.. Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry, https://www.irt-saintexupery.com This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. .. Contributors: :author: Isabelle Santos Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) ------------------------------------- .. seealso:: `The examples related to ODE resolution. <../examples/ode/index.html>`__ An :class:`.ODEProblem` represents a first order ordinary differential equation (ODE) with a given state at an initial time. This :class:`.ODEProblem` is built with a function of time and state, as well as an array describing the initial state, and a time interval. An :class:`.ODEResult` represents the solution of an ODE evaluated at a discrete set of times within the specified time interval. .. note:: This feature is under active development. Future iterations include the integration of :class:`.ODEProblem` s with :class:`.Discipline`. Architecture ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ODEProblem and ODEResult ........................ The main classes in the ODE submodule are the :class:`.ODEProblem` and :class:`.ODEResult`. These represent respectively the first-order ODE with its initial conditions, and the solution of this problem evaluated at a discrete set of values for time. As a reminder, a first-order ordinary differential equation is an equation of the form: .. math:: \frac{ds}{dt}(t) = f(t, s(t)) \ \textrm{ and }\ s(t_0) = s_0 where :math:`s` is the state which depends on :math:`t`, the time. The right-hand side function :math:`f` is a function of the time and the state. The value of the state at an initial time :math:`t_0` is known to be :math:`s_0`. The solution of this problem is provided for discrete values of time within a given interval :math:`[t_0,\ t_f]`. .. uml:: @startuml set namespaceSeparator none class "ODEProblem" as gemseo.algos.ode.ode_problem.ODEProblem { rhs_function initial_state initial_time final_time algorithm_name } class "ODEResult" as gemseo.algos.ode.ode_result.ODEResult { state_vector time_vector is_converged } gemseo.algos.ode.ode_problem.ODEProblem *-- gemseo.algos.ode.ode_result.ODEResult : result @enduml .. figure:: /_images/algorithms/ODEProblem_ODEResult_attributes_description.png Correspondence between the elements of an ordinary differential equation with initial conditions and the attributes of the :class:`.ODEProblem` and :class:`.ODEResult` classes. Classes ....... The classes described by the ODE module are as such: .. uml:: @startuml set namespaceSeparator none class "ODEProblem" as gemseo.algos.ode.ode_problem.ODEProblem {} class "ODEResult" as gemseo.algos.ode.ode_result.ODEResult {} class "BaseODESolverLibrary" as gemseo.algos.ode.base_ode_solver_lib.BaseODESolverLibrary { } class "ODESolverLibraryFactory" as gemseo.algos.ode.factory.ODESolverLibraryFactory { execute(problem: ODEProblem, algo_name: str) -> ODEResult } class "ScipyODEAlgos" as gemseo.algos.ode.scipy_ode.scipy_ode.ScipyODEAlgos { } gemseo.algos.ode.scipy_ode.scipy_ode.ScipyODEAlgos --|> gemseo.algos.ode.base_ode_solver_lib.BaseODESolverLibrary gemseo.algos.ode.ode_result.ODEResult --* gemseo.algos.ode.ode_problem.ODEProblem : result gemseo.algos.ode.base_ode_solver_lib.BaseODESolverLibrary --* gemseo.algos.ode.factory.ODESolverLibraryFactory @enduml Packages ........ The submodules are organized in the following fashion. .. uml:: @startuml packages set namespaceSeparator none package "gemseo.algos.ode" as gemseo.algos.ode { } package "gemseo.algos.ode.scipy_ode.scipy_ode" as gemseo.algos.ode.scipy_ode.scipy_ode { } package "gemseo.algos.ode.ode_problem" as gemseo.algos.ode.ode_problem { } package "gemseo.algos.ode.ode_result" as gemseo.algos.ode.ode_result { } package "gemseo.algos.ode.base_ode_solver_library" as gemseo.algos.ode.base_ode_solver_library { } package "gemseo.algos.ode.factory" as gemseo.algos.ode.factory { } gemseo.algos.ode.scipy_ode.scipy_ode --> gemseo.algos.ode.ode_result gemseo.algos.ode.scipy_ode.scipy_ode --> gemseo.algos.ode.base_ode_solver_library gemseo.algos.ode.ode_problem --> gemseo.algos.ode.ode_result gemseo.algos.ode.base_ode_solver_lib --> gemseo.algos.ode.ode_problem gemseo.algos.ode.factory --> gemseo.algos.ode.ode_problem gemseo.algos.ode.factory --> gemseo.algos.ode.base_ode_solver_library @enduml