Source code for gemseo.core.jacobian_assembly

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                         documentation
#        :author: Francois Gallard, Charlie Vanaret
Coupled derivatives calculations
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

from collections import defaultdict

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import atleast_2d, concatenate, empty, ones, zeros
from scipy.sparse import dia_matrix, dok_matrix, vstack
from import csc_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.linsolve import factorized
from scipy.sparse.linalg.interface import LinearOperator

from gemseo.utils.linear_solver import LinearSolver

[docs]def none_factory(): """Returns None... To be used for defaultdict """
[docs]def default_dict_factory(): """Instantiates a defaultdict(None) object.""" return defaultdict(none_factory)
[docs]class JacobianAssembly(object): """Assembly of Jacobians Typically, assemble disciplines's Jacobians into a system Jacobian.""" DIRECT_MODE = "direct" ADJOINT_MODE = "adjoint" AUTO_MODE = "auto" REVERSE_MODE = "reverse" AVAILABLE_MODES = (DIRECT_MODE, ADJOINT_MODE, AUTO_MODE, REVERSE_MODE) # matrix types SPARSE = "sparse" LINEAR_OPERATOR = "linear_operator" AVAILABLE_MAT_TYPES = [SPARSE, LINEAR_OPERATOR] # linear solvers AVAILABLE_SOLVERS = LinearSolver.AVAILABLE_SOLVERS def __init__(self, coupling_structure): """Constructor of the assembly. :param coupling_structure: the disciplines that form the coupled system """ self.coupling_structure = coupling_structure self.sizes = {} self.disciplines = {} self.coupled_system = CoupledSystem() self.n_newton_linear_resolutions = 0 self.linear_solver = LinearSolver() def __check_inputs(self, functions, variables, couplings, matrix_type, use_lu_fact): """Checks the inputs before differentiation. :param functions: the functions to differentiate :param variables: the differentiation variables :param couplings: the coupling variables :param matrix_type: type of matrix for linearization :param use_lu_fact: use LU factorization once for all second members """ unknown_dvars = set(variables) unknown_outs = set(functions) for discipline in self.coupling_structure.disciplines: inputs = set(discipline.get_input_data_names()) outputs = set(discipline.get_output_data_names()) unknown_outs = unknown_outs - outputs unknown_dvars = unknown_dvars - inputs if unknown_dvars: raise ValueError( "Some of the specified variables are not " + "inputs of the disciplines: " + str(unknown_dvars) + " possible inputs are: " + str( [ disc.get_input_data_names() for disc in self.coupling_structure.disciplines ] ) ) if unknown_outs: raise ValueError( "Some outputs are not computed by the disciplines:" + str(unknown_outs) + " available outputs are: " + str( [ disc.get_output_data_names() for disc in self.coupling_structure.disciplines ] ) ) for coupling in set(couplings) & set(variables): raise ValueError( "Variable " + str(coupling) + " is both a coupling and a design variable" ) if matrix_type not in self.AVAILABLE_MAT_TYPES: raise ValueError( "Unknown matrix type " + str(matrix_type) + ", available ones are " + str(self.AVAILABLE_MAT_TYPES) ) if use_lu_fact and matrix_type == self.LINEAR_OPERATOR: raise ValueError( "Unsupported LU factorization for " + "LinearOperators! Please use Sparse matrices" + " instead" )
[docs] def compute_sizes(self, functions, variables, couplings): """Computes the number of scalar functions, variables and couplings. :param functions: the functions to differentiate :param variables: the differentiation variables :param couplings: the coupling variables """ self.sizes = {} self.disciplines = {} # search for the functions/variables/couplings in the # Jacobians of the disciplines # functions for function in functions: discipline = self.coupling_structure.find_discipline(function) self.disciplines[function] = discipline # get an arbitrary Jacobian and compute the number of rows size = next(iter(discipline.jac[function].values())).shape[0] self.sizes[function] = size # couplings for coupling in couplings: discipline = self.coupling_structure.find_discipline(coupling) self.disciplines[coupling] = discipline # get an arbitrary Jacobian and compute the number of rows size = next(iter(discipline.jac[coupling].values())).shape[0] self.sizes[coupling] = size # variables for variable in variables: for discipline in self.coupling_structure.disciplines: if variable not in self.sizes: for variables_dict in discipline.jac.values(): jac = variables_dict.get(variable, None) if jac is not None: self.sizes[variable] = jac.shape[1] self.disciplines[variable] = discipline break if variable not in self.sizes: raise ValueError( "Failed to determine the size of input variable {}".format(variable) )
@staticmethod def _check_mode(mode, n_variables, n_functions): """Set the differentiation mode (direct or adjoint) :param mode: user given mode :param n_variables: number of variables :param n_functions: number of functions """ if mode == JacobianAssembly.AUTO_MODE: if n_variables <= n_functions: mode = JacobianAssembly.DIRECT_MODE else: mode = JacobianAssembly.ADJOINT_MODE return mode
[docs] def compute_dimension(self, names): """Compute the total number of functions/variables/couplings of the whole system. :param names: list of names of inputs or outputs """ number = 0 for name in names: number += self.sizes[name] return number
def _dres_dvar_sparse(self, residuals, variables, n_residuals, n_variables): """Forms the matrix of partial derivatives of residuals Given disciplinary Jacobians dYi(Y0...Yn)/dvj, fill the sparse Jacobian: | | | dRi/dvj | | | :param residuals: the residuals (R) :param variables: the differentiation variables :param n_residuals: number of residuals :param n_variables: number of variables """ dres_dvar = dok_matrix((n_residuals, n_variables)) out_i = 0 # Row blocks for residual in residuals: residual_size = self.sizes[residual] # Find the associated discipline discipline = self.disciplines[residual] residual_jac = discipline.jac[residual] # Column blocks out_j = 0 for variable in variables: variable_size = self.sizes[variable] if residual == variable: # residual Yi-Yi: put -I in the Jacobian ones_mat = (ones(variable_size), 0) shape = (variable_size, variable_size) diag_mat = -dia_matrix(ones_mat, shape=shape) if self.coupling_structure.is_self_coupled(discipline): jac = residual_jac.get(variable, None) if jac is not None: diag_mat += jac dres_dvar[ out_i : out_i + variable_size, out_j : out_j + variable_size ] = diag_mat else: # block Jacobian jac = residual_jac.get(variable, None) if jac is not None: n_i, n_j = jac.shape assert n_i == residual_size assert n_j == variable_size # Fill the sparse Jacobian block dres_dvar[out_i : out_i + n_i, out_j : out_j + n_j] = jac # Shift the column by block width out_j += variable_size # Shift the row by block height out_i += residual_size return dres_dvar.real def _dres_dvar_linop(self, residuals, variables, n_residuals, n_variables): """Forms the linear operator of partial derivatives of residuals. :param residuals: the residuals (R) :param variables: the differentiation variables :param n_residuals: number of residuals :param n_variables: number of variables """ # define the linear function def dres_dvar(x_array): """The linear operator that represents the square matrix dR/dy. :param x_array: vector multiplied by the matrix """ assert x_array.shape[0] == n_variables # initialize the result result = zeros(n_residuals) out_i = 0 # Row blocks for residual in residuals: residual_size = self.sizes[residual] # Find the associated discipline discipline = self.disciplines[residual] residual_jac = discipline.jac[residual] # Column blocks out_j = 0 for variable in variables: variable_size = self.sizes[variable] if residual == variable: # residual Yi-Yi: (-I).x = -x sub_x = x_array[out_j : out_j + variable_size] result[out_i : out_i + residual_size] -= sub_x if self.coupling_structure.is_self_coupled(discipline): jac = residual_jac.get(variable, None) if jac is not None: result[out_i : out_i + residual_size] += else: # block Jacobian jac = residual_jac.get(variable, None) if jac is not None: sub_x = x_array[out_j : out_j + variable_size] sub_result = result[out_i : out_i + residual_size] += sub_result # Shift the column by block width out_j += variable_size # Shift the row by block height out_i += residual_size return result return LinearOperator((n_residuals, n_variables), matvec=dres_dvar) def _dres_dvar_t_linop(self, residuals, variables, n_residuals, n_variables): """Forms the transposed linear operator of partial derivatives of residuals. :param residuals: the residuals (R) :param variables: the differentiation variables :param n_residuals: number of residuals :param n_variables: number of variables """ # define the linear function def dres_t_dvar(x_array): """The transposed linear operator that represents the square matrix dR/dy. :param x_array: vector multiplied by the matrix """ assert x_array.shape[0] == n_residuals # initialize the result result = zeros(n_variables) out_j = 0 # Column blocks for residual in residuals: residual_size = self.sizes[residual] # Find the associated discipline discipline = self.disciplines[residual] residual_jac = discipline.jac[residual] # Row blocks out_i = 0 for variable in variables: variable_size = self.sizes[variable] if residual == variable: # residual Yi-Yi: (-I).x = -x sub_x = x_array[out_j : out_j + residual_size] result[out_i : out_i + variable_size] -= sub_x if self.coupling_structure.is_self_coupled(discipline): jac = residual_jac.get(variable, None) if jac is not None: result[out_i : out_i + residual_size] += sub_x ) else: # block Jacobian jac = residual_jac.get(variable, None) if jac is not None: sub_x = x_array[out_j : out_j + residual_size] sub_result = result[out_i : out_i + variable_size] += sub_result # Shift the column by block width out_i += variable_size # Shift the row by block height out_j += residual_size return result return LinearOperator((n_variables, n_residuals), matvec=dres_t_dvar)
[docs] def dres_dvar( self, residuals, variables, n_residuals, n_variables, matrix_type=SPARSE, transpose=False, ): """Forms the matrix of partial derivatives of residuals Given disciplinary Jacobians dYi(Y0...Yn)/dvj, fill the sparse Jacobian: | | | dRi/dvj | | | (Default value = False) :param residuals: the residuals (R) :param variables: the differentiation variables :param n_residuals: number of residuals :param n_variables: number of variables :param matrix_type: type of the matrix (Default value = SPARSE) :param transpose: if True, transpose the matrix """ if matrix_type == JacobianAssembly.SPARSE: sparse_dres_dvar = self._dres_dvar_sparse( residuals, variables, n_residuals, n_variables ) if transpose: return sparse_dres_dvar.T return sparse_dres_dvar if matrix_type == JacobianAssembly.LINEAR_OPERATOR: if transpose: return self._dres_dvar_t_linop( residuals, variables, n_residuals, n_variables ) return self._dres_dvar_linop(residuals, variables, n_residuals, n_variables) raise TypeError("cannot handle the matrix type")
[docs] def dfun_dvar(self, function, variables, n_variables): """Forms the matrix of partial derivatives of a function Given disciplinary Jacobians dJi(, fill the sparse Jacobian: | | | dJi/dvj | | | :param function: the function to differentiate :param variables: the differentiation variables :param n_variables: number of variables :returns: the full Jacobian matrix """ function_size = self.sizes[function] dfun_dy = dok_matrix((function_size, n_variables)) # Find the associated discipline discipline = self.disciplines[function] function_jac = discipline.jac[function] # Loop over differentiation variable out_j = 0 for variable in variables: variable_size = self.sizes[variable] jac_var = function_jac.get(variable, None) if jac_var is not None: n_i, n_j = jac_var.shape assert n_j == variable_size assert n_i == function_size # Fill the sparse Jacobian block dfun_dy[:, out_j : out_j + n_j] = jac_var # Shift the column by block width out_j += variable_size return dfun_dy
[docs] def total_derivatives( self, in_data, functions, variables, couplings, linear_solver="lgmres", mode=AUTO_MODE, matrix_type=SPARSE, use_lu_fact=False, exec_cache_tol=None, force_no_exec=False, **kwargs ): """Computes the Jacobian of total derivatives of the coupled system formed by the disciplines. :param in_data: input data dict :param functions: the functions to differentiate :param variables: the differentiation variables :param couplings: the coupling variables :param linear_solver: name of the linear solver (Default value = 'lgmres') :param mode: linearization mode (auto, direct or adjoint) (Default value = AUTO_MODE) :param matrix_type: representation of the matrix dR/dy (sparse or linear operator) (Default value = SPARSE) :param use_lu_fact: if True, factorize dres_dy once (Default value = False), unsupported for linear operator mode :param force_no_exec: if True, the discipline is not re executed, cache is loaded anyway :param kwargs: dict of optional parameters :returns: the dictionary of dictionary of coupled (total) derivatives """ if not functions: return defaultdict(default_dict_factory) self.__check_inputs(functions, variables, couplings, matrix_type, use_lu_fact) # linearize all the disciplines self._add_differentiated_inouts(functions, variables, couplings) for disc in self.coupling_structure.disciplines: if exec_cache_tol is not None: disc.cache_tol = exec_cache_tol disc.linearize(in_data, force_no_exec=force_no_exec) # compute the sizes from the Jacobians self.compute_sizes(functions, variables, couplings) n_variables = self.compute_dimension(variables) n_functions = self.compute_dimension(functions) n_couplings = self.compute_dimension(couplings) # compute the partial derivatives of the residuals dres_dx = self.dres_dvar(couplings, variables, n_couplings, n_variables) # compute the partial derivatives of the interest functions (dfun_dx, dfun_dy) = ({}, {}) for fun in functions: dfun_dx[fun] = self.dfun_dvar(fun, variables, n_variables) dfun_dy[fun] = self.dfun_dvar(fun, couplings, n_couplings) mode = self._check_mode(mode, n_variables, n_functions) # compute the total derivatives if mode == JacobianAssembly.DIRECT_MODE: # sparse square matrix dR/dy dres_dy = self.dres_dvar( couplings, couplings, n_couplings, n_couplings, matrix_type=matrix_type ) # compute the coupled derivatives total_derivatives = self.coupled_system.direct_mode( functions, n_variables, n_couplings, dres_dx, dres_dy, dfun_dx, dfun_dy, linear_solver, use_lu_fact=use_lu_fact, **kwargs ) elif mode == JacobianAssembly.ADJOINT_MODE: # transposed square matrix dR/dy^T dres_dy_t = self.dres_dvar( couplings, couplings, n_couplings, n_couplings, matrix_type=matrix_type, transpose=True, ) # compute the coupled derivatives total_derivatives = self.coupled_system.adjoint_mode( functions, dres_dx, dres_dy_t, dfun_dx, dfun_dy, linear_solver, use_lu_fact=use_lu_fact, **kwargs ) else: raise ValueError("Incorrect linearization mode " + str(mode)) return self.split_jac(total_derivatives, variables)
def _add_differentiated_inouts(self, functions, variables, couplings): """Adds functions to the list of differentiated outputs of all disciplines wrt couplings, and variables of the discipline. :param functions: the functions to differentiate :param variables: the differentiation variables :param couplings: the coupling variables """ couplings_and_functions = set(couplings) | set(functions) couplings_and_variables = set(couplings) | set(variables) for discipline in self.coupling_structure.disciplines: # outputs disc_outputs = discipline.get_output_data_names() outputs = list(couplings_and_functions & set(disc_outputs)) # inputs disc_inputs = discipline.get_input_data_names() inputs = list(set(disc_inputs) & couplings_and_variables) if inputs and outputs: discipline.add_differentiated_inputs(inputs) discipline.add_differentiated_outputs(outputs) if outputs and not inputs: base_msg = ( "Discipline '{}' has the outputs '{}' that must be " "differenciated, but no coupling or design " "variables as inputs" ) raise ValueError(base_msg.format(, outputs))
[docs] def split_jac(self, coupled_system, variables): """Splits a Jacobian dict into a dict of dict. :param coupled_system: the derivatives to split :param variables: variables wrt wich the differentiation is performed :returns: the Jacobian as a dict of dict """ j_split = {} for function, function_jac in coupled_system.items(): i_out = 0 sub_jac = {} for variable in variables: size = self.sizes[variable] sub_jac[variable] = function_jac[:, i_out : i_out + size] i_out += size j_split[function] = sub_jac return j_split
# Newton step computation
[docs] def compute_newton_step( self, in_data, couplings, relax_factor, linear_solver="lgmres", matrix_type=LINEAR_OPERATOR, **kwargs ): """Compute Newton step for the the coupled system of residuals formed by the disciplines. :param in_data: input data dict :param couplings: the coupling variables :param relax_factor: the relaxation factor :param linear_solver: the name of the linear solver (Default value = 'lgmres') :param matrix_type: representation of the matrix dR/dy (sparse or linear operator) (Default value = LINEAR_OPERATOR) :param kwargs: optional parameters for the linear solver :returns: The Newton step -[dR/dy]^-1 . R as a dict of steps per coupling variable """ # linearize the disciplines self._add_differentiated_inouts(couplings, couplings, couplings) for disc in self.coupling_structure.disciplines: disc.linearize(in_data) self.compute_sizes(couplings, couplings, couplings) n_couplings = self.compute_dimension(couplings) # compute the partial derivatives of the residuals dres_dy = self.dres_dvar( couplings, couplings, n_couplings, n_couplings, matrix_type=matrix_type ) # form the residuals res = self.residuals(in_data, couplings) # solve the linear system newton_step = self.linear_solver.solve( dres_dy, -relax_factor * res, linear_solver=linear_solver, **kwargs )[:, 0] self.n_newton_linear_resolutions += 1 # split the array of steps newton_step_dict = {} component = 0 for coupling in couplings: size = self.sizes[coupling] newton_step_dict[coupling] = newton_step[component : component + size] component += size return newton_step_dict
[docs] def residuals(self, in_data, var_names): """Forms the matrix of residuals wrt coupling variables Given disciplinary explicit calculations Yi(Y0_t,...Yn_t), fill the residual matrix: :: [Y0(Y0_t,...Yn_t) - Y0_t] [ ] [Yn(Y0_t,...Yn_t) - Yn_t] :param in_data: dictionary of values prescribed for the calculation of the residuals (Y0_t,...Yn_t) :param var_names: names of variables associated with the residuals (R) """ residual_list = [] # Build rows blocks for var in var_names: for discipline in self.coupling_structure.disciplines: # Find associated discipline if var in discipline.get_output_data_names(): discipline_output = discipline.get_outputs_by_name(var) residual = atleast_2d(discipline_output - in_data[var]) residual_list.append(residual) residual_array = concatenate(residual_list, axis=1)[0, :] return residual_array
# plot method
[docs] def plot_dependency_jacobian( self, functions=None, variables=None, save=True, show=False, filepath=None, markersize=None, ): """Plot the Jacobian matrix Nonzero elements of the sparse matrix are represented by blue squares. :param functions: list of variables (Default value = None) :param variables: list of variables (Default value = None) :param show: if True, the plot is displayed (Default value = False) :param save: if True, the plot is saved in a PDF file (Default value = True) :param filepath: file path of the saved PDF """ self.compute_sizes(functions, variables, []) n_variables = self.compute_dimension(variables) total_jac = None # compute the positions of the outputs outputs_positions = {} current_position = 0 for fun in functions: dfun_dx = self.dfun_dvar(fun, variables, n_variables) outputs_positions[fun] = current_position current_position += self.sizes[fun] if total_jac is None: total_jac = dfun_dx else: total_jac = vstack((total_jac, dfun_dx)) # compute the positions of the inputs inputs_positions = {} current_position = 0 for variable in variables: inputs_positions[variable] = current_position current_position += self.sizes[variable] # plot the (sparse) matrix fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 10)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.spy(total_jac, markersize=markersize) ax1.set_aspect("auto") plt.yticks(list(outputs_positions.values()), list(outputs_positions.keys())) plt.xticks( list(inputs_positions.values()), list(inputs_positions.keys()), rotation=90 ) filename = None if save: if filepath is None: filename = "coupled_jacobian.pdf" else: filename = "coupled_jacobian_" + filepath + ".pdf" plt.savefig(filename) if show: else: plt.close() return filename
[docs]class CoupledSystem(object): """This class contains methods that compute coupled (total) derivatives of a system of residuals, using several methods: - direct or adjoint - factorized for multiple RHS """ def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" self.n_linear_resolutions = 0 self.n_direct_modes = 0 self.n_adjoint_modes = 0 self.lu_fact = 0 self.linear_solver = LinearSolver()
[docs] def direct_mode( self, functions, n_variables, n_couplings, dres_dx, dres_dy, dfun_dx, dfun_dy, linear_solver, use_lu_fact, **kwargs ): """Computation of total derivative Jacobian in direct mode. :param functions: functions to differentiate :param n_variables: number of variables :param n_couplings: number of couplings :param dres_dx: Jacobian of residuals wrt design variables :param dres_dy: Jacobian of residuals wrt coupling variables :param dfun_dx: Jacobian of functions wrt design variables :param dfun_dy: Jacobian of functions wrt coupling variables :param linear_solver: name of the linear solver :param use_lu_fact: if True, factorize dres_dy once :param kwargs: optional parameters :type kwargs: dict """ self.n_direct_modes += 1 if use_lu_fact: return self._direct_mode_lu( functions, n_variables, n_couplings, dres_dx, dres_dy, dfun_dx, dfun_dy ) return self._direct_mode( functions, n_variables, n_couplings, dres_dx, dres_dy, dfun_dx, dfun_dy, linear_solver, **kwargs )
[docs] def adjoint_mode( self, functions, dres_dx, dres_dy_t, dfun_dx, dfun_dy, linear_solver, use_lu_fact, **kwargs ): """Computation of total derivative Jacobian in adjoint mode. :param functions: functions to differentiate :param dres_dx: Jacobian of residuals wrt design variables :param dres_dy: Jacobian of residuals wrt coupling variables :param dfun_dx: Jacobian of functions wrt design variables :param dfun_dy: Jacobian of functions wrt coupling variables :param linear_solver: name of the linear solver :param use_lu_fact: if True, factorize dres_dy_t once :param kwargs: optional parameters :type kwargs: dict :param dres_dy_t: param kwargs """ self.n_adjoint_modes += 1 if use_lu_fact: return self._adjoint_mode_lu( functions, dres_dx, dres_dy_t, dfun_dx, dfun_dy ) return self._adjoint_mode( functions, dres_dx, dres_dy_t, dfun_dx, dfun_dy, linear_solver, **kwargs )
def _direct_mode( self, functions, n_variables, n_couplings, dres_dx, dres_dy, dfun_dx, dfun_dy, linear_solver, **kwargs ): """Computation of total derivative Jacobian in direct mode. :param functions: functions to differentiate :param n_variables: number of variables :param n_couplings: number of couplings :param dres_dx: Jacobian of residuals wrt design variables :param dres_dy: Jacobian of residuals wrt coupling variables :param dfun_dx: Jacobian of functions wrt design variables :param dfun_dy: Jacobian of functions wrt coupling variables :param linear_solver: name of the linear solver :param kwargs: optional parameters :type kwargs: dict """ # compute the total derivative dy/dx, independent of the # function to differentiate dy_dx = empty((n_couplings, n_variables)) self.linear_solver.outer_v = [] for var_index in range(n_variables): dy_dx[:, var_index] = self.linear_solver.solve( dres_dy, -dres_dx[:, var_index], linear_solver=linear_solver, **kwargs )[:, 0] self.n_linear_resolutions += 1 # assemble the total derivatives of the functions using dy_dx jac = {} for fun in functions: jac[fun] = dfun_dx[fun].toarray() + dfun_dy[fun].dot(dy_dx) return jac def _adjoint_mode( self, functions, dres_dx, dres_dy_t, dfun_dx, dfun_dy, linear_solver, **kwargs ): """Computation of total derivative Jacobian in adjoint mode. :param functions: functions to differentiate :param dres_dx: Jacobian of residuals wrt design variables :param dres_dy: Jacobian of residuals wrt coupling variables :param dfun_dx: Jacobian of functions wrt design variables :param dfun_dy: Jacobian of functions wrt coupling variables :param linear_solver: name of the linear solver :param kwargs: optional parameters :type kwargs: dict :param dres_dy_t: derivatives of the residuals wrt coupling vars """ jac = {} # adjoint vector for each interest function self.linear_solver.outer_v = [] for fun in functions: dfunction_dx = dfun_dx[fun] dfunction_dy = dfun_dy[fun] jac[fun] = empty(dfunction_dx.shape) # compute adjoint vector for each component of the function for fun_component in range(dfunction_dy.shape[0]): adjoint = self.linear_solver.solve( dres_dy_t, -dfunction_dy[fun_component, :].T, linear_solver=linear_solver, **kwargs ) self.n_linear_resolutions += 1 jac[fun][fun_component, :] = ( dfunction_dx[fun_component, :] + ( ) return jac def _direct_mode_lu( self, functions, n_variables, n_couplings, dres_dx, dres_dy, dfun_dx, dfun_dy ): """Computation of total derivative Jacobian in direct mode. :param functions: functions to differentiate :param n_variables: number of variables :param n_couplings: number of couplings :param dres_dx: Jacobian of residuals wrt design variables :param dres_dy: Jacobian of residuals wrt coupling variables :param dfun_dx: Jacobian of functions wrt design variables :param dfun_dy: Jacobian of functions wrt coupling variables """ # compute the total derivative dy/dx, independent of the # function to differentiate dy_dx = empty((n_couplings, n_variables)) # compute LU decomposition solve = factorized(csc_matrix(dres_dy)) self.lu_fact += 1 for var_index in range(n_variables): rhs = -dres_dx[:, var_index].todense() dy_dx[:, var_index] = solve(rhs).squeeze() self.n_linear_resolutions += 1 # assemble the total derivatives of the functions using dy_dx jac = {} for fun in functions: jac[fun] = dfun_dx[fun].toarray() + dfun_dy[fun].dot(dy_dx) return jac def _adjoint_mode_lu(self, functions, dres_dx, dres_dy_t, dfun_dx, dfun_dy): """Computation of total derivative Jacobian in adjoint mode. :param functions: functions to differentiate :param dres_dx: Jacobian of residuals wrt design variables :param dfun_dx: Jacobian of functions wrt design variables :param dfun_dy: Jacobian of functions wrt coupling variables :param dres_dy_t: """ jac = {} # compute LU factorization solve = factorized(dres_dy_t) self.lu_fact += 1 # adjoint vector for each interest function for fun in functions: dfunction_dx = dfun_dx[fun] dfunction_dy = dfun_dy[fun] jac[fun] = empty(dfunction_dx.shape) # compute adjoint vector for each component of the function for fun_component in range(dfunction_dy.shape[0]): adjoint = solve(-dfunction_dy[fun_component, :].todense().T) self.n_linear_resolutions += 1 jac[fun][fun_component, :] = ( dfunction_dx[fun_component, :] + ( ) return jac