gemseo.problems.ode.springs.springs_dynamics_discipline module#
The discipline describing the dynamics of a single mass connected by springs.
- class SpringsDynamicsDiscipline(mass, left_stiffness, right_stiffness, times=None, left_position=0.0, right_position=0.0, is_left_position_fixed=False, is_right_position_fixed=False, state_names=('position', 'velocity'), state_dot_var_names=('position_dot', 'velocity_dot'), left_position_name='', right_position_name='', **kwargs)[source]#
A discipline defining the dynamics of a mass connected to two springs.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- Parameters:
mass (float) -- The value of the mass.
left_stiffness (float) -- The stiffness of the spring on the left-hand side.
right_stiffness (float) -- The stiffness of the spring on the right-hand side.
times (RealArray | None) -- the time vector for the evaluation of the left and right positions.
left_position (RealArray | float) --
The position of the other extremity of the spring to the left.
By default it is set to 0.0.
right_position (RealArray | float) --
The position of the other extremity of the spring to the right.
By default it is set to 0.0.
is_left_position_fixed --
True if the other end of the spring to the left is fixed.
By default it is set to False.
is_right_position_fixed --
True if the other end of the spring to the right is fixed.
By default it is set to False.
state_names (Sequence[str]) --
The names of the state variables (by default 'position' and 'velocity').
By default it is set to ('position', 'velocity').
state_dot_var_names (Sequence[str]) --
The names of the time derivatives of the state variables (by default 'position_dot' and 'velocity_dot').
By default it is set to ('position_dot', 'velocity_dot').
left_position_name (str) --
Name of the input describing the position of the mass on the left, if is_left_position_fixed is False.
By default it is set to "".
right_position_name (str) --
Name of the input describing the position of the mass on the right, if is_right_position_fixed is False.
By default it is set to "".
**kwargs -- The description is missing.
- Returns:
The Discipline describing a single point mass.