Source code for gemseo.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - API and implementation and/or documentation
#        :author: Francois Gallard
#        :author: Matthias De Lozzo

Here is the Application Programming Interface (API) of |g|,
a set of high level functions for ease of use.

Make |g| ever more accessible

The aim of this API is to provide high level functions that are sufficient
to use |g| in most cases, without requiring a deep knowledge of |g|.

Besides, these functions shall change much less often than the internal
classes, which is key for backward compatibility,
which means ensuring that your current scripts using |g| will be usable
with the future versions of |g|.

Connect |g| to your favorite tools

The API also facilitates the interfacing of |g|
with a platform or other software.

To interface a simulation software with |g|,
please refer to: :ref:`software_connection`.

.. _extending-gemseo:

Extending |g|

|g| features can be extended with external python modules. All kinds of
additional features can be implemented: disciplines, algorithms, formulations,
post-processings, surrogate models, ... There are 2 ways to extend |g| with a
directory that contains the python modules:

- by adding the directory to the :envvar:`PYTHONPATH` if the directory name
  starts with :file:`gemseo_`,
- by setting the environment variable :envvar:`GEMSEO_PATH` to the directory
  path, multiple directories can be separated by :envvar:`:`.

Table of contents


- :meth:`~gemseo.api.create_scenario`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.execute_algo`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_available_opt_algorithms`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_available_doe_algorithms`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_algorithm_options_schema`


- :meth:`~gemseo.api.create_cache`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_available_caches`


- :meth:`~gemseo.api.configure_logger`


- :meth:`~gemseo.api.generate_n2_plot`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.generate_coupling_graph`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_all_inputs`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_all_outputs`

Design space

- :meth:`~gemseo.api.read_design_space`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.export_design_space`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.create_design_space`


- :meth:`~gemseo.api.create_discipline`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_available_disciplines`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_discipline_inputs_schema`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_discipline_outputs_schema`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_discipline_options_schema`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_discipline_options_defaults`


- :meth:`~gemseo.api.create_scenario`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_available_formulations`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_formulation_options_schema`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_formulation_sub_options_schema`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_formulations_sub_options_defaults`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_formulations_options_defaults`


- :meth:`~gemseo.api.create_mda`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_available_mdas`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_mda_options_schema`


- :meth:`~gemseo.api.execute_post`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_available_post_processings`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_post_processing_options_schema`


- :meth:`~gemseo.api.create_scalable`


- :meth:`~gemseo.api.create_scenario`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.monitor_scenario`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_available_scenario_types`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_scenario_options_schema`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_scenario_inputs_schema`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_scenario_differenciation_modes`


- :meth:`~gemseo.api.create_surrogate`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_available_surrogates`
- :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_surrogate_options_schema`

API functions
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import logging
import re
from typing import List, Optional  # noqa F401

from six import string_types

from gemseo.mlearning.regression.regression import MLRegressionAlgo
from gemseo.third_party.prettytable import PrettyTable
from gemseo.utils.logging_tools import MultiLineFileHandler, MultiLineStreamHandler

# Most modules are imported directly in the methods, which adds a very small
# overhead, but prevents users from importing them from the API.
# All factories are Singletons which means that the scan for
# plugins is done once only

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

[docs]def generate_n2_plot( disciplines, file_path="n2.pdf", show_data_names=True, save=True, show=False, figsize=(15, 10), open_browser=False, ): """Generate a N2 plot for the disciplines list. :param disciplines: List of disciplines to analyze. :type disciplines: list(MDODiscipline) :param file_path: File path of the figure. :type file_path: str :param show_data_names: If true, the names of the coupling data is shown otherwise, circles are drawn, which size depend on the number of coupling names. :type show_data_names: bool :param save: If True, saved the figure to file_path. :type save: bool :param show: If True, shows the plot. :type show: bool :param figsize: Size of the figure. :type figsize: tuple(float) :param open_browser: If True, open the browser and display the N2. :type open_browser: bool Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import create_discipline, generate_n2_plot >>> disciplines = create_discipline(['Sellar1', 'Sellar2', 'SellarSystem']) >>> generate_n2_plot(disciplines) See also -------- generate_coupling_graph get_all_inputs get_all_outputs """ from gemseo.core.coupling_structure import MDOCouplingStructure coupling_structure = MDOCouplingStructure(disciplines) coupling_structure.plot_n2_chart( file_path, show_data_names, save, show, figsize, open_browser )
[docs]def generate_coupling_graph(disciplines, file_path="coupling_graph.pdf", full=True): """Generate a graph of the couplings for the disciplines list. :param disciplines: List of disciplines to analyze. :type disciplines: list(MDODiscipline) :param file_path: File path of the figure. :type file_path: str :param full: If True, generate the full coupling graph. Otherwise, generate the condensed one. :type full: bool Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import create_discipline, generate_coupling_graph >>> disciplines = create_discipline(['Sellar1', 'Sellar2', 'SellarSystem']) >>> generate_coupling_graph(disciplines) See also -------- generate_n2_plot get_all_inputs get_all_outputs """ from gemseo.core.coupling_structure import MDOCouplingStructure coupling_structure = MDOCouplingStructure(disciplines) if full: coupling_structure.graph.export_initial_graph(file_path) else: coupling_structure.graph.export_reduced_graph(file_path)
[docs]def get_available_formulations(): """List the available formulations in the current configuration. :return: list of available MDO formulations. :rtype: list(str) Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_available_formulations >>> get_available_formulations() See also -------- create_scenario get_formulation_options_schema get_formulation_sub_options_schema get_formulations_options_defaults get_formulations_sub_options_defaults """ from gemseo.formulations.formulations_factory import MDOFormulationsFactory return MDOFormulationsFactory().formulations
[docs]def get_available_opt_algorithms(): """List the available optimization algorithms names in the present configuration. :return: list of available optimization algorithms. :rtype: list(str) Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_available_opt_algorithms >>> get_available_opt_algorithms() See also -------- create_scenario execute_algo get_available_doe_algorithms get_algorithm_options_schema """ from gemseo.algos.opt.opt_factory import OptimizersFactory return OptimizersFactory().algorithms
[docs]def get_available_doe_algorithms(): """List the available Design of Experiments algorithms names in the present configuration. :return: list of available DOE algorithms. :rtype: list(str) Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_available_doe_algorithms >>> get_available_doe_algorithms() See also -------- create_scenario execute_algo get_available_opt_algorithms get_algorithm_options_schema """ from gemseo.algos.doe.doe_factory import DOEFactory return DOEFactory().algorithms
[docs]def get_available_surrogates(): """List the available surrogate model names in the present configuration. :return: list of available surrogate disciplines. :rtype: list(str) Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_available_surrogates >>> print(get_available_surrogates()) ['RBFRegression', 'GaussianProcessRegression', 'LinearRegression', 'PCERegression'] See also -------- create_surrogate get_surrogate_options_schema """ from gemseo.mlearning.api import get_regression_models return get_regression_models()
[docs]def get_available_disciplines(): """List the available disciplines names in the present configuration. :return: list of available disciplines. :rtype: list(str) Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_available_disciplines >>> print(get_available_disciplines()) ['RosenMF', 'SobieskiAerodynamics', 'ScalableKriging', 'DOEScenario', 'MDOScenario', 'SobieskiMission', 'SobieskiBaseWrapper', 'Sellar1', 'Sellar2', 'MDOChain', 'SobieskiStructure', 'AutoPyDiscipline', 'Structure', 'SobieskiPropulsion', 'Scenario', 'AnalyticDiscipline', 'MDOScenarioAdapter', 'ScalableDiscipline', 'SellarSystem', 'Aerodynamics', 'Mission', 'PropaneComb1', 'PropaneComb2', 'PropaneComb3', 'PropaneReaction', 'MDOParallelChain'] See also -------- create_discipline get_available_disciplines get_discipline_inputs_schema get_discipline_outputs_schema get_discipline_options_schema get_discipline_options_defaults """ from gemseo.problems.disciplines_factory import DisciplinesFactory return DisciplinesFactory().disciplines
[docs]def get_surrogate_options_schema(surrogate_name, output_json=False, pretty_print=False): """Lists the available options for a surrogate discipline. :param surrogate_name: Name of the surrogate discipline :type surrogate_name: str :param output_json: Apply json format for the schema :type output_json: bool :param pretty_print: Print the schema in a pretty table. :type pretty_print: bool :returns: Option schema (string) of the surrogate discipline Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_surrogate_options_schema >>> tmp = get_surrogate_options_schema('LinRegSurrogateDiscipline', >>> pretty_print=True) See also -------- create_surrogate get_available_surrogates """ from gemseo.mlearning.api import get_regression_options return get_regression_options(surrogate_name, output_json, pretty_print)
[docs]def get_algorithm_options_schema(algorithm_name, output_json=False, pretty_print=False): """Get the options schema as a JSON Schema string or dictionary for a given algorithm. :param algorithm_name: Name of the algorithm :type algorithm_name: str :param output_json: If True, returns a JSON string, return a dict otherwise. :type output_json: bool :param pretty_print: print the schema in a pretty table. :type pretty_print: bool :return: the option schema (string) of the algorithm Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_algorithm_options_schema >>> schema = get_algorithm_options_schema('NLOPT_SLSQP', pretty_print=True) See also -------- create_scenario execute_algo get_available_opt_algorithms get_available_doe_algorithms get_algorithm_options_schema """ from gemseo.algos.doe.doe_factory import DOEFactory from gemseo.algos.opt.opt_factory import OptimizersFactory for factory in (DOEFactory(), OptimizersFactory()): if factory.is_available(algorithm_name): algo_lib = factory.create(algorithm_name) opts_gram = algo_lib.init_options_grammar(algorithm_name) schema = _get_schema(opts_gram, output_json, pretty_print) return schema raise ValueError("Algorithm named " + str(algorithm_name) + " is not available.")
[docs]def get_discipline_inputs_schema(discipline, output_json=False, pretty_print=False): """Get the inputs schema of a discipline. :param discipline: MDODiscipline instance. :type discipline: MDODiscipline :param output_json: If True, returns a JSON string, return a dict otherwise. :type output_json: bool :param pretty_print: Print the schema in a pretty table. :type pretty_print: bool :return: Option schema of the discipline inputs. :rtype: string Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import create_discipline, get_discipline_inputs_schema >>> discipline = create_discipline('Sellar1') >>> schema = get_discipline_inputs_schema(discipline, pretty_print=True) See also -------- create_discipline get_available_disciplines get_discipline_outputs_schema get_discipline_options_schema get_discipline_options_defaults """ return _get_schema(discipline.input_grammar, output_json, pretty_print)
[docs]def get_discipline_outputs_schema(discipline, output_json=False, pretty_print=False): """Get the outputs schema of a discipline. :param discipline: MDODiscipline instance :type discipline: MDODiscipline :param output_json: If True, return a JSON string, return a dict otherwise. :type output_json: bool :param pretty_print: Print the schema in a pretty table. :type pretty_print: bool :param pretty_print: Print the schema in a pretty table. :type pretty_print: bool :return: Schema of the discipline outputs :rtype: string Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_discipline_outputs_schema, create_discipline >>> discipline = create_discipline('Sellar1') >>> get_discipline_outputs_schema(discipline, pretty_print=True) See also -------- create_discipline get_available_disciplines get_discipline_inputs_schema get_discipline_options_schema get_discipline_options_defaults """ return _get_schema(discipline.output_grammar, output_json, pretty_print)
[docs]def get_available_post_processings(): """List the available optimization post-processings. :return: List of available post-processings. :rtype: list(str) Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_available_post_processings >>> print(get_available_post_processings()) ['ScatterPlotMatrix', 'VariableInfluence', 'ConstraintsHistory', 'RadarChart', 'Robustness', 'Correlations', 'SOM', 'KMeans', 'ParallelCoordinates', 'GradientSensitivity', 'OptHistoryView', 'BasicHistory', 'ObjConstrHist', 'QuadApprox'] See also -------- execute_post get_post_processing_options_schema """ from import PostFactory return PostFactory().posts
[docs]def get_post_processing_options_schema( post_proc_name, output_json=False, pretty_print=False ): """List the options schema of a post-processing. :param post_proc_name: Post processing name. :type post_proc_name: str :param output_json: If True, returns a JSON string, return a dict otherwise. :param pretty_print: Print the schema in a pretty table. :type pretty_print: bool :type output_json: bool :return: Option schema of the post processing Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_post_processing_options_schema >>> schema = get_post_processing_options_schema('OptHistoryView', >>> pretty_print=True) See also -------- execute_post get_available_post_processings """ from gemseo.algos.opt_problem import OptimizationProblem from import PostFactory post_proc = PostFactory().create(OptimizationProblem(None), post_proc_name) return _get_schema(post_proc.opt_grammar, output_json, pretty_print)
[docs]def get_formulation_options_schema( formulation_name, output_json=False, pretty_print=False ): """Get the options schema of a MDO formulation. :param formulation_name: Name of the MDO formulation. :type formulation_name: str :param output_json: If True, returns a JSON string, return a dict otherwise. :param pretty_print: Print the schema in a pretty table. :type pretty_print: bool :type output_json: bool :return: Option schema (string) of the MDO formulation. Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_formulation_options_schema >>> schema = get_formulation_options_schema('MDF', pretty_print=True) See also -------- create_scenario get_available_formulations get_formulation_sub_options_schema get_formulations_options_defaults get_formulations_sub_options_defaults """ from gemseo.formulations.formulations_factory import MDOFormulationsFactory factory = MDOFormulationsFactory().factory grammar = factory.get_options_grammar(formulation_name) return _get_schema(grammar, output_json, pretty_print)
[docs]def get_formulation_sub_options_schema( formulation_name, output_json=False, pretty_print=False, **formulation_options ): """Get the sub-options schema of a MDO formulation. :param formulation_name: Name of the MDO formulation :type formulation_name: str :param output_json: If True, returns a JSON string, return a dict otherwise. :type output_json: bool :param pretty_print: Print the schema in a pretty table. :type pretty_print: bool :param formulation_options: Options to be passed to the formulation; this is required to instantiate it. :return: Sub-option schema of the MDO formulation Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_formulation_sub_options_schema >>> schema = get_formulation_sub_options_schema('MDF', >>> main_mda_class='MDAJacobi', >>> pretty_print=True) See also -------- create_scenario get_available_formulations get_formulation_options_schema get_formulations_options_defaults get_formulations_sub_options_defaults """ from gemseo.formulations.formulations_factory import MDOFormulationsFactory factory = MDOFormulationsFactory().factory grammar = factory.get_sub_options_grammar(formulation_name, **formulation_options) return _get_schema(grammar, output_json, pretty_print)
[docs]def get_formulations_sub_options_defaults(formulation_name, **formulation_options): """Get the default values of the sub options of a formulation. :param formulation_name: Name of the discipline. :type formulation_name: str :param formulation_options: Options to be passed to the formulation; this is required to instantiate it. :return: Default values of the sub-options of the MDO formulation. Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_formulations_sub_options_defaults >>> get_formulations_sub_options_defaults('MDF', >>> main_mda_class='MDAJacobi') See also -------- create_scenario get_available_formulations get_formulation_options_schema get_formulation_sub_options_schema get_formulations_options_defaults """ from gemseo.formulations.formulations_factory import MDOFormulationsFactory factory = MDOFormulationsFactory().factory return factory.get_default_sub_options_values( formulation_name, **formulation_options )
[docs]def get_formulations_options_defaults(formulation_name): """Get the default values of the options of a formulation. :param formulation_name: Name of the discipline. :type formulation_name: str :return: Default values of the options of the MDO formulation. Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_formulations_options_defaults >>> get_formulations_options_defaults('MDF') {'main_mda_class': 'MDAChain', 'maximize_objective': False, 'sub_mda_class': 'MDAJacobi'} See also -------- create_scenario get_available_formulations get_formulation_options_schema get_formulation_sub_options_schema get_formulations_sub_options_defaults """ from gemseo.formulations.formulations_factory import MDOFormulationsFactory factory = MDOFormulationsFactory().factory return factory.get_default_options_values(formulation_name)
[docs]def get_discipline_options_schema( discipline_name, output_json=False, pretty_print=False ): """Get the options schema of a discipline. :param discipline_name: Name of the discipline. :type discipline_name: str :param output_json: If True, returns a JSON string, return a dict otherwise. :type output_json: bool :param pretty_print: print the schema in a pretty table. :type pretty_print: bool :return: Options schema of the discipline Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_discipline_options_schema >>> schema = get_discipline_options_schema('Sellar1', pretty_print=True) See also -------- create_discipline get_available_disciplines get_discipline_inputs_schema get_discipline_outputs_schema get_discipline_options_defaults """ from gemseo.problems.disciplines_factory import DisciplinesFactory disc_fact = DisciplinesFactory() grammar = disc_fact.get_options_grammar(discipline_name) return _get_schema(grammar, output_json, pretty_print)
[docs]def get_scenario_options_schema(scenario_type, output_json=False, pretty_print=False): """Get the options schema of a scenario. :param scenario_type: Type of scenario (DOE, MDO...) :type scenario_type: str :param output_json: True, returns a JSON string, return a dict otherwise. :type output_json: bool :param pretty_print: Print the schema in a pretty table. :type pretty_print: bool :return: Options schema of the scenario Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_scenario_options_schema >>> get_scenario_options_schema('MDO') See also -------- create_scenario monitor_scenario get_available_scenario_types get_scenario_options_schema get_scenario_inputs_schema get_scenario_differenciation_modes """ if scenario_type not in get_available_scenario_types(): raise ValueError("Unknown scenario type " + str(scenario_type)) scenario_class = {"MDO": "MDOScenario", "DOE": "DOEScenario"}[scenario_type] return get_discipline_options_schema(scenario_class, output_json, pretty_print)
[docs]def get_scenario_inputs_schema(scenario, output_json=False, pretty_print=False): """Get the schema of the inputs of a scenario. :param scenario: Scenario instance :type scenario: Scenario :param output_json: If True, returns a JSON string, return a dict otherwise. :type output_json: bool :param pretty_print: Print the schema in a pretty table. :type pretty_print: bool :return: Schema of the scenario inputs Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import create_discipline, create_scenario, get_scenario_inputs_schema >>> from gemseo.problems.sellar.sellar_design_space import SellarDesignSpace >>> design_space = SellarDesignSpace() >>> disciplines = create_discipline(['Sellar1','Sellar2','SellarSystem']) >>> scenario = create_scenario(disciplines, 'MDF', 'obj', design_space, 'my_scenario', 'MDO') >>> get_scenario_inputs_schema(scenario) See also -------- create_scenario monitor_scenario get_available_scenario_types get_scenario_options_schema get_scenario_differenciation_modes """ return get_discipline_inputs_schema(scenario, output_json, pretty_print)
[docs]def get_discipline_options_defaults(discipline_name): """Get the default values of the options of a discipline. :param discipline_name: Name of the discipline. :type discipline_name: str :return: Default option values of a discipline. Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_discipline_options_defaults >>> get_discipline_options_defaults('Sellar1') See also -------- create_discipline get_available_disciplines get_discipline_inputs_schema get_discipline_outputs_schema get_discipline_options_schema """ from gemseo.problems.disciplines_factory import DisciplinesFactory factory = DisciplinesFactory().factory return factory.get_default_options_values(discipline_name)
[docs]def get_scenario_differenciation_modes(): """List the available differenciation modes of a scenario. :returns: List of differenciation modes. :rtype: list(str) Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_scenario_differenciation_modes >>> get_scenario_differenciation_modes() See also -------- create_scenario monitor_scenario get_available_scenario_types get_scenario_options_schema get_scenario_inputs_schema """ from gemseo.algos.opt_problem import OptimizationProblem return OptimizationProblem.DIFFERENTIATION_METHODS
[docs]def get_available_scenario_types(): """List the available scenario types. :return: list of available scenario types. :rtype: list(str) Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_available_scenario_types >>> get_available_scenario_types() See also -------- create_scenario monitor_scenario get_scenario_options_schema get_scenario_inputs_schema get_scenario_differenciation_modes """ return ["MDO", "DOE"]
def _get_schema(json_grammar, output_json=False, pretty_print=False): """Get the schema of a JSON grammar. :param json_grammar: a JSONGrammar instance :type json_grammar: JSONGrammar :param output_json: if True, returns a JSON string, :type output_json: bool :param pretty_print: print the schema in a pretty table. :type pretty_print: bool :return: a schema :rtype: dict or str """ if json_grammar is None: return None schema = json_grammar.schema dict_schema = schema.to_dict() if pretty_print: if "name" in dict_schema: title = dict_schema["name"].replace("_", " ") else: title = None table = PrettyTable(title=title, max_table_width=150) names = [] descriptions = [] types = [] for name, value in dict_schema["properties"].items(): names.append(name) descriptions.append(value.get("description")) description = descriptions[-1] tmp = [] if descriptions[-1] is not None: descriptions[-1] = descriptions[-1].split(":type")[0] descriptions[-1] = descriptions[-1].capitalize() descriptions[-1] = descriptions[-1].replace("\n", " ") tmp = re.split(r":type ([*\w]+): (.*?)", description) if len(tmp) == 4: types.append(tmp[3].strip()) else: types.append(value.get("type")) table.add_column("Name", names) table.add_column("Description", descriptions) table.add_column("Type", types) table.sortby = "Name" table.min_width = 25 if output_json: return schema.to_json() return dict_schema
[docs]def get_available_mdas(): """List the available MDAs. :return: list of available MDAs. :rtype: list(str) Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_available_mdas >>> get_available_mdas() See also -------- create_mda get_mda_options_schema """ from gemseo.mda.mda_factory import MDAFactory return MDAFactory().mdas
[docs]def get_mda_options_schema(mda_name, output_json=False, pretty_print=False): """Get the options schema of a MDA. :param mda_name: Name of the MDA. :type mda_name: str :param output_json: If True, returns a JSON string, return a dict otherwise. :type output_json: bool :param pretty_print: Print the schema in a pretty table. :type pretty_print: bool :return: MDA options schema :rtype: dict or str Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_mda_options_schema >>> get_mda_options_schema('MDAJacobi') See also -------- create_mda get_available_mdas """ from gemseo.mda.mda_factory import MDAFactory factory = MDAFactory().factory grammar = factory.get_options_grammar(mda_name) return _get_schema(grammar, output_json, pretty_print)
[docs]def get_all_inputs(disciplines, recursive=False): """List all the inputs of the disciplines. Merge the input data from the disciplines grammars. :param disciplines: List of disciplines to search for inputs. :type disciplines: list(MDODiscipline) :param recursive: If True, searches for the inputs of the sub disciplines (when some disciplines are scenarios). :type recursive: bool :returns: List of input data. Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import create_discipline, get_all_inputs >>> disciplines = create_discipline(['Sellar1', 'Sellar2']) >>> get_all_inputs(disciplines) ['y_0', 'x_shared', 'y_1', 'x_local'] See also -------- generate_n2_plot generate_coupling_graph get_all_outputs """ from gemseo.utils.data_conversion import DataConversion return DataConversion.get_all_inputs(disciplines, recursive)
[docs]def get_all_outputs(disciplines, recursive=False): """List all the outputs of the disciplines. Merge the output data from the disicplines grammars. :param disciplines: List of disciplines to search for outputs. :type disciplines: list(MDODiscipline) :param recursive: If True, searches for the outputs of the sub disciplines (when some disciplines are scenarios). :type recursive: bool :returns: List of input data Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import create_discipline, get_all_outputs >>> disciplines = create_discipline(['Sellar1', 'Sellar2']) >>> get_all_outputs(disciplines) ['y_1', 'y_0'] See also -------- generate_n2_plot generate_coupling_graph get_all_inputs """ from gemseo.utils.data_conversion import DataConversion return DataConversion.get_all_outputs(disciplines, recursive)
[docs]def create_scenario( disciplines, formulation, objective_name, design_space, name=None, scenario_type="MDO", maximize_objective=False, **options ): """Create a scenario. :param disciplines: Disciplines of the scenario. :type disciplines: list(MDODiscipline) :param formulation: Formulation name. :type formulation: str :param objective_name: Objective function name. :type objective_name: str :param design_space: Design space object or a file that contains the design space. :type design_space: DesignSpace or str :param name: scenario name :type name: str :param scenario_type: Type of scenario, e.g. "DOE" or "MDO". :type scenario_type: str :param maximize_objective: Maximize function objective. :type maximize_objective: bool :param options: Options passed to the MDO formulation. :returns: Scenario. :rtype: Scenario Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import create_discipline, create_scenario >>> from gemseo.problems.sellar.sellar_design_space import SellarDesignSpace >>> disciplines = create_discipline(['Sellar1', 'Sellar2', 'SellarSystem']) >>> design_space = SellarDesignSpace() >>> scenario = create_scenario(disciplines, 'MDF', 'obj', design_space, >>> 'SellarMDFScenario', 'MDO') See also -------- monitor_scenario get_available_scenario_types get_scenario_options_schema get_scenario_inputs_schema get_scenario_differenciation_modes """ from gemseo.core.doe_scenario import DOEScenario from gemseo.core.mdo_scenario import MDOScenario if not isinstance(disciplines, list): disciplines = [disciplines] if isinstance(design_space, string_types): design_space = read_design_space(design_space) if scenario_type == "MDO": return MDOScenario( disciplines, formulation, objective_name, design_space, name, maximize_objective=maximize_objective, **options ) if scenario_type == "DOE": return DOEScenario( disciplines, formulation, objective_name, design_space, name, maximize_objective=maximize_objective, **options ) raise ValueError( "Unknown scenario type :" + str(scenario_type) + ", use one of : 'MDO' or 'DOE'." )
[docs]def configure_logger( logger_name=None, level=logging.INFO, date_format="%H:%M:%S", message_format="%(levelname)8s - %(asctime)s: %(message)s", filename=None, filemode="a", ): """Configure |g| logging. :param logger_name: Name of the logger to configure, default: None, i.e. the root logger. :type logger_name: str :param level: Logging level among 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING' or 'CRITICAL's, default: 'INFO'. :type level: str :param date_format: Logging date format, default: %H:%M:%S. :type date_format: str :param message_format: logging message format, default: %(levelname)8s - %(asctime)s: %(message)s. :type message_format: str :param filename: File path if outputs must be written in a file, default: None. :type filename: str :param filemode: Logging output file mode, 'w' (overwrite) or 'a' (append), default: 'a'. :type filemode: str Examples -------- >>> import logging >>> configure_logger(logging.WARNING) """ logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) logger.setLevel(level) formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=message_format, datefmt=date_format) # remove all existing handlers for handler in logger.handlers[:]: logger.removeHandler(handler) stream_handler = MultiLineStreamHandler() stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(stream_handler) if filename is not None: file_handler = MultiLineFileHandler( filename, mode=filemode, delay=True, encoding="utf-8" ) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) return logger
[docs]def create_discipline(discipline_name, **options): """Create disciplines that are known to |g|. |g| knows the disciplines located in the following directories: - the directories listed in the environment variable *GEMSEO_PATH*, - the directories located in the *problems* package, :param discipline_name: Name of the discipline, or list of names. :type discipline_name: MDODiscipline :param options: Additional options to be passed to the discipline constructor. :returns: Disciplines. :rtype: list(MDODiscipline) Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import create_discipline >>> discipline = create_discipline('Sellar1') >>> discipline.execute() {'x_local': array([0.+0.j]), 'x_shared': array([1.+0.j, 0.+0.j]), 'y_0': array([0.89442719+0.j]), 'y_1': array([1.+0.j])} See also -------- get_available_disciplines get_discipline_inputs_schema get_discipline_outputs_schema get_discipline_options_schema get_discipline_options_defaults """ from gemseo.problems.disciplines_factory import DisciplinesFactory factory = DisciplinesFactory() if isinstance(discipline_name, list): return [factory.create(d_name, **options) for d_name in discipline_name] return factory.create(discipline_name, **options)
[docs]def create_scalable(name, data, sizes=None, **parameters): """Create a scalable discipline. :param str name: scalable model class name. :param Dataset data: learning dataset. :param dict sizes: sizes of input and output variables. :param parameters: model parameters """ from gemseo.problems.scalable.data_driven.discipline import ScalableDiscipline return ScalableDiscipline(name, data, sizes, **parameters)
[docs]def create_surrogate( surrogate, data=None, transformer=MLRegressionAlgo.DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER, disc_name=None, default_inputs=None, input_names=None, output_names=None, **parameters ): """Create a surrogate discipline. :param surrogate: name of the surrogate model algorithm. :type surrogate: str or MLRegressionAlgo :param Dataset data: dataset to train the surrogate. If None, assumes that the surrogate is trained. Default: None. :param dict(Transformer) transformer: transformation strategy for data groups. If None, do not scale data. Default: MLRegressionAlgo.DEFAULT_SCALER, which is a min/max scaler applied to the inputs and a min/max scaler applied to the outputs. :param str disc_name: Surrogate discipline name. :param dict default_inputs: default inputs. If None, use the center of the learning input space. Default: None. :param list(str) input_names: list of input names. If None, use all inputs. Default: None. :param list(str) output_names: list of output names. If None, use all outputs. Default: None. :param parameters: Additional parameters to be passed to the surrogate for its construction. :returns: Surrogate discipline instance. :rtype: SurrogateDiscipline See also -------- get_available_surrogates get_surrogate_options_schema """ from gemseo.core.surrogate_disc import SurrogateDiscipline return SurrogateDiscipline( surrogate, data, transformer, disc_name, default_inputs, input_names, output_names, **parameters )
[docs]def create_mda(mda_name, disciplines, **options): """Create an MDA. :param mda_name: Name of the MDA (its classname). :type mda_name: str :param disciplines: List of the disciplines. :type disciplines: list(MDODiscipline) :param options: Additional options specific to the MDA. :returns: MDA instance. :rtype: MDA Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import create_discipline, create_mda >>> disciplines = create_discipline(['Sellar1', 'Sellar2']) >>> mda = create_mda('MDAGaussSeidel', disciplines) >>> mda.execute() {'x_local': array([0.+0.j]), 'x_shared': array([1.+0.j, 0.+0.j]), 'y_0': array([0.79999995+0.j]), 'y_1': array([1.79999995+0.j])} See also -------- create_mda get_available_mdas get_mda_options_schema """ from gemseo.mda.mda_factory import MDAFactory factory = MDAFactory() return factory.create(mda_name=mda_name, disciplines=disciplines, **options)
[docs]def execute_post(to_post_proc, post_name, **options): """Execute a post-processing method. :param to_post_proc: MDO or DOE scenario, or an optimization problem, or a path to a HDF file containing a saved OptimizationProblem. :type to_post_proc: MDOScenario, DOEScenario, OptimizationProblem, or str :param post_name: Post processing name. :type post_name: str :param options: Post-processing options. Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import create_discipline, create_scenario, execute_post >>> from gemseo.problems.sellar.sellar_design_space import SellarDesignSpace >>> disciplines = create_discipline(['Sellar1', 'Sellar2', 'SellarSystem']) >>> design_space = SellarDesignSpace() >>> scenario = create_scenario(disciplines, 'MDF', 'obj', design_space, >>> 'SellarMDFScenario', 'MDO') >>> scenario.execute({'algo': 'NLOPT_SLSQP', 'max_iter': 100}) >>> execute_post(scenario, 'OptHistoryView', show=False, save=True) See also -------- get_available_post_processings get_post_processing_options_schema """ from gemseo.algos.opt_problem import OptimizationProblem from import PostFactory if hasattr(to_post_proc, "is_scenario") and to_post_proc.is_scenario(): opt_problem = to_post_proc.formulation.opt_problem elif isinstance(to_post_proc, OptimizationProblem): opt_problem = to_post_proc elif isinstance(to_post_proc, string_types): opt_problem = OptimizationProblem.import_hdf(to_post_proc) else: raise TypeError("Cannot post process type : " + str(type(to_post_proc))) return PostFactory().execute(opt_problem, post_name, **options)
[docs]def execute_algo(opt_problem, algo_name, algo_type="opt", **options): """Solve an optimization problem using either a DOE or an Optimization algorithm. :param opt_problem: the OptimizationProblem to be solved. :type opt_problem: OptimizationProblem :param algo_name: Name of the algorithm to be used to solve the problem. :type algo_name: str :param algo_type: "opt" or "doe" to use an optimization or a Design of Experiments algorithm :type algo_type: str :param options: algorithm options Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import execute_algo >>> from gemseo.problems.analytical.rosenbrock import Rosenbrock >>> opt_problem = Rosenbrock() >>> opt_result = execute_algo(opt_problem, 'SLSQP') >>> opt_result Optimization result: |_ Design variables: [0.99999787 0.99999581] |_ Objective function: 5.054173713127532e-12 |_ Feasible solution: True See also -------- get_available_opt_algorithms get_available_doe_algorithms get_algorithm_options_schema """ if algo_type == "opt": from gemseo.algos.opt.opt_factory import OptimizersFactory factory = OptimizersFactory() elif algo_type == "doe": from gemseo.algos.doe.doe_factory import DOEFactory factory = DOEFactory() else: raise ValueError( "Unknown algo type: " + str(algo_type) + ", please use 'doe' or 'opt' !" ) return factory.execute(opt_problem, algo_name, **options)
[docs]def monitor_scenario(scenario, observer): """Adds an observer to a scenario The observer must have an "update(atom)" method that handles the execution status change of atom update(atom) is called everytime an atom execution changes. :param scenario: Scenario to monitor :type scenario: Scenario :param observer: Observer that handles an update of status See also -------- create_scenario get_available_scenario_types get_scenario_options_schema get_scenario_inputs_schema get_scenario_differenciation_modes """ from gemseo.core.monitoring import Monitoring # Monitoring object is a singleton monitor = Monitoring(scenario) monitor.add_observer(observer)
[docs]def read_design_space(file_path, header=None): """Read a file containing a design space and return a DesignSpace object. :param file_path: Path to the text file shall contain a CSV with a row for each variable and at least the bounds of the variable. :type file_path: str :param header: Fields list, or by default, read in the file :type header: list(str) :returns: Design space :rtype: DesignSpace Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import (create_design_space, export_design_space, >>> read_design_space) >>> source_design_space = create_design_space() >>> source_design_space.add_variable('x', l_b=-1, value=0., u_b=1.) >>> export_design_space(source_design_space, 'file.txt') >>> read_design_space = read_design_space('file.txt') >>> print(read_design_space) Design Space: +------+-------------+-------+-------------+-------+ | name | lower_bound | value | upper_bound | type | +------+-------------+-------+-------------+-------+ | x | -1 | 0 | 1 | float | +------+-------------+-------+-------------+-------+ See also -------- export_design_space create_design_space """ from gemseo.algos.design_space import DesignSpace return DesignSpace.read_from_txt(file_path, header)
[docs]def export_design_space( design_space, output_file, export_hdf=False, fields=None, header_char="", **table_options ): """Export a design space to a text or HDF file. :param design_space: Design space. :type design_space: DesignSpace :param export_hdf: Export to a HDF file (True, default) or a txt file (False). :type export_hdf: bool :param output_file: Output file path. :type output_file: str :param fields: List of fields to export, by default all. :type fields: list(str) :param header_char: Header to use when exporting to a text file. Default: "". :type header_char: str Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import create_design_space, export_design_space >>> design_space = create_design_space() >>> design_space.add_variable('x', l_b=-1, u_b=1, value=0.) >>> export_design_space(design_space, 'file.txt') See also -------- read_design_space create_design_space """ if export_hdf: design_space.export_hdf(output_file) else: design_space.export_to_txt(output_file, fields, header_char, **table_options)
[docs]def create_design_space(): """Create an empty instance of a DesignSpace. :returns: Empty design space :rtype: DesignSpace Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import create_design_space >>> design_space = create_design_space() >>> design_space.add_variable('x', l_b=-1, u_b=1, value=0.) >>> print(design_space) Design Space: +------+-------------+-------+-------------+-------+ | name | lower_bound | value | upper_bound | type | +------+-------------+-------+-------------+-------+ | x | -1 | 0 | 1 | float | +------+-------------+-------+-------------+-------+ See also -------- read_design_space export_design_space create_design_space gemseo.algos.design_space.DesignSpace """ from gemseo.algos.design_space import DesignSpace return DesignSpace()
[docs]def create_parameter_space(): """Create an empty instance of a ParameterSpace. :returns: Empty parameter space :rtype: ParameterSpace """ from gemseo.algos.parameter_space import ParameterSpace return ParameterSpace()
[docs]def get_available_caches(): """Return available caches. :return: list of available caches. :rtype: list(str) Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import get_available_caches >>> get_available_caches() ['AbstractFullCache', 'HDF5Cache', 'MemoryFullCache', 'SimpleCache'] See also -------- get_available_caches gemseo.core.discipline.MDODiscipline.set_cache_policy """ from gemseo.caches.cache_factory import CacheFactory return CacheFactory().caches
[docs]def create_cache(cache_type, name=None, **options): """Return a cache. :param str cache_type: type of cache. :param str name: name of the cache. If None, use cache_type. :param options: options specific to cache_type Examples -------- >>> from gemseo.api import create_cache >>> cache = create_cache('MemoryFullCache') >>> print(cache) +--------------------------------+ | MemoryFullCache | +--------------+-----------------+ | Property | Value | +--------------+-----------------+ | Type | MemoryFullCache | | Tolerance | 0.0 | | Input names | None | | Output names | None | | Length | 0 | +--------------+-----------------+ See also -------- get_available_caches gemseo.core.discipline.MDODiscipline.set_cache_policy """ from gemseo.caches.cache_factory import CacheFactory return CacheFactory().create(cache_type, name=name, **options)
[docs]def create_dataset( name, data, variables=None, sizes=None, groups=None, by_group=True, delimiter=",", header=True, default_name=None, ): """Create a dataset from a numpy array or a file. :param str name: dataset name. :param data: array dataset or file path. :type data: array or str :param list(str) variables: list of variables names. :param dict(int) sizes: list of variables sizes. :param dict(str) groups: list of variables groups. :param bool by_group: if True, store the data by group. Otherwise, store them by variables. Default: True. :param str delimiter: field delimiter. Default: ','. :param bool header: if True and data is a string, read the variables names on the first line of the file. Default: True. :param str default_name: default variable name. See also -------- load_dataset """ from gemseo.core.dataset import Dataset dataset = Dataset(name, by_group) if isinstance(data, str): dataset.set_from_file(data, variables, sizes, groups, delimiter, header) else: dataset.set_from_array(data, variables, sizes, groups, default_name) return dataset
[docs]def load_dataset(dataset, **options): """Create a dataset from an existing subclass of Dataset. Typically, benchmark datasets can be found in gemseo.problems.dataset. :param str dataset: dataset name (its classname). See also -------- create_dataset """ from gemseo.problems.dataset.factory import DatasetFactory return DatasetFactory().create(dataset, **options)