gemseo.algos.doe.custom_doe.custom_doe module#

Design of experiments from custom data.

class CustomDOE(algo_name='CustomDOE')[source]#

Bases: BaseDOELibrary

A design of experiments from samples provided as a file or an array.

The samples are provided either as a file in text or csv format or as a sequence of sequences of numbers, e.g. a 2D numpy array.

A csv file format is assumed to have a header whereas a text file (extension .txt) does not.


algo_name (str) --

The algorithm name.

By default it is set to "CustomDOE".


KeyError -- When the algorithm is not in the library.

static read_file(doe_file, delimiter=',', comments='#', skiprows=0)[source]#

Read a file containing several samples (one per line) and return them.

  • doe_file (str | Path | TextIO) -- Either the file, the filename, or the generator to read.

  • delimiter (str | None) --

    The character used to separate values. If None, use whitespace.

    By default it is set to ",".

  • comments (str | Sequence[str] | None) --

    The characters or list of characters used to indicate the start of a comment. None implies no comments.

    By default it is set to "#".

  • skiprows (int) --

    Skip the first skiprows lines.

    By default it is set to 0.


The samples.

Return type:

ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]

ALGORITHM_INFOS: ClassVar[dict[str, DOEAlgorithmDescription]] = {'CustomDOE': DOEAlgorithmDescription(algorithm_name='CustomDOE', internal_algorithm_name='CustomDOE', library_name='CustomDOE', description='This samples are provided either as a file in text or csv format or as a sequence of sequences of numbers.', website='', Settings=<class 'gemseo.algos.doe.custom_doe.settings.custom_doe_settings.CustomDOE_Settings'>, handle_integer_variables=True, minimum_dimension=1)}#

The description of the algorithms contained in the library.