Source code for gemseo.algos.opt.lib_snopt

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                           documentation
#        :author: Damien Guenot
#         Francois Gallard : refactoring for v1, May 2016
"""SNOPT optimization library wrapper."""

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

from numpy import append, array, concatenate
from numpy import float as np_float
from numpy import float64, hstack
from numpy import int as np_int
from numpy import isinf, ndarray, ones, reshape
from numpy import str as np_str
from numpy import vstack, where, zeros
from optimize.snopt7 import SNOPT_solver

from gemseo.algos.opt.opt_lib import OptimizationLibrary
from gemseo.algos.opt_result import OptimizationResult

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

OptionType = Optional[Union[str, int, float, bool, ndarray]]

SnOptPreprocessType = Tuple[
    Callable[[int, int, int, int, ndarray, int], Any],

[docs]class SnOpt(OptimizationLibrary): """SNOPT optimization library interface. See OptimizationLibrary. """ LIB_COMPUTE_GRAD = False OPTIONS_MAP = {"max_iter": "Iteration_limit"} MESSAGES_DICT = { 1: "optimality conditions satisfied", 2: "feasible point found", 3: "requested accuracy could not be achieved", 11: "infeasible linear constraints", 12: "infeasible linear equalities", 13: "nonlinear infeasibilities minimized", 14: "infeasibilities minimized", 21: "unbounded objective", 22: "constraint violation limit reached", 31: "iteration limit reached", 32: "major iteration limit reached", 33: "the superbasics limit is too small", 41: "current point cannot be improved ", 42: "singular basis", 43: "cannot satisfy the general constraints", 44: "ill-conditioned null-space basis", 51: "incorrect objective derivatives", 52: "incorrect constraint derivatives", 61: "undefined function at the first feasible point", 62: "undefined function at the initial point", 63: "unable to proceed into undefined region", 72: "terminated during constraint evaluation", 73: "terminated during objective evaluation", 74: "terminated from monitor routine", 81: "work arrays must have at least 500 elements", 82: "not enough character storage", 83: "not enough integer storage", 84: "not enough real storage", 91: "invalid input argument", 92: "basis file dimensions do not match this problem", 141: "wrong number of basic variables", 142: "error in basis package", } def __init__(self): """Constructor. Generate the library dict, contains the list of algorithms with their characteristics: * does it require gradient * does it handle equality constraints * does it handle inequality constraints """ super(SnOpt, self).__init__() self.__n_ineq_constraints = 0 self.__n_eq_constraints = 0 self.lib_dict = { "SNOPTB": { self.INTERNAL_NAME: "SNOPTB", self.REQUIRE_GRAD: True, self.HANDLE_EQ_CONS: True, self.HANDLE_INEQ_CONS: True, self.DESCRIPTION: "Sparse Nonlinear OPTimizer (SNOPT)", self.WEBSITE: "", } } def _get_options( self, ftol_rel=1e-9, # type: float ftol_abs=1e-9, # type: float xtol_rel=1e-9, # type: float xtol_abs=1e-9, # type: float max_time=0, # type: float max_iter=999, # type: int # pylint: disable=W0221 normalize_design_space=True, # type: bool **kwargs # type: OptionType ): # type: (...) -> Dict[str, Any] """Set the options. Args: ftol_rel: A stop criteria, the relative tolerance on the objective function. If abs(f(xk)-f(xk+1))/abs(f(xk))<= ftol_rel: stop. ftol_abs: A stop criteria, the absolute tolerance on the objective function. If abs(f(xk)-f(xk+1))<= ftol_rel: stop. xtol_rel: A stop criteria, the relative tolerance on the design variables. If norm(xk-xk+1)/norm(xk)<= xtol_rel: stop. xtol_abs: A stop criteria, the absolute tolerance on the design variables. If norm(xk-xk+1)<= xtol_abs: stop. max_time: max_time: The maximum runtime in seconds, disabled if 0. max_iter: The maximum number of iterations, i.e. unique calls to f(x). normalize_design_space: If True, scales variables to [0, 1]. **kwargs: The additional options. """ nds = normalize_design_space return self._process_options( max_iter=max_iter, normalize_design_space=nds, ftol_rel=ftol_rel, ftol_abs=ftol_abs, xtol_rel=xtol_rel, xtol_abs=xtol_abs, max_time=max_time, **kwargs ) @staticmethod def __eval_func( func, # type: Callable[[ndarray], ndarray] xn_vect, # type: ndarray ): # type: (...) -> Tuple[ndarray, int] """Evaluate a function at the given points. Try to call it, if it fails, return a -1 status. Args func: The function to call. xn_vect : The arguments for the function evaluation. Returns: The function value at `xn_vect` and the status of the evaluation. """ try: val = func(xn_vect) return val, 1 # SNOPT can handle non-computable points except Exception as func_error: LOGGER.error("SNOPT failed to evaluate the function !") LOGGER.error(func_error.args[0]) return array([float("nan")]), -1 # cb_ means callback and avoids pylint to raise warnings # about unused arguments
[docs] def cb_opt_objective_snoptb( self, mode, # type: int nn_obj, # type: int xn_vect, # type: ndarray n_state=0, # type: int ): # type: (...) -> Tuple[int, ndarray, ndarray] r"""Evaluate the objective function and gradient. Use the snOpt conventions for mode and status (from Args: mode: Flag to indicate whether the obj, the gradient or both must be assigned during the present call of the function (0 :math:`\leq` mode :math:`\leq` 2). mode = 2, assign the obj and the known components of the gradient. mode = 1, assign the known components of gradient. obj is ignored. mode = 0, only the obj needs to be assigned; the gradient is ignored. nn_obj: The number of design variables. xn_vect: The normalized design vector. n_state: An indicator for the first and last call to the current function. n_state = 0: NTR. n_state = 1: first call to driver.cb_opt_objective_snoptb. n_state > 1, snOptB is calling subroutine for the last time and: n_state = 2 and the current x is optimal n_state = 3, the problem appears to be infeasible n_state = 4, the problem appears to be unbounded; n_state = 5, an iterations limit was reached. Returns: The solution status, the evaluation of the objective function and its gradient. """ obj_func = self.problem.objective status = -1 if mode == 0: obj_f, status = self.__eval_func(obj_func.func, xn_vect) obj_df = ones((xn_vect.shape[0],)) * 666.0 if mode == 1: obj_df, status = self.__eval_func(obj_func.jac, xn_vect) obj_f = -666.0 if mode == 2: obj_df, f_status = self.__eval_func(obj_func.jac, xn_vect) obj_f, df_status = self.__eval_func(obj_func.func, xn_vect) if f_status == 1 and df_status == 1: status = 1 else: status = -1 return status, obj_f, obj_df
def __snoptb_create_c( self, xn_vect # type: ndarray ): # type: (...) -> Tuple[ndarray, int] """Return the evaluation of the constraints at the design vector. Args: xn_vect: The normalized design variables vector. Returns: The evaluation of the constraints at `xn_vect` and the status of the evaluation. """ cstr = array([]) for constraint in self.problem.get_eq_constraints(): c_val, status = self.__eval_func(constraint, xn_vect) if status == -1: return c_val, -1 cstr = hstack((cstr, c_val)) for constraint in self.problem.get_ineq_constraints(): c_val, status = self.__eval_func(constraint, xn_vect) if status == -1: return c_val, -1 cstr = hstack((cstr, c_val)) return cstr, 1 def __snoptb_create_dc( self, xn_vect # type: ndarray ): # type: (...) -> Tuple[ndarray, int] """Evaluate the constraints gradient at the design vector xn_vect. Args: xn_vect: The normalized design variables vector. Returns: The evaluation of the constraints gradient at xn_vect and the status of the computation. """ dcstr = array([]) # First equality constraints then inequality for constraint in self.problem.get_eq_constraints(): dc_val, status = self.__eval_func(constraint.jac, xn_vect) if status == -1: return dc_val, status if dcstr: dcstr = vstack((dcstr, dc_val)) else: dcstr = dc_val for constraint in self.problem.get_ineq_constraints(): dc_val, status = self.__eval_func(constraint.jac, xn_vect) if status == -1: return dc_val, status if dcstr.size > 0: dcstr = vstack((dcstr, dc_val)) else: dcstr = dc_val if len(dcstr.shape) > 1: dcstr = reshape(dcstr.T, dcstr.shape[0] * dcstr.shape[1]) return dcstr, 1 # cb_ means callback and avoids pylint to raise warnings # about unused arguments
[docs] def cb_opt_constraints_snoptb( self, mode, # type: int nn_con, # type: int nn_jac, # type: int ne_jac, # type: int xn_vect, # type: ndarray n_state, # type: int ): # type: (...) -> Tuple[int, ndarray, ndarray] """Evaluate the constraint functions and their gradient. Use the snOpt conventions (from Args: mode: A flag that indicates whether the obj, the gradient or both must be assigned during the present call of function (0 ≤ mode ≤ 2). mode = 2, assign obj and the known components of gradient. mode = 1, assign the known components of gradient. obj is ignored. mode = 0, only obj need be assigned; gradient is ignored. nn_con: The number of non-linear constraints. nn_jac: The number of dv involved in non-linear constraint functions. ne_jac: The number of non-zero elements in the constraints gradient. If dcstr is 2D, then ne_jac = nn_con*nn_jac. xn_vect: The normalized design vector. n_state: An indicator for the first and last call to the current function n_state = 0: NTR. n_state = 1: first call to driver.cb_opt_objective_snoptb. n_state > 1, snOptB is calling subroutine for the last time and: n_state = 2 and the current x is optimal n_state = 3, the problem appears to be infeasible n_state = 4, the problem appears to be unbounded; n_state = 5, an iterations limit was reached. Returns: The solution status, the evaluation of the constraint function and its gradient. """ if mode == 0: cstr, status = self.__snoptb_create_c(xn_vect) dcstr = ( ones( ( (self.__n_eq_constraints + self.__n_ineq_constraints) * xn_vect.shape[0] ) ) * 666.0 ) status = 1 elif mode == 1: dcstr, status = self.__snoptb_create_dc(xn_vect) cstr = ones((self.__n_eq_constraints + self.__n_ineq_constraints,)) * 666.0 elif mode == 2: cstr, c_status = self.__snoptb_create_c(xn_vect) dcstr, dc_status = self.__snoptb_create_dc(xn_vect) if c_status == 1 and dc_status == 1: status = 1 else: status = -1 return status, cstr, dcstr
# cb_ means callback and avoids pylint to raise warnings # about unused arguments
[docs] @staticmethod def cb_snopt_dummy_func( mode, # type: int nn_con, # type: int nn_jac, # type: int ne_jac, # type: int xn_vect, # type: ndarray n_state, # type: int ): # type: (...) -> float """Return a dummy output for unconstrained problems. Args: mode: A flag that indicates whether the obj, the gradient or both must be assigned during the present call of function (0 ≤ mode ≤ 2). mode = 2, assign obj and the known components of gradient. mode = 1, assign the known components of gradient. obj is ignored. mode = 0, only obj need be assigned; gradient is ignored. nn_con: The number of non-linear constraints. nn_jac: The number of dv involved in non-linear constraint functions. ne_jac: The number of non-zero elements in the constraints gradient. If dcstr is 2D, then ne_jac = nn_con*nn_jac. xn_vect: The normalized design vector. n_state: An indicator for the first and last call to the current function n_state = 0: NTR. n_state = 1: first call to driver.cb_opt_objective_snoptb. n_state > 1, snOptB is calling subroutine for the last time and: n_state = 2 and the current x is optimal n_state = 3, the problem appears to be infeasible n_state = 4, the problem appears to be unbounded; n_state = 5, an iterations limit was reached. Returns: A dummy output. """ return 1.0
def __preprocess_snopt_constraints( self, names # type: ndarray(dtype=np_str) ): # type: (...) -> SnOptPreprocessType """Set the snopt parameters according to the constraints. Args: names: The names of the design variables and constraints to be stored in the snopt internal process. Returns: The pointer to the constraint value & gradient, the array of lower bound constraints, the array of upper bound constraints, the design variable names and constraint names, and the number of constraints. """ blc = array(()) buc = array(()) if self.__n_eq_constraints > 0: blc = zeros((self.__n_eq_constraints,)) buc = zeros((self.__n_eq_constraints,)) ceqlist = ["c_eq" + str(i) for i in range(self.__n_eq_constraints)] names = append(names, array(ceqlist, dtype=str)) if self.__n_ineq_constraints > 0: min_inf = ones(self.__n_ineq_constraints) * -INFINITY blc = append(blc, min_inf) buc = append(buc, zeros(self.__n_ineq_constraints)) cieqlist = ["c_ie" + str(i) for i in range(self.__n_ineq_constraints)] names = append(names, array(cieqlist, dtype=str)) # Mandatory dummy free row if unconstrained n_constraints = self.__n_ineq_constraints + self.__n_eq_constraints if n_constraints == 0: n_constraints = 1 funcon = self.cb_snopt_dummy_func blc = append(blc, ones((1,)) * -INFINITY) buc = append(buc, ones((1,)) * INFINITY) names = append(names, array(["dummy"], dtype=np_str)) else: funcon = self.cb_opt_constraints_snoptb return funcon, blc, buc, names, n_constraints def _run( self, **options # type: OptionType ): # type: (...) -> OptimizationResult """Run the algorithm, to be overloaded by subclasses. Args: **options: The options for the algorithm, see the associated JSON file. Returns: The optimization result. Raises: KeyError: If an unknown option or incorrect type is provided. """ normalize_ds = options.pop(self.NORMALIZE_DESIGN_SPACE_OPTION, True) # Get the bounds anx x0 x_0, l_b, u_b = self.get_x0_and_bounds_vects(normalize_ds) self.__n_ineq_constraints = self.problem.get_ineq_cstr_total_dim() self.__n_eq_constraints = self.problem.get_eq_cstr_total_dim() snopt_problem = SNOPT_solver(name="SNOPTB") for (key, value) in options.items(): try: snopt_problem.setOption(key.replace("_", " "), value) except RuntimeError: raise KeyError( "Unknown option or incorrect type :" + str(key) + ":" + str(value) ) snopt_problem.setOption("Verbose", True) snopt_problem.setOption("Solution print", True) # n_nonlinear_constraints = n_ineq_constraints + n_eq_constraints # It is assumed that all constraints provided to optimizer are not # inear # n_linear_constraints = 0 # n_nonlinear_constraints = n_ineq_constraints + n_eq_constraints n_design_variables = x_0.shape[0] # Get the normalized bounds: l_b = where(isinf(l_b), -INFINITY, l_b) u_b = where(isinf(u_b), INFINITY, u_b) names = array(["dv" + str(i) for i in range(n_design_variables)], dtype=str) i_obj = array([0], np_int) funcon, blc, buc, names, n_constraints = self.__preprocess_snopt_constraints( names ) n_nl_func = n_constraints x0_snopt = append(x_0, zeros((n_constraints,), dtype=float64)) lower_bounds = concatenate((l_b, blc)) upper_bounds = concatenate((u_b, buc)) jacobian = ones((n_nl_func, x_0.shape[0])) obj_add = array([0.0], np_float) snopt_problem.snoptb( # name='SNOPTB', m=n_nl_func, x0=x0_snopt, n=n_design_variables, nnCon=n_constraints, nnObj=n_design_variables, nnJac=n_design_variables, iObj=i_obj, bl=lower_bounds, bu=upper_bounds, J=jacobian, ObjAdd=obj_add, funcon=funcon, Names=names, funobj=self.cb_opt_objective_snoptb, ) message = self.MESSAGES_DICT[] status = return self.get_optimum_from_database(message, status)