Source code for gemseo.mda.mda_chain

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Copyright 2024 Capgemini
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - API and implementation and/or documentation
#        :author: Charlie Vanaret
#        :author: Jean-Christophe Giret
"""An advanced MDA splitting algorithm based on graphs."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from itertools import repeat
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import ClassVar

from numpy import array

from gemseo.core._process_flow.execution_sequences.sequential import (
from gemseo.core.chains.chain import MDOChain
from gemseo.core.chains.initialization_chain import MDOInitializationChain
from gemseo.core.chains.parallel_chain import MDOParallelChain
from gemseo.mda.base_mda import BaseMDA
from gemseo.mda.base_mda import BaseProcessFlow
from gemseo.mda.base_mda import _BaseMDAProcessFlow
from gemseo.mda.base_mda_settings import BaseMDASettings
from gemseo.mda.factory import MDAFactory
from gemseo.mda.mda_chain_settings import MDAChain_Settings
from gemseo.utils.constants import READ_ONLY_EMPTY_DICT

    from import Iterable
    from import Mapping
    from import Sequence

    from gemseo.core.discipline.discipline import Discipline
    from gemseo.core.discipline.discipline_data import DisciplineData
    from gemseo.mda.base_mda_solver import BaseMDASolver
    from gemseo.typing import RealArray
    from gemseo.typing import StrKeyMapping
    from gemseo.utils.matplotlib_figure import FigSizeType

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _ProcessFlow(_BaseMDAProcessFlow):
    """The process data and execution flow."""

    _node: MDAChain

    def get_data_flow(  # noqa:D102
    ) -> list[tuple[Discipline, Discipline, list[str]]]:
        return self._node.mdo_chain.get_process_flow().get_data_flow()

    def get_execution_flow(self) -> SequentialExecSequence:  # noqa:D102
        exec_s = SequentialExecSequence()
        return exec_s

    def get_disciplines_in_data_flow(self) -> list[Discipline]:  # noqa: D102
        return self._node.mdo_chain.get_process_flow().get_disciplines_in_data_flow()  # noqa: E501

[docs] class MDAChain(BaseMDA): """A chain of MDAs. The execution sequence is provided by the :class:`.DependencyGraph`. """ Settings: ClassVar[type[MDAChain_Settings]] = MDAChain_Settings """The pydantic model for the settings.""" _process_flow_class: ClassVar[type[BaseProcessFlow]] = _ProcessFlow inner_mdas: list[BaseMDASolver] """The ordered MDAs.""" mdo_chain: MDOChain """The chain of MDAs.""" settings: MDAChain_Settings """The settings of the MDA""" __inner_mda_class: BaseMDASolver """The inner MDA class.""" def __init__( # noqa: D107 self, disciplines: Sequence[Discipline], settings_model: MDAChain_Settings | None = None, **settings: Any, ) -> None: self.mdo_chain = None super().__init__(disciplines, settings_model=settings_model, **settings) if ( not self.coupling_structure.all_couplings and not self.settings.chain_linearize ): LOGGER.warning("No coupling in MDA, switching chain_linearize to True.") self.settings.chain_linearize = True self.inner_mdas = [] self.__inner_mda_class = MDAFactory().get_class(self.settings.inner_mda_name) self.mdo_chain = self._create_mdo_chain() self._initialize_grammars() self._check_consistency() self._compute_input_coupling_names() # cascade the tolerance for mda in self.inner_mdas: mda.settings.tolerance = self.settings.tolerance @BaseMDA.scaling.setter def scaling(self, scaling: BaseMDA.ResidualScaling) -> None: # noqa: D102 self._scaling = scaling for mda in self.inner_mdas: mda.scaling = scaling
[docs] def set_bounds( # noqa: D102 self, variable_names_to_bounds: Mapping[ str, tuple[RealArray | None, RealArray | None] ], ) -> None: for inner_mda in self.inner_mdas: inner_mda.set_bounds(variable_names_to_bounds)
def _create_mdo_chain(self) -> MDOChain: """Create an MDO chain from the execution sequence of the disciplines.""" if not self.settings.sub_coupling_structures: sub_coupling_structures = repeat(None) else: sub_coupling_structures = self.settings.sub_coupling_structures self.__sub_coupling_structures_iterator = iter(sub_coupling_structures) chained_disciplines = [] for parallel_tasks in self.coupling_structure.sequence: process = self.__create_process_from_disciplines(parallel_tasks) chained_disciplines.append(process) return MDOChain(chained_disciplines, name="MDA chain") def __create_process_from_disciplines( self, parallel_tasks: list[tuple[Discipline, ...]], ) -> Discipline: """Create a process from disciplines. This method creates a process that will be appended to the main inner :class:`.MDOChain` of the :class:`.MDAChain`. Depending on the number and type of disciplines, as well as the options provided by the user, the process may be a sole discipline, a :class:`.BaseMDA`, a :class:`MDOChain`, or a :class:`MDOParallelChain`. Args: parallel_tasks: The parallel tasks to be processed. Returns: A process. """ parallel_disciplines = self.__compute_parallel_disciplines(parallel_tasks) if len(parallel_disciplines) == 1: return parallel_disciplines[0] if self.settings.mdachain_parallelize_tasks: return MDOParallelChain( parallel_disciplines, **self.settings.mdachain_parallel_settings, ) return MDOChain(parallel_disciplines) def __compute_parallel_disciplines( self, parallel_tasks: list[tuple[Discipline, ...]], ) -> Sequence[Discipline | BaseMDA]: """Compute the parallel disciplines. This method computes the parallel disciplines, if any. If there is any coupled disciplines in a parallel task, a :class:`.BaseMDA` is created, based on the :class:`.BaseMDA` options provided. Args: parallel_tasks: The parallel tasks. Returns: The parallel disciplines. """ parallel_disciplines = [] for coupled_disciplines in parallel_tasks: if self.__requires_mda(coupled_disciplines): ordered_disciplines = [ discipline_ for discipline_ in self._disciplines if discipline_ in coupled_disciplines ] settings_model = self.__create_inner_mda_settings() settings_model.coupling_structure = next( self.__sub_coupling_structures_iterator ) discipline = self.__inner_mda_class( disciplines=ordered_disciplines, settings_model=settings_model, ) self.inner_mdas.append(discipline) else: discipline = coupled_disciplines[0] parallel_disciplines.append(discipline) self.settings._sub_mdas = self.inner_mdas return parallel_disciplines def __create_inner_mda_settings(self) -> BaseMDASettings: """Create the inner MDA settings model.""" inner_settings = dict(self.settings.inner_mda_settings) | { name: setting for name, setting in self.settings if name in BaseMDASettings.model_fields } return self.__inner_mda_class.Settings(**inner_settings) def __requires_mda(self, disciplines: tuple[Discipline, ...]) -> bool: """Whether the disciplines require to be embed in an MDA. Args: disciplines: The disciplines to check. """ return len(disciplines) > 1 or ( len(disciplines) == 1 and self.coupling_structure.is_self_coupled(disciplines[0]) and not isinstance(disciplines[0], BaseMDA) ) def _initialize_grammars(self) -> None: """Define all inputs and outputs of the chain.""" if self.mdo_chain is None: # First call by super class must be ignored. return = = def _check_consistency(self) -> None: """Check if there is no more than 1 equation per variable. For instance if a strong coupling is not also a self coupling. """ if self.mdo_chain is None: # First call by super class must be ignored. return super()._check_consistency()
[docs] def execute( # noqa:D102 self, input_data: StrKeyMapping = READ_ONLY_EMPTY_DICT, ) -> DisciplineData: # The initialization is needed for MDA loops. if ( self.settings.initialize_defaults and len(self._disciplines) > 1 and len(self.coupling_structure.strong_couplings) > 0 ): init_chain = MDOInitializationChain( self._disciplines, available_data_names=input_data, ){ key: value for key, value in init_chain.execute(input_data).items() if key in }) self.settings.initialize_defaults = False return super().execute(input_data=input_data)
def _execute(self) -> None: super()._execute() = self.mdo_chain.execute( res_sum = 0.0 for mda in self.inner_mdas: res_local = if res_local is not None: res_sum += res_local[-1] ** 2{ self.NORMALIZED_RESIDUAL_NORM: array([res_sum**0.5]) }) def _compute_jacobian( self, input_names: Sequence[str] = (), output_names: Sequence[str] = (), ) -> None: if self.settings.chain_linearize: self.mdo_chain.add_differentiated_inputs(input_names) self.mdo_chain.add_differentiated_outputs(output_names) # the Jacobian of the MDA chain is the Jacobian of the MDO chain self.mdo_chain.linearize( self.jac = self.mdo_chain.jac else: super()._compute_jacobian(input_names, output_names)
[docs] def add_differentiated_inputs( # noqa:D102 self, input_names: Iterable[str] = (), ) -> None: BaseMDA.add_differentiated_inputs(self, input_names) if self.settings.chain_linearize: self.mdo_chain.add_differentiated_inputs(input_names)
[docs] def add_differentiated_outputs( # noqa: D102 self, output_names: Iterable[str] = (), ) -> None: BaseMDA.add_differentiated_outputs(self, output_names) if self.settings.chain_linearize: self.mdo_chain.add_differentiated_outputs(output_names)
@property def normed_residual(self) -> float: """The normed_residuals, computed from the sub-MDAs residuals.""" return sum(mda.normed_residual**2 for mda in self.inner_mdas) ** 0.5 @normed_residual.setter def normed_residual( self, normed_residual: float, ) -> None: """Set the normed_residual. Has no effect, since the normed residuals are defined by inner-MDAs residuals (see associated property). Here for compatibility with mother class. """
[docs] def plot_residual_history( # noqa: D102 self, show: bool = False, save: bool = True, n_iterations: int | None = None, logscale: tuple[int, int] = (), filename: Path | str = "", fig_size: FigSizeType = (50.0, 10.0), ) -> None: if filename: file_path = Path(filename) for mda in self.inner_mdas: if filename: path = file_path.parent / f"{mda.__class__.__name__}_{}" else: path = filename mda.plot_residual_history( show, save, n_iterations, logscale, path, fig_size )