Source code for gemseo.core.grammars.base_grammar

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                         documentation
#        :author: Francois Gallard
"""Base class for validating data structures."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from abc import abstractmethod
from copy import copy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import ClassVar
from typing import Optional

from gemseo.core.data_converters.factory import DataConverterFactory
from gemseo.core.grammars.defaults import Defaults
from gemseo.core.grammars.errors import InvalidDataError
from gemseo.core.grammars.required_names import RequiredNames
from gemseo.core.namespaces import MutableNamespacesMapping
from gemseo.core.namespaces import namespaces_separator
from gemseo.core.namespaces import remove_prefix
from gemseo.core.namespaces import update_namespaces
from gemseo.typing import StrKeyMapping
from gemseo.utils.metaclasses import ABCGoogleDocstringInheritanceMeta
from gemseo.utils.string_tools import MultiLineString
from gemseo.utils.string_tools import pretty_str

    from import Iterable
    from import Iterator
    from import KeysView
    from import Mapping

    from typing_extensions import Self

    from gemseo.core.data_converters.base import BaseDataConverter
    from gemseo.core.grammars.simple_grammar import SimpleGrammar

    SimpleGrammarTypes = Mapping[str, Optional[type[Any]]]

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class BaseGrammar( StrKeyMapping, metaclass=ABCGoogleDocstringInheritanceMeta, ): """An abstract base class for grammars with a dictionary-like interface. A grammar considers a certain type of data defined by mandatory and optional names bound to types. A name-type pair is referred to as a grammar *element*. A grammar can validate a data from these elements. """ name: str """The name of the grammar.""" to_namespaced: MutableNamespacesMapping """The mapping from element names without namespace prefix to element names with namespace prefix.""" from_namespaced: MutableNamespacesMapping """The mapping from element names with namespace prefix to element names without namespace prefix.""" _defaults: Defaults """The mapping from the names to the default values, if any.""" _data_converter: BaseDataConverter[BaseGrammar] """The converter of data values to NumPy arrays and vice-versa.""" _required_names: RequiredNames """The names of the required elements.""" DATA_CONVERTER_CLASS: ClassVar[str | type[BaseDataConverter[BaseGrammar]]] """The class or the class name of the data converter.""" def __init__( self, name: str, ) -> None: """ Args: name: The name of the grammar. Raises: ValueError: If the name is empty. """ # noqa: D205, D212, D415 if not name: msg = "The grammar name cannot be empty." raise ValueError(msg) = name self.clear() self.__create_data_converter(self.DATA_CONVERTER_CLASS) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Grammar name: {}" def __string_representation(self) -> MultiLineString: """Return the string representation of the grammar. Returns: The string representation of the grammar. """ text = MultiLineString() text.add(str(self)) text.indent() text.add("Required elements:") text.indent() self.__update_grammar_repr(text, True) text.dedent() text.add("Optional elements:") text.indent() self.__update_grammar_repr(text, False) return text def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self.__string_representation()) def _repr_html_(self) -> str: return self.__string_representation()._repr_html_() def __delitem__( self, name: str, ) -> None: self._check_name(name) self._defaults.pop(name, None) self._required_names.discard(name) self._delitem(name) @abstractmethod def _delitem(self, name: str) -> None: """Remove an element but the defaults. Args: name: The name of the element to remove. """ def __copy__(self) -> Self: """Create a shallow copy. Returns: The shallow copy. """ grammar = self.__class__( grammar.to_namespaced = copy(self.to_namespaced) grammar.from_namespaced = copy(self.from_namespaced) grammar._required_names = copy(self._required_names) self._copy(grammar) grammar._defaults.update(self._defaults) return grammar copy = __copy__ @abstractmethod def _copy(self, grammar: Self) -> None: """Copy the specific attribute of a derived class. Args: grammar: The grammar to be copied into. """ def __update_grammar_repr(self, repr_: MultiLineString, required: bool) -> None: """Update the string representation of the grammar with that of its elements. Args: repr_: The string representation of the grammar. required: Whether to show the required elements or the other ones. """ for name, properties in self.items(): if (name in self._required_names) == required: repr_.add(f"{name}:") repr_.indent() self._update_grammar_repr(repr_, properties) if not required: repr_.add(f"Default: {self._defaults.get(name, 'N/A')}") repr_.dedent() @abstractmethod def _update_grammar_repr(self, repr_: MultiLineString, properties: Any) -> None: """Update the string representation of the grammar with an element. Args: repr_: The string representation of the grammar. properties: The properties of the element. """ @property def names(self) -> KeysView[str]: """The names of the elements.""" return self.keys() @property def names_without_namespace(self) -> Iterator[str]: """The names of the elements without namespace prefixes.""" return remove_prefix(self.keys())
[docs] def has_names(self, names: Iterable[str]) -> bool: """Return whether names are all element names. Args: names: The names to check. Returns: Whether the names are all element names. """ return set(self.keys()).issuperset(names)
@property def defaults(self) -> Defaults: """The mapping from the names to the default values, if any.""" return self._defaults @defaults.setter def defaults(self, data: StrKeyMapping) -> None: self._defaults = Defaults(self, data) @property def required_names(self) -> RequiredNames: """The names of the required elements.""" return self._required_names
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Empty the grammar.""" # _clear shall be called first because it creates specific attributes # of derived classes that may be used by the next statements. self._clear() self.to_namespaced = {} self.from_namespaced = {} self._defaults = Defaults(self, {}) self._required_names = RequiredNames(self)
@abstractmethod def _clear(self) -> None: """Empty specifically the grammar but the common attributes."""
[docs] def update( self, grammar: Self, excluded_names: Iterable[str] = (), merge: bool = False, ) -> None: """Update the grammar from another grammar. If ``grammar`` has namespaces, they will be added to the current grammar. Args: grammar: The grammar to update from. excluded_names: The names of the elements that shall not be updated. merge: Whether to merge or update the grammar. """ if not grammar: return self._update(grammar, excluded_names, merge) self.__update_namespaces_from_grammar(grammar) self._defaults.update({ k: v for k, v in grammar._defaults.items() if k not in excluded_names }) self._required_names |= (grammar.keys() - excluded_names).intersection( grammar._required_names.get_names_difference(excluded_names) )
@abstractmethod def _update( self, grammar: Self, excluded_names: Iterable[str], merge: bool, ) -> None: """Update specifically the grammar from another grammar. Args: grammar: The grammar to update from. excluded_names: The names of the elements that shall not be updated. merge: Whether to merge or update the grammar. """
[docs] def update_from_types( self, names_to_types: SimpleGrammarTypes, merge: bool = False, ) -> None: """Update the grammar from names bound to types. The updated elements are required. Args: names_to_types: The mapping defining the data names as keys, and data types as values. merge: Whether to merge or update the grammar. """ if not names_to_types: return self._update_from_types(names_to_types, merge) self._required_names |= names_to_types.keys()
@abstractmethod def _update_from_types( self, names_to_types: SimpleGrammarTypes, merge: bool, ) -> None: """Update specifically the grammar from names bound to types. Args: names_to_types: The mapping defining the data names as keys, and data types as values. merge: Whether to merge or update the grammar. """
[docs] def update_from_data( self, data: StrKeyMapping, merge: bool = False, ) -> None: """Update the grammar from name-value pairs. The updated elements are required. Args: data: The data from which to get the names and types, typically ``{element_name: element_value}``. merge: Whether to merge or update the grammar. """ if not data: return self._update_from_data(data, merge) self._required_names |= data.keys()
def _update_from_data( self, data: StrKeyMapping, merge: bool, ) -> None: """Update specifically the grammar from name-value pairs. The updated elements are required. Args: data: The data from which to get the names and types, typically ``{element_name: element_value}``. merge: Whether to merge or update the grammar. """ self._update_from_types( {name: type(value) for name, value in data.items()}, merge=merge )
[docs] def update_from_names( self, names: Iterable[str], merge: bool = False, ) -> None: """Update the grammar from names. The updated elements are required and bind the names to NumPy arrays. Args: names: The names to update from. merge: Whether to merge or update the grammar. """ if not names: return self._update_from_names(names, merge) self._required_names |= set(names)
@abstractmethod def _update_from_names( self, names: Iterable[str], merge: bool, ) -> None: """Update specifically the grammar from names. Args: names: The names to update from. merge: Whether to merge or update the grammar. """
[docs] def validate( self, data: StrKeyMapping, raise_exception: bool = True, ) -> None: """Validate data against the grammar. Args: data: The data to be checked, with a dictionary-like format: ``{element_name: element_value}``. raise_exception: Whether to raise an exception when the validation fails. Raises: InvalidDataError: If the validation fails and ``raise_exception`` is ``True``. """ error_message = MultiLineString() error_message.add(f"Grammar {}: validation failed.") missing_names = self._required_names.get_names_difference(data) if missing_names: error_message.add(f"Missing required names: {pretty_str(missing_names)}.") data_is_valid = False else: data_is_valid = self._validate(data, error_message) if not data_is_valid: LOGGER.error(error_message) if raise_exception: raise InvalidDataError(str(error_message)) from None
@abstractmethod def _validate( self, data: StrKeyMapping, error_message: MultiLineString, ) -> bool: """Validate data but for the required names. Args: data: The data to be checked. error_message: The error message. Returns: Whether the validation passed. """ @property def data_converter(self) -> BaseDataConverter[BaseGrammar]: """The converter of data values to NumPy arrays and vice versa.""" return self._data_converter
[docs] def to_simple_grammar(self) -> SimpleGrammar: """Convert the grammar to a :class:`.SimpleGrammar`. Returns: A :class:`.SimpleGrammar` version of the current grammar. """ from gemseo.core.grammars.simple_grammar import SimpleGrammar grammar = SimpleGrammar(, names_to_types=self._get_names_to_types(), required_names=self._required_names, ) grammar.defaults = self._defaults return grammar
@abstractmethod def _get_names_to_types(self) -> SimpleGrammarTypes: """Create the mapping from element names to elements types. The elements for which types definitions cannot be expressed as a unique Python type, the type is set to ``None``. Returns: The mapping from element names to elements types. """
[docs] def restrict_to( self, names: Iterable[str], ) -> None: """Restrict the grammar to the given names. Args: names: The names of the elements to restrict the grammar to. Raises: KeyError: If a name is not in the grammar. """ self._check_name(*names) for name in self._defaults.keys() - names: del self._defaults[name] self._required_names &= set(names) self._restrict_to(names)
@abstractmethod def _restrict_to( self, names: Iterable[str], ) -> None: """Restrict the grammar to the given names but for the defaults. Args: names: The names of the elements to restrict the grammar to. """
[docs] def rename_element(self, current_name: str, new_name: str) -> None: """Rename an element. Args: current_name: The current name of the element. new_name: The new name of the element. """ self._check_name(current_name) self._rename_element(current_name, new_name) if current_name in self._required_names: self._required_names.remove(current_name) self._required_names.add(new_name) default_value = self._defaults.pop(current_name, None) if default_value is not None: self._defaults[new_name] = default_value
@abstractmethod def _rename_element(self, current_name: str, new_name: str) -> None: """Rename an element without checking its name and ignoring the defaults. Args: current_name: The current name of the element. new_name: The new name of the element. """ @abstractmethod def _check_name(self, *names: str) -> None: """Check that the names of elements are valid. Args: *names: The names to be checked. Raises: KeyError: If a name is not valid. """ def __update_namespaces_from_grammar(self, grammar: Self) -> None: """Update the namespaces according to another grammar namespaces. Args: grammar: The grammar to update from. """ if grammar.to_namespaced: update_namespaces(self.to_namespaced, grammar.to_namespaced) if grammar.from_namespaced: update_namespaces(self.from_namespaced, grammar.from_namespaced)
[docs] def add_namespace(self, name: str, namespace: str) -> None: """Add a namespace prefix to an existing grammar element. The updated element name will be ``namespace``+:data:`~gemseo.core.namespaces.namespace_separator`+``name``. Args: name: The element name to rename. namespace: The name of the namespace. Raises: ValueError: If the variable already has a namespace. """ self._check_name(name) if namespaces_separator in name: msg = f"The variable {name} already has a namespace." raise ValueError(msg) new_name = namespace + namespaces_separator + name self.rename_element(name, new_name) self.to_namespaced[name] = new_name self.from_namespaced[new_name] = name
def __create_data_converter( self, cls: type[BaseDataConverter[BaseGrammar]] | str, ) -> None: """Create the data converter. Args: cls: The class or the class name of the data """ if isinstance(cls, str): cls = DataConverterFactory().get_class(cls) self._data_converter = cls(grammar=self)