, the coupling variable y_0 goes from Sellar1 to Sellar2 and from Sellar1 to SellarSystem. Similarly, the coupling variable y_1 goes from Sellar2 to Sellar1 and from Sellar2 to SellarSystem. Moreover, SellarSystem returns the value of the objective function and constraints.



The first argument of the generate_coupling_graph() API function is the list of MDODiscipline. This argument is mandatory while the other is optional:

  • file_path: file path of the figure (default value: 'coupling_graph.pdf')