gemseo.disciplines.scenario_adapters.mdo_scenario_adapter module#
A discipline running a scenario.
- class MDOScenarioAdapter(scenario, input_names, output_names, reset_x0_before_opt=False, set_x0_before_opt=False, set_bounds_before_opt=False, output_multipliers=False, name='', keep_opt_history=False, opt_history_file_prefix='', scenario_log_level=None)[source]#
An adapter class for MDO Scenario.
The specified input variables update the default input data of the top level discipline while the output ones filter the output data from the top level discipline outputs.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- Parameters:
scenario (BaseScenario) -- The scenario to adapt.
input_names (Sequence[str]) -- The inputs to overload at sub-scenario execution.
output_names (Sequence[str]) -- The outputs to get from the sub-scenario execution.
reset_x0_before_opt (bool) --
, reset the initial guess before running the sub optimization.By default it is set to False.
set_x0_before_opt (bool) --
, set the initial guess of the sub-scenario. This is useful for multi-start optimization.By default it is set to False.
set_bounds_before_opt (bool) --
, set the bounds of the design space. This is useful for trust regions.By default it is set to False.
output_multipliers (bool) --
, the Lagrange multipliers of the scenario optimal solution are computed and added to the outputs.By default it is set to False.
name (str) --
The name of the scenario adapter. If empty, use the name of the scenario adapter suffixed by
.By default it is set to "".
keep_opt_history (bool) --
Whether to keep databases copies after each execution.
By default it is set to False.
opt_history_file_prefix (str) --
The base name for the databases to be exported. The full names of the databases are built from the provided base name suffixed by
is replaced by the execution number, i.e the number of stored databases. If empty, the databases are not exported. The databases can be exported only iskeep_opt_history=True
.By default it is set to "".
scenario_log_level (int | None) -- The level of the root logger during the scenario execution. If
, do not change the level of the root logger.
- Raises:
ValueError -- If both reset_x0_before_opt and set_x0_before_opt are True.
- static get_bnd_mult_name(variable_name, is_upper)[source]#
Return the name of the lower bound-constraint multiplier of a variable.
- static get_cstr_mult_name(constraint_name)[source]#
Return the name of the multiplier of a constraint.
- add_outputs(output_names)[source]#
Add outputs to the scenario adapter.
- Parameters:
output_names (Iterable[str]) -- The names of the outputs to be added.
- Return type:
- LOWER_BND_SUFFIX = '_lower_bnd'#
- MULTIPLIER_SUFFIX = '_multiplier'#
- UPPER_BND_SUFFIX = '_upper_bnd'#
- post_optimal_analysis: PostOptimalAnalysis#
The post-optimal analysis.
- scenario: BaseScenario#
The scenario to be adapted.