Source code for gemseo.core.execution_statistics

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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"""Execution statistics."""

from __future__ import annotations

from multiprocessing import Value
from timeit import default_timer
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import ClassVar

from docstring_inheritance import GoogleDocstringInheritanceMeta

from gemseo.core.serializable import Serializable
from gemseo.utils.multiprocessing.manager import get_multi_processing_manager
from gemseo.utils.timer import Timer

    from import Callable
    from multiprocessing.managers import DictProxy
    from multiprocessing.managers import ListProxy
    from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import Synchronized

class _Meta(GoogleDocstringInheritanceMeta):
    """Implement class properties for class attributes."""

    time_stamps: DictProxy[str, list[tuple[float, float, bool]]] | None

    def is_time_stamps_enabled(self) -> bool:
        return self.time_stamps is not None

    def is_time_stamps_enabled(self, value: bool) -> None:
        if value:
            self.time_stamps = get_multi_processing_manager().dict()
            self.time_stamps = None

[docs] class ExecutionStatistics(Serializable, metaclass=_Meta): """Record execution statistics of objects. This should be applied to objects such as :class:`.BaseMonitoredProcess`, hereafter referred to as the _measured object_. A measured object often has an execution method whose number of calls is counted and time measured. Some have also a linearization method whose number of calls is counted too. The recording of the statistics can be disabled all at once by setting :attr:`is_enabled` to ``False``. By default, it is set to ``True``. When enabled, the recording of time stamps can be enabled by setting :attr:`is_time_stamps_enabled` to ``True``. By default, it is set to ``False``. These switches are global and shall be modified from the class. If any of those switches are disabled, the recordings, if any, are not removed. The helper method :meth:`record` is a context manager that should be used to record statistics. The results of the recordings can be accessed with :attr:`.n_executions`, :attr:`.n_linearizations`, :attr:`.duration`, :attr:`.time_stamps`. The time stamps should be processed with :func:`create_gantt_chart`. The recorded statistics are not restored after pickling. """ time_stamps: ClassVar[ DictProxy[str, ListProxy[tuple[float, float, bool]]] | None ] = None """The mapping from the measured object names to their execution time stamps. It is ``None`` when time stamps recording is disabled. The structure is .. code-block:: { "measure object name": [ (start time, end time, whether it is for linearization), ... ], "other measure object name": [ ... ], } """ is_time_stamps_enabled: bool """Whether to record the time stamps.""" is_enabled: ClassVar[bool] = True """Whether to record all the statistics.""" __duration: Synchronized[float] """The cumulated execution duration.""" __n_executions: Synchronized[int] """The number of calls to the execution method.""" __n_linearizations: Synchronized[int] """The number of calls to the linearization method.""" __name: str """The name of the measured object.""" _ATTR_NOT_TO_SERIALIZE: ClassVar[set[str]] = { "__duration", "__n_executions", "__n_linearizations", } def __init__(self, name: str): """ Args: name: The name of the measured object. """ # noqa: D205, D212, D415 self.__name = name self._init_shared_memory_attrs_before() def __record_call( self, function: Callable[..., None], linearization: bool, ) -> None: """Record statistics while calling a function.""" if self.is_enabled: with Timer() as timer: function() if linearization: self.__increment_n_linearizations() else: self.__increment_n_executions() self.__add_duration(timer.elapsed_time, linearization) else: function()
[docs] def record_execution(self, function: Callable[..., None]) -> None: """Record execution statistics.""" self.__record_call(function, False)
[docs] def record_linearization(self, function: Callable[..., None]) -> None: """Record linearization statistics.""" self.__record_call(function, True)
def __increment_n_executions(self) -> None: """Increment the number of executions by 1.""" with self.__n_executions.get_lock(): self.__n_executions.value += 1 def __increment_n_linearizations(self) -> None: """Increment the number of linearizations by 1.""" with self.__n_linearizations.get_lock(): self.__n_linearizations.value += 1 def __add_duration(self, duration: float, linearize: bool) -> None: """Add execution duration. Args: duration: The time duration to add. linearize: Whether it is for linearization. """ with self.__duration.get_lock(): self.__duration.value += duration time_stamps = ExecutionStatistics.time_stamps if time_stamps is not None: time_stamps_ = time_stamps.setdefault( self.__name, get_multi_processing_manager().list() ) current_time = default_timer() time_stamps_.append((current_time - duration, current_time, linearize)) def __check_is_enabled(self) -> None: if not self.is_enabled: msg = ( f"The execution statistics of the object named " f"{self.__name} are disabled." ) raise RuntimeError(msg) @property def n_executions(self) -> int | None: """The number of executions. This property is multiprocessing safe. Raises: RuntimeError: If the statistics are disabled. """ if self.is_enabled: return self.__n_executions.value return None @n_executions.setter def n_executions(self, value: int) -> None: self.__check_is_enabled() self.__n_executions.value = value @property def duration(self) -> float | None: """The cumulated execution duration. This is property is multiprocessing safe. Raises: RuntimeError: If the statistics are disabled. """ if self.is_enabled: return self.__duration.value return None @duration.setter def duration(self, value: float) -> None: self.__check_is_enabled() self.__duration.value = value @property def n_linearizations(self) -> int | None: """The number of linearizations. This property is multiprocessing safe. Raises: RuntimeError: If the statistics are disabled. """ if self.is_enabled: return self.__n_linearizations.value return None @n_linearizations.setter def n_linearizations(self, value: int) -> None: self.__check_is_enabled() self.__n_linearizations.value = value def _init_shared_memory_attrs_before(self) -> None: self.__duration = Value("d", 0.0) self.__n_executions = Value("i", 0) self.__n_linearizations = Value("i", 0)