.. Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. .. _upgrading-gemseo: Upgrading GEMSEO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This page contains the history of the breaking changes in |g|. The codes using those shall be updated according to the target |g| version. 4.0.0 ===== API changes that impact user scripts code ----------------------------------------- - In post-processing, ``fig_size`` is the unique name to identify the size of a figure and the occurrences of ``figsize``, ``figsize_x`` and ``figsize_y`` have been replaced by ``fig_size``, ``fig_size_x`` and ``fig_size_y``. - The argument ``parallel_exec`` in :meth:`.IDF.__init__` has been renamed to ``n_processes``. - The argument ``quantile`` of :class:`.VariableInfluence` has been renamed to ``level``. - :class:`.BasicHistory`: ``data_list`` has been renamed to ``variable_names``. - ``MDAChain.sub_mda_list`` has been renamed to :attr:`.MDAChain.inner_mdas`. - :class:`.RadarChart`: ``constraints_list`` has been renamed to ``constraint_names``. - :class:`.ScatterPlotMatrix`: ``variables_list`` has been renamed to ``variable_names``. - All :class:`.MDA` algos now count their iterations starting from ``0``. - The :attr:`.MDA.residual_history` is now a list of normed residuals. - The argument ``figsize`` in :meth:`.MDA.plot_residual_history` was renamed to ``fig_size`` to be consistent with :class:`.OptPostProcessor` algos. - :class:`.ConstraintsHistory`: ``constraints_list`` has been renamed to ``constraint_names``. - The :class:`.MDAChain` now takes ``inner_mda_name`` as argument instead of ``sub_mda_class``. - The :class:`.MDF` formulation now takes ``main_mda_name`` as argument instead of ``main_mda_class`` and ``inner_mda_name`` instead of - ``sub_mda_class``. - The :class:`.BiLevel` formulation now takes ``main_mda_name`` as argument instead of ``mda_name``. It is now possible to explicitly define an ``inner_mda_name`` as well. - In :class:`.DesignSpace`: - ``get_current_x`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.DesignSpace.get_current_value`. - ``has_current_x`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.DesignSpace.has_current_value`. - ``set_current_x`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.DesignSpace.set_current_value`. - Remove ``get_current_x_normalized`` and ``get_current_x_dict``. - The short names of some machine learning algorithms have been replaced by conventional acronyms. - :meth:`.MatlabDiscipline.__init__`: ``input_data_list`` and ``output_data_list`` has been renamed to ``input_names`` and ``output_names``. - :func:`.save_matlab_file`: ``dict_to_save`` has been renamed to ``data``. - The classes of the regression algorithms are renamed as ``{Prefix}Regressor``. - The class ``ConcatenationDiscipline`` has been renamed to :class:`.Concatenater`. - In Caches: - ``input_names`` has been renamed to :attr:`~.AbstractCache.input_names`. - ``get_all_data()`` has been replaced by ``[cache_entry for cache_entry in cache]``. - ``get_data`` has been removed. - ``get_length()`` has been replaced by ``len(cache)``. - ``get_outputs(input_data)`` has been replaced by ``cache[input_data].outputs``. - ``{INPUTS,JACOBIAN,OUTPUTS,SAMPLE}_GROUP`` have been removed. - ``get_last_cached_inputs()`` has been replaced by ``cache.last_entry.inputs``. - ``get_last_cached_outputs()`` has been replaced by ``cache.last_entry.outputs``. - ``max_length`` has been removed. - ``merge`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.AbstractFullCache.update`. - ``output_names`` has been renamed to :attr:`~.AbstractCache.output_names`. - ``varsizes`` has been renamed to :attr:`~.AbstractCache.names_to_sizes`. - ``samples_indices`` has been removed. API changes that impact discipline wrappers ------------------------------------------- - In Grammar: - ``update_from`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.BaseGrammar.update`. - ``remove_item(name)`` has been replaced by ``del grammar[name]``. - ``get_data_names`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.BaseGrammar.keys`. - ``initialize_from_data_names`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.BaseGrammar.update`. - ``initialize_from_base_dict`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.BaseGrammar.update_from_data`. - ``update_from_if_not_in`` has been renamed to now use :meth:`~.BaseGrammar.update` with ``exclude_names``. - ``set_item_value`` has been removed. - ``remove_required(name)`` has been replaced by ``required_names.remove(name)``. - ``data_names`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.BaseGrammar.keys`. - ``data_types`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.BaseGrammar.values`. - ``update_elements`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.BaseGrammar.update`. - ``update_required_elements`` has been removed. - ``init_from_schema_file`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.BaseGrammar.update_from_file`. API changes that affect plugin or features developers ----------------------------------------------------- - ``AlgoLib.lib_dict`` has been renamed to :attr:`.AlgoLib.descriptions`. - ``gemseo.utils.data_conversion.FLAT_JAC_SEP`` has been renamed to :attr:`.STRING_SEPARATOR`. - In :mod:`gemseo.utils.data_conversion`: - ``DataConversion.dict_to_array`` has been renamed to :func:`.concatenate_dict_of_arrays_to_array`. - ``DataConversion.list_of_dict_to_array`` removed. - ``DataConversion.array_to_dict`` has been renamed to :func:`.split_array_to_dict_of_arrays`. - ``DataConversion.jac_2dmat_to_dict`` has been renamed to :func:`.split_array_to_dict_of_arrays`. - ``DataConversion.jac_3dmat_to_dict`` has been renamed to :func:`.split_array_to_dict_of_arrays`. - ``DataConversion.dict_jac_to_2dmat`` removed. - ``DataConversion.dict_jac_to_dict`` has been renamed to :func:`.flatten_nested_dict`. - ``DataConversion.flat_jac_name`` removed. - ``DataConversion.dict_to_jac_dict`` has been renamed to :func:`.nest_flat_bilevel_dict`. - ``DataConversion.update_dict_from_array`` has been renamed to :func:`.update_dict_of_arrays_from_array`. - ``DataConversion.deepcopy_datadict`` has been renamed to :func:`.deepcopy_dict_of_arrays`. - ``DataConversion.get_all_inputs`` has been renamed to :func:`.get_all_inputs`. - ``DataConversion.get_all_outputs`` has been renamed to :func:`.get_all_outputs`. - ``DesignSpace.get_current_value`` can now return a dictionary of NumPy arrays or normalized design values. - The method ``MDOFormulation.check_disciplines`` has been removed. - The class variable ``MLAlgo.ABBR`` has been renamed to :attr:`.MLAlgo.SHORT_ALGO_NAME`. - For ``OptResult`` and ``MDOFunction``: ``get_data_dict_repr`` has been renamed to ``to_dict``. - Remove plugin detection for packages with ``gemseo_`` prefix. - ``MDODisciplineAdapterGenerator.get_function``: ``input_names_list`` and ``output_names_list`` has been renamed to ``output_names`` and ``output_names``. - ``MDOScenarioAdapter.__init__``: ``inputs_list`` and ``outputs_list`` has been renamed to ``input_names`` and ``output_names``. - ``OptPostProcessor.out_data_dict`` has been renamed to :attr:`.OptPostProcessor.materials_for_plotting`. - In :class:`.ParallelExecution`: - ``input_data_list`` has been renamed to :attr:`~.ParallelExecution.input_values`. - ``worker_list`` has been renamed to :attr:`~.ParallelExecution.workers`. - In Grammar, ``is_type_array`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.BaseGrammar.is_array`. Internal changes that rarely or not affect users ------------------------------------------------ - In Grammar: - ``load_data`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.BaseGrammar.validate`. - ``is_data_name_existing(name)`` has been renamed to ``name in grammar``. - ``is_all_data_names_existing(names)`` has been replaced by ``set(names) <= set(keys())``. - ``to_simple_grammar`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.BaseGrammar.convert_to_simple_grammar`. - ``is_required(name)`` has been renamed to ``name in required_names``. - ``write_schema`` has been renamed to :meth:`~.BaseGrammar.write`. - ``schema_dict`` has been renamed to :attr:`~.BaseGrammar.schema`. - ``JSONGrammar`` class attributes removed has been renamed to ``PROPERTIES_FIELD``, ``REQUIRED_FIELD``, ``TYPE_FIELD``, ``OBJECT_FIELD``, ``TYPES_MAP``. - ``AbstractGrammar`` has been renamed to :class:`.BaseGrammar`. - ``AnalyticDiscipline.expr_symbols_dict`` has been renamed to :attr:`.AnalyticDiscipline.output_names_to_symbols`. - ``AtomicExecSequence.get_state_dict`` has been renamed to :meth:`AtomicExecSequence.get_statuses`. - In :class:`.CompositeExecSequence`: - ``CompositeExecSequence.get_state_dict`` has been renamed to :meth:`CompositeExecSequence.get_statuses`. - ``CompositeExecSequence.sequence_list`` has been renamed to :attr:`CompositeExecSequence.sequences`. - Remove ``gemseo.utils.multi_processing``. 3.0.0 ===== As *GEMS* has been renamed to |g|, upgrading from version 2 to version 3 requires to change all the import statements of your code from .. code-block:: python import gems from gems.x.y import z to .. code-block:: python import gemseo from gemseo.x.y import z 2.0.0 ===== The API of *GEMS* 2 has been slightly modified with respect to *GEMS* 1. In particular, for all the supported Python versions, the strings shall to be encoded in unicode while they were previously encoded in ASCII. That kind of error: .. code-block:: console ERROR - 17:11:09 : Invalid data in : MDOScenario_input ', error : data.algo must be string Traceback (most recent call last): File "plot_mdo_scenario.py", line 85, in scenario.execute({"algo": "L-BFGS-B", "max_iter": 100}) File "/home/distracted_user/workspace/gemseo/src/gemseo/core/discipline.py", line 586, in execute self.check_input_data(input_data) File "/home/distracted_user/workspace/gemseo/src/gemseo/core/discipline.py", line 1243, in check_input_data raise InvalidDataException("Invalid input data for: " + self.name) gemseo.core.grammar.InvalidDataException: Invalid input data for: MDOScenario is most likely due to the fact that you have not migrated your code to be compliant with |g| 2. To migrate your code, add the following import at the beginning of all your modules defining literal strings: .. code-block:: python from __future__ import unicode_literals