Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - API and implementation and/or documentation
#        :author: Francois Gallard
"""Base class for optimization history post-processing."""
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import inspect
from os.path import abspath, dirname, exists, join
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import six
from custom_inherit import DocInheritMeta
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

from gemseo.algos.opt_problem import OptimizationProblem
from gemseo.core.grammar import InvalidDataException
from gemseo.core.json_grammar import JSONGrammar
from import DatasetPlot
from gemseo.utils.file_path_manager import FilePathManager, FileType
from gemseo.utils.matplotlib_figure import save_show_figure
from gemseo.utils.py23_compat import OrderedDict, Path
from gemseo.utils.source_parsing import get_options_doc

OptPostProcessorOptionType = Union[int, float, str, bool, Sequence[str]]
PlotOutputType = List[
    Tuple[Optional[str], Union[Figure, DatasetPlot], Optional[Dict[str, Sequence[str]]]]

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(DocInheritMeta(abstract_base_class=True)) class OptPostProcessor(object): """Abstract class for optimization post-processing methods. Attributes: opt_problem (OptimizationProblem): The optimization problem. database (Database): The database generated by the optimization problem. out_data_dict (Dict[Any,Any]): The data dict to eventually rebuild the plot in another framework. """ def __init__( self, opt_problem, # type: OptimizationProblem ): # type: (...) -> None """ Args: opt_problem: The optimization problem to be post-processed. Raises: ValueError: If the JSON grammar file for the options of the post-processor does not exist. """ self.opt_problem = opt_problem self.database = opt_problem.database comp_dir = abspath(dirname(inspect.getfile(OptPostProcessor))) schema_file = join(comp_dir, "OptPostProcessor.json") self.opt_grammar = JSONGrammar( "OptPostProcessor", schema_file=schema_file, descriptions=get_options_doc(self.execute), ) cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ name = cls_name + "_options" f_class = inspect.getfile(self.__class__) comp_dir = abspath(dirname(f_class)) schema_file = join(comp_dir, "{}.json".format(name)) if not exists(schema_file): schema_file = join(comp_dir, "options", "{}.json".format(name)) if not exists(schema_file): raise ValueError( "Options grammar for optimization post-processor does not exist, " "expected: {} or {}".format(schema_file, join(comp_dir, name + ".json")) ) descriptions = {} if hasattr(self.__class__, "_run"): descriptions.update(get_options_doc(self.__class__._run)) if hasattr(self.__class__, "_plot"): descriptions.update(get_options_doc(self.__class__._plot)) self.opt_grammar.update_from( JSONGrammar(name, schema_file=schema_file, descriptions=descriptions) ) # the data dict to eventually rebuild the plot in another framework self.out_data_dict = {} default_file_name = FilePathManager.to_snake_case(self.__class__.__name__) self.__file_path_manager = FilePathManager(FileType.FIGURE, default_file_name) self.__output_files = [] self.__figures = OrderedDict() self.__nameless_figure_counter = 0 @property def figures(self): # type: (...) -> Dict[str,Figure] """The Matplotlib figures indexed by a name, or the nameless figure counter.""" return self.__figures @property def output_files(self): # type: (...) -> List[str] """The paths to the output files.""" return self.__output_files def _add_figure( self, figure, # type: Figure file_name=None, # type: Optional[str] ): # type: (...) -> None """Add a figure. Args: figure: The figure to be added. file_name: The default name of the file to save the figure. If None, use the nameless figure counter. """ if file_name is None: self.__nameless_figure_counter += 1 file_name = str(self.__nameless_figure_counter) self.__figures[file_name] = figure
[docs] def execute( self, save=True, # type: bool show=False, # type: bool file_path=None, # type: Optional[Union[str,Path]] directory_path=None, # type: Optional[Union[str,Path]] file_name=None, # type: Optional[str] file_extension=None, # type: Optional[str] **options # type: OptPostProcessorOptionType ): # type: (...) -> Dict[str,Figure] """Post-process the optimization problem. Args: save: If True, save the figure. show: If True, display the figure. file_path: The path of the file to save the figures. If the extension is missing, use ``file_extension``. If None, create a file path from ``directory_path``, ``file_name`` and ``file_extension``. directory_path: The path of the directory to save the figures. If None, use the current working directory. file_name: The name of the file to save the figures. If None, use a default one generated by the post-processing. file_extension: A file extension, e.g. 'png', 'pdf', 'svg', ... If None, use a default file extension. **options: The options of the post-processor. Returns: The figure, to be customized if not closed. Raises: ValueError: If the `opt_problem.database` is empty. """ # convert file_path to string before grammar-based options checking if isinstance(file_path, Path): file_path_to_be_checked = str(file_path) else: file_path_to_be_checked = file_path if isinstance(directory_path, Path): directory_path_to_be_checked = str(directory_path) else: directory_path_to_be_checked = directory_path if file_path is not None: file_path = Path(file_path) if directory_path is not None: directory_path = Path(directory_path) self.check_options( save=save, show=show, file_path=file_path_to_be_checked, file_name=file_name, directory_path=directory_path_to_be_checked, file_extension=file_extension, **options ) if not self.opt_problem.database: raise ValueError( "Optimization problem was not solved, " "cannot run post processing {}".format(self.__class__.__name__) ) self.__figures = self._run( save=save, show=show, file_path=file_path, file_name=file_name, file_extension=file_extension, directory_path=directory_path, **options ) return self.__figures
[docs] def check_options( self, **options # type: OptPostProcessorOptionType ): # type: (...) -> None """Check the options of the post-processor. Args: **options: The options of the post-processor. Raises: InvalidDataException: If an option is invalid according to the grammar. """ try: self.opt_grammar.load_data(options) except InvalidDataException: raise InvalidDataException( "Invalid options for post-processor {}; " "got: {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, options) )
def _run( self, save=True, # type: bool show=False, # type: bool file_path=None, # type: Optional[Path] directory_path=None, # type: Optional[Path] file_name=None, # type: Optional[str] file_extension=None, # type: Optional[str] **options # type: OptPostProcessorOptionType ): # type: (...) -> Dict[str,Figure] """Run the post-processor. Args: save: If True, save the figure. show: If True, display the figure. file_path: The path of the file to save the figures. If the extension is missing, use ``file_extension``. If None, create a file path from ``directory_path``, ``file_name`` and ``file_extension``. directory_path: The path of the directory to save the figures. If None, use the current working directory. file_name: The name of the file to save the figures. If None, use a default one generated by the post-processing. file_extension: A file extension, e.g. 'png', 'pdf', 'svg', ... If None, use a default file extension. **options: The options of the post-processor. Returns: The figures resulting from the post-processing of the optimization problem. """ self._plot(**options) file_path = self.__file_path_manager.create_file_path( file_path=file_path, directory_path=directory_path, file_name=file_name, file_extension=file_extension, ) for figure_name, figure in self.__figures.items(): if save: if len(self.__figures) > 1: fig_file_path = self.__file_path_manager.add_suffix( file_path, figure_name ) else: fig_file_path = file_path self.__output_files.append(str(fig_file_path)) else: fig_file_path = None save_show_figure(figure, show, fig_file_path) return self.__figures def _plot( self, **options # type: OptPostProcessorOptionType ): # type: (...) -> None """Create the figures. Args: **options: The post-processor options. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _generate_x_names(self): # type: (...)-> List[str] """Create the design variables names for the plot. Returns: The design variables names. """ design_variables = self.opt_problem.get_design_variable_names() x_names = [] for d_v in design_variables: dv_size = self.opt_problem.design_space.variables_sizes[d_v] if dv_size == 1: x_names.append(d_v) else: for k in range(dv_size): x_names.append("{}_{}".format(d_v, k)) return x_names