.. Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. .. Contributors: :author: Francois Gallard .. _optimization: Optimization and DOE framework ============================== In this section we describe |g|'s optimization and DOE framework. The standard way to use |g| is through an :class:`.MDOScenario`, which automatically creates an :class:`.OptimizationProblem` from a :ref:`MDO formulation ` and a set of :class:`~gemseo.core.discipline.Discipline`. However, one may be interested in directly creating an :class:`.OptimizationProblem` using the class :class:`.OptimizationProblem`, which can be solved using an :term:`optimization algorithm` or sampled with a :term:`DOE algorithm`. .. warning:: :ref:`MDO formulation ` and optimization problem developers should also understand this part of |g|. Setting up an :class:`.OptimizationProblem` ------------------------------------------- The :class:`.OptimizationProblem` class is composed of at least a :class:`~gemseo.algos.design_space.DesignSpace` created from :func:`.create_design_space` which describes the :term:`design variables`: .. code:: from gemseo. api import create_design_space from numpy import ones design_space = create_design_space() design_space.add_variable("x", 1, lower_bound=-2., upper_bound=2., value=-0.5 * np.ones(1)) and an objective function, of type :class:`~gemseo.core.mdofunctions.mdo_function.MDOFunction`. The :class:`~gemseo.core.mdofunctions.mdo_function.MDOFunction` is callable and requires at least a function pointer to be instantiated. It supports expressions and the +, -, \ * operators: .. code:: from gemseo.algos import MDOFunction f_1 = MDOFunction(np.sin, name="f_1", jac=np.cos, expr="sin(x)") f_2 = MDOFunction(np.exp, name="f_2", jac=np.exp, expr="exp(x)") f_1_sub_f_2 = f_1 - f_2 From this :class:`~gemseo.algos.design_space.DesignSpace`, an :class:`.OptimizationProblem` is built: .. code:: from gemseo.algos import OptimizationProblem, MDOFunction, problem = OptimizationProblem(design_space) To set the objective :class:`.MDOFunction`, the attribute :attr:`!OptimizationProblem.objective` of class :class:`.OptimizationProblem` must be set with the objective function pointer: .. code:: problem.objective = f_1_sub_f_2 Similarly the :attr:`!OptimizationProblem.constraints` attribute must be set with a list of inequality or equality constraints. The :class:`!MDOFunction.f_type` attribute of :class:`.MDOFunction` shall be set to ``"eq"`` or ``"ineq"`` to declare the type of constraint to equality or inequality. .. warning:: **All inequality constraints must be negative by convention**, whatever the optimization algorithm used to solve the problem. Solving the problem by optimization ----------------------------------- Once the optimization problem created, it can be solved using one of the available optimization algorithms from the :class:`.OptimizationLibraryFactory`, by means of the function :meth:`!.OptimizationLibraryFactory.execute` whose mandatory arguments are the :class:`.OptimizationProblem` and the optimization algorithm name. For example, in the case of the `L-BFGS-B algorithm `_ with normalized design space, we have: .. code:: from gemseo.algos import OptimizationLibraryFactory opt = OptimizationLibraryFactory().execute(problem, "L-BFGS-B", normalize_design_space=True) print "Optimum = " + str(opt) Note that the `L-BFGS-B algorithm `_ is implemented in the external library `SciPy `_ and interfaced with |g| through the class :class:`~gemseo.algos.opt.scipy_local.scipy_local.ScipyOpt`. The list of available algorithms depend on the local setup of |g|, and the installed optimization libraries. It can be obtained using : .. code:: algo_list = OptimizationLibraryFactory().algorithms print(f"Available algorithms: {algo_list}") The optimization history can be saved to the disk for further analysis, without having to re execute the optimization. For that, we use the function :meth:`.OptimizationProblem.to_hdf`: .. code:: problem.to_hdf("simple_opt.hdf5") Solving the problem by DOE -------------------------- :term:`DOE` algorithms can also be used to sample the design space and observe the value of the objective and constraints .. code:: from gemseo.algos import DOELibraryFactory # And solve it with |g| interface opt = DOELibraryFactory().execute( problem, algo_name="PYDOE_LHS", n_samples=10, normalize_design_space=True ) Results analysis ---------------- The optimization history can be plotted using one of the post processing tools, see the :ref:`post-processing ` page. .. code:: from gemseo import execute_post execute_post(problem, "OptHistoryView", save=True, file_path="simple_opt") # Also works from disk execute_post("my_optim.hdf5", "OptHistoryView", save=True, file_path="opt_view_from_disk") .. _fig-ssbj-mdf-obj: .. figure:: /_images/doe/simple_opt.png :scale: 50 % Objective function history for the simple analytic optimization .. _doe_algos: DOE algorithms -------------- |g| is interfaced with two packages that provide DOE algorithms: `pyDOE `_, and `OpenTURNS `_. To list the available DOE algorithms in the current |g| configuration, use :meth:`gemseo.get_available_doe_algorithms`. The set of plots below shows plots using various available algorithms. .. figure:: /_images/doe/fullfact_pyDOE.png :scale: 40% Full factorial DOE from pyDOE .. figure:: /_images/doe/bbdesign_pyDOE.png :scale: 40% Box-Behnken DOE from pyDOE .. figure:: /_images/doe/lhs_pyDOE.png :scale: 40% LHS DOE from pyDOE .. figure:: /_images/doe/axial_openturns.png :scale: 40% Axial DOE from OpenTURNS .. figure:: /_images/doe/composite_openturns.png :scale: 40% Composite DOE from OpenTURNS .. figure:: /_images/doe/factorial_openturns.png :scale: 40% Full Factorial DOE from OpenTURNS .. figure:: /_images/doe/faure_openturns.png :scale: 40% Faure DOE from OpenTURNS .. figure:: /_images/doe/halton_openturns.png :scale: 40% Halton DOE from OpenTURNS .. figure:: /_images/doe/haselgrove_openturns.png :scale: 40% Haselgrove DOE from OpenTURNS .. figure:: /_images/doe/sobol_openturns.png :scale: 40% Sobol DOE from OpenTURNS .. figure:: /_images/doe/mc_openturns.png :scale: 40% Monte-Carlo DOE from OpenTURNS .. figure:: /_images/doe/lhsc_openturns.png :scale: 40% LHSC DOE from OpenTURNS .. figure:: /_images/doe/lhs_openturns.png :scale: 40% LHS DOE from OpenTURNS .. figure:: /_images/doe/random_openturns.png :scale: 40% Random DOE from OpenTURNS