.. Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. .. Contributors: :author: Matthias De Lozzo .. _autopydiscipline: Build a discipline from a simple Python function ================================================ Let's consider a simple Python function, e.g.: .. code:: def f(x=0., y=0.): """A simple Python function""" z = x + 2*y return z Then, we can consider the :class:`.AutoPyDiscipline` to convert it into an :class:`.MDODiscipline`. Create and instantiate the discipline ************************************* For that, we can use the :meth:`~gemseo.api.create_discipline` API function with :code:`AutoPyDiscipline` as first argument: .. code:: from gemseo.api import create_discipline from numpy import array disc = create_discipline('AutoPyDiscipline', py_func=f) The original Python function may or may not include default values for input arguments, however, if the resulting :class:`.AutoPyDiscipline` is going to be placed inside an :class:`.MDF`, a :class:`.BiLevel` formulation or an :class:`.MDA` with strong couplings, then the Python function **must** assign default values for its input arguments. Execute the discipline ********************** Then, we can execute it easily, even considering default inputs: .. code:: print(disc.execute()) which results in: .. code:: {'y': array([ 0.]), 'x': array([ 0.]), 'z': array([ 0.])} or using new inputs: .. code:: print(disc.execute({'x': array([1.]), 'y':array([-3.2])})) which results in: .. code:: {'y': array([-3.2]), 'x': array([ 1.]), 'z': array([-5.4])} Optional arguments ****************** Optional arguments are: - :code:`py_jac=None`: The Python function to compute the Jacobian which must return a 2D numpy array, - :code:`use_arrays=False`: if :code:`True`, the function is expected to take arrays as inputs and give outputs as arrays, - :code:`grammar_type=MDODiscipline.JSON_GRAMMAR_TYPE`: The type of grammar to be used. Here is an example of Jacobian function, returning a 2D matrix. The rows of the matrix correspond to the derivatives of the outputs, the columns correspond to the variables with respect to the outputs are derived. .. code:: def dzdxy(x=0., y=0.): """Jacobian function of z=f(x,y)""" jac = array((1,2)) jac[0, 0] = 1. jac[0, 1] = 2. return jac