.. Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. .. Contributors: :author: Matthias De Lozzo .. _disciplines: The discipline, a key concept ============================= How is a discipline defined? **************************** What is a discipline? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A discipline is a set of calculations that: - produces a dictionary of arrays as outputs - from a dictionary of arrays as inputs - using either a Python function, or equations or an external software, or a :term:`workflow engine`. How is a discipline implemented in |g|? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Programmatically speaking, disciplines are implemented in |g| through the :class:`.MDODiscipline` class. They are defined by three elements: - the :attr:`.MDODiscipline.input_grammar` attribute: the set of rules that defines valid input data, - the :attr:`.MDODiscipline.output_grammar` attribute: the set of rules that defines valid output data, - the :meth:`.MDODiscipline._run` method: the method to compute the output data from the input data. Grammar ------- The input and output specifications are defined in a grammar, through the :attr:`!MDODiscipline.input_grammar` and :attr:`!MDODiscipline.output_grammar` attributes, which can be either a :class:`.SimpleGrammar` or a :class:`.JSONGrammar` (default grammar), or your own which derives from the :class:`.AbstractGrammar` class. .. note:: The :term:`grammar` is a very powerful and key concept. There are multiple ways of creating grammars in |g|. The preferred one for integrating simulation processes is the use of a :term:`JSON schema`, but is not detailed here for the sake of simplicity. For more explanations about grammars, see :ref:`software_connection`. .. warning:: **All the inputs and outputs names of the disciplines in a scenario shall be consistent**. - |g| assumes that the data are tagged by their names with a global convention in the whole process. - What two disciplines call "X" shall be the same "X". The coupling variables for instance, are detected thanks to these conventions. Inheritance ----------- The disciplines are all subclasses of :class:`.MDODiscipline`, from which they must inherit. To be used, if your :class:`.MDODiscipline` of interest does not exist, you must: - define a class inheriting from :class:`.MDODiscipline`, - define the input and output grammars in the constructor, - implement the :meth:`!MDODiscipline._run` method which defines the way in which the output set values are obtained from the input set values. .. note:: Typically, when we deal with an interfaced software, the :meth:`!MDODiscipline._run` method gets the inputs from the input grammar, calls a software, and writes the outputs to the output grammar. .. note:: The JSON grammars are automatically detected when they are in the same folder as your subclass module and named :code:`"CLASSNAME_input.json"` and :code:`"CLASSNAME_output.json"` and the :code:`auto_detect_grammar_files` option is :code:`True`. What are the API functions in |g|? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once a sub-class of :class:`.MDODiscipline` is defined, an instance of this discipline can be created from the :meth:`~gemseo.api.create_discipline` API function. Furthermore, many disciplines inheriting from :class:`.MDODiscipline` are already implemented in |g|. Use the :meth:`~gemseo.api.get_available_disciplines` API function to discover them: .. code:: from gemseo.api import get_available_disciplines get_available_disciplines() which results in: .. code:: ['RosenMF', 'SobieskiAerodynamics', 'DOEScenario', 'MDOScenario', 'SobieskiMission', 'SobieskiBaseWrapper', 'Sellar1', 'Sellar2', 'MDOChain', 'SobieskiStructure', 'Structure', 'SobieskiPropulsion', 'Scenario', 'AnalyticDiscipline', 'MDOScenarioAdapter', 'SellarSystem', 'ScalableFittedDiscipline', 'Aerodynamics', 'Mission', 'PropaneComb1', 'PropaneComb2', 'PropaneComb3', 'PropaneReaction', 'MDOParallelChain'] .. note:: These available :class:`.MDODiscipline` can be classified into different categories: - classes implementing scenario, a key concept in |g|: :class:`.Scenario` and :class:`.DOEScenario`, :class:`.MDOScenario`, - classes implementing MDO problem disciplines: - Sobieski's SSBJ problem: :class:`~gemseo.problems.sobieski.wrappers.SobieskiAerodynamics`, :class:`~gemseo.problems.sobieski.wrappers.SobieskiMission`, :class:`~gemseo.problems.sobieski.wrappers.SobieskiBaseWrapper`, :class:`~gemseo.problems.sobieski.wrappers.SobieskiStructure` and :class:`~gemseo.problems.sobieski.wrappers.SobieskiPropulsion`, - Sellar problem: :class:`.Sellar1`, :class:`.Sellar2` and :class:`.SellarSystem`, - Aerostructure problem: :class:`.Structure`, :class:`.Aerodynamics` and :class:`.Mission`, - Propane problem: :class:`.PropaneComb1`, :class:`.PropaneComb2`, :class:`.PropaneComb3` and :class:`.PropaneReaction`, - classes implementing special disciplines: :class:`.MDOParallelChain`, :class:`.MDOChain`, :class:`.ScalableDiscipline` and :class:`.MDOScenarioAdapter`. - classes implementing optimization discipline: :class:`.RosenMF`. How to instantiate an existing :class:`.MDODiscipline`? *************************************************************************** We can easily instantiate an internal discipline by means of the :meth:`~gemseo.api.create_discipline`, e.g.: .. code:: from gemseo.api import create_discipline sellar_system = create_discipline('SellarSystem') We can easily instantiate multiple built-in disciplines by means of the :meth:`~gemseo.api.create_discipline` method, using a list of discipline names rather than a single discipline name, e.g.: .. code:: from gemseo.api import create_discipline disciplines = create_discipline(['Sellar1', 'Sellar2', 'SellarSystem']) In this case, :code:`disciplines` is a list of :class:`.MDODiscipline`, where the first one is an instance of :class:`.Sellar1`, the second one is an instance of :class:`.Sellar2` and the third one is an instance of :class:`.SellarSystem`. .. note:: If the constructor of a discipline has specific arguments, these arguments can be passed into a :code:`dict` to the :meth:`~gemseo.api.create_discipline` method, e.g.: .. code:: from gemseo.api import create_discipline discipline = create_discipline('MyDisciplineWithArguments', **kwargs) where :code:`kwargs = {'arg1_key': arg1_val, 'arg1_key': arg1_val, ...}`. .. note:: We can easily instantiate an external discipline by means of the :meth:`~gemseo.api.create_discipline` (see :ref:`extending-gemseo`): .. code:: from gemseo.api import create_discipline discipline = create_discipline('MyExternalDiscipline') How to set the cache policy? **************************** We can set the cache policy of a discipline by means of the :meth:`.MDODiscipline.set_cache_policy` method, either using the default cache strategy, e.g.: .. code:: sellar_system.set_cache_policy(cache_type=sellar_system.SIMPLE_CACHE) or the HDF5 cache strategy with the discipline name as node name (here :code:`SellarSystem`), e.g.: .. code:: sellar_system.set_cache_policy(cache_type=sellar_system.HDF5_CACHE, cache_hdf_file='cached_data.hdf5') or the HDF5 cache strategy with a user-defined name as node name (here :code:`node`), e.g.: .. code:: sellar_system.set_cache_policy(cache_type=sellar_system.HDF5_CACHE, cache_hdf_file='cached_data.hdf5', cache_hdf_node_name='node') .. note:: :ref:`Click here `. to get more information about caching strategies. .. note:: The :meth:`.MDODiscipline.set_cache_policy` method takes an additional argument, named :code:`cache_tolerance`, which represents the tolerance for the approximate cache maximal relative norm difference to consider that two input arrays are equal. By default, :code:`cache_tolerance` is equal to zero. We can get its value by means of the :attr:`.MDODiscipline.cache_tol` getter and change its value by means of the :attr:`.MDODiscipline.cache_tol` setter. How to execute a :class:`.MDODiscipline`? ***************************************** We can execute a :class:`.MDODiscipline`, either with its default input values, e.g.: .. code:: sellar_system.execute() which results in: .. code:: {'obj': array([ 1.36787944+0.j]), 'y_2': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'y_1': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'c_1': array([ 2.16+0.j]), 'c_2': array([-23.+0.j]), 'x_shared': array([ 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j]), 'x_local': array([ 0.+0.j])} or with user-defined values, defined into a :code:`dict` indexed by input data names with NumPy array values, e.g.: .. code:: import numpy as np input_data = {'y_1': array([ 2.]), 'x_shared': array([ 1., 0.]), 'y_2': array([ 1.]), 'x_local': array([ 0.])} sellar_system.execute(input_data) which results in: .. code:: {'obj': array([ 4.36787944+0.j]), 'y_2': array([ 1.]), 'y_1': array([ 2.]), 'c_1': array([-0.84+0.j]), 'c_2': array([-23.+0.j]), 'x_shared': array([ 1., 0.]), 'x_local': array([ 0.])} How to get information about an instantiated :class:`.MDODiscipline`? ********************************************************************* 5.a. How to get input and output data names? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We can get the input and output data names by means of the :meth:`.MDODiscipline.get_input_data_names` and :meth:`.MDODiscipline.get_output_data_names` methods, e.g.: .. code:: print(sellar_system.get_input_data_names(), sellar_system.get_output_data_names()) which results in: .. parsed-literal:: ['y_1', 'x_shared', 'y_2', 'x_local'] ['c_1', 'c_2', 'obj'] 5.b. How to check the validity of input or output data? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We can check the validity of a :code:`dict` of input data (resp. output data) by means of the :meth:`.MDODiscipline.check_input_data` (resp. :meth:`.MDODiscipline.check_output_data`) methods, e.g.: .. code:: sellar_system.check_input_data(sellar_system.default_inputs) does not raise any error while: .. code:: sellar_system.check_input_data({'a': array([1.]), 'b': array([1., -6.2])}) raises the error: .. parsed-literal:: gemseo.core.grammar.InvalidDataException: Invalid input data for: SellarSystem How to get the default input values? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We can get the default input data by means of the :attr:`!MDODiscipline.default_inputs` attribute, e.g.: .. code:: print(sellar_system.default_inputs) which results in: .. parsed-literal:: {'y_0': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'x_shared': array([ 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j]), 'y_1': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'x_local': array([ 0.+0.j])} How to get input and output data values? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All input or output data values as a list of arrays --------------------------------------------------- Once the discipline has been executed, we can get all the input data values (resp. output data values) of the last execution by means of the :meth:`.MDODiscipline.get_all_inputs` method (resp. :meth:`.MDODiscipline.get_all_outputs` method), e.g. .. code:: sellar_system.execute() sellar_system.get_all_inputs() sellar_system.get_all_outputs() which results in: .. parsed-literal:: [array([ 1.+0.j]), array([ 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j]), array([ 1.+0.j]), array([ 0.+0.j])] [array([ 2.16+0.j]), array([-23.+0.j]), array([ 1.36787944+0.j])] The :code:`list` returned by :code:`sellar_system.get_all_inputs()` (resp. :code:`sellar_system.get_all_outputs()`) is sorted according to the order in :code:`sellar_system.get_input_data_names()` (resp. :code:`sellar_system.get_output_data_names()`). All input or output data values as a large array ------------------------------------------------ This :code:`list` of NumPy arrays can be converted into a large NumPy array by means of :meth:`.MDODiscipline.get_inputs_asarray` method (resp. :meth:`.MDODiscipline.get_outputs_asarray`), e.g. .. code:: sellar_system.execute() sellar_system.get_inputs_asarray() sellar_system.get_outputs_asarray() which results in: .. parsed-literal:: array([ 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j]) array([ 2.16000000+0.j, -23.00000000+0.j, 1.36787944+0.j]) All input or output data values as a dictionary ----------------------------------------------- The same result can be obtained with a :code:`dict` format by means of the :meth:`.MDODiscipline.get_input_data` and :meth:`.MDODiscipline.get_output_data` methods: .. code:: sellar_system.execute() sellar_system.get_input_data() sellar_system.get_output_data() which results in: .. parsed-literal:: {'x_local': array([ 0.+0.j]), 'x_shared': array([ 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j]), 'y_1': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'y_0': array([ 1.+0.j])} {'c_1': array([ 2.16+0.j]), 'c_2': array([-23.+0.j]), 'obj': array([ 1.36787944+0.j])} Some input or output data values as a list ------------------------------------------ We can also get the data value for a given variable name or a given :code:`list` of variable names by means of the :meth:`.MDODiscipline.get_inputs_by_name` or :meth:`.MDODiscipline.get_outputs_by_name` method. How to get any local data value? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once the discipline has been executed, we can get the value of any variable or :code:`list` of variables (inputs, outputs and others) stored in the :attr:`!MDODiscipline.local_data` attribute by means of the :meth:`.MDODiscipline.get_local_data_by_name` method, e.g. .. code:: sellar_system.execute() sellar_system.get_local_data_by_name('obj') sellar_system.get_local_data_by_name(['obj', 'x_shared']) which results in: .. parsed-literal:: array([ 1.36787944+0.j]) [array([ 1.36787944+0.j]), array([ 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j])] How to store data in the :attr:`!MDODiscipline.local_data` attribute? ********************************************************************* We can store data in the :attr:`!MDODiscipline.local_data` attribute by means of the :meth:`.MDODiscipline.store_local_data` method whose arguments are the names of the variables to store. We can store either data for variables from input or output grammars, or data for other variables, e.g.: .. code:: print(sellar_system.local_data) {'obj': array([ 1.36787944+0.j]), 'y_2': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'y_1': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'c_1': array([ 2.16+0.j]), 'c_2': array([-23.+0.j]), 'x_shared': array([ 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j]), 'x_local': array([ 0.+0.j])} sellar_system.store_local_data(**{'obj': array([1.]), 'new_variable': 'value'}) {'obj': array([ 1.]), 'new_variable': 'value', 'y_2': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'y_1': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'c_1': array([ 2.16+0.j]), 'c_2': array([-23.+0.j]), 'x_shared': array([ 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j]), 'x_local': array([ 0.+0.j])}