gemseo.problems.topology_optimization.fea_disc module#

Finite element analysis (FEA) for 2D topology optimization problems.

class FiniteElementAnalysis(nu=0.3, n_x=100, n_y=100, f_node=10200, f_direction=1, f_amplitude=-1, fixed_nodes=None, fixed_dir=None, name='')[source]#

Bases: Discipline

Finite Element Analysis for 2D topology optimization problems.

Take in input the Young Modulus vector E and computes in output the compliance, i.e. twice the work of external forces.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

  • nu (float) --

    The material Poisson's ratio.

    By default it is set to 0.3.

  • n_x (int) --

    The number of elements in the x-direction.

    By default it is set to 100.

  • n_y (int) --

    The number of elements in the y-direction.

    By default it is set to 100.

  • f_node (int | Sequence[int]) --

    The indices of the nodes where the forces are applied.

    By default it is set to 10200.

  • f_direction (int | Sequence[int]) --

    The force direction for each f_node, either 0 for x or 1 for y.

    By default it is set to 1.

  • f_amplitude (int | Sequence[int]) --

    The force amplitude for each pair (f_node, f_direction).

    By default it is set to -1.

  • fixed_nodes (int | Sequence[int] | None) -- The indices of the nodes where the structure is clamped. If None, a default value is used.

  • fixed_dir (int | Sequence[int] | None) -- The clamped direction for each node, encode 0 for x and 1 for y. If None, a default value is used.

  • name (str) --

    The name of the discipline. If empty, use the name of the class.

    By default it is set to "".


Compute the elementary stiffness matrix of 1x1 quadrilateral elements.

Return type:



Prepare the Finite Element Analysis.

Return type:


cache: BaseCache | None#

The execution and linearization data saved according to the cache type.

execution_statistics: ExecutionStatistics#

The execution statistics of the process.

execution_status: ExecutionStatus#

The execution status of the process.

jac: JacobianData#

The Jacobian matrices of the outputs.

The structure is {output_name: {input_name: jacobian_matrix}}.

name: str#

The name of the process.