gemseo.problems.mdo.sobieski.process.mda_gauss_seidel module#
A Gauss-Seidel MDA for the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.
- class SobieskiMDAGaussSeidel(dtype=DataType.FLOAT, settings_model=None, **settings)[source]#
A Gauss-Seidel MDA for the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- Parameters:
dtype (SobieskiBase.DataType) --
The NumPy type for data arrays, either "float64" or "complex128".
By default it is set to "float64".
settings_model (MDAGaussSeidel_Settings | None) -- The MDA settings as a Pydantic model. If
, use**settings
.**settings (Any) -- The settings of the MDA.
- assembly: JacobianAssembly#
The Jacobian assembly.
- coupling_structure: CouplingStructure#
The coupling structure to be used by the MDA.
- execution_statistics: ExecutionStatistics#
The execution statistics of the process.
- execution_status: ExecutionStatus#
The execution status of the process.
- jac: JacobianData#
The Jacobian matrices of the outputs.
The structure is
{output_name: {input_name: jacobian_matrix}}
- matrix_type: JacobianAssembly.JacobianType#
The type of the matrix.
- settings: MDAGaussSeidel_Settings#
The settings of the MDA