gemseo.core.chains.warm_started_chain module#
Warm-started disciplines chain.
- class MDOWarmStartedChain(disciplines, variable_names_to_warm_start, name='')[source]#
Chain capable of warm starting a given list of variables.
The values of the variables to warm start are stored after each run and used to initialize the next one.
This chain cannot be linearized.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- Parameters:
disciplines (Sequence[Discipline]) -- The disciplines.
variable_names_to_warm_start (Sequence[str]) -- The names of the variables to be warm started. These names must be outputs of the disciplines in the chain. If the list is empty, no variables are warm started.
name (str) --
The name of the discipline. If
, use the class name.By default it is set to "".
- Raises:
ValueError -- If the variable names to warm start are not outputs of the chain.