Source code for gemseo.algos.doe.lib_openturns

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                           documentation
#        :author: Damien Guenot
OpenTUNRS DOE algorithms wrapper
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import logging

import openturns
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy import array
from numpy import max as np_max
from numpy import min as np_min
from numpy import ndarray
from openturns.viewer import View

from gemseo.algos.doe.doe_lib import DOELibrary

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class OpenTURNS(DOELibrary): """OpenTURNS library of DOE algorithms wrapping.""" OT_DOC = "" # Available algorithm for DOE design OT_SOBOL = "OT_SOBOL" OT_SOBOL_DESC = "Sobol sequence implemented in openTURNS library" OT_SOBOL_WEB = OT_DOC + "_generated/openturns.SobolSequence.html" OT_RANDOM = "OT_RANDOM" OT_RANDOM_DESC = "Random sampling implemented in openTURNS library" OT_RANDOM_WEB = OT_DOC + "_generated/openturns.RandomGenerator.html" OT_HASEL = "OT_HASELGROVE" OT_HASEL_DESC = "Haselgrove sequence implemented in openTURNS library" OT_HASEL_WEB = OT_DOC + "_generated/openturns.HaselgroveSequence.html" OT_REVERSE_HALTON = "OT_REVERSE_HALTON" OT_REVERSE_HALTON_DESC = ( "Reverse Halton sequence implemented" " in openTURNS library" ) OT_REVERSE_HALTON_WEB = OT_DOC + "_generated/openturns.ReverseHaltonSequence.html" OT_HALTON = "OT_HALTON" OT_HALTON_DESC = "Halton sequence implemented in openTURNS library" OT_HALTON_WEB = OT_DOC + "_generated/openturns.HaltonSequence.html" OT_FAURE = "OT_FAURE" OT_FAURE_DESC = "Faure sequence implemented in openTURNS library" OT_FAURE_WEB = OT_DOC + "_generated/openturns.FaureSequence.html" OT_MC = "OT_MONTE_CARLO" OT_MC_DESC = "Monte Carlo sequence implemented in openTURNS library" OT_MC_WEB = OT_DOC + "_generated/openturns.RandomGenerator.html" OT_FACTORIAL = "OT_FACTORIAL" OT_FACTORIAL_DESC = "Factorial design implemented in openTURNS library" OT_FACTORIAL_WEB = OT_DOC + "_generated/openturns.Factorial.html" OT_COMPOSITE = "OT_COMPOSITE" OT_COMPOSITE_DESC = "Composite design implemented in openTURNS library" OT_COMPOSITE_WEB = OT_DOC + "_generated/openturns.Composite.html" OT_AXIAL = "OT_AXIAL" OT_AXIAL_DESC = "Axial design implemented in openTURNS library" OT_AXIAL_WEB = OT_DOC + "_generated/openturns.Axial.html" OT_LHSO = "OT_OPT_LHS" OT_LHSO_DESC = "Optimal Latin Hypercube Sampling implemented in openTURNS library" OT_LHSO_WEB = ( "" ) OT_LHS = "OT_LHS" OT_LHS_DESC = "Latin Hypercube Sampling implemented in openTURNS library" OT_LHS_WEB = OT_DOC + "_generated/openturns.LHS.html" OT_LHSC = "OT_LHSC" OT_LHSC_DESC = ( "Centered Latin Hypercube Sampling implemented" " in openTURNS library" ) OT_LHSC_WEB = OT_DOC + "_generated/openturns.LHS.html" OT_FULLFACT = "OT_FULLFACT" # Box in openturns OT_FULLFACT_DESC = "Full factorial design implemented" "in openTURNS library" OT_FULLFACT_WEB = OT_DOC + "_generated/openturns.Box.html" OT_SOBOL_INDICES = "OT_SOBOL_INDICES" OT_SOBOL_INDICES_DESC = "Sobol indices" OT_SOBOL_INDICES_WEB = OT_DOC + "_generated/openturns.SobolIndicesAlgorithm.html" ALGO_LIST = [ OT_SOBOL, OT_HASEL, OT_REVERSE_HALTON, OT_HALTON, OT_FAURE, OT_AXIAL, OT_FACTORIAL, OT_MC, OT_LHS, OT_LHSC, OT_LHSO, OT_RANDOM, OT_FULLFACT, OT_COMPOSITE, OT_SOBOL_INDICES, ] DESC_LIST = [ OT_SOBOL_DESC, OT_HASEL_DESC, OT_REVERSE_HALTON_DESC, OT_HALTON_DESC, OT_FAURE_DESC, OT_AXIAL_DESC, OT_FACTORIAL_DESC, OT_MC_DESC, OT_LHS_DESC, OT_LHSC_DESC, OT_LHSO_DESC, OT_RANDOM_DESC, OT_FULLFACT_DESC, OT_COMPOSITE_DESC, OT_SOBOL_INDICES_DESC, ] WEB_LIST = [ OT_SOBOL_WEB, OT_HASEL_WEB, OT_REVERSE_HALTON_WEB, OT_HALTON_WEB, OT_FAURE_WEB, OT_AXIAL_WEB, OT_FACTORIAL_WEB, OT_MC_WEB, OT_LHS_WEB, OT_LHSC_WEB, OT_LHSO_WEB, OT_RANDOM_WEB, OT_FULLFACT_WEB, OT_COMPOSITE_WEB, OT_SOBOL_INDICES_WEB, ] # Available distribution (only a part of what is available in openturns OT_ARCSINE = "Arcsine" OT_BETA = "Beta" OT_DIRICHLET = "Dirichlet" OT_NORMAL = "Normal" OT_TRUNCNORMAL = "TruncatedNormal" OT_TRIANGULAR = "Triangular" OT_TRAPEZOIDAL = "Trapezoidal" OT_UNIFORM = "Uniform" DISTRIBUTION_LIST = [ OT_ARCSINE, OT_BETA, OT_DIRICHLET, OT_NORMAL, OT_TRUNCNORMAL, OT_TRIANGULAR, OT_TRAPEZOIDAL, OT_UNIFORM, ] # Optional parameters LEVEL_KEYWORD = "levels" CENTER_KEYWORD = "centers" DISTRIBUTION_KEYWORD = "distribution_name" MEAN_KEYWORD = "mu" STD_KEYWORD = "sigma" START_KEYWORD = "start" END_KEYWORD = "end" DOE_SETTINGS_OPTIONS = [ LEVEL_KEYWORD, DISTRIBUTION_KEYWORD, MEAN_KEYWORD, STD_KEYWORD, START_KEYWORD, END_KEYWORD, CENTER_KEYWORD, ] CRITERION = "criterion" CRITERIA = { "C2": openturns.SpaceFillingC2, "PhiP": openturns.SpaceFillingPhiP, "MinDist": openturns.SpaceFillingMinDist, } TEMPERATURE = "temperature" TEMPERATURES = { "Geometric": openturns.GeometricProfile, "Linear": openturns.LinearProfile, } N_REPLICATES = "n_replicates" ANNEALING = "annealing" # Default parameters DISTRIBUTION_DEFAULT = OT_UNIFORM def __init__(self): """Constructor Unless mentioned, DOE are normalized between [0,1]""" super(OpenTURNS, self).__init__() self.__distr_list = [] self.__comp_dist = None self.__sequence = None for idx, algo in enumerate(self.ALGO_LIST): self.lib_dict[algo] = { DOELibrary.LIB: self.__class__.__name__, DOELibrary.INTERNAL_NAME: algo, DOELibrary.DESCRIPTION: self.DESC_LIST[idx], DOELibrary.WEBSITE: self.WEB_LIST[idx], } def _get_options( self, distribution_name="Uniform", # pylint: disable=W0221 levels=None, centers=None, eval_jac=False, n_samples=1, mu=0.5, sigma=None, start=0.25, end=0.75, n_processes=1, wait_time_between_samples=0.0, criterion="C2", temperature="Geometric", annealing=True, n_replicates=1000, seed=1, max_time=0, **kwargs ): """Sets the options. :param distribution_name: distribution name :type distribution_name: str :param levels: levels for axial, factorial and composite designs :type levels: array :param centers: centers for axial, factorial and composite designs :type centers: array :param eval_jac: evaluate jacobian :type eval_jac: bool :param n_samples: number of samples :type n_samples: int :param mu: mean of a random variable for beta, normal and truncated normal distributions :type mu: float :param sigma: standard deviation for beta, normal and truncated normal distributions :type sigma: float :param start: level start for trapezoidal distribution :type start: float :param end: level end for trapezoidal distribution :type end: float :param n_processes: number of processes :type n_processes: int :param wait_time_between_samples: waiting time between two samples :type wait_time_between_samples: float :param criterion: space-filling criterion, either "C2", "PhiP" or "MinDist". Default: "C2". :type criterion: str :param temperature: temperature profil for simulated annealing, either "Geometric" or "Linear". Default: "Geometric". :param annealing: if True, use simulated annealing to optimize LHS. Otherwise, use crude Monte Carlo. Default: True. :type annealing: bool :param n_replicates: number of Monte Carlo replicates to optimize LHS. Default: 1000. :type n_replicates: int :param seed: seed value. :type seed: int :param max_time: maximum runtime in seconds, disabled if 0 (Default value = 0) :type max_time: float :param kwargs: additional arguments """ if levels is None: levels = [0.0, 0.25, 0.5] if centers is None: centers = [0.5] if sigma is None: sigma = 0.447214 * 0.5 wtbs = wait_time_between_samples popts = self._process_options( distribution_name=distribution_name, levels=levels, centers=centers, eval_jac=eval_jac, n_samples=n_samples, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, start=start, end=end, n_processes=n_processes, wait_time_between_samples=wtbs, criterion=criterion, temperature=temperature, annealing=annealing, n_replicates=n_replicates, seed=seed, max_time=max_time, **kwargs ) return popts def __set_level_option(self, options): """Check that level options is properly defined for stratified DOE. :param options: the options dict for the DOE """ option = options[self.LEVEL_KEYWORD] if isinstance(option, (list, tuple)): option = array(option) if np_max(option) > 1.0: raise ValueError( "Upper bound of levels must be <=1: %s given" % np_max(option) ) if np_min(option) < 0.0: raise ValueError( "Lower bound of levels must be >=1: %s given" % np_min(option) ) options[self.LEVEL_KEYWORD] = option else: raise TypeError( "Error for levels definition in DOE design:" + "a tuple or a list is expected whereas ", type(option), " is provided", ) return options def __set_center_option(self, dimension, options): """Check that center level options is properly defined for stratified DOE. :param str dimension: parameter space dimension. :param options: the options dict for the DOE """ center = options[self.CENTER_KEYWORD] if isinstance(center, (list, tuple)): if len(center) != dimension: raise ValueError( "Inconsistent length of 'centers' list argument " + "compared to design vector size: %s vs %s" % (dimension, len(center)) ) options[self.CENTER_KEYWORD] = array(center) else: raise TypeError( "Error for 'centers' definition in DOE design:" + "a tuple or a list is expected whereas ", type(center), " is provided", ) return options def __get_distribution(self, options): """If no distribution is provided (a name or a list of composed distributions) then a default setting is done. :param options: the options dict for the distribution """ if self.DISTRIBUTION_KEYWORD in options: distribution_name = options[self.DISTRIBUTION_KEYWORD] del options[self.DISTRIBUTION_KEYWORD] else: distribution_name = self.DISTRIBUTION_DEFAULT return distribution_name, options def _generate_samples(self, **options): """Generates the list of x samples. :param options: the options dict for the algorithm, see associated JSON file """ self.seed += 1 dimension = options[self.DIMENSION] del options[self.DIMENSION] n_samples = options[self.N_SAMPLES] del options[self.N_SAMPLES]"Generation of %s DOE with OpenTurns", self.algo_name) if self.algo_name in (self.OT_LHS, self.OT_LHSC, self.OT_LHSO): distribution_name, options = self.__get_distribution(options) samples = self.__generate_lhs( n_samples, dimension, distribution_name=distribution_name, **options ) elif self.algo_name == self.OT_RANDOM: samples = self.__generate_random(n_samples, dimension, **options) elif self.algo_name == self.OT_MC: distribution_name, options = self.__get_distribution(options) samples = self.__generate_mc( n_samples, dimension, distribution_name=distribution_name, **options ) elif self.algo_name == self.OT_FULLFACT: samples = self.__generate_fullfact(n_samples, dimension) elif self.algo_name in (self.OT_COMPOSITE, self.OT_AXIAL, self.OT_FACTORIAL): options = self.__check_stratified_options(dimension, options) samples = self.__generate_stratified(options) elif self.algo_name == self.OT_SOBOL_INDICES: samples = self.__generate_sobol(n_samples, dimension, **options) else: samples = self.__generate_seq(n_samples, dimension) return samples @staticmethod def __check_float(options, keyword, default=0, u_b=None, l_b=None): """Base function to check if the keyword exist in dictionary and set a default value. :param options: dictionary of optional parameters :type options: dictionary :param keyword: name of the optional keyword :type keyword: string :param default: default value :type default: float :param u_b: upper bound :type u_b: float :param l_b: lower bound :type l_b: float """ if keyword in options: opt = options[keyword] if not isinstance(opt, float): raise TypeError( keyword + " value must be a float : ", type(opt), " given" ) if u_b is not None: if opt > u_b: raise ValueError( keyword + " value must be < " + str(u_b) + " : " + str(opt) + " given" ) if l_b is not None: if opt < l_b: raise ValueError( keyword + " value must be > " + str(l_b) + " : " + str(opt) + " given" ) options[keyword] = opt else: options[keyword] = default return options def __check_stratified_options(self, dimension, options): """Check that mandatory inputs for composite design are set. :param int dimension: parameter space dimension. :param options: the options """ if self.LEVEL_KEYWORD not in options: raise KeyError( "Missing parameter 'levels', " + "tuple of normalized levels " + "in [0,1] you need in your design" ) options = self.__set_level_option(options) if self.CENTER_KEYWORD not in options: options[self.CENTER_KEYWORD] = [0.5 for _ in range(dimension)] else: options = self.__set_center_option(dimension, options) return options def __generate_stratified(self, options): """Generate a DOE using composite algo of openturns. :param options: the options :returns: samples :rtype: numpy array """ levels = options[self.LEVEL_KEYWORD] centers = options[self.CENTER_KEYWORD]"Composite design:")" - centers: %s", str(centers))" - levels: %s", str(levels)) if self.algo_name == self.OT_COMPOSITE: experiment = openturns.Composite(centers, levels) elif self.algo_name == self.OT_AXIAL: experiment = openturns.Axial(centers, levels) elif self.algo_name == self.OT_FACTORIAL: experiment = openturns.Factorial(centers, levels) samples = array(experiment.generate()) samples = self._rescale_samples(samples) return samples def __generate_seq(self, n_samples, dimension): """Generate a DOE using LHS algo of openturns. :param n_samples: number of samples in DOE :type n_samples: integer :param int dimension: parameter space dimension. :returns: samples :rtype: numpy array """ if self.algo_name == self.OT_FAURE: self.__sequence = openturns.FaureSequence elif self.algo_name == self.OT_HALTON: self.__sequence = openturns.HaltonSequence elif self.algo_name == self.OT_REVERSE_HALTON: self.__sequence = openturns.ReverseHaltonSequence elif self.algo_name == self.OT_HASEL: self.__sequence = openturns.HaselgroveSequence elif self.algo_name == self.OT_SOBOL: self.__sequence = openturns.SobolSequence seq = self.__sequence(dimension).generate(n_samples) return array(seq)
[docs] def create_composed_distributions(self): """Create a composed distribution from a list of distributions.""" self.__comp_dist = openturns.ComposedDistribution(self.__distr_list)
[docs] def get_composed_distributions(self): """Returns the composed distributions. :returns: composed distributions :rtype: openturns.ComposedDistribution """ return self.__comp_dist
def __check_composed_distribution(self, distribution_name, dimension): """Checks the composed distribution. :param str distribution_name: name of the distribution :param int dimension: parameter space dimension. """ if self.__comp_dist is None: n_distrib = len(self.__distr_list) if n_distrib == 0: "Creating default composed distribution based on %s", distribution_name, ) self.create_distribution(distribution_name) self.__comp_dist = openturns.ComposedDistribution( [self.__distr_list[0] for _ in range(dimension)] ) elif n_distrib == 1: # Only one distribution was defined ==> duplicating it in all # dimensions self.__comp_dist = openturns.ComposedDistribution( [self.__distr_list[0] for _ in range(dimension)] ) elif n_distrib != dimension: raise ValueError( "Size mismatch between number" " of distribution and problem: " "{} vs. {}".format(dimension, n_distrib) ) elif self.__comp_dist.getDimension() != dimension: raise ValueError( "Size mismatch between ComposedDistribution and " "problem: {} vs. {}".format(dimension, self.__comp_dist.getDimension()) ) else: "Using composed distribution previously created: %s", str(self.__comp_dist.getDistributionCollection()), )
[docs] def check_distribution_name(self, distribution_name): """Check that distribution is available. :param distribution_name: name of the distribution :type distribution_name: string """ if distribution_name not in self.DISTRIBUTION_LIST: raise ValueError( "Distribution '" + distribution_name + "' is not available. " + "Please switch to one of the followings: " + str(self.DISTRIBUTION_LIST) )
[docs] def create_distribution(self, distribution_name="Uniform", **options): """Create a distribution for all design vectors and add it to the list of distributions. :param distribution_name: name of the distribution (Default value = "Uniform") :type distribution_name: str :param options: optional parameters :type options: dict :param options: OT distributions options """ self.check_distribution_name(distribution_name) options = self.__check_float(options, self.MEAN_KEYWORD, 0.5, u_b=1, l_b=0) options = self.__check_float(options, self.CENTER_KEYWORD, 0.5, u_b=1, l_b=0) options = self.__check_float(options, self.START_KEYWORD, 0.25, u_b=1, l_b=0) options = self.__check_float(options, self.END_KEYWORD, 0.75, u_b=1, l_b=0) if distribution_name == self.OT_UNIFORM:"Creation of a uniform distribution") self.__distr_list.append(openturns.Uniform(0, 1)) elif distribution_name == self.OT_TRIANGULAR: dist_center = options[self.CENTER_KEYWORD] "Creation of a triangular distribution" " with center: %s", str(dist_center), ) self.__distr_list.append(openturns.Triangular(0.0, dist_center, 1.0)) elif distribution_name == self.OT_TRAPEZOIDAL: lower_bound = options[self.START_KEYWORD] upper_bound = options[self.END_KEYWORD] "Creation of a trapezoidal distribution " "with lower/upper bounds: %s %s", str(lower_bound), str(upper_bound), ) self.__distr_list.append( openturns.Trapezoidal(0.0, lower_bound, upper_bound, 1.0) ) elif distribution_name == self.OT_BETA: mean = options[self.MEAN_KEYWORD] options = self.__check_float( options, self.STD_KEYWORD, 0.447214 * 0.5, u_b=1, l_b=0 ) std = options[self.STD_KEYWORD] "Creation of a %s distribution" ": mu (mean) %g and sigma (std) %g", distribution_name, mean, std, ) beta = openturns.Beta() beta.setParameter(openturns.BetaMuSigma()([mean, std, 0.0, 1.0])) self.__distr_list.append(beta) elif distribution_name == self.OT_ARCSINE:"Creation of a %s", str(distribution_name)) arcs = openturns.Arcsine(0.0, 1.0) self.__distr_list.append(arcs) elif distribution_name == self.OT_TRUNCNORMAL: mean = options[self.MEAN_KEYWORD] options = self.__check_float( options, self.STD_KEYWORD, 0.5 / 3.75, u_b=1, l_b=0 ) std = options[self.STD_KEYWORD] "Creation of a %s distribution: mu (mean) %g and" "sigma (std) %g", distribution_name, mean, std, ) nrmal = openturns.TruncatedNormal(mean, std, 0.0, 1.0) self.__distr_list.append(nrmal) elif distribution_name == self.OT_NORMAL: mean = options[self.MEAN_KEYWORD] options = self.__check_float( options, self.STD_KEYWORD, 0.5 / 3.75, u_b=1, l_b=0 ) std = options[self.STD_KEYWORD] "Creation of a %s distribution: mu (mean) %g and" "sigma (std) %g", distribution_name, mean, std, ) self.__distr_list.append(openturns.Normal(mean, std))
[docs] def display_distributions_list(self): """Display list of distributions use or that will be used for DOE design based on LHS or Monte-Carlo methods.""""List of distributions:") for distrib in self.__distr_list:
[docs] def get_distributions_list(self): """Accessor for distributions list. :returns: distribution list :rtype: list """ return self.__distr_list
def __generate_lhs( self, n_samples, dimension, distribution_name="Uniform", **options ): """Generate a DOE using LHS algo of openturns. :param int n_samples: number of samples in DOE :param int dimension: parameter space dimension. :param distribution_name: name of the distribution :type distribution_name: string :param options: the options :returns: samples :rtype: numpy array """ self.__check_composed_distribution( distribution_name=distribution_name, dimension=dimension ) seed = options.get(self.SEED, self.seed) openturns.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(seed) lhs = openturns.LHSExperiment(self.__comp_dist, n_samples) if self.algo_name == self.OT_LHSO: lhs.setAlwaysShuffle(True) criterion = options.get(self.CRITERION, "C2") try: criterion = self.CRITERIA[criterion]() except KeyError: raise ValueError( "{} is not an available criterion. Available ones are: {}".format( criterion, self.CRITERIA ) ) annealing = options.get(self.ANNEALING, True) if annealing: temperature = options.get(self.TEMPERATURE, "Geometric") try: temperature = self.TEMPERATURES[temperature]() except KeyError: raise ValueError( "{} is not an available temperature profil." "Available ones are: {}".format(temperature, self.TEMPERATURES) ) algo = openturns.SimulatedAnnealingLHS(lhs, temperature, criterion) design = algo.generate() else: n_replicates = options.get(self.N_REPLICATES, 1000) algo = openturns.MonteCarloLHS(lhs, n_replicates) design = algo.generate() else: design = lhs.generate() samples = array(design) if self.algo_name == self.OT_LHSC: samples = self.__compute_centered_lhs(samples) return samples @staticmethod def __compute_centered_lhs( samples, # type:ndarray ): # type:(...) ->ndarray """Center the samples resulting from a Latin hypercube sampling. Args: samples: The samples resulting from a Latin hypercube sampling. Returns: The centered version of the initial samples. """ n_samples = len(samples) centered_samples = (samples // (1.0 / n_samples) + 0.5) / n_samples return centered_samples def __generate_mc( self, n_samples, dimension, distribution_name="Uniform", **options ): """Generate a DOE using Monte-Carlo algo of openturns. :param int n_samples: number of samples in DOE :param int dimension: parameter space dimension :param distribution_name: name of the distribution :type distribution_name: string :param options: the options :returns: samples :rtype: numpy array """ self.__check_composed_distribution( distribution_name=distribution_name, dimension=dimension ) seed = options.get(self.SEED, self.seed) openturns.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(seed) experiment = openturns.MonteCarloExperiment(self.__comp_dist, n_samples) return array(experiment.generate()) def __generate_sobol(self, n_samples, dimension, **options): """Generate a DOE using Sobol' sampling. :param int n_samples: number of samples in DOE :param int dimension: parameter space dimension :returns: samples :rtype: numpy array """ seed = options.get(self.SEED, self.seed) openturns.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(seed) self.__check_composed_distribution( distribution_name="Uniform", dimension=dimension ) n_samples = int(n_samples / (dimension + 2)) experiment = openturns.SobolIndicesExperiment(self.__comp_dist, n_samples) data = array(experiment.generate()) return data def __generate_fullfact(self, n_samples, dimension): """Generate a DOE using Monte-Carlo algo of openturns. :param int n_samples: number of samples in DOE :param int dimension: parameter space dimension. :returns: samples :rtype: numpy array """ self._display_fullfact_warning(n_samples) level = int(n_samples ** (1.0 / dimension) - 2) if level < 1: level = 0 levels = [level] * dimension experiment = openturns.Box(levels) return array(experiment.generate()) def __generate_random(self, n_samples, dimension, **options): """Generate a DOE using random algo of openturns. :param n_samples: number of samples in DOE :type n_samples: integer :param int dimension: parameter space dimension :returns: samples :rtype: numpy array """ seed = options.get(self.SEED, self.seed) openturns.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(seed) samples_list = [] for _ in range(n_samples): samples_list.append(openturns.RandomGenerator.Generate(dimension)) return array(samples_list)
[docs] @staticmethod def plot_distribution(distribution, show=False): """Plot the density PDF & the CDF (cumulative) of a given distribution. :param distribution: the distribution to plot :type distribution: openturns.Distribution :param show: show plot (Default value = False) :type show: bool """ distribution.setDescription(["x"]) pdf_graph = distribution.drawPDF() cdf_graph = distribution.drawCDF() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) plt.suptitle(str(distribution)) pdf_axis = fig.add_subplot(121) cdf_axis = fig.add_subplot(122) mean = array(distribution.getMean())[0] std = array(distribution.getStandardDeviation())[0] View(pdf_graph, figure=fig, axes=[pdf_axis], add_legend=False) pdf_axis.axvline(x=mean, ymin=0.0, linewidth=1, linestyle="-.", color="k") pdf_axis.axvline( x=mean - std, linestyle="--", ymin=0.0, linewidth=0.5, color="k" ) pdf_axis.axvline( x=mean + std, linestyle="--", ymin=0.0, linewidth=0.5, color="k" ) pdf_axis.annotate( r"$\mu$", xy=(0.5, 1.05), xycoords="axes fraction", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", size=15, ) pdf_axis.annotate( r"$\mu+\sigma$", xy=(mean + std, 1.05), xycoords="axes fraction", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", size=15, ) pdf_axis.annotate( r"$\mu-\sigma$", xy=(mean - std, 1.05), xycoords="axes fraction", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", size=15, ) View(cdf_graph, figure=fig, axes=[cdf_axis], add_legend=False) if show: plt.close()