Source code for gemseo.core.mdo_functions.collections.constraints

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
"""A mutable sequence of constraints."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import ClassVar
from typing import Final

from numpy import abs as np_abs
from numpy import absolute
from numpy import all as np_all
from numpy import atleast_1d

from gemseo.algos.aggregation.aggregation_func import aggregate_iks
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.aggregation_func import aggregate_lower_bound_ks
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.aggregation_func import aggregate_max
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.aggregation_func import aggregate_positive_sum_square
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.aggregation_func import aggregate_sum_square
from gemseo.algos.aggregation.aggregation_func import aggregate_upper_bound_ks
from gemseo.core.mdo_functions.collections.functions import Functions
from gemseo.core.mdo_functions.mdo_function import MDOFunction
from gemseo.core.mdo_functions.mdo_linear_function import MDOLinearFunction
from gemseo.core.mdo_functions.mdo_quadratic_function import MDOQuadraticFunction
from gemseo.disciplines.constraint_aggregation import ConstraintAggregation
from gemseo.utils.constants import READ_ONLY_EMPTY_DICT

    from import Callable
    from import Iterable
    from import Iterator
    from import Mapping
    from import Sequence

    from gemseo.algos.constraint_tolerances import ConstraintTolerances
    from gemseo.algos.design_space import DesignSpace
    from gemseo.typing import RealArray
    from gemseo.typing import RealOrComplexArray

[docs] class Constraints(Functions): """A mutable sequence of constraints.""" AggregationFunction = ConstraintAggregation.EvaluationFunction _AGGREGATION_FUNCTION_MAP: Final[str] = { AggregationFunction.IKS: aggregate_iks, AggregationFunction.LOWER_BOUND_KS: aggregate_lower_bound_ks, AggregationFunction.UPPER_BOUND_KS: aggregate_upper_bound_ks, AggregationFunction.POS_SUM: aggregate_positive_sum_square, AggregationFunction.MAX: aggregate_max, AggregationFunction.SUM: aggregate_sum_square, } _F_TYPES: ClassVar[tuple[str, str]] = ( MDOFunction.ConstraintType.EQ, MDOFunction.ConstraintType.INEQ, ) __design_space: DesignSpace """The design space on which the constraints are evaluated.""" __aggregated_constraint_indices: list[int] """The indices of the aggregated constraints.""" __tolerances: ConstraintTolerances """The constraint tolerances.""" def __init__( self, design_space: DesignSpace, tolerances: ConstraintTolerances ) -> None: """ Args: design_space: The design space. tolerances: The constraint tolerances. """ # noqa: D202, D205, D212 super().__init__() self.__design_space = design_space self.__aggregated_constraint_indices = [] self.__tolerances = tolerances @property def tolerances(self) -> ConstraintTolerances: """The constraint tolerances.""" return self.__tolerances @property def aggregated_constraint_indices(self) -> list[int]: """The indices of the aggregated constraints.""" return self.__aggregated_constraint_indices
[docs] def aggregate( self, constraint_index: int, method: Callable[[RealArray], float] | AggregationFunction = AggregationFunction.MAX, groups: Iterable[Sequence[int]] = (), **options: Any, ) -> None: """Aggregate a constraint to generate a reduced dimension constraint. Args: constraint_index: The index of the constraint in :attr:`.constraints`. method: The aggregation method, e.g. ``"max"``, ``"lower_bound_KS"``, ``"upper_bound_KS"``or ``"IKS"``. groups: The groups of components of the constraint to aggregate to produce one aggregation constraint per group of components; if empty, a single aggregation constraint is produced. **options: The options of the aggregation method. Raises: KeyError: When the given index is greater or equal to the number of constraints. """ n_constraints = len(self) if constraint_index >= n_constraints: msg = ( f"The index of the constraint ({constraint_index}) must be lower " f"than the number of constraints ({n_constraints})." ) raise KeyError(msg) constraint = self[constraint_index] if callable(method): aggregate_constraints = method else: aggregate_constraints = self._AGGREGATION_FUNCTION_MAP[method] del self[constraint_index] if groups: aggregated_constraints = [ aggregate_constraints(constraint, indices, **options) for indices in groups ] self[constraint_index:constraint_index] = aggregated_constraints self.__aggregated_constraint_indices.extend( list( range( constraint_index, constraint_index + len(aggregated_constraints) + 1, ) ) ) else: self.insert(constraint_index, aggregate_constraints(constraint, **options)) self.__aggregated_constraint_indices.append(constraint_index)
[docs] def format( self, function: MDOFunction, value: float = 0.0, constraint_type: MDOFunction.ConstraintType | None = None, positive: bool = False, ) -> MDOFunction: r"""Format a constraint. An equality constraint is written as :math:`c(x)=a`, a positive inequality constraint is written as :math:`c(x)\geq a` and a negative inequality constraint is written as :math:`c(x)\leq a`. Args: function: The function :math:`c`. value: The value :math:`a`. constraint_type: The type of the constraint. If ``None``, ``function.f_type`` must be either ``MDOFunction.ConstraintType.INEQ`` or ``MDOFunction.ConstraintType.EQ``. positive: Whether the inequality constraint is positive. Returns: A formatted constraint ready to be added to the sequence. Raises: TypeError: When the constraint of a linear optimization problem is not an :class:`.MDOLinearFunction`. ValueError: When the type of the constraint is missing. """ func_name = has_default_name = function.has_default_name ctype = constraint_type or function.f_type cstr_repr = self.__get_string_representation(function, ctype, value, positive) if value != 0: function = function.offset(-value) if positive: function = -function if constraint_type is not None: function.f_type = constraint_type elif not function.is_constraint(): msg = ( "Constraint type must be provided, " "either when defining the function or when adding it to the problem." ) raise ValueError(msg) function.special_repr = cstr_repr if not has_default_name: = func_name if function.output_names: output_names = "#".join(function.output_names) cstr_repr = cstr_repr.replace(func_name, output_names) function.expr = function.expr.replace(func_name, output_names) function.special_repr = f"{func_name}: {cstr_repr}" return function
@staticmethod def __get_string_representation( function: MDOFunction, constraint_type: MDOFunction.ConstraintType, value: float | None = None, positive: bool = False, ) -> str: """Express a constraint as a string expression. Args: function: The constraint function. constraint_type: The type of the constraint. value: The value for which the constraint is active. If ``None``, this value is 0. positive: If ``True``, then the inequality constraint is positive. Returns: A string representation of the constraint. """ if value is None: value = 0.0 str_repr = if function.input_names: arguments = ", ".join(function.input_names) str_repr += f"({arguments})" if constraint_type == MDOFunction.ConstraintType.EQ: sign = " == " elif positive: sign = " >= " else: sign = " <= " if function.expr: str_repr += ": " expr = function.expr n_char = len(str_repr) # Remove empty lines with filter expr_spl = [_f for _f in expr.split("\n") if _f] str_repr = str_repr + expr_spl[0] + sign + str(value) if isinstance(function, (MDOLinearFunction, MDOQuadraticFunction)): for repre in expr_spl[1:]: str_repr += "\n" + " " * n_char + repre else: for repre in expr_spl[1:]: str_repr += "\n" + " " * n_char + repre + sign + str(value) else: str_repr += sign + str(value) return str_repr
[docs] def get_equality_constraints(self) -> Iterator[MDOFunction]: """Return the equality constraints. Yields: The equality constraints. """ for constraint in self._functions: if constraint.f_type == constraint.ConstraintType.EQ: yield constraint
[docs] def get_inequality_constraints(self) -> Iterator[MDOFunction]: """Return the inequality constraints. Yields: The inequality constraints. """ for constraint in self._functions: if constraint.f_type == constraint.ConstraintType.INEQ: yield constraint
[docs] def get_active( self, x_vect: RealArray, tol: float = 1e-6, ) -> dict[MDOFunction, RealArray]: """Indicate the active components of the different inequality constraints. Args: x_vect: The vector of design variables. tol: The tolerance for deciding whether a constraint is active. Returns: For each constraint, a boolean indicator of activation of its different components. """ design_space = self.__design_space design_space.check_membership(x_vect) if self._functions and self._functions[0].expects_normalized_inputs: x_vect = design_space.normalize_vect(x_vect) return { ineq_constraint: atleast_1d((ineq_constraint.evaluate(x_vect)) >= -tol) for ineq_constraint in self.get_inequality_constraints() }
[docs] def is_constraint_satisfied( self, constraint_type: MDOFunction.ConstraintType, constraint_value: RealArray, ) -> bool: """Determine if an evaluation satisfies a constraint within a given tolerance. Args: constraint_type: The type of the constraint. constraint_value: The value of the constraint. Returns: Whether a value satisfies a constraint. """ if constraint_type == MDOFunction.ConstraintType.EQ: return np_all(np_abs(constraint_value) <= self.__tolerances.equality) return np_all(constraint_value <= self.__tolerances.inequality)
[docs] def is_point_feasible( self, point: Mapping[str, RealOrComplexArray], ) -> bool: """Check if a point is feasible. Note: If the value of a constraint is absent from this point, then this constraint will be considered satisfied. Args: point: An optimization point defined by variable values. Returns: The feasibility of the point. """ feasible = True for constraint in self._functions: constraint_value = point.get(, None) if constraint_value is None or not self.is_constraint_satisfied( constraint.f_type, constraint_value ): return False return feasible
[docs] def get_number_of_unsatisfied_constraints( self, values: Mapping[str, float | RealArray] = READ_ONLY_EMPTY_DICT, ) -> int: """Return the number of scalar constraints not satisfied by design variables. Args: values: The values of the constraints. Returns: The number of unsatisfied scalar constraints. """ n_unsatisfied = 0 for constraint in self._functions: if not in values: continue value = atleast_1d(values[]) if constraint.f_type == MDOFunction.ConstraintType.EQ: value = absolute(value) tolerance = self.__tolerances.equality else: tolerance = self.__tolerances.inequality n_unsatisfied += sum(value > tolerance) return n_unsatisfied