.. Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. .. Contributors: INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation :author: Francois Gallard .. _pytest: https://docs.pytest.org .. _Anaconda: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install .. _venv: https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/venv.html .. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/getting-started/ .. _graphviz: https://graphviz.org/download .. _installation: Installation ============ You may install the core or the full features set of |g|. See :ref:`dependencies` for more information. There are different ways to install |g|, they are described below. .. _python-env: .. _environment: Requirements ************ We try to support the Python interpreter versions following the official `Python release cycle`_. We may not support newer version of Python when a dependency of |g| does not provide support for it. We may support an old version of Python from its end-of-life date until a major release of |g|. The currently supported versions of Python are: - 3.8 - 3.9 - 3.10 To install |g|, you should use a Python environment. You can create environments with the Python built-in `venv`_ module or with `Anaconda`_. For using the full features set, if you are not using `Anaconda`_, make sure that `graphviz`_ is installed (for rendering graphs). .. _pypi: Install from Pypi ***************** Install the core features of the latest version with .. code-block:: console pip install gemseo or the full features with: .. code-block:: console pip install gemseo[all] See `pip`_ for more information. Install from Anaconda ********************* Install the full features in an anaconda environment named *gemseo* for Python 3.9 with .. code-block:: console conda create -c conda-forge -n gemseo python=3.9 gemseo You can change the Python version to 3.8 or 3.10. Install without internet access ******************************* If for some reasons you do not have access to internet from the target machine, such as behind a corporate firewall, you can use a `self-contained installer `_. Test the installation ********************* Basic test ---------- To check that the installation is successful, try to import the module: .. code-block:: console python -c "import gemseo" .. warning:: If you obtain the error: .. code-block:: console “Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 1, in ImportError: No module named gemseo“ then the installation failed. Test the |g| dependencies with the API -------------------------------------- You can use the function :func:`.print_configuration` to print the successfully loaded modules and the failed imports with the reason. .. code-block:: py from gemseo import print_configuration print_configuration() This function is useful when only some of the |g| features appear to be missing. Usually this is related to external libraries that were not installed because the user did not request full features. See :ref:`dependencies` for more information. Test with examples ------------------ The :ref:`gallery of examples ` contains many examples to illustrate the main features of |g|. For each example, you can download a Python script or a Jupyter Notebook, execute it and experiment to test the installation. Advanced ******** Install the development version ------------------------------- Install the core features of the development version with .. code-block:: console pip install gemseo@git+https://gitlab.com/gemseo/dev/gemseo.git@develop or the full features with: .. code-block:: console pip install gemseo[all]@git+https://gitlab.com/gemseo/dev/gemseo.git@develop To develop in |g|, see instead :ref:`dev`. .. _test_gemseo: Test with unit tests -------------------- Run the tests with: .. code-block:: console pip install gemseo[all,test] Look at the output of the above command to determine the installed version of |g|. Get the tests corresponding to the same version of |g| from `gitlab `_. Then from the directory of this archive that contains the ``tests`` directory, run .. code-block:: console pytest Look at the :ref:`contributing ` section for more information on testing.