
The discipline inputs and outputs.

class IO(discipline_class, discipline_name, grammar_type, auto_detect_grammar_files=False, grammar_directory='', input_grammar_file='', output_grammar_file='')[source]#

Bases: object

The discipline input and output data.

This class defines the input and output grammar and stores the input and output data of the last execution.

  • discipline_class (type[Any]) -- The class of the parent discipline.

  • discipline_name (str) -- The name of the parent discipline.

  • grammar_type (GrammarType) -- The type of the grammars.

  • auto_detect_grammar_files (bool) --

    Whether to find automatically the grammar.

    By default it is set to False.

  • grammar_directory (Path | str) --

    The path to the directory where the grammar files are.

    By default it is set to "".

  • input_grammar_file (str | Path) --

    The path to the file of the input grammar.

    By default it is set to "".

  • output_grammar_file (str | Path) --

    The path to the file of the output grammar.

    By default it is set to "".


Validate the output data.


validate (bool) -- Whether to validate the (eventually post-processed) cleaned data.

Return type:



Return the items of the data that are inputs.


with_namespaces (bool) --

Whether to keep the namespace prefix of the input names, if any.

By default it is set to True.


The input data.

Return type:

dict[str, Any]


Return the items of the data that are outputs.


with_namespaces (bool) --

Whether to keep the namespace prefix of the output names, if any.

By default it is set to True.


The output data.

Return type:

dict[str, Any]

have_linear_relationships(input_names, output_names)[source]#

Check if an input-output restriction is linear.

  • input_names (Iterable[str]) -- The names of the inputs.

  • output_names (Iterable[str]) -- The names of the outputs.


Whether these outputs are linear with respect to these inputs.

Return type:


initialize(input_data, validate)[source]#

Initialize the data from input data.

  • input_data (StrKeyMapping) -- The input data.

  • validate (bool) -- Whether to validate input_data.

Return type:



Prepare the input data.

The missing input items that have default values are added, The items that do not exist in the input grammar are removed.


data (StrKeyMapping) -- The data to be used for preparing the input data.


The input data.

Return type:


set_linear_relationships(input_names=(), output_names=())[source]#

Set the linear relationships between the inputs and outputs.

  • input_names (Iterable[str]) --

    The input names in a linear relation with the outputs. If empty, all input names are considered.

    By default it is set to ().

  • output_names (Iterable[str]) --

    The output names in a linear relation with the inputs. If empty, all output names are considered.

    By default it is set to ().


ValueError -- If a name is not in the grammar.

Return type:



Update the output in data, taking care of the namespaces if any.

The namespaces of the output data, if any, are automatically handled: if the key of an item of output_data is in a namespace and the key is a name without the namespace prefix then the item will be stored with the namespace prefix.

If an item of output_data is not an output then it is ignored.


output_data (StrKeyMapping) -- The output data to update data with.

Return type:


property data: DisciplineData#

The current input and output data.

When set, the passed data are shallow copied.

data_processor: DataProcessor | None#

A pre- and post-processor for the discipline data.

This mechanism requires that the _run() method of the discipline for which the IO is an attribute uses input data, returns input data and does not use the or local_data attributes.

property grammar_type: GrammarType#

The type of grammar used for inputs and outputs.

input_grammar: BaseGrammar#

The input grammar.

output_grammar: BaseGrammar#

The output grammar.

residual_to_state_variable: dict[str, str]#

The output variables mapping to their inputs, to be considered as residuals; they shall be equal to zero.

state_equations_are_solved: bool#

Whether the discipline solves the state equations.