Source code for

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
"""The discipline inputs and outputs."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any

from gemseo.core.discipline.discipline_data import DisciplineData
from gemseo.core.grammars.factory import GrammarFactory
from gemseo.core.grammars.factory import GrammarType
from gemseo.core.namespaces import namespaces_separator

    from import Iterable
    from pathlib import Path

    from gemseo.core.discipline.data_processor import DataProcessor
    from gemseo.core.grammars.base_grammar import BaseGrammar
    from gemseo.typing import MutableStrKeyMapping
    from gemseo.typing import StrKeyMapping

_GRAMMAR_FACTORY = GrammarFactory()

[docs] class IO: """The discipline input and output data. This class defines the input and output grammar and stores the input and output data of the last execution. """ __data: DisciplineData """The input and output data.""" __linear_relationships: tuple[()] | tuple[set[str], set[str]] """The linear relationships between the inputs and outputs. Expressed as ``(input_names, output_names)``. """ data_processor: DataProcessor | None """A pre- and post-processor for the discipline data.""" input_grammar: BaseGrammar """The input grammar.""" output_grammar: BaseGrammar """The output grammar.""" residual_to_state_variable: dict[str, str] """The output variables mapping to their inputs, to be considered as residuals; they shall be equal to zero.""" state_equations_are_solved: bool """Whether the discipline solves the state equations.""" def __init__( self, discipline_class: type[Any], discipline_name: str, grammar_type: GrammarType, auto_detect_grammar_files: bool = False, grammar_directory: Path | str = "", input_grammar_file: str | Path = "", output_grammar_file: str | Path = "", ): """ Args: discipline_class: The class of the parent discipline. discipline_name: The name of the parent discipline. grammar_type: The type of the grammars. auto_detect_grammar_files: Whether to find automatically the grammar. grammar_directory: The path to the directory where the grammar files are. input_grammar_file: The path to the file of the input grammar. output_grammar_file: The path to the file of the output grammar. """ # noqa: D205, D212 self.input_grammar = _GRAMMAR_FACTORY.create( grammar_type, name=f"{discipline_name}_discipline_input", file_path=input_grammar_file, search_file=auto_detect_grammar_files, discipline_class=discipline_class, directory_path=grammar_directory, file_name_suffix="input", ) self.output_grammar = _GRAMMAR_FACTORY.create( grammar_type, name=f"{discipline_name}_discipline_output", file_path=output_grammar_file, search_file=auto_detect_grammar_files, discipline_class=discipline_class, directory_path=grammar_directory, file_name_suffix="output", ) = {} self.data_processor = None self.residual_to_state_variable = {} self.state_equations_are_solved = False self.__linear_relationships = () @property def grammar_type(self) -> GrammarType: """The type of grammar used for inputs and outputs.""" return GrammarType(type(self.input_grammar).__name__)
[docs] def prepare_input_data(self, data: StrKeyMapping) -> StrKeyMapping: """Prepare the input data. The missing input items that have default values are added, The items that do not exist in the input grammar are removed. Args: data: The data to be used for preparing the input data. Returns: The input data. """ if not data: return self.input_grammar.defaults.copy() input_data = {} defaults = self.input_grammar.defaults for input_name in self.input_grammar: input_value = data.get(input_name) if input_value is not None: input_data[input_name] = input_value else: input_value = defaults.get(input_name) if input_value is not None: input_data[input_name] = input_value return input_data
@property def data(self) -> DisciplineData: """The current input and output data. When set, the passed data are shallow copied. """ return self.__data @data.setter def data(self, data: MutableStrKeyMapping) -> None: self.__data = DisciplineData(data) def __get_data(self, with_namespaces: bool, grammar: BaseGrammar) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the local data restricted to the items in a grammar. Args: with_namespaces: Whether to keep the namespace prefix of the output names, if any. grammar: The grammar that provides the names to be restricted to. Returns: The local output data. """ copy_ = for name in copy_.keys() - grammar.keys(): del copy_[name] if not with_namespaces and grammar.to_namespaced: for key in tuple(copy_.keys()): copy_[key.rsplit(namespaces_separator, 1)[-1]] = copy_.pop(key) return copy_
[docs] def get_input_data(self, with_namespaces: bool = True) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the items of the data that are inputs. Args: with_namespaces: Whether to keep the namespace prefix of the input names, if any. Returns: The input data. """ return self.__get_data(with_namespaces, self.input_grammar)
[docs] def get_output_data(self, with_namespaces: bool = True) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the items of the data that are outputs. Args: with_namespaces: Whether to keep the namespace prefix of the output names, if any. Returns: The output data. """ return self.__get_data(with_namespaces, self.output_grammar)
[docs] def update_output_data(self, output_data: StrKeyMapping) -> None: """Update the output in data, taking care of the namespaces if any. The namespaces of the output data, if any, are automatically handled: if the key of an item of ``output_data`` is in a namespace and the key is a name without the namespace prefix then the item will be stored with the namespace prefix. If an item of ``output_data`` is not an output then it is ignored. Args: output_data: The output data to update :attr:`.data` with. """ out_ns = self.output_grammar.to_namespaced out_names = self.output_grammar data = self.__data for key, value in output_data.items(): if key in out_names: data[key] = value elif key_with_ns := out_ns.get(key): data[key_with_ns] = value
[docs] def initialize(self, input_data: StrKeyMapping, validate: bool) -> None: """Initialize the data from input data. If :attr:`.data_processor` is not ``None`` then ``input_data`` is passed to :attr:`.data_processor.pre_process_data` before initializing :attr:`.data`. Args: input_data: The input data. validate: Whether to validate ``input_data``. """ if validate: self.input_grammar.validate(input_data) if self.data_processor is not None: input_data = self.data_processor.pre_process_data(input_data) = input_data
[docs] def finalize(self, validate: bool) -> None: """Post-process and validate the output data. If :attr:`.data_processor` is not ``None`` then :attr:`.data` is passed to :attr:`.data_processor.post_process_data` before initializing :attr:`.data`. The :attr:`.data` is cleaned from items that are neither inputs nor outputs. Args: validate: Whether to validate the (eventually post-processed) cleaned data. """ if self.data_processor is not None: = self.data_processor.post_process_data( if validate: self.output_grammar.validate(
[docs] def set_linear_relationships( self, input_names: Iterable[str] = (), output_names: Iterable[str] = (), ) -> None: """Set the linear relationships between the inputs and outputs. Args: input_names: The input names in a linear relation with the outputs. If empty, all input names are considered. output_names: The output names in a linear relation with the inputs. If empty, all output names are considered. Raises: ValueError: If a name is not in the grammar. """ input_grammar_names = self.input_grammar if input_names: input_names = set(input_names) self.__check_linear_relationships("input", input_names, input_grammar_names) else: input_names = set(input_grammar_names) output_grammar_names = self.output_grammar if output_names: output_names = set(output_names) self.__check_linear_relationships( "output", output_names, output_grammar_names ) else: output_names = set(output_grammar_names) self.__linear_relationships = (input_names, output_names)
@staticmethod def __check_linear_relationships( prefix: str, names: set[str], grammar_names: Iterable[str], ) -> None: """Check names against grammar names. Args: prefix: The kind of grammar for the error message. names: The names to be checked. grammar_names: The names in a grammar. Raises: ValueError: If a name is not in the grammar. """ if alien_names := names.difference(grammar_names): msg = ( f"The following {prefix}_names are not in the {prefix} grammar: " f"{','.join(alien_names)}." ) raise ValueError(msg) # TODO: What is the use when the arguments are empty? # How about using the same convention as for set_linear_relationships?
[docs] def have_linear_relationships( self, input_names: Iterable[str], output_names: Iterable[str], ) -> bool: """Check if an input-output restriction is linear. Args: input_names: The names of the inputs. output_names: The names of the outputs. Returns: Whether these outputs are linear with respect to these inputs. """ if not self.__linear_relationships: return False return self.__linear_relationships[0].issuperset( input_names ) and self.__linear_relationships[1].issuperset(output_names)