gemseo.algos.doe.custom_doe.settings.custom_doe_settings module#
Settings for the custom DOE.
- Settings CustomDOE_Settings(*, enable_progress_bar=None, eq_tolerance=0.01, ineq_tolerance=0.0001, log_problem=True, max_time=0.0, normalize_design_space=False, reset_iteration_counters=True, round_ints=True, use_database=True, use_one_line_progress_bar=False, store_jacobian=True, eval_func=True, eval_jac=False, n_processes=1, wait_time_between_samples=0.0, callbacks=(), doe_file='', samples=None, delimiter=',', comments='#', skiprows=0)[source]#
The settings for the
.Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.
self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.
- Parameters:
enable_progress_bar (bool | None)
eq_tolerance (Annotated[float, Ge(ge=0)]) --
By default it is set to 0.01.
ineq_tolerance (Annotated[float, Ge(ge=0), Ge(ge=0)]) --
By default it is set to 0.0001.
log_problem (bool) --
By default it is set to True.
max_time (Annotated[float, Ge(ge=0), Ge(ge=0)]) --
By default it is set to 0.0.
normalize_design_space (bool) --
By default it is set to False.
reset_iteration_counters (bool) --
By default it is set to True.
round_ints (bool) --
By default it is set to True.
use_database (bool) --
By default it is set to True.
use_one_line_progress_bar (bool) --
By default it is set to False.
store_jacobian (bool) --
By default it is set to True.
eval_func (bool) --
By default it is set to True.
eval_jac (bool) --
By default it is set to False.
n_processes (Annotated[int, Gt(gt=0)]) --
By default it is set to 1.
wait_time_between_samples (Annotated[float, Ge(ge=0)]) --
By default it is set to 0.0.
callbacks (Sequence[Annotated[Callable[[int, tuple[dict[str, float | ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]], dict[str, ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]]]], Any], WithJsonSchema(json_schema={}, mode=None)]]) --
By default it is set to ().
By default it is set to "".
samples (_NDArrayPydantic[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]] | Mapping[str, _NDArrayPydantic[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]]] | Sequence[Mapping[str, _NDArrayPydantic[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]]]])
delimiter (str) --
By default it is set to ",".
comments (str | Sequence[str]) --
By default it is set to "#".
skiprows (Annotated[int, Ge(ge=0)]) --
By default it is set to 0.
- Return type:
- comments: str | Sequence[str] = '#'#
The (list of) characters used to indicate the start of a comment.
No comments if empty.
- doe_file: str | Path = ''#
The path to the file containing the input samples.
If empty, use
- samples: SamplesType [Optional]#
The input samples.
They must be at least a 2D-array, a dictionary of 2D-arrays or a list of dictionaries of 1D-arrays. If empty, use
- skiprows: NonNegativeInt = 0#
The number of first lines to skip.
- Constraints:
ge = 0
- model_post_init(context, /)#
We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init method.
- Parameters:
self (BaseModel)
context (Any)
- Return type: