.. Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. .. _extending-gemseo: Extend |g| features ------------------- The simplest way is to create a subclass associated to the feature you want to extend, respectively: - for optimizers, inherit from :class:`.OptimizationLibrary`, and put the Python file in the :file:`src/gemseo/algos/opt` package, - for DOEs, inherit from :class:`.DOELibrary`, and put the Python file in the :file:`src/gemseo/algos/doe` package, - for surrogate models, inherit from :class:`.MLRegressionAlgo`, and put the Python file in the :file:`src/gemseo/mlearning/regression` package, - for MDAs, inherit from :class:`.MDA`, and put the Python file in the :file:`src/gemseo/mda` package, - for MDO formulations, inherit from :class:`.MDOFormulation`, and put the Python file in the :file:`src/gemseo/formulations` package, - for disciplines, inherit from :class:`.MDODiscipline`, and put the Python file in the :file:`src/gemseo/problems/my_problem` package, which you created. - for job schedulers and HPC submission, inherit from :class:`.JobSchedulerDisciplineWrapper`, and put the Python file in the :file:`src/gemseo/wrappers/job_schedulers` package, which you created. |g| features can be extended with external Python modules. All kinds of additional features can be implemented: disciplines, algorithms, formulations, post-processings, surrogate models, ... There are 2 ways to extend |g| with Python modules: - by creating a pip installable package with a setuptools entry point, see :class:`.Factory` for more details, - by setting the environment variable :envvar:`GEMSEO_PATH` with the path to the directory that contains the Python modules, multiple directories can be separated by :envvar:`:`.