rosenbrock module¶
The Rosenbrock analytic problem¶
RosenMF, a multi-fidelity Rosenbrock |
Rosenbrock |
- class gemseo.problems.analytical.rosenbrock.RosenMF(dimension=2)[source]¶
RosenMF, a multi-fidelity Rosenbrock
, returns the value:\[\mathrm{fidelity} * \mathrm{Rosenbrock}(x)\]where both \(\mathrm{fidelity}\) and \(x\) are provided as input data.
The constructor defines the default inputs of the
, namely the default design parameter values and the fidelity.- Parameters
dimension (int) – problem dimension
Accessor to the cache input tolerance.
Accessor to the default inputs.
Return the cumulated execution time.
Accessor to the linearization mode.
Return the number of calls to execute() which triggered the _run().
Return the number of calls to linearize() which triggered the _compute_jacobian() method.
Status accessor.
Activate the time stamps.
([inputs])Add inputs to the differentiation list.
([outputs])Add outputs to the differentiation list.
(obs)Add an observer for the status.
([is_input, name, comp_dir])Use a naming convention to associate a grammar file to a discipline.
(input_data[, raise_exception])Check the input data validity.
([input_data, derr_approx, …])Check if the jacobian provided by the linearize() method is correct.
([raise_exception])Check the output data validity.
Deactivate the time stamps for storing start and end times of execution and linearizations.
(in_file)Derialize the discipline from a file.
([input_data])Execute the discipline.
Accessor for the input data as a list of values.
Accessor for the output data as a list of values.
Define the attributes to be serialized.
(keys, data_dict)Filter the dict from a list of keys or a single key.
Return the expected data exchange sequence.
Return the expected execution sequence.
Accessor for the input data as a dict of values.
Accessor for the input names as a list.
Accessor for the input and output names as a list.
Accessor for the outputs as a large numpy array.
(data_names)Accessor for the inputs as a list.
(data_names)Accessor for the local data of the discipline as a dict of values.
Accessor for the output data as a dict of values.
Accessor for the output names as a list.
Accessor for the outputs as a large numpy array.
(data_names)Accessor for the outputs as a list.
Gets the sub disciplines of self By default, empty.
(data_names)Test if all the names in data_names are inputs of the discipline.
(data_names)Test if all the names in data_names are outputs of the discipline.
(data_name)Test if input named data_name is an input of the discipline.
(data_name)Test if output named data_name is an output of the discipline.
Return True if self is a scenario.
([input_data, force_all, force_no_exec])Execute the linearized version of the code.
Notify all status observers that the status has changed.
Remove an observer for the status.
Sets all the statuses to PENDING.
(out_file)Serialize the discipline.
([cache_type, …])Set the type of cache to use and the tolerance level.
(status)Set the sub disciplines statuses.
Set the jacobian approximation method.
([outputs, inputs, …])Compute the optimal finite-difference step.
(**kwargs)Store discipline data in local data.
- APPROX_MODES = ['finite_differences', 'complex_step']¶
- AVAILABLE_MODES = ('auto', 'direct', 'adjoint', 'reverse', 'finite_differences', 'complex_step')¶
- COMPLEX_STEP = 'complex_step'¶
- FINITE_DIFFERENCES = 'finite_differences'¶
- HDF5_CACHE = 'HDF5Cache'¶
- MEMORY_FULL_CACHE = 'MemoryFullCache'¶
- N_CPUS = 2¶
- SIMPLE_CACHE = 'SimpleCache'¶
- classmethod activate_time_stamps()¶
Activate the time stamps.
For storing start and end times of execution and linearizations.
- add_differentiated_inputs(inputs=None)¶
Add inputs to the differentiation list.
This method updates self._differentiated_inputs with inputs
- Parameters
inputs – list of inputs variables to differentiate if None, all inputs of discipline are used (Default value = None)
- add_differentiated_outputs(outputs=None)¶
Add outputs to the differentiation list.
Update self._differentiated_inputs with inputs.
- Parameters
outputs – list of output variables to differentiate if None, all outputs of discipline are used
- add_status_observer(obs)¶
Add an observer for the status.
Add an observer for the status to be notified when self changes of status.
- Parameters
obs – the observer to add
- auto_get_grammar_file(is_input=True, name=None, comp_dir=None)¶
Use a naming convention to associate a grammar file to a discipline.
This method searches in the “comp_dir” directory containing the discipline source file for files basenames _input.json and _output.json
- Parameters
is_input – if True, searches for _input.json, otherwise _output.json (Default value = True)
name – the name of the discipline (Default value = None)
comp_dir – the containing directory if None, use self.comp_dir (Default value = None)
- Returns
path to the grammar file
- Return type
- property cache_tol¶
Accessor to the cache input tolerance.
- check_input_data(input_data, raise_exception=True)¶
Check the input data validity.
- Parameters
input_data – the input data dict
raise_exception – Default value = True)
- check_jacobian(input_data=None, derr_approx='finite_differences', step=1e-07, threshold=1e-08, linearization_mode='auto', inputs=None, outputs=None, parallel=False, n_processes=2, use_threading=False, wait_time_between_fork=0, auto_set_step=False, plot_result=False, file_path='jacobian_errors.pdf', show=False, figsize_x=10, figsize_y=10)¶
Check if the jacobian provided by the linearize() method is correct.
- Parameters
input_data – input data dict (Default value = None)
derr_approx – derivative approximation method: COMPLEX_STEP (Default value = COMPLEX_STEP)
threshold – acceptance threshold for the jacobian error (Default value = 1e-8)
linearization_mode – the mode of linearization: direct, adjoint or automated switch depending on dimensions of inputs and outputs (Default value = ‘auto’)
inputs – list of inputs wrt which to differentiate (Default value = None)
outputs – list of outputs to differentiate (Default value = None)
step – the step for finite differences or complex step
parallel – if True, executes in parallel
n_processes – maximum number of processors on which to run
use_threading – if True, use Threads instead of processes to parallelize the execution multiprocessing will copy (serialize) all the disciplines, while threading will share all the memory This is important to note if you want to execute the same discipline multiple times, you shall use multiprocessing
wait_time_between_fork – time waited between two forks of the process /Thread
auto_set_step – Compute optimal step for a forward first order finite differences gradient approximation
plot_result – plot the result of the validation (computed and approximate jacobians)
file_path – path to the output file if plot_result is True
show – if True, open the figure
figsize_x – x size of the figure in inches
figsize_y – y size of the figure in inches
- Returns
True if the check is accepted, False otherwise
- check_output_data(raise_exception=True)¶
Check the output data validity.
- Parameters
raise_exception – if true, an exception is raised when data is invalid (Default value = True)
- classmethod deactivate_time_stamps()¶
Deactivate the time stamps for storing start and end times of execution and linearizations.
- property default_inputs¶
Accessor to the default inputs.
- static deserialize(in_file)¶
Derialize the discipline from a file.
- Parameters
in_file – input file for serialization
- Returns
a discipline instance
- property exec_time¶
Return the cumulated execution time.
Multiprocessing safe.
- execute(input_data=None)¶
Execute the discipline.
This method executes the discipline:
- Adds default inputs to the input_data if some inputs are not defined
in input_data but exist in self._default_data
- Checks if the last execution of the discipline wan not called with
identical inputs, cached in self.cache, if yes, directly return self.cache.get_output_cache(inputs)
Caches the inputs
Checks the input data against self.input_grammar
if self.data_processor is not None: runs the preprocessor
updates the status to RUNNING
calls the _run() method, that shall be defined
if self.data_processor is not None: runs the postprocessor
checks the output data
Caches the outputs
updates the status to DONE or FAILED
updates summed execution time
- Parameters
input_data (dict) – the input data dict needed to execute the disciplines according to the discipline input grammar (Default value = None)
- Returns
the discipline local data after execution
- Return type
- get_all_inputs()¶
Accessor for the input data as a list of values.
The order is given by self.get_input_data_names().
- Returns
the data
- get_all_outputs()¶
Accessor for the output data as a list of values.
The order is given by self.get_output_data_names().
- Returns
the data
- get_attributes_to_serialize()¶
Define the attributes to be serialized.
Shall be overloaded by disciplines
- Returns
the list of attributes names
- Return type
- static get_data_list_from_dict(keys, data_dict)¶
Filter the dict from a list of keys or a single key.
If keys is a string, then the method return the value associated to the key. If keys is a list of string, then the method return a generator of value corresponding to the keys which can be iterated.
- Parameters
keys – a sting key or a list of keys
data_dict – the dict to get the data from
- Returns
a data or a generator of data
- get_expected_dataflow()¶
Return the expected data exchange sequence.
This method is used for the XDSM representation.
Default to empty list See MDOFormulation.get_expected_dataflow
- Returns
a list representing the data exchange arcs
- get_expected_workflow()¶
Return the expected execution sequence.
This method is used for XDSM representation Default to the execution of the discipline itself See MDOFormulation.get_expected_workflow
- get_input_data()¶
Accessor for the input data as a dict of values.
- Returns
the data dict
- get_input_data_names()¶
Accessor for the input names as a list.
- Returns
the data names list
- get_input_output_data_names()¶
Accessor for the input and output names as a list.
- Returns
the data names list
- get_inputs_asarray()¶
Accessor for the outputs as a large numpy array.
The order is the one of self.get_all_outputs().
- Returns
the outputs array
- Return type
- get_inputs_by_name(data_names)¶
Accessor for the inputs as a list.
- Parameters
data_names – the data names list
- Returns
the data list
- get_local_data_by_name(data_names)¶
Accessor for the local data of the discipline as a dict of values.
- Parameters
data_names – the names of the data which will be the keys of the dictionary
- Returns
the data list
- get_output_data()¶
Accessor for the output data as a dict of values.
- Returns
the data dict
- get_output_data_names()¶
Accessor for the output names as a list.
- Returns
the data names list
- get_outputs_asarray()¶
Accessor for the outputs as a large numpy array.
The order is the one of self.get_all_outputs()
- Returns
the outputs array
- Return type
- get_outputs_by_name(data_names)¶
Accessor for the outputs as a list.
- Parameters
data_names – the data names list
- Returns
the data list
- get_sub_disciplines()¶
Gets the sub disciplines of self By default, empty.
- Returns
the list of disciplines
- is_all_inputs_existing(data_names)¶
Test if all the names in data_names are inputs of the discipline.
- Parameters
data_names – the names of the inputs
- Returns
True if data_names are all in input grammar
- Return type
- is_all_outputs_existing(data_names)¶
Test if all the names in data_names are outputs of the discipline.
- Parameters
data_names – the names of the outputs
- Returns
True if data_names are all in output grammar
- Return type
- is_input_existing(data_name)¶
Test if input named data_name is an input of the discipline.
- Parameters
data_name – the name of the output
- Returns
True if data_name is in input grammar
- Return type
- is_output_existing(data_name)¶
Test if output named data_name is an output of the discipline.
- Parameters
data_name – the name of the output
- Returns
True if data_name is in output grammar
- Return type
- static is_scenario()¶
Return True if self is a scenario.
- Returns
True if self is a scenario
- property linearization_mode¶
Accessor to the linearization mode.
- linearize(input_data=None, force_all=False, force_no_exec=False)¶
Execute the linearized version of the code.
- Parameters
input_data – the input data dict needed to execute the disciplines according to the discipline input grammar
force_all – if False, self._differentiated_inputs and self.differentiated_output are used to filter the differentiated variables otherwise, all outputs are differentiated wrt all inputs (Default value = False)
force_no_exec – if True, the discipline is not re executed, cache is loaded anyway
- property n_calls¶
Return the number of calls to execute() which triggered the _run().
Multiprocessing safe.
- property n_calls_linearize¶
Return the number of calls to linearize() which triggered the _compute_jacobian() method.
Multiprocessing safe.
- notify_status_observers()¶
Notify all status observers that the status has changed.
- remove_status_observer(obs)¶
Remove an observer for the status.
- Parameters
obs – the observer to remove
- reset_statuses_for_run()¶
Sets all the statuses to PENDING.
- serialize(out_file)¶
Serialize the discipline.
- Parameters
out_file – destination file for serialization
- set_cache_policy(cache_type='SimpleCache', cache_tolerance=0.0, cache_hdf_file=None, cache_hdf_node_name=None, is_memory_shared=True)¶
Set the type of cache to use and the tolerance level.
This method set the cache policy to cache data whose inputs are close to inputs whose outputs are already cached. The cache can be either a simple cache recording the last execution or a full cache storing all executions. Caching data can be either in-memory, e.g.
, or on the disk, e.g.HDF5Cache
provides the list of available types of caches.- Parameters
cache_type (str) – type of cache to use.
cache_tolerance (float) – tolerance for the approximate cache maximal relative norm difference to consider that two input arrays are equal
cache_hdf_file (str) – the file to store the data, mandatory when HDF caching is used
cache_hdf_node_name (str) – name of the HDF dataset to store the discipline data. If None, is used
is_memory_shared (bool) – If True, a shared memory dict is used to store the data, which makes the cache compatible with multiprocessing. WARNING: if set to False, and multiple disciplines point to the same cache or the process is multiprocessed, there may be duplicate computations because the cache will not be shared among the processes.
- set_disciplines_statuses(status)¶
Set the sub disciplines statuses.
To be implemented in subclasses. :param status: the status
- set_jacobian_approximation(jac_approx_type='finite_differences', jax_approx_step=1e-07, jac_approx_n_processes=1, jac_approx_use_threading=False, jac_approx_wait_time=0)¶
Set the jacobian approximation method.
Sets the linearization mode to approx_method, sets the parameters of the approximation for further use when calling self.linearize
- Parameters
jac_approx_type – “complex_step” or “finite_differences”
jax_approx_step – the step for finite differences or complex step
jac_approx_n_processes – maximum number of processors on which to run
jac_approx_use_threading – if True, use Threads instead of processes to parallelize the execution multiprocessing will copy (serialize) all the disciplines, while threading will share all the memory This is important to note if you want to execute the same discipline multiple times, you shall use multiprocessing
jac_approx_wait_time – time waited between two forks of the process /Thread
- set_optimal_fd_step(outputs=None, inputs=None, force_all=False, print_errors=False, numerical_error=2.220446049250313e-16)¶
Compute the optimal finite-difference step.
Compute the optimal step for a forward first order finite differences gradient approximation. Requires a first evaluation of perturbed functions values. The optimal step is reached when the truncation error (cut in the Taylor development), and the numerical cancellation errors (roundoff when doing f(x+step)-f(x)) are approximately equal.
Warning: this calls the discipline execution two times per input variables.
See: and “Numerical Algorithms and Digital Representation”, Knut Morken , Chapter 11, “Numerical Differenciation”
- Parameters
inputs – inputs wrt the linearization is made. If None, use differentiated inputs
outputs – outputs of the linearization is made. If None, use differentiated outputs
force_all – if True, all inputs and outputs are used
print_errors – if True, displays the estimated errors
numerical_error – numerical error associated to the calculation of f. By default Machine epsilon (appx 1e-16), but can be higher when the calculation of f requires a numerical resolution
- Returns
the estimated errors of truncation and cancelation error.
- property status¶
Status accessor.
- store_local_data(**kwargs)¶
Store discipline data in local data.
- Parameters
kwargs – the data as key value pairs
- time_stamps = None¶
- class gemseo.problems.analytical.rosenbrock.Rosenbrock(n_x=2, l_b=- 2.0, u_b=2.0, scalar_var=False, initial_guess=None)[source]¶
uses the Rosenbrock objective function\[f(x) = \sum_{i=2}^{n_x} 100(x_{i} - x_{i-1}^2)^2 + (1 - x_{i-1})^2\]with the default
\([-0.2,0.2]^{n_x}\).The constructor initializes the Rosenbrock
by defining theDesignSpace
and the objective function.- Parameters
n_x (int) – problem dimension
l_b (float) – lower bound (common value to all variables)
u_b (float) – upper bound (common value to all variables)
scalar_var (bool) – if True the design space will contain only scalar variables (as many as the problem dimension); if False the design space will contain a single multidimensional variable (whose size equals the problem dimension)
initial_guess (numpy array) – initial guess for optimal solution
The dimension of the design space.
The objective function.
(callback_func[, each_new_iter, …])Add a callback function after each store operation or new iteration.
(cstr_func[, value, …])Add a constraint (equality and inequality) to the optimization problem.
(cstr_func[, value])Add an equality constraint to the optimization problem.
(cstr_func[, value, positive])Add an inequality constraint to the optimization problem.
(listener_func)Add a listener to be called when a new iteration is stored to the database.
(obs_func[, new_iter])Add a function to be observed.
(listener_func)Add a listener to be called when an item is stored to the database.
(constr_id[, method, groups])Aggregates a constraint to generate a reduced dimension constraint.
Change the objective function sign in order to minimize its opposite.
()Check if the optimization problem is ready for run.
(input_function)Check that a function is an instance of
.Clear all the listeners.
([x_vect, eval_jac, …])Compute the objective and the constraints.
(file_path[, append])Export the optimization problem to an HDF file.
(name[, by_group, …])Export the database of the optimization problem to a
(x_vect[, tol])For each constraint, indicate if its different components are active.
Retrieve all the functions of the optimization problem.
Retrieve the names of all the function of the optimization problem.
Retrieve the best infeasible point within a given tolerance.
Retrieve the names of the constraints.
Retrieve the number of constraints.
Retrieve the names of the design variables.
Retrieve the total number of design variables.
Retrieve all the equality constraints.
Retrieve the number of equality constraints.
Retrieve the total dimension of the equality constraints.
Retrieve the feasible points within a given tolerance.
Retrieve all the inequality constraints.
Retrieve the number of inequality constraints.
Retrieve the total dimension of the inequality constraints.
Retrieve the non-processed constraints.
Retrieve the non-processed objective function.
Retrieve the name of the objective function.
(name)Retrieve an observable from its name.
Return the optimum solution within a given feasibility tolerances.
Return the theoretical optimal value.
(x_vect)Compute a violation measure associated to an iteration.
Return the current values of the design variables after normalization.
Check if the problem has equality or inequality constraints.
Check if the problem has equality constraints.
Check if the problem has inequality constraints.
Check if the problem has non-linear constraints.
(file_path[, x_tolerance])Import an optimization history from an HDF file.
(out_val[, constraints])Check if a point is feasible.
([normalize, …])Pre-process all the functions and eventually the gradien.
(func, ctype[, value, positive])Express a constraint as a string expression.
- AVAILABLE_PB_TYPES = ['linear', 'non-linear']¶
- COMPLEX_STEP = 'complex_step'¶
- CONSTRAINTS_GROUP = 'constraints'¶
- DESIGN_SPACE_ATTRS = ['u_bounds', 'l_bounds', 'x_0', 'x_names', 'dimension']¶
- DESIGN_SPACE_GROUP = 'design_space'¶
- DESIGN_VAR_NAMES = 'x_names'¶
- DESIGN_VAR_SIZE = 'x_size'¶
- DIFFERENTIATION_METHODS = ['user', 'complex_step', 'finite_differences', 'no_derivatives']¶
- FINITE_DIFFERENCES = 'finite_differences'¶
- FUNCTIONS_ATTRS = ['objective', 'constraints']¶
- GGOBI_FORMAT = 'ggobi'¶
- HDF5_FORMAT = 'hdf5'¶
- LINEAR_PB = 'linear'¶
- NON_LINEAR_PB = 'non-linear'¶
- NO_DERIVATIVES = 'no_derivatives'¶
- OBJECTIVE_GROUP = 'objective'¶
- OPTIM_DESCRIPTION = ['minimize_objective', 'fd_step', 'differentiation_method', 'pb_type', 'ineq_tolerance', 'eq_tolerance']¶
- OPT_DESCR_GROUP = 'opt_description'¶
- SOLUTION_GROUP = 'solution'¶
- USER_GRAD = 'user'¶
- add_callback(callback_func, each_new_iter=True, each_store=False)¶
Add a callback function after each store operation or new iteration.
- Parameters
callback_func (Callable) – A function to be called after some event.
each_new_iter (bool) – If True, then callback at every iteration.
each_store (bool) – If True, then callback at every call to
- Return type
- add_constraint(cstr_func, value=None, cstr_type=None, positive=False)¶
Add a constraint (equality and inequality) to the optimization problem.
- Parameters
cstr_func (MDOFunction) – The constraint.
value (Optional[value]) – The value for which the constraint is active. If None, this value is 0.
cstr_type (Optional[str]) – The type of the constraint. Either equality or inequality.
positive (bool) – If True, then the inequality constraint is positive.
- Return type
- add_eq_constraint(cstr_func, value=None)¶
Add an equality constraint to the optimization problem.
- Parameters
cstr_func (gemseo.core.function.MDOFunction) – The constraint.
value (Optional[float]) – The value for which the constraint is active. If None, this value is 0.
- Return type
- add_ineq_constraint(cstr_func, value=None, positive=False)¶
Add an inequality constraint to the optimization problem.
- Parameters
cstr_func (MDOFunction) – The constraint.
value (Optional[value]) – The value for which the constraint is active. If None, this value is 0.
positive (bool) – If True, then the inequality constraint is positive.
- Return type
- add_new_iter_listener(listener_func)¶
Add a listener to be called when a new iteration is stored to the database.
- Parameters
listener_func (Callable) – The function to be called.
- Raises
TypeError – If the argument is not a callable
- Return type
- add_observable(obs_func, new_iter=True)¶
Add a function to be observed.
- Parameters
obs_func (gemseo.core.function.MDOFunction) – An observable to be observed.
new_iter (bool) – If True, then the observable will be called at each new iterate.
- Return type
- add_store_listener(listener_func)¶
Add a listener to be called when an item is stored to the database.
- Parameters
listener_func (Callable) – The function to be called.
- Raises
TypeError – If the argument is not a callable
- Return type
- aggregate_constraint(constr_id, method='max', groups=None, **options)¶
Aggregates a constraint to generate a reduced dimension constraint.
- Parameters
constr_id (int) – index of the constraint in self.constraints
method (str or callable, that takes a function and returns a function) – aggregation method, among (‘max’,’KS’, ‘IKS’)
groups (tuple of ndarray) – if None, a single output constraint is produced otherwise, one output per group is produced.
- change_objective_sign()¶
Change the objective function sign in order to minimize its opposite.
expresses any optimization problem as a minimization problem. Then, an objective function originally expressed as a performance function to maximize must be converted into a cost function to minimize, by means of this method.- Return type
- check()¶
Check if the optimization problem is ready for run.
- Raises
ValueError – If the objective function is missing.
- Return type
- static check_format(input_function)¶
Check that a function is an instance of
.- Parameters
input_function – The function to be tested.
- Raises
TypeError – If the function is not a
.- Return type
- clear_listeners()¶
Clear all the listeners.
- Return type
- property dimension¶
The dimension of the design space.
- evaluate_functions(x_vect=None, eval_jac=False, eval_obj=True, normalize=True, no_db_no_norm=False)¶
Compute the objective and the constraints.
Some optimization libraries require the number of constraints as an input parameter which is unknown by the formulation or the scenario. Evaluation of initial point allows to get this mandatory information. This is also used for design of experiments to evaluate samples.
- Parameters
x_vect (Optional[numpy.ndarray]) – The input vector at which the functions must be evaluated; if None, x_0 is used.
eval_jac (bool) – If True, then the Jacobian is evaluated
eval_obj (bool) – If True, then the objective function is evaluated
normalize (bool) – If True, then input vector is considered normalized
no_db_no_norm (bool) – If True, then do not use the pre-processed functions, so we have no database, nor normalization.
- Returns
The functions values and/or the Jacobian values according to the passed arguments.
- Raises
ValueError – If both no_db_no_norm and normalize are True.
- Return type
Tuple[Dict[str, Union[float, numpy.ndarray]], Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]]
- export_hdf(file_path, append=False)¶
Export the optimization problem to an HDF file.
- Parameters
file_path (str) – The file to store the data.
append (bool) – If True, then the data are appended to the file if not empty.
- Return type
- export_to_dataset(name, by_group=True, categorize=True, opt_naming=True, export_gradients=False)¶
Export the database of the optimization problem to a
.The variables can be classified into groups, separating the design variables and functions (objective function and constraints). This classification can use either an optimization naming, with
or an input-output naming, withDatabase.INPUT_GROUP
- Parameters
name (str) – A name to be given to the dataset.
by_group (bool) – If True, then store the data by group. Otherwise, store them by variables.
categorize (bool) – If True, then distinguish between the different groups of variables.
opt_naming (bool) – If True, then use an optimization naming.
export_gradients (bool) – If True, then export also the gradients of the functions (objective function, constraints and observables) if the latter are available in the database of the optimization problem.
- Returns
A dataset built from the database of the optimization problem.
- Return type
- get_active_ineq_constraints(x_vect, tol=1e-06)¶
For each constraint, indicate if its different components are active.
- Parameters
x_vect (numpy.ndarray) – The vector of design variables.
tol (float) – The tolerance for deciding whether a constraint is active.
- Returns
For each constraint, a boolean indicator of activation of its different components.
- Return type
Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]
- get_all_functions()¶
Retrieve all the functions of the optimization problem.
These functions are the constraints, the objective function and the observables.
- Returns
All the functions of the optimization problem.
- Return type
- get_all_functions_names()¶
Retrieve the names of all the function of the optimization problem.
These functions are the constraints, the objective function and the observables.
- Returns
The names of all the functions of the optimization problem.
- Return type
- get_best_infeasible_point()¶
Retrieve the best infeasible point within a given tolerance.
- Returns
The best infeasible point expressed as the design variables values, the objective function value, the feasibility of the point and the functions values.
- Return type
Tuple[Optional[numpy.ndarray], Optional[numpy.ndarray], bool, Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]]
- get_constraints_names()¶
Retrieve the names of the constraints.
- Returns
The names of the constraints.
- Return type
- get_constraints_number()¶
Retrieve the number of constraints.
- Returns
The number of constraints.
- Return type
- get_design_variable_names()¶
Retrieve the names of the design variables.
- Returns
The names of the design variables.
- Return type
- get_dimension()¶
Retrieve the total number of design variables.
- Returns
The dimension of the design space.
- Return type
- get_eq_constraints()¶
Retrieve all the equality constraints.
- Returns
The equality constraints.
- Return type
- get_eq_constraints_number()¶
Retrieve the number of equality constraints.
- Returns
The number of equality constraints.
- Return type
- get_eq_cstr_total_dim()¶
Retrieve the total dimension of the equality constraints.
This dimension is the sum of all the outputs dimensions of all the equality constraints.
- Returns
The total dimension of the equality constraints.
- Return type
- get_feasible_points()¶
Retrieve the feasible points within a given tolerance.
This tolerance is defined by
for equality constraints andOptimizationProblem.ineq_tolerance
for inequality ones.- Returns
The values of the design variables and objective function for the feasible points.
- Return type
Tuple[List[numpy.ndarray], List[Dict[str, Union[float, List[int]]]]]
- get_ineq_constraints()¶
Retrieve all the inequality constraints.
- Returns
The inequality constraints.
- Return type
- get_ineq_constraints_number()¶
Retrieve the number of inequality constraints.
- Returns
The number of inequality constraints.
- Return type
- get_ineq_cstr_total_dim()¶
Retrieve the total dimension of the inequality constraints.
This dimension is the sum of all the outputs dimensions of all the inequality constraints.
- Returns
The total dimension of the inequality constraints.
- Return type
- get_nonproc_constraints()¶
Retrieve the non-processed constraints.
- Returns
The non-processed constraints.
- Return type
- get_nonproc_objective()¶
Retrieve the non-processed objective function.
- Return type
- get_objective_name()¶
Retrieve the name of the objective function.
- Returns
The name of the objective function.
- Return type
- get_observable(name)¶
Retrieve an observable from its name.
- Parameters
name (str) – The name of the observable.
- Returns
The observable.
- Raises
ValueError – If the observable cannot be found.
- Return type
- get_optimum()¶
Return the optimum solution within a given feasibility tolerances.
- Returns
The optimum result, defined by:
the value of the objective function,
the value of the design variables,
the indicator of feasibility of the optimal solution,
the value of the constraints,
the value of the gradients of the constraints.
- Return type
Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, bool, Dict[str, numpy.ndarray], Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]]
- get_solution()[source]¶
Return the theoretical optimal value.
- Returns
design variables values of optimized values, function value at optimum
- Return type
numpy array
- get_violation_criteria(x_vect)¶
Compute a violation measure associated to an iteration.
For each constraint, when it is violated, add the absolute distance to zero, in L2 norm.
If 0, all constraints are satisfied
- Parameters
x_vect (numpy.ndarray) – The vector of the design variables values.
- Returns
The feasibility of the point and the violation measure.
- Return type
Tuple[bool, float]
- get_x0_normalized()¶
Return the current values of the design variables after normalization.
- Returns
The current values of the design variables normalized between 0 and 1 from their lower and upper bounds.
- Return type
- has_constraints()¶
Check if the problem has equality or inequality constraints.
- Returns
True if the problem has equality or inequality constraints.
- has_eq_constraints()¶
Check if the problem has equality constraints.
- Returns
True if the problem has equality constraints.
- Return type
- has_ineq_constraints()¶
Check if the problem has inequality constraints.
- Returns
True if the problem has inequality constraints.
- Return type
- has_nonlinear_constraints()¶
Check if the problem has non-linear constraints.
- Returns
True if the problem has equality or inequality constraints.
- Return type
- classmethod import_hdf(file_path, x_tolerance=0.0)¶
Import an optimization history from an HDF file.
- Parameters
file_path (str) – The file containing the optimization history.
x_tolerance (float) – The tolerance on the design variables when reading the file.
- Returns
The read optimization problem.
- Return type
- is_point_feasible(out_val, constraints=None)¶
Check if a point is feasible.
If the value of a constraint is absent from this point, then this constraint will be considered satisfied.
- Parameters
out_val (Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]) – The values of the objective function, and eventually constraints.
constraints (Optional[Iterable[gemseo.core.function.MDOFunction]]) – The constraints whose values are to be tested. If None, then take all constraints of the problem.
- Returns
The feasibility of the point.
- Return type
- property objective¶
The objective function.
- preprocess_functions(normalize=True, use_database=True, round_ints=True)¶
Pre-process all the functions and eventually the gradien.
Required to wrap the objective function and constraints with the database and eventually the gradients by complex step or finite differences.
- Parameters
normalize (bool) – If True, then the functions are normalized.
use_database (bool) – If True, then the functions are wrapped in the database.
round_ints (bool) – If True, then round the integer variables.
- Return type
- static repr_constraint(func, ctype, value=None, positive=False)¶
Express a constraint as a string expression.
- Parameters
func (gemseo.core.function.MDOFunction) – The constraint function.
ctype (str) – The type of the constraint. Either equality or inequality.
value (Optional[float]) – The value for which the constraint is active. If None, this value is 0.
positive (bool) – If True, then the inequality constraint is positive.
- Returns
A string representation of the constraint.
- Return type