Source code for gemseo.problems.sobieski.core.utils

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation
#               and/or initial documentation
#        :author: Sobieski, Agte, and Sandusky
#        :author: Damien Guenot
#        :author: Francois Gallard
# From NASA/TM-1998-208715
# Bi-Level Integrated System Synthesis (BLISS)
# Sobieski, Agte, and Sandusky
"""Sobieski's SSBJ base class."""

from __future__ import annotations

import cmath
import math
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from numpy import array
from numpy import atleast_2d
from numpy import clip
from numpy import complex128
from numpy import concatenate
from numpy import float64
from numpy import ndarray
from strenum import StrEnum

    from import Sequence
    from types import ModuleType

DEG_TO_RAD = math.pi / 180.0
_DEFAULT_DESIGN = array([0.25, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.05, 45000.0, 1.6, 5.5, 55.0, 1000.0])
_MISC_WEIGHT = 25000.0
_CONSTANTS = array([
_DESIGN_BOUNDS = array([
    (0.1, 0.4),
    (0.75, 1.25),
    (0.75, 1.25),
    (0.1, 1),
    (0.01, 0.09),
    (30000.0, 60000.0),
    (1.4, 1.8),
    (2.5, 8.5),
    (40.0, 70.0),
    (500.0, 1500.0),
    "x_1": _DESIGN_BOUNDS[0:2],
    "x_2": _DESIGN_BOUNDS[2],
    "x_3": _DESIGN_BOUNDS[3],
    "x_shared": _DESIGN_BOUNDS[4:10],
    "y_14": array([(4.97e04 * 0.5, 5.14e04 * 1.5), (-1.54e04 * 0.5, 3.0e04 * 1.5)]),
    "y_12": array([(4.97e04 * 0.5, 5.15e04 * 1.5), (0.9 * 0.5, 1.00)]),
    "y_21": array([(4.97e04 * 0.5, 5.15e04 * 1.5)]),
    "y_23": array([(6.73e03 * 0.5, 1.76e04 * 1.5)]),
    "y_24": array([(0.88 * 0.5, 7.42 * 1.5)]),
    "y_31": array([(5.92e03 * 0.5, 6.79e03 * 1.5)]),
    "y_32": array([(0.47 * 0.5, 0.53 * 1.5)]),
    "y_34": array([(0.88 * 0.5, 1.32 * 1.5)]),

[docs] class SobieskiBase: """Utilities for Sobieski's SSBJ use case.""" # TODO: API: remove these unused class attributes. DTYPE_COMPLEX = "complex128" DTYPE_DOUBLE = "float64" DTYPE_DEFAULT = DTYPE_COMPLEX
[docs] class DataType(StrEnum): """A NumPy data type.""" COMPLEX = "complex128" FLOAT = "float64"
dtype: DataType """The NumPy data type.""" math: ModuleType """The library of mathematical functions.""" def __init__( self, dtype: DataType, ) -> None: """ Args: dtype: The NumPy data type. """ # noqa: D205 D212 if dtype == self.DataType.COMPLEX: self.math = cmath self.dtype = complex128 elif dtype == self.DataType.FLOAT: self.math = math self.dtype = float64 else: msg = f"Unknown dtype: {dtype}." raise ValueError(msg) self.__constants = _CONSTANTS.astype(self.dtype) self.__coeff_mtrix = array( [ [0.2736, 0.3970, 0.8152, 0.9230, 0.1108], [0.4252, 0.4415, 0.6357, 0.7435, 0.1138], [0.0329, 0.8856, 0.8390, 0.3657, 0.0019], [0.0878, 0.7248, 0.1978, 0.0200, 0.0169], [0.8955, 0.4568, 0.8075, 0.9239, 0.2525], ], dtype=self.dtype, ) self.__mtx_shifted = array( [ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], ], dtype=self.dtype, ) self.__f_bound = array( [[1.0], [1.0], [1.0]], dtype=self.dtype, ) self.__initial_design = _DEFAULT_DESIGN.astype(self.dtype) @property def initial_design(self) -> ndarray: """The initial design.""" return self.__initial_design @property def constants(self) -> ndarray: """The default constants.""" return self.__constants @property def design_bounds(self) -> tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """The lower and upper bounds of the design variables.""" return _DESIGN_BOUNDS[:, 0], _DESIGN_BOUNDS[:, 1]
[docs] @classmethod def get_bounds_by_name( cls, variable_names: str | Sequence[str], ) -> tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """Return the bounds of the design and coupling variables. Args: variable_names: The names of the variables. Returns: The lower and upper bounds of these variables. """ if isinstance(variable_names, str): variable_names = [variable_names] bounds = atleast_2d( concatenate( [_NAMES_TO_BOUNDS[variable_name] for variable_name in variable_names], axis=0, ) ) return bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1]
def __compute_mtx_shifted( self, s_bound: ndarray, index: int, ) -> None: """Compute a matrix of shifted values of the design variables. Args: s_bound: The bounds used to control the slope of the polynomial function. index: The index of the design variable in the polynomial function. """ self.__mtx_shifted[0, 1] = -s_bound[index] self.__mtx_shifted[2, 1] = s_bound[index] self.__mtx_shifted[0, 2] = self.__mtx_shifted[2, 2] = s_bound[index] ** 2 @staticmethod def __compute_a( mtx_shifted: ndarray, f_bound: ndarray, ao_coeff: ndarray, ai_coeff: ndarray, aij_coeff: ndarray, index: int, ) -> None: """Compute the interpolation terms. Args: mtx_shifted: The shift matrix. f_bound: The f bound. ao_coeff: The a0 term. ai_coeff: The ai terms aij_coeff: The aij term index: The index. """ ao_coeff[:] = f_bound[1] ai_coeff[index] = -(f_bound[2] - f_bound[0]) / (2 * mtx_shifted[0, 1]) aij_coeff[index, index] = ( f_bound[0] - f_bound[1] + (f_bound[2] - f_bound[0]) / 2 ) / mtx_shifted[0, 2] def __update_aij( self, aij_coeff: ndarray, imax: int, ) -> ndarray: """Update the quadratic interpolation terms. Args: aij_coeff: The quadratic terms. imax: The size of the interpolation matrix. Returns: The modified quadratic terms. """ for i in range(imax): for j in range(i + 1, imax): aij_coeff[i, j] = aij_coeff[i, i] * self.__coeff_mtrix[i, j] aij_coeff[j, i] = aij_coeff[i, j] return aij_coeff def __compute_fbound( self, flag: ndarray, s_shifted: ndarray, a_coeff: ndarray, b_coeff: ndarray, index: int, ) -> ndarray: """Compute right-hand side of polynomial function system. Args: flag: The functional relationship between variables. s_shifted: The normalized values of the independent variables shifted around the origin. a_coeff: The a coefficient. b_coeff: The b coefficient. index: The index. Returns: The right-hand side of polynomial function system. """ if flag[index] == 5: self.__f_bound[0, 0] = 1.0 + 0.25 * a_coeff * a_coeff self.__f_bound[2, 0] = 1.0 + 0.25 * b_coeff * b_coeff else: if flag[index] == 0: s_shifted = 0.0 elif flag[index] == 3: a_coeff = -a_coeff b_coeff = a_coeff elif flag[index] == 2: b_coeff = 2 * a_coeff elif flag[index] == 4: a_coeff = -a_coeff b_coeff = 2 * a_coeff self.__f_bound[0, 0] = 1.0 - 0.5 * a_coeff self.__f_bound[2, 0] = 1.0 + 0.5 * b_coeff return s_shifted @staticmethod def _compute_normalization( s_ref: ndarray, s_new: ndarray, ) -> ndarray: """Normalization of input variables for polynomial approximation. Args: s_ref: The initial values of the independent variables (5 variables at max). s_new: The current values of the independent variables. Returns: The normalized and centered value. """ return clip(s_new / s_ref, 0.75, 1.25) - 1.0
[docs] @staticmethod def derive_normalization( s_ref: float | ndarray, s_new: float | ndarray, ) -> float | ndarray: """Derivation of normalization of input variables. For use of polynomial approximation. Args: s_ref: The initial values of the independent variables (5 variables at max). s_new: The current values of the independent variables. Returns: Derivatives of normalized value. """ s_norm = s_new.real / s_ref.real if 0.75 <= s_norm <= 1.25: return 1.0 / s_ref return 0.0
[docs] def derive_polynomial_approximation( self, s_ref: ndarray, s_new: ndarray, flag: int, s_bound: ndarray, a0_coeff: ndarray, ai_coeff: ndarray, aij_coeff: ndarray, ) -> tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]: """Compute the polynomial coefficients for both evaluation and linearization. These coefficients characterize the behavior of certain synthetic variables and function modifiers. Args: s_ref: The initial values of the independent variables (5 variables at max). s_new: The current values of the independent variables. flag: The functional relationship between the variables: - flag = 1: linear >0, - flag = 2: nonlinear >0, - flag = 3: linear < 0, - flag = 4: nonlinear <0, - flag = 5: parabolic. s_bound: The offset value for normalization. Returns: The value of the synthetic variables or function modifiers for both evaluation and linearization. """ imax = s_ref.shape[0] # Normalize new S with initial s_shifted = self._compute_normalization(s_ref, s_new) a0_coeff[...] = 0 ai_coeff[...] = 0 aij_coeff[...] = 0 for i in range(imax): a_coeff = 0.1 b_coeff = a_coeff self.__compute_mtx_shifted(s_bound, i) s_shifted = self.__compute_fbound(flag, s_shifted, a_coeff, b_coeff, i) self.__compute_a( self.__mtx_shifted, self.__f_bound, a0_coeff, ai_coeff, aij_coeff, i ) aij_coeff = self.__update_aij(aij_coeff, imax) poly_value = ( a0_coeff + ai_coeff @ s_shifted + 0.5 * s_shifted.T @ (aij_coeff[:imax, :imax] @ s_shifted) ) return poly_value[0], ai_coeff, aij_coeff[:imax, :imax], s_shifted
[docs] def compute_polynomial_approximation( self, s_ref: ndarray, s_new: ndarray, flag: int, s_bound: ndarray, a0_coeff: ndarray, ai_coeff: ndarray, aij_coeff: ndarray, ) -> ndarray: """Compute the polynomial coefficients. These coefficients characterize the behavior of certain synthetic variables and function modifiers. Args: s_ref: The initial values of the independent variables (5 variables at max). s_new: The current values of the independent variables. flag: The functional relationship between the variables: - flag = 1: linear >0, - flag = 2: nonlinear >0, - flag = 3: linear < 0, - flag = 4: nonlinear <0, - flag = 5: parabolic. s_bound: The offset value for normalization. Returns: The value of the synthetic variables or function modifiers. """ imax = s_ref.shape[0] # Normalize new S with initial s_shifted = self._compute_normalization(s_ref, s_new) # - ai_coeff: vector of coeff for 2nd term # - aij_coeff: matrix of coeff for 3rd term # - ao_coeff: scalar coeff a0_coeff[...] = 0 ai_coeff[...] = 0 aij_coeff[...] = 0 for i in range(imax): a_coeff = 0.1 b_coeff = a_coeff self.__compute_mtx_shifted(s_bound, i) s_shifted = self.__compute_fbound(flag, s_shifted, a_coeff, b_coeff, i) self.__compute_a( self.__mtx_shifted, self.__f_bound, a0_coeff, ai_coeff, aij_coeff, i ) aij_coeff = self.__update_aij(aij_coeff, imax) poly_value = ( a0_coeff + ai_coeff @ s_shifted + 0.5 * s_shifted.T @ (aij_coeff[:imax, :imax] @ s_shifted) ) return poly_value[0]
[docs] def compute_half_span( self, aspect_ratio: float, wing_surface_area: float, ) -> float: """Compute the half-span from the wing surface and aspect ratio. Args: aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio. wing_surface_area: The wing_surface_area. Returns: The half-span. """ return self.math.sqrt(aspect_ratio * wing_surface_area) * 0.5
[docs] def compute_thickness( self, aspect_ratio: float, thickness_to_chord_ratio: float, wing_surface_area: float, ) -> float: """Compute a wing thickness. Args: aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio. thickness_to_chord_ratio: The thickness to chord ratio. wing_surface_area: The wing_surface_area. Returns: The wing thickness. """ return ( thickness_to_chord_ratio * wing_surface_area / (self.math.sqrt(aspect_ratio * wing_surface_area)) )
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_aero_center( wing_taper_ratio: float, ) -> float: """Computes the aerodynamic center. Args: wing_taper_ratio: The wing taper ratio. Returns: The aerodynamic center. """ return (1.0 + 2.0 * wing_taper_ratio) / (3.0 * (1 + wing_taper_ratio))
[docs] def get_initial_values(self) -> tuple[float]: """Return the initial values used by the polynomial functions. Returns: The initial values used by the polynomial functions. """ x_initial = self.initial_design[1] tc_initial = self.initial_design[4] half_span_initial = ( self.math.sqrt(self.initial_design[7] * self.initial_design[9]) * 0.5 ) aero_center_initial = (1 + 2 * self.initial_design[0]) / ( 3 * (1 + self.initial_design[0]) ) cf_initial = self.initial_design[2] mach_initial = self.initial_design[6] h_initial = self.initial_design[5] throttle_initial = self.initial_design[3] lift_initial = self.dtype(1.0) twist_initial = self.dtype(1.0) esf_initial = self.dtype(1.0) return ( x_initial, tc_initial, half_span_initial, aero_center_initial, cf_initial, mach_initial, h_initial, throttle_initial, lift_initial, twist_initial, esf_initial, )