Source code for gemseo.mlearning.core.supervised

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                         documentation
#        :author: Matthias De Lozzo
#        :author: Syver Doving Agdestein
"""This module contains the base class for the supervised machine learning algorithms.

Supervised machine learning is a task of learning relationships
between input and output variables based on an input-output dataset.
One usually distinguishes between two types of supervised machine learning algorithms,
based on the nature of the outputs.
For a continuous output variable,
a *regression* is performed,
while for a discrete output variable,
a *classification* is performed.

Given a set of input variables
:math:`x \\in \\mathbb{R}^{n_{\\text{samples}}\\times n_{\\text{inputs}}}` and
a set of output variables
:math:`y\\in \\mathbb{K}^{n_{\\text{samples}}\\times n_{\\text{outputs}}}`,
where :math:`n_{\\text{inputs}}` is the dimension of the input variable,
:math:`n_{\\text{outputs}}` is the dimension of the output variable,
:math:`n_{\\text{samples}}` is the number of training samples and
:math:`\\mathbb{K}` is either :math:`\\mathbb{R}` or :math:`\\mathbb{N}`
for regression and classification tasks respectively,
a supervised learning algorithm seeks to find a function
:math:`f: \\mathbb{R}^{n_{\\text{inputs}}} \\to
\\mathbb{K}^{n_{\\text{outputs}}}` such that :math:`y=f(x)`.

In addition,
we often want to impose some additional constraints on the function :math:`f`,
mainly to ensure that it has a generalization capacity beyond the training data,
i.e. it is able to correctly predict output values of new input values.
This is called regularization.
Assuming :math:`f` is parametrized by a set of parameters :math:`\\theta`,
and denoting :math:`f_\\theta` the parametrized function,
one typically seeks to minimize a function of the form

.. math::

    \\mu(y, f_\\theta(x)) + \\Omega(\\theta),

where :math:`\\mu` is a distance-like measure,
typically a mean squared error,
a cross entropy in the case of a regression,
or a probability to be maximized in the case of a classification,
and :math:`\\Omega` is a regularization term that limits the parameters
from over-fitting, typically some norm of its argument.

The :mod:`~gemseo.mlearning.core.supervised` module implements this concept
through the :class:`.MLSupervisedAlgo` class based on a :class:`.Dataset`.
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

from typing import (

from numpy import atleast_2d, ndarray

from gemseo.core.dataset import Dataset
from gemseo.mlearning.core.ml_algo import DataType, MLAlgo, MLAlgoParameterType
from gemseo.mlearning.core.ml_algo import SavedObjectType as MLAlgoSaveObjectType
from gemseo.mlearning.core.ml_algo import TransformerType
from gemseo.mlearning.transform.dimension_reduction.dimension_reduction import (
from gemseo.mlearning.transform.scaler.min_max_scaler import MinMaxScaler
from gemseo.utils.data_conversion import DataConversion

SavedObjectType = Union[MLAlgoSaveObjectType, Sequence[str], Dict[str, ndarray]]

[docs]class MLSupervisedAlgo(MLAlgo): """Supervised machine learning algorithm. Inheriting classes shall overload the :meth:`!MLSupervisedAlgo._fit` and :meth:`!MLSupervisedAlgo._predict` methods. Attributes: input_names (List[str]): The names of the input variables. output_names (List[str]): The names of the output variables. input_space_center (Dict[str,ndarray]): The center of the input space. """ ABBR = "MLSupervisedAlgo" DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER = {Dataset.INPUT_GROUP: MinMaxScaler()} def __init__( self, data, # type: Dataset transformer=DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER, # type: TransformerType input_names=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] output_names=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] **parameters # type: MLAlgoParameterType ): # type: (...) -> None """ Args: input_names: The names of the input variables. If None, consider all input variables mentioned in the learning dataset. output_names: The names of the output variables. If None, consider all input variables mentioned in the learning dataset. """ super(MLSupervisedAlgo, self).__init__( data, transformer=transformer, **parameters ) self.input_names = input_names or data.get_names(data.INPUT_GROUP) self.output_names = output_names or data.get_names(data.OUTPUT_GROUP) self.input_space_center = None
[docs] class DataFormatters(MLAlgo.DataFormatters): """Decorators for supervised algorithms.""" @staticmethod def _array_to_dict( data_array, # type: ndarray data_names, # type: Sequence[str], data_sizes, # type: Mapping[str,int] ): # type: (...) -> Dict[str,ndarray] """Convert a NumPy data array into a data dictionary. Args: data_array: The data to be converted. data_names: The names of the variables. data_sizes: The sizes of the variables. Returns: The keys are the names of the variables and the values are their values. """ current_position = 0 array_dict = {} for name in data_names: array_dict[name] = data_array[ ..., current_position : current_position + data_sizes[name] ] current_position += data_sizes[name] return array_dict
[docs] @classmethod def format_dict( cls, predict, # type: Callable[[ndarray],ndarray] ): # type: (...) -> Callable[[DataType],DataType] """Make an array-based function be called with a dictionary of NumPy arrays. Args: predict: The function to be called; it takes a NumPy array in input and returns a NumPy array. Returns: A function making the function 'predict' work with either a NumPy data array or a dictionary of NumPy data arrays indexed by variables names. The evaluation will have the same type as the input data. """ def wrapper( self, input_data, # type: DataType *args, **kwargs ): # type: (...) -> DataType """Evaluate 'predict' with either array or dictionary-based input data. Firstly, the pre-processing stage converts the input data to a NumPy data array, if these data are expressed as a dictionary of NumPy data arrays. Then, the processing evaluates the function 'predict' from this NumPy input data array. Lastly, the post-processing transforms the output data to a dictionary of output NumPy data array if the input data were passed as a dictionary of NumPy data arrays. Args: input_data: The input data. *args: The positional arguments of the function 'predict'. **kwargs: The keyword arguments of the function 'predict'. Returns: The output data with the same type as the input one. """ as_dict = isinstance(input_data, dict) if as_dict: input_data = DataConversion.dict_to_array( input_data, self.input_names ) output_data = predict(self, input_data, *args, **kwargs) if as_dict: varsizes = self.learning_set.sizes output_data = cls._array_to_dict( output_data, self.output_names, varsizes ) return output_data return wrapper
[docs] @classmethod def format_samples( cls, predict, # type: Callable[[ndarray],ndarray] ): # type: (...) -> Callable[[ndarray],ndarray] """Make a 2D NumPy array-based function work with 1D NumPy array. Args: predict: The function to be called; it takes a 2D NumPy array in input and returns a 2D NumPy array. The first dimension represents the samples while the second one represents the components of the variables. Returns: A function making the function 'predict' work with either a 1D NumPy array or a 2D NumPy array. The evaluation will have the same dimension as the input data. """ def wrapper( self, input_data, # type: DataType *args, **kwargs ): # type: (...) -> DataType """Evaluate 'predict' with either a 1D or 2D NumPy data array. Firstly, the pre-processing stage converts the input data to a 2D NumPy data array. Then, the processing evaluates the function 'predict' from this 2D NumPy data array. Lastly, the post-processing converts the output data to a 1D NumPy data array if the dimension of the input data is equal to 1. Args: input_data: The input data. *args: The positional arguments of the function 'predict'. **kwargs: The keyword arguments of the function 'predict'. Returns: The output data with the same dimension as the input one. """ single_sample = input_data.ndim == 1 input_data = atleast_2d(input_data) output_data = predict(self, input_data, *args, **kwargs) if single_sample: output_data = output_data[0] return output_data return wrapper
[docs] @classmethod def format_transform( cls, transform_inputs=True, # type: bool transform_outputs=True, # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> Callable[[ndarray],ndarray] """Force a function to transform its input and/or output variables. Args: transform_inputs: Whether to transform the input variables. transform_outputs: Whether to transform the output variables. Returns: A function evaluating a function of interest, after transforming its input data and/or before transforming its output data. """ def format_transform_( predict, # type: Callable[[ndarray],ndarray] ): # type: (...) -> Callable[[ndarray],ndarray] """Apply transformation to inputs and inverse transformation to outputs. Args: predict: The function of interest to be called. Returns: A function evaluating the function 'predict', after transforming its input data and/or before transforming its output data. """ def wrapper( self, input_data, # type: DataType *args, **kwargs ): # type: (...) -> DataType """Evaluate 'predict' after or before data transformation. Firstly, the pre-processing stage transforms the input data if required. Then, the processing evaluates the function 'predict'. Lastly, the post-processing stage transforms the output data if required. Args: input_data: The input data. *args: The positional arguments of the function. **kwargs: The keyword arguments of the function. Returns: Either the raw output data of 'predict' or a transformed version according to the requirements. """ inputs = self.learning_set.INPUT_GROUP if transform_inputs and inputs in self.transformer: input_data = self.transformer[inputs].transform(input_data) output_data = predict(self, input_data, *args, **kwargs) outputs = self.learning_set.OUTPUT_GROUP if transform_outputs and outputs in self.transformer: output_data = self.transformer[outputs].inverse_transform( output_data ) return output_data return wrapper return format_transform_
[docs] @classmethod def format_input_output( cls, predict, # type: Callable[[ndarray],ndarray] ): # type: (...) -> Callable[[DataType],DataType] """Make a function robust to type, array shape and data transformation. Args: predict: The function of interest to be called. Returns: A function calling the function of interest 'predict', while guaranteeing consistency in terms of data type and array shape, and applying input and/or output data transformation if required. """ @cls.format_dict @cls.format_samples @cls.format_transform() def wrapper(self, input_data, *args, **kwargs): return predict(self, input_data, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
def _learn( self, indices, # type: Optional[Sequence[int]] ): # type: (...) -> None """ Raises: NotImplementedError: If an output transformer modifies both the input and the output variables, e.g. :class:`PLS`. """ input_grp = self.learning_set.INPUT_GROUP output_grp = self.learning_set.OUTPUT_GROUP input_data = self.learning_set.get_data_by_names(self.input_names, False) output_data = self.learning_set.get_data_by_names(self.output_names, False) if indices is not None: input_data = input_data[indices] output_data = output_data[indices] self.input_space_center = DataConversion.array_to_dict( input_data.mean(0), self.input_names, self.learning_set.sizes ) if input_grp in self.transformer: transformer = self.transformer[input_grp] if transformer.CROSSED: input_data = transformer.fit_transform(input_data, output_data) else: input_data = transformer.fit_transform(input_data) if output_grp in self.transformer: transformer = self.transformer[output_grp] if self.transformer[output_grp].CROSSED: raise NotImplementedError( "The transformer of type {} cannot be applied to the outputs " "to build a supervised machine learning algorithm".format( self.transformer[output_grp].__class__.__name__ ) ) else: output_data = transformer.fit_transform(output_data) self._fit(input_data, output_data) def _fit( self, input_data, # type: ndarray output_data, # type: ndarray ): # type: (...) -> NoReturn """Fit input-output relationship from the learning data. Args: input_data: The input data with the shape (n_samples, n_inputs). output_data: The output data with shape (n_samples, n_outputs). """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @DataFormatters.format_input_output def predict( self, input_data, # type: DataType ): # type: (...) -> DataType """Predict output data from input data. The user can specify these input data either as a NumPy array, e.g. :code:`array([1., 2., 3.])` or as a dictionary, e.g. :code:`{'a': array([1.]), 'b': array([2., 3.])}`. If the numpy arrays are of dimension 2, their i-th rows represent the input data of the i-th sample; while if the numpy arrays are of dimension 1, there is a single sample. The type of the output data and the dimension of the output arrays will be consistent with the type of the input data and the size of the input arrays. Args: input_data: The input data. Returns: The predicted output data. """ return self._predict(input_data)
def _predict( self, input_data, # type: ndarray ): # type: (...) -> NoReturn """Predict output data from input data. Args: input_data: The input data with shape (n_samples, n_inputs). Returns: output_data: The output data with shape (n_samples, n_outputs). """ raise NotImplementedError def _get_raw_shapes(self): # type: (...) -> Tuple[int,int] """Get the raw input and output shapes. The raw shapes are the shapes of the input and output variables after applying the transformers. Returns: The raw input and output shapes. """ reduce_inputs = Dataset.INPUT_GROUP in self.transformer and isinstance( self.transformer[Dataset.INPUT_GROUP], DimensionReduction ) if reduce_inputs: input_shape = self.transformer[Dataset.INPUT_GROUP].n_components else: input_shape = self.input_shape reduce_outputs = Dataset.OUTPUT_GROUP in self.transformer and isinstance( self.transformer[Dataset.OUTPUT_GROUP], DimensionReduction ) if reduce_outputs: output_shape = self.transformer[Dataset.OUTPUT_GROUP].n_components else: output_shape = self.output_shape return input_shape, output_shape @property def input_shape(self): # type: (...) -> int """The dimension of the input variables before applying the transformers.""" sizes = [self.learning_set.sizes[name] for name in self.input_names] return sum(sizes) @property def output_shape(self): # type: (...) -> int """The dimension of the output variables before applying the transformers.""" sizes = [self.learning_set.sizes[name] for name in self.output_names] return sum(sizes) @property def input_data(self): # type: (...) -> ndarray """The input data matrix.""" in_names = self.input_names inputs = self.learning_set.get_data_by_names(in_names, False) return inputs @property def output_data(self): # type: (...) -> ndarray """The output data matrix.""" out_names = self.output_names outputs = self.learning_set.get_data_by_names(out_names, False) return outputs def _get_objects_to_save(self): # type: (...) -> Dict[str,SavedObjectType] objects = super(MLSupervisedAlgo, self)._get_objects_to_save() objects["input_names"] = self.input_names objects["output_names"] = self.output_names objects["input_space_center"] = self.input_space_center return objects