.. Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. .. Contributors: :author: Damien Guenot, Charlie Vanaret, Francois Gallard .. _jacobian_assembly: Coupled derivatives computation ------------------------------- Reminder on adjoint method for gradient computation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Use of gradient-based methods implies the computation of the total derivatives of the output function :math:`\bf{f}=(f_0,\ldots,f_N)^T` with respect to the design vector :math:`\bf{x}=(x_0,\ldots,x_n)^T`: .. math:: \frac{d\bf{f}}{d\bf{x}}=\begin{pmatrix} \displaystyle\frac{df_0}{d x_0} &\ldots&\displaystyle\frac{df_0}{dx_n}\\ \vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\ \displaystyle\frac{df_N}{d x_0} &\ldots&\displaystyle\frac{df_N}{dx_n}. \end{pmatrix} A new feature of v1.0.0 of |g| is the management of gradients. Compared to v0.1.0, for which only finite differences or complex step methods were available, jacobian assembly allows time savings and higher precision :ref:`MDAs` have to be solved for each perturbed point :math:`(\bf{x}+h_j\bf{e}_j))`: .. math:: \frac{d f_i}{d x_j} = \frac{f_i(\bf{x}+h_j\bf{e}_j)-f_i(\bf{x})}{h_j}+\mathcal{O}(h_j). If the size of the design vector is large, it becomes very long to get the sensitivity of the output :math:`\bf{f}` with respect to the design vector :math:`\bf{x}`. Jacobian assembly is based on discrete adjoint theory (): - direct method: linear solve of :math:`\dfrac{d\bf{\mathcal{W}}}{d\bf{x}}` .. math:: \dfrac{d\bf{f}}{d\bf{x}} = -\dfrac{\partial \bf{f}}{\partial \bf{\mathcal{W}}} \cdot \underbrace{\left[ \left(\dfrac{\partial\bf{\mathcal{R}}}{\partial \bf{\mathcal{W}}}\right)^{-1}\cdot \dfrac{\partial \bf{\mathcal{R}}}{\partial \bf{x}}\right]}_{-d\bf{\mathcal{W}}/d\bf{x}} + \dfrac{\partial \bf{f}}{\partial \bf{x}} - adjoint method: computation of the adjoint vector :math:`\bf{\lambda}` .. math:: \dfrac{d\bf{f}}{d\bf{x}} = -\underbrace{ \left[ \dfrac{\partial \bf{f}}{\partial \bf{\mathcal{W}}} \cdot \left(\dfrac{\partial\bf{\mathcal{R}}}{\partial \bf{\mathcal{W}}}\right)^{-1} \right]}_{\bf{\lambda}^T} \cdot \dfrac{\partial \bf{\mathcal{R}}}{\partial \bf{x}} + \dfrac{\partial \bf{f}}{\partial \bf{x}} = -\bf{\lambda}^T\cdot \dfrac{\partial \bf{\mathcal{R}}}{\partial \bf{x}} + \dfrac{\partial \bf{f}}{\partial \bf{x}} Dependency to design variable vector :math:`\bf{x}` has been removed. The choice of which method (direct or adjoint) should be used depends on how the number :math:`n` of outputs compares to the size of vector :math:`N`: if :math:`N \ll n`, the adjoint method should be used, whereas the direct method should be preferred if :math:`n\ll N`. **Both the direct and adjoint methods are implemented since |g| v1.0.0.** Derivatives computation in |g|: design and classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In |g|, the :class:`~gemseo.core.jacobian_assembly.JacobianAssembly` class computes the derivatives of the :ref:`MDAs`. All :ref:`MDA` classes delegate the coupled derivatives computations to a :class:`~gemseo.core.jacobian_assembly.JacobianAssembly` instance. The :class:`~gemseo.core.coupling_structure.MDOCouplingStructure` class is responsible for the analysis of the dependencies between the :class:`~gemseo.core.discipline.MDODiscipline`'s inputs and outputs, using a graph. Many :ref:`MDA` algorithms are implemented in |g| (Gauss-Seidel, Jacobi, Newton variants). .. uml:: @startuml class MDODiscipline { +execute() } class MDA { +disciplines +jacobian_assembly +coupling_structure +_run() } class CouplingStructure { -_disciplines +weak_couplings() +strong_couplings() +weakly_coupled_disciplines() +strongly_coupled_disciplines() } class JacobianAssembly { -_coupling_structure +coupled_derivatives() } MDODiscipline <|-- MDA MDA "1" *-- "1" CouplingStructure MDA "1" *-- "1" JacobianAssembly MDA "1" -- "1..*" MDODiscipline JacobianAssembly "1" -- "1" CouplingStructure @end uml Jacobian assembly: application to Sobieski's test-case ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In |g|, the jacobian matrix of a discipline is a dictionary of dictionaries. When wrapping the execution, a :meth:`!MDODiscipline._compute_jacobian` method must be defined (it overloads the generical one defined in :class:`.MDODiscipline` class): the jacobian matrix must be defined as :attr:`!MDODiscipline.jac`. .. code:: def _compute_jacobian(self, inputs=None, outputs=None, mode='auto'): """ Compute the partial derivatives of all outputs wrt all inputs """ # Initialize all matrices to zeros data_names = ["y_14", "y_24", "y_34", "x_shared"] y_14, y_24, y_34, x_shared = self.get_inputs_by_name(data_names) self.jac = self.sobieski_problem.derive_blackbox_mission(x_shared, y_14, y_24, y_34) The differentiation method is set by the method :meth:`~gemseo.core.scenario.Scenario.set_differentiation_method` of :class:`~gemseo.core.scenario.Scenario`: - for :code:`"finite_differences"` (default value): .. code:: scenario.set_differentiation_method("finite_differences") - for the :code:`"complex_step"` method (each discipline must handle complex numbers): .. code:: scenario.set_differentiation_method("complex_step") - for linearized version of the disciplines (:code:`"user"`): switching from direct mode to reverse mode is automatic, depending on the number of inputs and outputs. It can also be set by the user, setting :attr:`~gemseo.core.discipline.MDODiscipline.linearization_mode` at :code:`"direct"` or :code:`"adjoint"`). .. code:: scenario.set_differentiation_method("user") for discipline in scenario.disciplines: discipline.linearization_mode='auto' # default, can also be 'direct' or 'adjoint' When deriving a tool, it is very easy to make some errors or to forget to derive some terms: that is why implementation of derivation can be validated against finite differences or complex step method, by means of the method :meth:`~gemseo.core.discipline.MDODiscipline.check_jacobian`: .. code:: from gemseo.problems.sobieski.disciplines import SobieskiMission from gemseo.problems.sobieski.core import SobieskiProblem problem = SobieskiProblem("complex128") sr = SobieskiMission("complex128") sr.check_jacobian(indata, threshold=1e-12) In order to be relevant, :code:`threshold` value should be kept at a low level (:math:`<10^{-10}`).