gemseo.mlearning.clustering.quality.silhouette_measure module#

The silhouette score to assess the quality of a clusterer.

The silhouette coefficient \(s_i\) is a measure of how similar a point \(x_i\) is to its own cluster \(C_{k_i}\) (cohesion) compared to other clusters (separation):

\[s_i = \frac{b_i-a_i}{\max(a_i,b_i)}\]

with \(a_i=\frac{1}{|C_{k_i}|-1} \sum_{j\in C_{k_i}\setminus\{i\} } \|x_i-x_j\|\) and \(b_i = \underset{\ell=1,\cdots,K\atop{\ell\neq k_i}}{\min} \frac{1}{|C_\ell|} \sum_{j\in C_\ell} \|x_i-x_j\|\)


  • \(K\) is the number of clusters,

  • \(C_k\) are the indices of the points belonging to the cluster \(k\),

  • \(|C_k|\) is the size of \(C_k\).

class SilhouetteMeasure(algo, fit_transformers=True)[source]#

Bases: BasePredictiveClustererQuality

The silhouette score to assess the quality of a clusterer.

  • algo (BasePredictiveClusterer) -- A clustering algorithm.

  • fit_transformers (bool) --

    Whether to re-fit the transformers when using resampling techniques. If False, use the transformers of the algorithm fitted from the whole training dataset.

    By default it is set to True.

compute_bootstrap_measure(n_replicates=100, samples=(), multioutput=True, seed=None)[source]#

Evaluate the quality of the ML model using the bootstrap technique.

  • n_replicates (int) --

    The number of bootstrap replicates.

    By default it is set to 100.

  • samples (Sequence[int]) --

    The indices of the learning samples. If empty, use the whole training dataset.

    By default it is set to ().

  • multioutput (bool) --

    Whether the quality measure is returned for each component of the outputs. Otherwise, the average quality measure.

    By default it is set to True.

  • seed (int | None) -- The seed of the pseudo-random number generator. If None, an unpredictable generator will be used.


The quality of the ML model.

Return type:


compute_cross_validation_measure(n_folds=5, samples=(), multioutput=True, randomize=True, seed=None)[source]#

Evaluate the quality of the ML model using the k-folds technique.

  • n_folds (int) --

    The number of folds.

    By default it is set to 5.

  • samples (Sequence[int]) --

    The indices of the learning samples. If empty, use the whole training dataset.

    By default it is set to ().

  • multioutput (bool) --

    Whether the quality measure is returned for each component of the outputs. Otherwise, the average quality measure.

    By default it is set to True.

  • randomize (bool) --

    Whether to shuffle the samples before dividing them in folds.

    By default it is set to True.

  • seed (int | None) -- The seed of the pseudo-random number generator. If None, an unpredictable generator is used.


The quality of the ML model.

Return type:


compute_test_measure(test_data, samples=(), multioutput=True)[source]#

Evaluate the quality of the ML model from a test dataset.

  • test_data (Dataset) -- The test dataset.

  • samples (Sequence[int]) --

    The indices of the learning samples. If empty, use the whole training dataset.

    By default it is set to ().

  • multioutput (bool) --

    Whether the quality measure is returned for each component of the outputs. Otherwise, the average quality measure.

    By default it is set to True.


The quality of the ML model.

Return type:


SMALLER_IS_BETTER: ClassVar[bool] = False#

Whether to minimize or maximize the measure.

algo: BasePredictiveClusterer#

The machine learning algorithm whose quality we want to measure.