gemseo_pymoo / algos / opt

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lib_pymoo module

Pymoo optimization library wrapper.

class gemseo_pymoo.algos.opt.lib_pymoo.PymooAlgorithmDescription(algorithm_name, internal_algorithm_name, library_name='pymoo', description='', website='', handle_integer_variables=True, require_gradient=False, handle_equality_constraints=False, handle_inequality_constraints=True, handle_multiobjective=False, positive_constraints=False, problem_type=ProblemType.NON_LINEAR, require_grad=False)[source]

Bases: OptimizationAlgorithmDescription

The description of an optimization algorithm from the pymoo library.

  • algorithm_name (str) –

  • internal_algorithm_name (str) –

  • library_name (str) –

    By default it is set to “pymoo”.

  • description (str) –

    By default it is set to “”.

  • website (str) –

    By default it is set to “”.

  • handle_integer_variables (bool) –

    By default it is set to True.

  • require_gradient (bool) –

    By default it is set to False.

  • handle_equality_constraints (bool) –

    By default it is set to False.

  • handle_inequality_constraints (bool) –

    By default it is set to True.

  • handle_multiobjective (bool) –

    By default it is set to False.

  • positive_constraints (bool) –

    By default it is set to False.

  • problem_type (ProblemType) –

    By default it is set to “non-linear”.

  • require_grad (bool) –

    By default it is set to False.

algorithm_name: str

The name of the algorithm in GEMSEO.

description: str = ''

A description of the algorithm.

handle_equality_constraints: bool = False

Whether the optimization algorithm handles equality constraints.

handle_inequality_constraints: bool = True

Whether the optimization algorithm handles inequality constraints.

handle_integer_variables: bool = True

Whether the optimization algorithm handles integer variables.

handle_multiobjective: bool = False

Whether the optimization algorithm handles multiple objectives.

internal_algorithm_name: str

The name of the algorithm in the wrapped library.

library_name: str = 'pymoo'

The name of the wrapped library.

positive_constraints: bool = False

Whether the optimization algorithm requires positive constraints.

problem_type: ProblemType = 'non-linear'

The type of problem (see OptimizationProblem.ProblemType).

require_grad: bool = False
require_gradient: bool = False

Whether the optimization algorithm requires the gradient.

website: str = ''

The website of the wrapped library or algorithm.

class gemseo_pymoo.algos.opt.lib_pymoo.PymooOpt[source]

Bases: OptimizationLibrary

Pymoo optimization library interface.

See gemseo.algos.opt.optimization_library.OptimizationLibrary.


The missing current values of the DesignSpace attached to the OptimizationProblem are automatically initialized with the method DesignSpace.initialize_missing_current_values().


Generate the library dict, which contains the list of algorithms with their characteristics:

  • does it require gradient

  • does it handle equality constraints

  • does it handle inequality constraints

class ApproximationMode(value)

Bases: StrEnum

The approximation derivation modes.

CENTERED_DIFFERENCES = 'centered_differences'

The centered differences method used to approximate the Jacobians by perturbing each variable with a small real number.

COMPLEX_STEP = 'complex_step'

The complex step method used to approximate the Jacobians by perturbing each variable with a small complex number.

FINITE_DIFFERENCES = 'finite_differences'

The finite differences method used to approximate the Jacobians by perturbing each variable with a small real number.

class DifferentiationMethod(value)

Bases: StrEnum

The differentiation methods.

CENTERED_DIFFERENCES = 'centered_differences'
COMPLEX_STEP = 'complex_step'
FINITE_DIFFERENCES = 'finite_differences'
USER_GRAD = 'user'

Check if an algorithm handles equality constraints.


algo_name (str) – The name of the algorithm.


Whether the algorithm handles equality constraints.

Return type:



Check if an algorithm handles inequality constraints.


algo_name (str) – The name of the algorithm.


Whether the algorithm handles inequality constraints.

Return type:



Remove the listeners from the database.

Return type:



Deactivate the progress bar.

Return type:



Check the existence of an option.


option_name (str) – The name of the option.


Whether the option exists.

Return type:


ensure_bounds(orig_func, normalize=True)

Project the design vector onto the design space before execution.

  • orig_func – The original function.

  • normalize (bool) –

    Whether to use the normalized design space.

    By default it is set to True.


A function calling the original function with the input data projected onto the design space.

execute(problem, algo_name=None, eval_obs_jac=False, skip_int_check=False, max_design_space_dimension_to_log=40, **options)

Execute the driver.

  • problem (OptimizationProblem) – The problem to be solved.

  • algo_name (str | None) – The name of the algorithm. If None, use the algo_name attribute which may have been set by the factory.

  • eval_obs_jac (bool) –

    Whether to evaluate the Jacobian of the observables.

    By default it is set to False.

  • skip_int_check (bool) –

    Whether to skip the integer variable handling check of the selected algorithm.

    By default it is set to False.

  • max_design_space_dimension_to_log (int) –

    The maximum dimension of a design space to be logged. If this number is higher than the dimension of the design space then the design space will not be logged.

    By default it is set to 40.

  • **options (DriverLibOptionType) – The options for the algorithm.


The optimization result.


ValueError – If algo_name was not either set by the factory or given as an argument.

Return type:



Filter the algorithms capable of solving the problem.


problem (Any) – The problem to be solved.


The names of the algorithms adapted to this problem.

Return type:



Finalize the iteration observer.

Return type:


get_optimum_from_database(message=None, status=None)[source]

Retrieve the optimum from the database.

Override the super class method in order to return an OptimizationResult instance adapted for multi-objective results (see MultiObjectiveOptimizationResult).

  • message (str | None) – The message from the optimizer.

  • status (int | None) – The status from the optimizer.


An optimization result object based on the optimum found.

Return type:

OptimizationResult | MultiObjectiveOptimizationResult


Transform the problem constraints into their opposite sign counterpart.

This is done if the algorithm requires positive constraints.

get_x0_and_bounds_vects(normalize_ds, as_dict=False)

Return the initial design variable values and their lower and upper bounds.

  • normalize_ds (bool) – Whether to normalize the design variables.

  • as_dict (bool) –

    Whether to return dictionaries instead of NumPy arrays.

    By default it is set to False.


The initial values of the design variables, their lower bounds, and their upper bounds.

Return type:

tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray] | tuple[dict[str, ndarray], dict[str, ndarray], dict[str, ndarray]]

init_iter_observer(max_iter, message='')

Initialize the iteration observer.

It will handle the stopping criterion and the logging of the progress bar.

  • max_iter (int) – The maximum number of iterations.

  • message (str) –

    The message to display at the beginning of the progress bar status.

    By default it is set to “”.


ValueError – If max_iter is lower than one.

Return type:



Initialize the options’ grammar.


algo_name (str) – The name of the algorithm.

Return type:



Check if an algorithm requires positive constraints.


algo_name (str) – The name of the algorithm.


Whether the algorithm requires positive constraints.

Return type:


classmethod is_algorithm_suited(algorithm_description, problem)

Check if an algorithm is suited to a problem according to its description.

  • algorithm_description (AlgorithmDescription) – The description of the algorithm.

  • problem (Any) – The problem to be solved.


Whether the algorithm is suited to the problem.

Return type:



Verify the design variable and objective value stopping criteria.


x_vect (ndarray) – The design variables values.

  • FtolReached – If the defined relative or absolute function tolerance is reached.

  • XtolReached – If the defined relative or absolute x tolerance is reached.

Return type:



Check if a driver requires the gradient.


driver_name (str) – The name of the driver.


Whether the driver requires the gradient.

Return type:


CROSSOVER_OPERATOR: Final[str] = 'crossover'

The crossover operator’s name.

EQ_TOLERANCE = 'eq_tolerance'
EVAL_OBS_JAC_OPTION = 'eval_obs_jac'
EVOLUTIONARY_OPERATORS: Final[dict[str, Operator]] = {'crossover': pymoo.core.crossover.Crossover, 'mutation': pymoo.core.mutation.Mutation, 'sampling': pymoo.core.sampling.Sampling, 'selection': pymoo.core.selection.Selection}

A dictionary with all evolutionary operators available as keys and their Pymoo classes as values.

F_TOL_ABS = 'ftol_abs'
F_TOL_REL = 'ftol_rel'
HV_TOL_ABS: Final[str] = 'hv_tol_abs'

The tag for the absolute tolerance used in the hypervolume convergence check.

HV_TOL_REL: Final[str] = 'hv_tol_rel'

The tag for the relative tolerance used in the hypervolume convergence check.

INEQ_TOLERANCE = 'ineq_tolerance'
LIBRARY_NAME: Final[str] = 'pymoo'

The library’s name.

LS_STEP_NB_MAX = 'max_ls_step_nb'
LS_STEP_SIZE_MAX = 'max_ls_step_size'
MAX_FUN_EVAL = 'max_fun_eval'
MAX_GEN: Final[str] = 'max_gen'

The tag for the maximum number of generations allowed.

MAX_ITER = 'max_iter'
MAX_TIME = 'max_time'
MUTATION_OPERATOR: Final[str] = 'mutation'

The mutation operator’s name.

NORMALIZE_DESIGN_SPACE_OPTION = 'normalize_design_space'
N_PROCESSES: Final[str] = 'n_processes'

The tag for the number of processes to use.

OPTIONS_DIR: ClassVar[str | Path] = 'options'

The name of the directory containing the files of the grammars of the options.

OPTIONS_MAP: ClassVar[dict[str, str]] = {}

The names of the options in GEMSEO mapping to those in the wrapped library.

PG_TOL = 'pg_tol'
PYMOO_GA: Final[str] = 'PYMOO_GA'

The GEMSEO alias for the Genetic Algorithm.

PYMOO_NSGA2: Final[str] = 'PYMOO_NSGA2'

The GEMSEO alias for the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II.

PYMOO_NSGA3: Final[str] = 'PYMOO_NSGA3'

The GEMSEO alias for the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm III.


The GEMSEO alias for the Reference Point Based NSGA-III.


The GEMSEO alias for the Unified NSGA-III.

ROUND_INTS_OPTION = 'round_ints'
SAMPLING_OPERATOR: Final[str] = 'sampling'

The sampling operator’s name.

SCALING_THRESHOLD: Final[str] = 'scaling_threshold'
SELECTION_OPERATOR: Final[str] = 'selection'

The selection operator’s name.

STOP_CRIT_NX = 'stop_crit_n_x'
STOP_CRIT_N_HV: Final[str] = 'stop_crit_n_hv'

The tag for the number of generations to account for in the hypervolume check.

USE_DATABASE_OPTION = 'use_database'
USE_ONE_LINE_PROGRESS_BAR: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether to use a one line progress bar.

VERBOSE = 'verbose'
X_TOL_ABS = 'xtol_abs'
X_TOL_REL = 'xtol_rel'
activate_progress_bar: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether to activate the progress bar in the optimization log.

algo_name: str | None

The name of the algorithm used currently.

property algorithms: list[str]

The available algorithms.

descriptions: dict[str, AlgorithmDescription]

The description of the algorithms contained in the library.

internal_algo_name: str | None

The internal name of the algorithm used currently.

It typically corresponds to the name of the algorithm in the wrapped library if any.

opt_grammar: JSONGrammar | None

The grammar defining the options of the current algorithm.

problem: OptimizationProblem

The optimization problem the driver library is bonded to.

pymoo_n_gen: int = 10000000

The pymoo’s termination criterion based on the number of generations.