The class ODEProblem#


The class ODEProblem is used to represent an initial value problem (IVP) in the form:

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} &\text{Find the function } y(t) \\ &\text{defined on the time interval }[t_0, t_f] \\ &\text{such that }y(0) = y_0, \\ &\text{and }\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}y(t) = f(t, y(t))\text{ for all } t \in [t_0, t_f]. \end{cases}\end{split}\]

The function \(f: t, y \mapsto f(t, y)\) defines the dynamics of the problem, by computing the time derivative of the state variable \(y\) at time \(t\). The term \(y_0\) identifies the state of the time variable at the initial time \(t_0\).

If no termination function is defined, the function \(y(\cdot)\) is computed on the time interval \([t_0, t_f]\). Otherwise, it is possible to define a list of termination functions \(g_1, \ldots, g_m\) taking as arguments the time \(t\) and the state \(y\). In such a case, the function \(y(\cdot)\) is the solution of the following problem:

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} &\text{Find the function } y(t) \\ &\text{defined on the time interval }[t_0, t^*] \\ &\text{such that }y(0) = y_0,\\ &\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}y(t) = f(t, y(t))\text{ for all } t \in [t_0, t_f], \\ &\text{and }t^* \text{is the smallest element of }[t_0, t_f] \\ &\text{for which } g_i(t^*, y(t^*)) = 0 \text{ for some } i \in \lbrace 1, \ldots, m\rbrace. \end{cases}\end{split}\]


In order to instantiate an ODEProblem, the following arguments are required:

  • func: a python function or a functor taking as arguments the time variable and the state variable, identifying the dynamic of the problem;

  • initial_state: an ArrayLike variable of the same dimension as the state variable, identifying the initial condition of the IVP;

  • times: an ArrayLike of float, whose extremities identify the time interval \([t_0, t_f]\).

It should be remarked that the dynamic of the IVP may depend on a set of parameters named design variables, which remain constant during the solution of the IVP. Different values of the design variables correspond to different functions \(f(t, y)\), and yield different solutions of the IVP.

Further optional arguments can be added at the time of the instantiation of an ODEProblem in order to enrich the IVP with more complex terminating conditions, or to ease the solution of the IVP.

Solution of the IVP#

An instance of ODEProblem is used to represent an IVP. In order to solve it, it is necessary to instantiate an ODESolverLibraryFactory and execute it:

The method execute of ODESolverLibraryFactory takes as arguments the ODEProblem to be solved, the algorithm to use, and eventual other keyword parameters that are necessary for the execution of the chosen algorithm.

The method execute of ODESolverLibraryFactory computes the solution of the IVP and stores it in problem.result as an instance of the data class ODEResult.

ODESolverLibraryFactory().execute(ode_problem, algo_name="RK45")


See the examples about the class ODEProblem here: ODEProblem examples.