Source code for gemseo.utils.string_tools

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                           documentation
#        :author: Matthias De Lozzo
#        :author: Antoine Dechaume
"""Pretty string utils."""

from __future__ import annotations

from import Iterable
from import Mapping
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from html import escape
from itertools import chain
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import ClassVar
from typing import NamedTuple
from typing import Union

from gemseo.utils.repr_html import REPR_HTML_WRAPPER

    from import Iterator

[docs] class MessageLine(NamedTuple): """Store the raw ingredient of a string to be formatted later.""" str_format: str level: int args: Any kwargs: Any
DEFAULT_DELIMITER = ", " """A string to separate string fields.""" DEFAULT_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR = "=" """A string to separate key and value in a key-value pair of a mapping.""" VariableType = Union[str, tuple[str, int]] def __stringify( obj: Any, delimiter: str, key_value_separator: str, function: Callable[[Any], str], sort: bool, use_and: bool, ) -> str: """Represent an object with a string. Args: delimiter: The string to separate string fields. key_value_separator: The string to separate key and value in a key-value pair of a mapping. function: A function to represent an object with a string, e.g. :func:`str` or :func:`repr`. sort: Whether to sort the elements when the object if a collection. use_and: Whether to replace the last delimiter occurrence by ``"and"``. Returns: A string representing the object. """ if not isinstance(obj, Iterable): return function(obj) if isinstance(obj, Mapping): obj = [ f"{key!s}{key_value_separator}{function(val)}" for key, val in obj.items() ] else: obj = [function(val) for val in obj] if sort: obj = sorted(obj) if use_and and len(obj) > 1: return f"{delimiter.join(obj[:-1])} and {obj[-1]}" return delimiter.join(obj)
[docs] def pretty_repr( obj: Any, delimiter: str = DEFAULT_DELIMITER, key_value_separator: str = DEFAULT_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR, sort: bool = True, use_and: bool = False, ) -> str: """Return an unambiguous string representation of an object based on :func:`repr`. Args: obj: The object to represent. delimiter: The string to separate string fields. key_value_separator: The string to separate key and value in a key-value pair of a mapping. sort: Whether to sort the elements when the object if a collection. use_and: Whether to replace the last delimiter occurrence by ``" and "``. Returns: An unambiguous string representation of the object. """ return __stringify(obj, delimiter, key_value_separator, repr, sort, use_and)
[docs] def pretty_str( obj: Any, delimiter: str = DEFAULT_DELIMITER, key_value_separator: str = DEFAULT_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR, sort: bool = True, use_and: bool = False, ) -> str: """Return a readable string representation of an object based on :func:`str`. Args: obj: The object to represent. delimiter: The string to separate string fields. key_value_separator: The string to separate key and value in a key-value pair of a mapping. sort: Whether to sort the elements when the object if a collection. use_and: Whether to replace the last delimiter occurrence by ``"and"``. Returns: A readable string representation of the object. """ return __stringify(obj, delimiter, key_value_separator, str, sort, use_and)
[docs] def repr_variable(name: str, index: int, size: int = 0, simplify: bool = False) -> str: """Return the string representation of a variable. Args: name: The name of the variable. index: The component of the variable. size: The size of the variable if known. Use ``0`` if unknown. simplify: Whether to return ``"[i]"`` when ``i>0`` instead of ``"name[i]"``. Returns: The string representation of the variable. """ if size == 1: return name if simplify and index != 0: return f"[{index}]" return f"{name}[{index}]"
[docs] def get_name_and_component(variable: VariableType) -> tuple[str, int]: """Return the name and the component of a variable. Args: variable: Either a variable name or a variable name with its variable component. Returns: The name and the component of a variable. """ return (variable, 0) if isinstance(variable, str) else variable
[docs] def convert_strings_to_iterable(str_or_strs: str | Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[str]: """Return strings as an iterable. Args: str_or_strs: A string or several strings. Returns: Names. """ return [str_or_strs] if isinstance(str_or_strs, str) else str_or_strs
[docs] def filter_names( names: Iterable[str], names_to_keep: Iterable[str], ) -> Iterable[str]: """Filter names from a collection of other names. Args: names: The original names. names_to_keep: The names to keep. If ``None``, keep all. Returns: The filtered names. """ if names_to_keep: return [name for name in names if name in set(names_to_keep)] return names
[docs] def get_variables_with_components( variables: VariableType | Iterable[VariableType], names_to_sizes: Mapping[str, int] ) -> Iterator[tuple[str, int]]: """Convert a set of variables to ``tuple(str, int)`` objects. Args: variables: One or several variable defined as ``name`` or ``(name, component)``. When ``name``, all the components of the variable are considered. names_to_sizes: The sizes of the variables. Returns: The variables defined as ``(name, component)``. """ return chain.from_iterable( (variable,) if isinstance(variable, tuple) else ((variable, index) for index in range(names_to_sizes[variable])) for variable in ( (variables,) if ( isinstance(variables, str) or ( isinstance(variables, tuple) and len(variables) == 2 and isinstance(variables[0], str) and isinstance(variables[1], int) ) ) else variables ) )
[docs] class MultiLineString: """Multi-line string lazy evaluator. The creation of the string is postponed to when an instance is stringified through the __repr__ method. This is mainly used for logging complex strings or objects where the string evaluation cost may be avoided when the logging level dismisses a logging message. A __add__ method is defined to allow the "+" operator between two instances, that implements the concatenation of two MultiLineString. If the other instance is not MultiLineString, it is first converted to string using its __str__ method and then added as a new line in the result. """ INDENTATION: ClassVar[str] = " " * 3 """The indentation increment of each indentation level.""" DEFAULT_LEVEL: ClassVar[int] = 0 """The default indentation level.""" __level: int """The indentation level.""" def __init__( self, lines: Iterable[MessageLine] = (), ) -> None: """ Args: lines: The lines from which to create the multi-line string. """ # noqa:D205 D212 D415 self.__lines = list(lines) self.reset()
[docs] def add( self, str_format: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Add a line. Args: str_format: The string to be process by the format() method. args: The args passed to the format() method. kwargs: The kwargs passed to the format() method. """ self.__lines.append(MessageLine(str_format, self.__level, args, kwargs))
@property def lines(self) -> list[MessageLine]: """The strings composing the lines.""" return self.__lines
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Reset the indentation.""" self.__level = self.DEFAULT_LEVEL
def _repr_html_(self) -> str: multiline_string_repr = "" current_level = self.DEFAULT_LEVEL for line in self.__lines: if line.level > current_level: # Start a new list (in the last item of the current list if any). multiline_string_repr = multiline_string_repr.removesuffix("</li>") multiline_string_repr += "<ul>" elif line.level < current_level: # End nested lists. for _ in range(current_level - line.level): # Close the list. multiline_string_repr += "</ul>" if line.level != self.DEFAULT_LEVEL: # Close the item containing this list. multiline_string_repr += "</li>" # String representation of the line. line_string_repr = escape(line.str_format) if line.args or line.kwargs: args = (escape(str(arg)) for arg in line.args) kwargs = {k: escape(str(arg)) for k, arg in line.kwargs.items()} line_string_repr = line_string_repr.format(*args, **kwargs) # Update the level of the current current_level = line.level if current_level == self.DEFAULT_LEVEL: multiline_string_repr += f"{line_string_repr}<br/>" else: multiline_string_repr += f"<li>{line_string_repr}</li>" if current_level > self.DEFAULT_LEVEL: # Close the lists that are still open. multiline_string_repr += "</ul></li>" * (current_level - self.DEFAULT_LEVEL) multiline_string_repr = multiline_string_repr.removesuffix("</li>") return REPR_HTML_WRAPPER.format(multiline_string_repr)
[docs] def indent(self) -> None: """Increase the indentation.""" self.__level += 1
[docs] def dedent(self) -> None: """Decrease the indentation.""" if self.__level > 0: self.__level -= 1
[docs] def replace( self, old: str, new: str, ) -> MultiLineString: """Return a new MultiLineString with all occurrences of old replaced by new. Args: old: The sub-string to be replaced. new: The sub-string to be replaced with. Returns: The MultiLineString copy with replaced occurrences. """ repl_msg = [] for line in self.__lines: new_str = line.str_format.replace(old, new) repl_msg.append(MessageLine(new_str, line.level, line.args, line.kwargs)) return MultiLineString(repl_msg)
def __repr__(self) -> str: lines = [] for line in self.__lines: str_format = self.INDENTATION * line.level + line.str_format if line.args or line.kwargs: str_format = str_format.format(*line.args, **line.kwargs) lines.append(str_format) return "\n".join(lines) def __add__(self, other: Any) -> MultiLineString: if isinstance(other, MultiLineString): return MultiLineString(self.lines + other.lines) out = deepcopy(self) out.add(str(other)) return out
[docs] @classmethod @contextmanager def offset(cls) -> Iterator[None]: """Create a temporary offset with a context manager.""" cls.DEFAULT_LEVEL += 1 try: yield finally: cls.DEFAULT_LEVEL -= 1
def _format_value_in_pretty_table(n_decimals: int, field_name: str, value: Any) -> str: """Format a value as a string in a pretty table. Args: n_decimals: The number of decimals. field_name: The name of the field. value: The value to be formatted. Returns: The formatted string. """ if isinstance(value, float): return f"{value:.{n_decimals}g}" return str(value) _format_value_in_pretty_table_6 = partial(_format_value_in_pretty_table, 6) _format_value_in_pretty_table_16 = partial(_format_value_in_pretty_table, 16)