Source code for gemseo.algos.opt.lib_scipy_linprog

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                           documentation
#        :author: Benoit Pauwels
"""SciPy linear programming library wrapper."""
from numpy import isfinite
from scipy.optimize import linprog

from gemseo.algos.opt.core.linear_constraints import build_constraints_matrices
from gemseo.algos.opt.opt_lib import OptimizationLibrary
from gemseo.algos.opt_problem import OptimizationProblem
from gemseo.algos.opt_result import OptimizationResult
from gemseo.core.function import MDOLinearFunction
from gemseo.utils.py23_compat import PY2

[docs]class ScipyLinprog(OptimizationLibrary): """SciPy linear programming library interface. See OptimizationLibrary. """ LIB_COMPUTE_GRAD = True REDUNDANCY_REMOVAL = "redundancy removal" REVISED_SIMPLEX = "REVISED_SIMPLEX" OPTIONS_MAP = { OptimizationLibrary.MAX_ITER: "maxiter", OptimizationLibrary.VERBOSE: "disp", REDUNDANCY_REMOVAL: "rr", } def __init__(self): """Constructor. Generate the library dictionary that contains the list of algorithms with their characteristics. """ super(ScipyLinprog, self).__init__() doc = "" self.lib_dict = { "LINEAR_INTERIOR_POINT": { self.INTERNAL_NAME: "interior-point", self.DESCRIPTION: "Linear programming by the interior-point" " method implemented in the SciPy library", self.WEBSITE: doc + "optimize.linprog-interior-point.html", }, ScipyLinprog.REVISED_SIMPLEX: { self.INTERNAL_NAME: "revised simplex", self.DESCRIPTION: "Linear programming by a two-phase revised" " simplex algorithm implemented in the SciPy library", self.WEBSITE: doc + "optimize.linprog-revised_simplex.html", }, "SIMPLEX": { self.INTERNAL_NAME: "simplex", self.DESCRIPTION: "Linear programming by the two-phase simplex" " algorithm implemented in the SciPy library", self.WEBSITE: doc + "optimize.linprog-simplex.html", }, } if PY2: # The "revised simplex" algorithm is not available in Python 2. # Indeed this feature appeared in SciPy 1.3.0 which requires Python 3.5+. # del self.lib_dict["REVISED_SIMPLEX"] common_items = { self.PROBLEM_TYPE: OptimizationProblem.LINEAR_PB, self.POSITIVE_CONSTRAINTS: False, self.HANDLE_EQ_CONS: True, self.HANDLE_INEQ_CONS: True, } for algo_dict in self.lib_dict.values(): algo_dict.update(common_items) def _get_options( # pylint: disable=W0221 self, max_iter=999, autoscale=False, presolve=True, redundancy_removal=True, callback=None, verbose=False, normalize_design_space=True, **kwargs ): """Retrieve the options of the library. Defines default values for options using keyword arguments. :param max_iter: maximum number of iterations, i.e. unique calls to the objective function :type max_iter: int, optional :param autoscale: if True then the linear problem is scaled Refer to the SciPy documentation for more details. :type autoscale: bool, optional :param presolve: if True then attempt to detect infeasibility, unboundedness or problem simplifications before solving Refer to the SciPy documentation for more details. :type presolve: bool, optional :param redundancy_removal: if True then linearly dependent equality-constraints are removed :type redundancy_removal: bool, optional :param verbose: if True then convergence messages are printed :type verbose: bool, optional :param callback: function to be called at least once per iteration Takes a scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult as single argument. Refer to the SciPy documentation for more details. :type callback: callable, optional :param kwargs: other algorithms options :type kwargs: kwargs """ normalize_ds = normalize_design_space options = self._process_options( max_iter=max_iter, autoscale=autoscale, presolve=presolve, redundancy_removal=redundancy_removal, verbose=verbose, callback=callback, normalize_design_space=normalize_ds, **kwargs ) return options def _run(self, **options): """Run the algorithm. :param options: options dictionary for the algorithm :type options: dict :returns: the optimization result :rtype: OptimizationResult """ # Remove the normalization option from the algorithm options options.pop(self.NORMALIZE_DESIGN_SPACE_OPTION, True) # Get the starting point and bounds x_0, l_b, u_b = self.get_x0_and_bounds_vects(False) # Replace infinite bounds with None l_b = [val if isfinite(val) else None for val in l_b] u_b = [val if isfinite(val) else None for val in u_b] bounds = list(zip(l_b, u_b)) # Build the functions matrices # N.B. use the non-processed functions to access the coefficients obj_coeff = self.problem.nonproc_objective.coefficients[0, :].real constraints = self.problem.nonproc_constraints ineq_lhs, ineq_rhs = build_constraints_matrices( constraints, MDOLinearFunction.TYPE_INEQ ) eq_lhs, eq_rhs = build_constraints_matrices( constraints, MDOLinearFunction.TYPE_EQ ) # |g| is in charge of ensuring max iterations, since it may # have a different definition of iterations, such as for SLSQP # for instance which counts duplicate calls to x as a new iteration options[self.OPTIONS_MAP[self.MAX_ITER]] = 10000000 # For the "revised simplex" algorithm (available since SciPy 1.3.0 which # requires Python 3.5+) the initial guess must be a basic feasible solution, # or BFS (geometrically speaking, a vertex of the feasible polyhedron). # Here the passed initial guess is always ignored. # (A BFS will be automatically looked for during the first phase of the simplex # algorithm.) linprog_result = linprog( c=obj_coeff, A_ub=ineq_lhs, b_ub=ineq_rhs, A_eq=eq_lhs, b_eq=eq_rhs, bounds=bounds, method=self.internal_algo_name, options=options, ) # Gather the optimization results x_opt = linprog_result.x # N.B. SciPy tolerance on bounds is higher than the DesignSpace one x_opt = self.problem.design_space.project_into_bounds(x_opt) val_opt, jac_opt = self.problem.evaluate_functions( x_vect=x_opt, eval_jac=True, eval_obj=True, normalize=False, no_db_no_norm=True, ) f_opt = val_opt[self.problem.objective.outvars[0]] constraints_values = { key: val_opt[key] for key in self.problem.get_constraints_names() } constraints_grad = { key: jac_opt[key] for key in self.problem.get_constraints_names() } is_feasible = self.problem.is_point_feasible(val_opt) optim_result = OptimizationResult( x_0=x_0, x_opt=x_opt, f_opt=f_opt, status=linprog_result.status, constraints_values=constraints_values, constraints_grad=constraints_grad, optimizer_name=self.algo_name, message=linprog_result.message, n_obj_call=None, n_grad_call=None, n_constr_call=None, is_feasible=is_feasible, ) return optim_result