
Settings for post-processing.

Settings ConstraintsHistory_Settings(*, save=True, show=False, file_path='', directory_path='', file_name='', file_extension='', fig_size=(11.0, 11.0), constraint_names, line_style='--', add_points=True)[source]#

Bases: BasePostSettings

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

  • save (bool) --

    By default it is set to True.

  • show (bool) --

    By default it is set to False.

  • file_path (Path | str) --

    By default it is set to "".

  • directory_path (Path | str) --

    By default it is set to "".

  • file_name (str) --

    By default it is set to "".

  • file_extension (str) --

    By default it is set to "".

  • fig_size (tuple[Annotated[float, Gt(gt=0)], Annotated[float, Gt(gt=0)]]) --

    By default it is set to (11.0, 11.0).

  • constraint_names (Annotated[Sequence[str], MinLen(min_length=1)])

  • line_style (str) --

    By default it is set to "--".

  • add_points (bool) --

    By default it is set to True.

Return type:


add_points: bool = True#

Whether to add one point per iteration on the line.

constraint_names: Sequence[str] [Required]#

The names of the constraints.

  • min_length = 1

line_style: str = '--'#

The style of the line, e.g. "-" or "--". ""If "", do not plot the line.

model_post_init(context, /)#

We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init method.

  • self (BaseModel)

  • context (Any)

Return type:
