Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                         documentation
#        :author: Syver Doving Agdestein
"""The mixture of experts for regression.

The mixture of experts (MoE) regression model expresses the output
as a weighted sum of local surrogate models,
where the weights are indicating the class of the input.

Inputs are grouped into clusters by a classification model
that is trained on a training set
where the output labels are determined through a clustering algorithm.
The outputs may be preprocessed
through a sensor or a dimension reduction algorithm.

The classification may either be hard,
in which case only one of the weights is equal to one,
and the rest equal to zero:

.. math::

    y = \\sum_{k=1}^K i_{C_k}(x) f_k(x),

or soft,
in which case the weights express the probabilities of belonging to each class:

.. math::

    y = \\sum_{k=1}^K \\mathbb{P}(x\\in C_k) f_k(x),

:math:`x` is the input,
:math:`y` is the output,
:math:`K` is the number of classes,
:math:`(C_k)_{k=1,\\cdots,K}` are the input spaces associated to the classes,
:math:`i_{C_k}(x)` is the indicator of class :math:`k`,
:math:`\\mathbb{P}(x\\in C_k)` is the probability of class :math:`k`
given :math:`x` and
:math:`f_k(x)` is the local surrogate model on class :math:`k`.

This concept is implemented through the :class:`.MixtureOfExperts` class
which inherits from the :class:`.MLRegressionAlgo` class.
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import logging
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, NoReturn, Optional, Union

from numpy import ndarray, nonzero, unique, where, zeros

from gemseo.algos.design_space import DesignSpace
from gemseo.core.dataset import Dataset
from gemseo.mlearning.classification.factory import ClassificationModelFactory
from gemseo.mlearning.cluster.factory import ClusteringModelFactory
from gemseo.mlearning.core.ml_algo import DataType, MLAlgoParameterType, TransformerType
from gemseo.mlearning.core.selection import MLAlgoSelection
from gemseo.mlearning.core.supervised import SavedObjectType
from gemseo.mlearning.qual_measure.f1_measure import F1Measure
from gemseo.mlearning.qual_measure.mse_measure import MSEMeasure
from gemseo.mlearning.qual_measure.quality_measure import MLQualityMeasure
from gemseo.mlearning.qual_measure.quality_measure import OptionType as EvalOptionType
from gemseo.mlearning.qual_measure.silhouette import SilhouetteMeasure
from gemseo.mlearning.regression.factory import RegressionModelFactory
from gemseo.mlearning.regression.regression import MLRegressionAlgo
from gemseo.utils.data_conversion import DataConversion
from gemseo.utils.py23_compat import Path
from gemseo.utils.string_tools import MultiLineString

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SavedObjectType = Union[SavedObjectType, str, Dict]

MLAlgoType = Dict[
        Union[str, DesignSpace, Dict[str, Union[str, int]], List[MLAlgoParameterType]]

[docs]class MixtureOfExperts(MLRegressionAlgo): """Mixture of experts regression. Attributes: hard (bool): Whether clustering/classification should be hard or soft. cluster_algo (str): The name of the clustering algorithm. classif_algo (str): The name of the classification algorithm. regress_algo (str): The name of the regression algorithm. cluster_params (Optional[MLAlgoParameterType]): The parameters of the clustering algorithm. classif_params (Optional[MLAlgoParameterType]): The parameters of the classification algorithm. regress_params (Optional[MLAlgoParameterType]): The parameters of the regression algorithm. cluster_measure (Dict[str,Union[str,EvalOptionType]]): The quality measure for the clustering algorithms. classif_measure (Dict[str,Union[str,EvalOptionType]]): The quality measure for the classification algorithms. regress_measure (Dict[str,Union[str,EvalOptionType]]): The quality measure for the regression algorithms. cluster_cands (List[MLAlgoType]): The clustering algorithm candidates. classif_cands (List[MLAlgoType]): The classification algorithm candidates. regress_cands (List[MLAlgoType]): The regression algorithm candidates. clusterer (MLClusteringAlgo): The clustering algorithm. classifier (MLClassificationAlgo): The classification algorithm. regress_models (List(MLRegressionAlgo)): The regression algorithms. """ ABBR = "MoE" LABELS = "labels" _LOCAL_INPUT = "input" _LOCAL_OUTPUT = "output" def __init__( self, data, # type: Dataset transformer=None, # type: Optional[TransformerType] input_names=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] output_names=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] hard=True, # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> None """ Args: hard: Whether clustering/classification should be hard or soft. """ super(MixtureOfExperts, self).__init__( data, transformer=transformer, input_names=input_names, output_names=output_names, hard=hard, ) self.hard = hard self.cluster_algo = "KMeans" self.classif_algo = "KNNClassifier" self.regress_algo = "LinearRegression" self.cluster_params = {} self.classif_params = {} self.regress_params = {} self.cluster_measure = None self.classif_measure = None self.regress_measure = None self.set_clustering_measure(SilhouetteMeasure) self.set_classification_measure(F1Measure) self.set_regression_measure(MSEMeasure) self.cluster_cands = [] self.regress_cands = [] self.classif_cands = [] self.clusterer = None self.classifier = None self.regress_models = None
[docs] class DataFormatters(MLRegressionAlgo.DataFormatters): """Machine learning regression model decorators."""
[docs] @classmethod def format_predict_class_dict( cls, predict, # type: Callable[[ndarray],ndarray] ): # type: (...) -> Callable[[DataType],DataType] """Make an array-based function be called with a dictionary of NumPy arrays. Args: predict: The function to be called; it takes a NumPy array in input and returns a NumPy array. Returns: A function making the function 'predict' work with either a NumPy data array or a dictionary of NumPy data arrays indexed by variables names. The evaluation will have the same type as the input data. """ def wrapper( self, input_data, # type: DataType *args, **kwargs ): # type: (...) -> DataType """Evaluate 'predict' with either array or dictionary-based input data. Firstly, the pre-processing stage converts the input data to a NumPy data array, if these data are expressed as a dictionary of NumPy data arrays. Then, the processing evaluates the function 'predict' from this NumPy input data array. Lastly, the post-processing transforms the output data to a dictionary of output NumPy data array if the input data were passed as a dictionary of NumPy data arrays. Args: input_data: The input data. *args: The positional arguments of the function 'predict'. **kwargs: The keyword arguments of the function 'predict'. Returns: The output data with the same type as the input one. """ as_dict = isinstance(input_data, dict) if as_dict: input_data = DataConversion.dict_to_array( input_data, self.input_names ) output_data = predict(self, input_data, *args, **kwargs) if as_dict: output_data = {self.LABELS: output_data} return output_data return wrapper
[docs] def set_clusterer( self, cluster_algo, # type: str **cluster_params # type:Optional[MLAlgoParameterType] ): # type: (...) -> None """Set the clustering algorithm. Args: cluster_algo: The name of the clustering algorithm. **cluster_params: The parameters of the clustering algorithm. """ self.cluster_algo = cluster_algo self.cluster_params = cluster_params
[docs] def set_classifier( self, classif_algo, # type: str **classif_params # type:Optional[MLAlgoParameterType] ): # type: (...) -> None """Set the classification algorithm. Args: classif_algo: The name of the classification algorithm. **classif_params: The parameters of the classification algorithm. """ self.classif_algo = classif_algo self.classif_params = classif_params
[docs] def set_regressor( self, regress_algo, # type: str **regress_params # type:Optional[MLAlgoParameterType] ): # type: (...) -> None """Set the regression algorithm. Args: regress_algo: The name of the regression algorithm. **regress_params: The parameters of the regression algorithm. """ self.regress_algo = regress_algo self.regress_params = regress_params
[docs] def set_clustering_measure( self, measure, # type: MLQualityMeasure **eval_options # type: EvalOptionType ): # type: (...) -> None """Set the quality measure for the clustering algorithms. Args: measure: The quality measure. **eval_options: The options for the quality measure. """ self.cluster_measure = { "measure": measure, "options": eval_options, }
[docs] def set_classification_measure( self, measure, # type: MLQualityMeasure **eval_options # type: EvalOptionType ): # type: (...) -> None """Set the quality measure for the classification algorithms. Args: measure: The quality measure. **eval_options: The options for the quality measure. """ self.classif_measure = { "measure": measure, "options": eval_options, }
[docs] def set_regression_measure( self, measure, # type: MLQualityMeasure **eval_options # type: EvalOptionType ): # type: (...) -> None """Set the quality measure for the regression algorithms. Args: measure: The quality measure. **eval_options: The options for the quality measure. """ self.regress_measure = { "measure": measure, "options": eval_options, }
[docs] def add_clusterer_candidate( self, name, # type: str calib_space=None, # type: Optional[DesignSpace] calib_algo=None, # type: Optional[Dict[str,Union[str,int]]] **option_lists # type:Optional[List[MLAlgoParameterType]] ): # type: (...) -> None """Add a candidate for clustering. Args: name: The name of a clustering algorithm. calib_space: The space defining the calibration variables. calib_algo: The name and options of the DOE or optimization algorithm, e.g. {"algo": "fullfact", "n_samples": 10}). If None, do not perform calibration. *** option_lists: Parameters for the clustering algorithm candidate. Each parameter has to be enclosed within a list. The list may contain different values to try out for the given parameter, or only one. """ self.cluster_cands.append( dict( name=name, calib_space=calib_space, calib_algo=calib_algo, **option_lists ) )
[docs] def add_classifier_candidate( self, name, # type: str calib_space=None, # type: Optional[DesignSpace] calib_algo=None, # type: Optional[Dict[str,Union[str,int]]] **option_lists # type:Optional[List[MLAlgoParameterType]] ): # type: (...) -> None """Add a candidate for classification. Args: name: The name of a classification algorithm. calib_space: The space defining the calibration variables. calib_algo: The name and options of the DOE or optimization algorithm, e.g. {"algo": "fullfact", "n_samples": 10}). If None, do not perform calibration. *** option_lists: Parameters for the clustering algorithm candidate. Each parameter has to be enclosed within a list. The list may contain different values to try out for the given parameter, or only one. """ self.classif_cands.append( dict( name=name, calib_space=calib_space, calib_algo=calib_algo, **option_lists ) )
[docs] def add_regressor_candidate( self, name, # type: str calib_space=None, # type: Optional[DesignSpace] calib_algo=None, # type: Optional[Dict[str,Union[str,int]]] **option_lists # type:Optional[List[MLAlgoParameterType]] ): # type: (...) -> None """Add a candidate for regression. Args: name: The name of a regression algorithm. calib_space: The space defining the calibration variables. calib_algo: The name and options of the DOE or optimization algorithm, e.g. {"algo": "fullfact", "n_samples": 10}). If None, do not perform calibration. *** option_lists: Parameters for the clustering algorithm candidate. Each parameter has to be enclosed within a list. The list may contain different values to try out for the given parameter, or only one. """ self.regress_cands.append( dict( name=name, calib_space=calib_space, calib_algo=calib_algo, **option_lists ) )
[docs] @DataFormatters.format_predict_class_dict @DataFormatters.format_samples @DataFormatters.format_transform(transform_outputs=False) def predict_class( self, input_data, # type: DataType ): # type: (...) -> Union[int,ndarray] """Predict classes from input data. The user can specify these input data either as a NumPy array, e.g. :code:`array([1., 2., 3.])` or as a dictionary, e.g. :code:`{'a': array([1.]), 'b': array([2., 3.])}`. The output data type will be consistent with the input data type. Args: input_data: The input data. Returns: The predicted classes. """ return self.classifier.predict(input_data)
@DataFormatters.format_input_output def predict_local_model( self, input_data, # type: DataType index, # type: int ): # type: (...) -> DataType """Predict output data from input data. The user can specify these input data either as a NumPy array, e.g. :code:`array([1., 2., 3.])` or as a dictionary, e.g. :code:`{'a': array([1.]), 'b': array([2., 3.])}`. The output data type will be consistent with the input data type. Args: input_data: The input data. index: The index of the local regression model. Returns: The predicted output data. """ return self.regress_models[index].predict(input_data) def _fit( self, input_data, # type: ndarray output_data, # type: ndarray ): # type: (...) -> None dataset = Dataset("training_set") dataset.add_group( Dataset.INPUT_GROUP, input_data, [self._LOCAL_INPUT], {self._LOCAL_INPUT: input_data.shape[1]}, ) dataset.add_group( Dataset.OUTPUT_GROUP, output_data, [self._LOCAL_OUTPUT], {self._LOCAL_OUTPUT: output_data.shape[1]}, cache_as_input=False, ) self._fit_clusters(dataset) self._fit_classifier(dataset) self._fit_regressors(dataset) def _fit_clusters( self, dataset, # type:Dataset ): # type: (...) -> None """Train the clustering algorithm. The methods adds resulting labels as a new output in the dataset. Args: dataset: The dataset containing input and output data. """ if not self.cluster_cands: factory = ClusteringModelFactory() self.clusterer = factory.create( self.cluster_algo, data=dataset, **self.cluster_params ) self.clusterer.learn() else: selector = MLAlgoSelection( dataset, self.cluster_measure["measure"], **self.cluster_measure["options"] ) for cand in self.cluster_cands: selector.add_candidate(**cand) self.clusterer ="Selected clusterer:") with MultiLineString.offset():"%s", self.clusterer) labels = self.clusterer.labels[:, None] dataset.add_variable(self.LABELS, labels, self.LABELS, False) def _fit_classifier( self, dataset, # type:Dataset ): # type: (...) -> None """Train the classification algorithm. Args: dataset: The dataset containing labeled input and output data. """ if not self.classif_cands: factory = ClassificationModelFactory() self.classifier = factory.create( self.classif_algo, data=dataset, output_names=[self.LABELS], **self.classif_params ) self.classifier.learn() else: selector = MLAlgoSelection( dataset, self.classif_measure["measure"], **self.classif_measure["options"] ) for cand in self.classif_cands: selector.add_candidate(output_names=[[self.LABELS]], **cand) self.classifier ="Selected classifier:") with MultiLineString.offset():"%s", self.classifier) def _fit_regressors( self, dataset, # type:Dataset ): # type: (...) -> None """Train the local regression models on each cluster separately. Args: dataset: The dataset containing labeled input and output data. """ factory = RegressionModelFactory() self.regress_models = [] for index in range(self.clusterer.n_clusters): samples = nonzero(self.clusterer.labels == index)[0] if not self.regress_cands: local_model = factory.create( self.regress_algo, data=dataset, **self.regress_params ) local_model.learn(samples=samples) else: selector = MLAlgoSelection( dataset, self.regress_measure["measure"], samples=samples, **self.regress_measure["options"] ) for cand in self.regress_cands: selector.add_candidate(**cand) local_model ="Selected regressor for cluster %s:", index) with MultiLineString.offset():"%s", local_model) self.regress_models.append(local_model) def _predict_all( self, input_data, # type: ndarray ): # type: (...) -> ndarray """Predict output of each regression model for given input data. This method stacks the different outputs along a new axis. Args: input_data: The input data with shape (n_samples, n_inputs). Returns: The output data with shape (n_samples, n_clusters, n_outputs). """ # dim(input_data) = (n_samples, n_inputs) # dim(output_data) = (n_samples, n_clusters, n_outputs) output_data = zeros( (input_data.shape[0], self.n_clusters, self.regress_models[0].output_shape) ) for i in range(self.n_clusters): output_data[:, i] = self.regress_models[i].predict(input_data) return output_data def _predict( self, input_data, # type: ndarray ): # type: (...) -> ndarray # dim(probas) = (n_samples, n_clusters, 1 ) # dim(local_outputs) = (n_samples, n_clusters, n_outputs) # dim(contributions) = (n_samples, n_clusters, n_outputs) # dim(global_outputs) = (n_samples, n_outputs) probas = self.classifier.predict_proba(input_data, hard=self.hard) local_outputs = self._predict_all(input_data) contributions = probas * local_outputs global_outputs = contributions.sum(axis=1) return global_outputs def _predict_jacobian( self, input_data, # type: ndarray ): # type: (...) -> ndarray if self.hard: jacobians = self._predict_jacobian_hard(input_data) else: jacobians = self._predict_jacobian_soft(input_data) return jacobians def _predict_jacobian_hard( self, input_data, # type: ndarray ): # type: (...) -> ndarray """Predict the Jacobian matrices of the regression model at input_data. This method uses a hard classification. Args: input_data: The input data with shape (n_samples, n_inputs). Returns: The predicted Jacobian data with shape (n_samples, n_outputs, n_inputs). """ n_samples = input_data.shape[0] classes = self.classifier.predict(input_data)[..., 0] unq_classes = unique(classes) jacobians = zeros( ( n_samples, self.regress_models[0].output_shape, self.regress_models[0].input_shape, ) ) for klass in unq_classes: inds_kls = where(classes == klass) jacobians[inds_kls] = self.regress_models[klass].predict_jacobian( input_data[inds_kls] ) return jacobians def _predict_jacobian_soft( self, input_data, # type: ndarray ): # type: (...) -> NoReturn """Predict the Jacobian matrices of the regression model at input_data. This method uses a soft classification. Args: input_data: The input data with shape (n_samples, n_inputs). Returns: The predicted Jacobian data with shape (n_samples, n_outputs, n_inputs). """ raise NotImplementedError def _save_algo( self, directory, # type: Path ): # type: (...) -> None / "clusterer") / "classifier") for i, local_model in enumerate(self.regress_models): / "local_model_{}".format(i))
[docs] def load_algo( self, directory, # type: Union[str,Path] ): # type: (...) -> None directory = Path(directory) cluster_factory = ClusteringModelFactory() classif_factory = ClassificationModelFactory() regress_factory = RegressionModelFactory() self.clusterer = cluster_factory.load(directory / "clusterer") self.classifier = classif_factory.load(directory / "classifier") self.regress_models = [] for i in range(self.n_clusters): self.regress_models.append( regress_factory.load(directory / "local_model_{}".format(i)) )
def __str__(self): # type: (...) -> str string = MultiLineString() string.add(super(MixtureOfExperts, self).__str__()) string.indent() string.indent() string.add("Clustering") string.indent() string.add(str(self.clusterer).split("\n")[0]) string.dedent() string.add("Classification") string.indent() string.add(str(self.classifier).split("\n")[0]) string.dedent() string.add("Regression") string.indent() for i, local_model in enumerate(self.regress_models): string.add("Local model {}", i) string.indent() string.add(str(local_model).split("\n")[0]) string.dedent() return str(string) def _get_objects_to_save(self): # type: (...) -> Dict[str,SavedObjectType] objects = super(MixtureOfExperts, self)._get_objects_to_save() objects["cluster_algo"] = self.cluster_algo objects["classif_algo"] = self.classif_algo objects["regress_algo"] = self.regress_algo objects["cluster_params"] = self.cluster_params objects["classif_params"] = self.classif_params objects["regress_params"] = self.regress_params return objects @property def labels(self): # type:(...) -> List[int] """The cluster labels.""" return self.clusterer.labels @property def n_clusters(self): # type:(...) -> int """The number of clusters.""" return self.clusterer.n_clusters