Source code for gemseo.uncertainty.statistics.empirical_statistics

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                           documentation
#        :author: Matthias De Lozzo
"""Class for the empirical estimation of statistics from a dataset.


The :class:`.EmpiricalStatistics` class inherits
from the abstract :class:`.BaseStatistics` class
and aims to estimate statistics from a :class:`.Dataset`,
based on empirical estimators.


A :class:`.EmpiricalStatistics` is built from a :class:`.Dataset`
and optionally variables names.
In this case,
statistics are only computed for these variables.
statistics are computed for all the variable available in the dataset.
the user can give a name to its :class:`.EmpiricalStatistics` object.
By default,
this name is the concatenation of 'EmpiricalStatistics'
and the name of the :class:`.Dataset`.

from __future__ import annotations

from operator import ge
from operator import le
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import Final

from numpy import all as np_all
from numpy import cumsum
from numpy import linspace
from numpy import max as np_max
from numpy import mean
from numpy import min as np_min
from numpy import quantile
from numpy import std
from numpy import unique
from numpy import var
from numpy import vstack
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
from scipy.stats import moment

from gemseo.datasets.dataset import Dataset
from import Boxplot
from import Lines
from gemseo.uncertainty.statistics.base_statistics import BaseStatistics
from gemseo.uncertainty.statistics.tolerance_interval.distribution import (
from gemseo.uncertainty.statistics.tolerance_interval.empirical import (
from gemseo.utils.string_tools import repr_variable

    from import Mapping
    from pathlib import Path

    from gemseo.typing import RealArray

[docs] class EmpiricalStatistics(BaseStatistics): """A toolbox to compute statistics empirically. Unless otherwise stated, the statistics are computed *variable-wise* and *component-wise*, i.e. variable-by-variable and component-by-component. So, for the sake of readability, the methods named as :meth:`compute_statistic` return ``dict[str, RealArray]`` objects whose values are the names of the variables and the values are the statistic estimated for the different component. Examples: >>> from gemseo import ( ... create_discipline, ... create_parameter_space, ... create_scenario, ... ) >>> from gemseo.uncertainty.statistics.empirical_statistics import ( ... EmpiricalStatistics, ... ) >>> >>> expressions = {"y1": "x1+2*x2", "y2": "x1-3*x2"} >>> discipline = create_discipline( ... "AnalyticDiscipline", expressions=expressions ... ) >>> >>> parameter_space = create_parameter_space() >>> parameter_space.add_random_variable( ... "x1", "OTUniformDistribution", minimum=-1, maximum=1 ... ) >>> parameter_space.add_random_variable( ... "x2", "OTUniformDistribution", minimum=-1, maximum=1 ... ) >>> >>> scenario = create_scenario( ... [discipline], ... "y1", ... parameter_space, ... formulation_name="DisciplinaryOpt", ... scenario_type="DOE", ... ) >>> scenario.execute(algo_name="OT_MONTE_CARLO", n_samples=100) >>> >>> dataset = scenario.to_dataset(opt_naming=False) >>> >>> statistics = EmpiricalStatistics(dataset) >>> mean = statistics.compute_mean() """ __CDF_LABEL: Final[str] = "CDF" """The label for the cumulative distribution function.""" __PDF_LABEL: Final[str] = "PDF" """The label for the probability density function."""
[docs] def compute_maximum(self) -> dict[str, RealArray]: # noqa: D102 return { name: np_max(self.dataset.get_view(variable_names=name).to_numpy(), 0) for name in self.names }
[docs] def compute_mean(self) -> dict[str, RealArray]: # noqa: D102 return { name: mean(self.dataset.get_view(variable_names=name).to_numpy(), 0) for name in self.names }
[docs] def compute_minimum(self) -> dict[str, RealArray]: # noqa: D102 return { name: np_min(self.dataset.get_view(variable_names=name).to_numpy(), 0) for name in self.names }
[docs] def compute_probability( # noqa: D102 self, thresh: Mapping[str, float | RealArray], greater: bool = True ) -> dict[str, RealArray]: operator = ge if greater else le return { name: mean( operator( self.dataset.get_view(variable_names=name).to_numpy(), thresh[name] ), 0, ) for name in self.names }
[docs] def compute_joint_probability( # noqa: D102 self, thresh: Mapping[str, float | RealArray], greater: bool = True ) -> dict[str, float]: operator = ge if greater else le return { name: mean( np_all( operator( self.dataset.get_view(variable_names=name).to_numpy(), thresh[name], ), 1, ) ) for name in self.names }
[docs] def compute_quantile(self, prob: float) -> dict[str, RealArray]: # noqa: D102 return { name: quantile( self.dataset.get_view(variable_names=name).to_numpy(), prob, 0 ) for name in self.names }
[docs] def compute_standard_deviation(self) -> dict[str, RealArray]: # noqa: D102 return { name: std(self.dataset.get_view(variable_names=name).to_numpy(), 0) for name in self.names }
[docs] def compute_variance(self) -> dict[str, RealArray]: # noqa: D102 return { name: var(self.dataset.get_view(variable_names=name).to_numpy(), 0) for name in self.names }
[docs] def compute_moment(self, order: int) -> dict[str, RealArray]: # noqa: D102 return { name: moment(self.dataset.get_view(variable_names=name).to_numpy(), order) for name in self.names }
[docs] def compute_range(self) -> dict[str, RealArray]: # noqa: D102 lower = self.compute_minimum() return { name: upper - lower[name] for name, upper in self.compute_maximum().items() }
[docs] def compute_tolerance_interval( # noqa: D102 self, coverage: float, confidence: float = 0.95, side: BaseToleranceInterval.ToleranceIntervalSide = BaseToleranceInterval.ToleranceIntervalSide.BOTH, # noqa:E501 ) -> dict[str, list[BaseToleranceInterval.Bounds]]: # noqa: D205 r"""Compute tolerance interval. Given a confidence level :math:`1-\alpha` and a coverage level :math:`\beta`, the number of samples :math:`n` must verify the requirement: - :math:`1-(1-\beta)^n>=1-\alpha` for a lower one-sided tolerance interval, - :math:`1-\beta^n>=1-\alpha` for a upper one-sided tolerance interval, - :math:`(n-1)\beta^n-n\beta^{n-1}+1>=1-\alpha` See [1] and [2] for more information about empirical tolerance intervals. .. [1] Krishnamoorthy K. & Matthews T., Statistical Tolerance Regions: Theory, Applications, and Computation, Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, John Wiley & Sons, 2009. .. [2] Meeker W. Q., Hahn G. J., et Escobar L. A. Statistical intervals: a guide for practitioners and researchers, John Wiley & Sons, 2017. Raises: ValueError: When there are not enough samples. """ n_samples = len(self.dataset) if side == BaseToleranceInterval.ToleranceIntervalSide.LOWER: value = ( 1 - (1 - coverage) ** n_samples ) # Krishnamoorthy & Matthews, p. 216 eq. 8.6.3 elif side == BaseToleranceInterval.ToleranceIntervalSide.UPPER: value = ( 1 - coverage**n_samples ) # Krishnamoorthy & Matthews, p. 216 eq. 8.6.3 elif side == BaseToleranceInterval.ToleranceIntervalSide.BOTH: value = ( (n_samples - 1) * coverage**n_samples - n_samples * (coverage ** (n_samples - 1)) + 1 ) # Krishnamoorthy & Matthews, p. 215 eq. 8.6.2 else: msg = "The argument side is not of ToleranceIntervalSide type." raise TypeError(msg) if value < confidence: msg = ( "The dataset is not large enough to estimate " "the desired tolerance interval." ) raise ValueError(msg) return { name: [ EmpiricalToleranceInterval( self.dataset.get_view(variable_names=name).to_numpy().ravel(), ).compute(coverage, confidence, side) ] for name in self.names }
[docs] def plot_boxplot( self, save: bool = False, show: bool = True, directory_path: str | Path = "", file_format: str = "png", **options: Any, ) -> dict[str, Boxplot]: """Visualize the data with a boxplot. Args: save: Whether to save the figures. show: Whether to show the figures. directory_path: The path to save the figures. file_format: The file extension. **options: The options of the :class:`.Boxplot` graphs. Returns: The boxplot of each variable. """ plots = { name: Boxplot(self.dataset, variables=[name], **options) for name in self.names } for name, plot in plots.items(): plot.execute( save=save, show=show, directory_path=directory_path, file_format=file_format, file_name=f"boxplot_{name}", ) return plots
[docs] def plot_pdf( self, save: bool = False, show: bool = True, directory_path: str | Path = "", file_format: str = "png", **options: Any, ) -> dict[str, Lines]: """Visualize the empirical probability density function. Args: save: Whether to save the figures. show: Whether to show the figures. directory_path: The path to save the figures. file_format: The file extension. **options: The options of the :class:`.Lines` graphs. Returns: The graph of the probability density function for each variable. """ plots = {} for name in self.names: size = self.dataset.variable_names_to_n_components[name] for index, samples in enumerate( self.dataset.get_view(variable_names=name).to_numpy().T ): x = linspace(samples.min(), samples.max(), 1000) plot = Lines( Dataset.from_array( vstack((x, gaussian_kde(samples)(x))).T, variable_names=[name, self.__PDF_LABEL], ), [self.__PDF_LABEL], name, **options, ) xlabel = repr_variable(name, index, size) plot.xlabel = xlabel plot.ylabel = "Probability density function" plot.execute( save=save, show=show, directory_path=directory_path, file_format=file_format, file_name=f"pdf_{name}", ) plots[xlabel] = plot return plots
[docs] def plot_cdf( self, save: bool = False, show: bool = True, directory_path: str | Path = "", file_format: str = "png", **options: Any, ) -> dict[str, Lines]: """Visualize the empirical cumulative probability function. Args: save: Whether to save the figures. show: Whether to show the figures. directory_path: The path to save the figures. file_format: The file extension. **options: The options of the :class:`.Lines` graphs. Returns: The graph of the cumulative probability function for each variable. """ plots = {} for name in self.names: size = self.dataset.variable_names_to_n_components[name] for index, samples in enumerate( self.dataset.get_view(variable_names=name).to_numpy().T ): plot = Lines( Dataset.from_array( vstack(self.__evaluate_ecdf(samples)).T, variable_names=[name, self.__CDF_LABEL], ), [self.__CDF_LABEL], name, **options, ) xlabel = repr_variable(name, index, size) plot.xlabel = xlabel plot.ylabel = "Cumulative probability function" plot.execute( save=save, show=show, directory_path=directory_path, file_format=file_format, file_name=f"cdf_{name}", ) plots[xlabel] = plot return plots
@staticmethod def __evaluate_ecdf(data: RealArray) -> tuple[RealArray, RealArray]: """Evaluate the empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF). Args: data: The data (one sample per row). Returns: The quantiles of the random variable, the evaluations of the empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) for these quantiles. """ quantiles, counts = unique(data, return_counts=True) return quantiles, cumsum(counts) / data.size